Cheeksqueek has a pink, peach-shaped head with rosy cheek marks that invokes a butt and a single swirl of hair on top. His eyes are long and he has two tiny nostrils. He wears a light brown bib with the he (へ) character on it, and a pair of baggy green pants with darker vertical stripes. His limbs are proportionally thick to the rest of his body.
Cheeksqueek is a mischievous Yo-kai whose uncouth pranks and habits garner him the dislike of others.
Cheeksqueek can make people gassy by spraying an orange mist (purple in early episodes) from his mouth. He can even propel himself by means of his own flatulence.
Cheeksqueek can be found on Patrol Missions in Shopper's Row. He is also one of the Yo-kai that can be befriended during the Bottom-of-the-Barrel Blasters mission. Finally, he can be found as the first prize in the Found! Noko Search Party! mission if at least one member is using White Dog Squad version.
Cheeksqueek can be found in stage 45, 76, 90, 104, 127, 159, 169, secret stage 4-6 and 5-4, stage 22 on Super Mystery Way and stage 32, 37 and 41 in Ultra Terror Time.
Befriended: "Let's be--*toot* ... Oh, sorry about that."
Loafing: "zzz..."
Receiving food (favorite): "Pbbbt! Good!"
Receiving food (neutral): "Pfft... average."
Receiving food (disliked): "Pbbbt! Nasty!"
In the anime[]
Cheeksqueek first appears in Yo-kai Cheeksqueek, in which he uses his power on Katie, much to her embarrassment. Upon being confronted by Nate, Cheeksqueek switches target to him, making him fart multiple times despite his earnest attempts to dissimulate it. Chasing him to the school's roof, Nate first summons Jibanyan, but Cheeksqueek is quick to inflict him with the same misery. He then summons Robonyan, who first tries silencing the sound, then changes the smell to roses, sending it Cheeksqueek's way. He finally stuffs a roasted sweet potato in his mouth (a food known to give gas when eaten in excess) to cause him the same embarrassment he's been inflicting on others. Having been put to shame, Cheeksqueek gives Nate his Yo-kai Medal.
He also appears in EP091 to perform on the song battle but when Whisper proposes to form a group with Cheeksqueek, he refuses with a spray of his gas.
He appears again with Suspicioni in EP112 to make Isabel look bad in front of her classmates in order to get them suspicious of them.
Onarazumono" is a combination of onara (おなら, "fart") and narazumono (ならず者, "scamp, ruffian").
"Cheeksqueek" is a portmanteau of the words cheek, and a corruption of the word squeak.
In Spanish, "Cuesco" is translated as a "loud fart."
In German, it means Fart with an i at the end.
Cheeksqueek could be based on the Okkeruipe, a youkai of Ainu origins that plays rude pranks on humans by emitting powerful flatulence. The only way to make this creature go away is to answer in kind, or to imitate the sound with a hand over one's mouth. Its true appearance is that of a small black fox.