Chilhuahua is a blue chihuahua with a white belly, mouth, and paws that stands on both hind legs and uses his front legs like hands. Like Pupsicle, he is quite angular, giving the appearance that he is made of ice. Snowflake designs adorn his ears and stomach. He holds an icicle that he uses both as a baton and a sword-like weapon. Finally, he wears a Snowstorm Cloak as a cape, holding the ruff of the cape almost constantly.
In Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits, Chilhuahua has a two pronged icicle spike on his forehead.
Chilhuahua acts like an archetypal member of nobility, speaking with grandiose terminology and looking down on criminals and the unjust. That being said he's quick to judge, believing Whisper to be a thief trying to steal his cape. However he is also benevolent, being known for saving humans lost on mountaintops and gladly giving the player a Snowstorm Cloak upon defeating him in battle. He is also honorable, agreeing to a duel after Whisper feels he has been insulted, but not accepting Whisper's challenge until the player is ready.
Chilhuahua is an ice Yo-kai, and as such, his elemental attack is using ice. He appears to be a skilled warrior, given he attacks physically using his icicle. His inspiriting makes the possessed person feel freezing, even in the summer- and as a result lowers their speed. His Soultimate is Subzero, which creates and drops ice upon the opposing team that soon after shatters, dealing great damage.
Fuse Pupsicle with a Snowstorm Cloak. This item can be obtained by completing the post-game quest Insulting the Egg, given by Chilhuahua himself on Liar Mountain, or completing the "Snap Pupsicle!" Yo-kai Cam challenge. More of the same item can be found in Terror Time chests after completing said quest.
Chilhuahua also appears in shallows by the Catfish Pond during the day on Mount Wildwood.
Befriended(Yo-kai Watch): "What a splendid battle! You and I should be friends!"
Being traded: "Warm weather doesn't stand a chance against me!"
Loafing:"I dunno..."
Receiving food (favorite): "Now that's good!"
Receiving food (normal):"Hmm. Thanks."
Receiving food (disliked):"Not that!"
"Gari Oji" is a combination of gari gari which means "crunchy," in this case referring to the sound that is made when one crunches tiny bits of ice with their teeth (and possibly the popular "Gari Gari Kun!" popsicles in Japan) and ōji which means "prince."
"Chilhuahua" is a combination of chill and Chihuahua.
"Kalteser" is a combination of kalt (cold) and malteser (maltese).
"Glacidog" is a combination of Glacial (Glacial) and the English word Dog.
"Frihuahua" is a combination of frío (cold) and chihuahua.
"Gelhuahua" is a combination of "gelo" (frost) and "chihuahua."
In other languages[]
ガリ王子 Gariōji
From "Froid" (cold) written "Froa" and "Chihuahua" (the dog breed)