Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki

Construction Site (Japanese: 工事現場 Kōji Genba) is an area located opposite the Springdale Business Tower and Nom Burger in Downtown Springdale.


In the games

Yo-kai Watch

During the game, the Construction Site is blocked off with a Rank C Watch Lock and a Yo-kai Watch of that Rank is required to enter. It plays a role in Kyubi The Bully, where Kyubi lures Nate/Katie to the Construction site, hoping to stop the Boss Yo-kai's fire set in Shopper's Row.

Yo-kai Watch 2

The Construction Site appears in Yo-kai Watch 2, but it cannot be entered at night unlike the previous game and has to be finished via a Baffle Board. Later on, the place is turned into the Springdale Sports Club. However, the player can access the third floor via Mirapo, during and after the quest, The Phantom Giant.

There are five yellow chests in the area, one in the far south-west along the narrow walkway, one atop an elevated platform in the central-south, one in the central-west north of the barricade, one in the north-west atop an elevated platform and in the south-east of the room and one in the south-west of the north-eastern room.



Item Name Location Games
Rocker Wrist Rocker Wrist YW
Fire Ring Fire Ring YW
Shiny Badge Shiny Badge YW
Medium Exporb-0 Medium Exporb Found on the southwestern part of the floor, on top of the wooden slabs. YW
Skill Encycloped Skill Encyclopedia Found on the wood materials on the let side of the escalator. YW
A Serious Life A Serious Life Hidden behind the northeastern part of the wooden slabs on the first floor. YW
YWCoinOrange Orange Coin YW
Double Burger Double Burger YW
Spiritizer Y 2 Spiritzer Y YW
Staminum Alpha Staminum Alpha YW
Getaway Plush2 Getaway Plush YW
Dancing Star2 Dancing Star YW


Item Name Location Games
Illusion Ring Illusion Ring YW
Galaxy Charm Galaxy Charm YW
Large Exporb-0 Large Exporb YW
Bitter Medicine Bitter Medicine YW
YWCoinPink Pink Coin YW
Love Poetry Love Poetry Found at the oil barrels on the bottom left corner of the room. YW


Item Name Location Games
Quake Charm Quake Charm YW
Amazing Milk Amazing Milk YW
Soul Secrets Soul Secrets YW
Guard Gloriously Guard Gloriously YW
The Pests Quest The Pest's Quest YW
YWCoinRed Red Coin YW
YWCoinYellow Yellow Coin YW
Large Exporb Large Exporb On top of scaffolding, accessible from the right of Mirapo YW2
Top Techniques Top Techniques At the bottom-left corner of the floor YW2
Silver Doll Silver Doll To the southwest of Massiface's room, near blocked off stairs YW2
Soul Secrets Soul Secrets In the room left to Massiface's room YW2

Hidden Items

Item Name Location Games
10-Cent Gum Hundrum Gum Between Boxes and Garbage YW
Bye Lil Angel Bye, Li'l Angel Between Boxes YW
Skill Encycloped Skill Encyclopedia Between Boxes YW
Guard Gloriously Guard Gloriously Between Boxes YW
Dancing Star2 Dancing Star Between Boxes YW
Bronze Doll Bronze Doll Between Garbage YW
Nasty Medicine Nasty Medicine Between Boxes YW


Yo-kai Watch

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Blowkicon Blowkade Rank D icon BlowkiconCuttanahiconCrooniconUrnacicon 1 Night Any 25%
Cuttanahicon Cutta-nah-nah Rank C icon CuttanahiconBlowkiconEllicon 1 Night Any 25%
Ellicon Elloo Rank C icon ElliconBlowkiconCroonicon 1 Night Any 50%
Moskicon Moskevil Rank C icon MoskiconCuttanahiconCroonicon 1 Night Any 50%
Croonicon Croonger Rank C icon CrooniconEllicon  1 Night Any 50%
Cuttanahicon Cutta-nah-nah Rank C icon CuttanahiconBlowkiconElliconBlazicon 1 Night Any 25%
Tenglicon Tengloom Rank C icon CuttanahiconTengliconCroonicon 1 Night Any 20%
Croonicon Croonger Rank C icon CrooniconElliconCastiiiiconTenglicon 1 Night Any 50%
Urnacicon Urnaconda Rank C icon Blazicon 1 Night Any 50%
Slackaicon Slacka-slash Rank B icon Cuttanahicon  1 Night Any 10%
Blazicon Blazion Rank C icon BlaziconBlowkiconElliconCastiiiicon 17 Night Any 50%
Ellicon Elloo Rank C icon CuttanahiconTenglicon  1 Night Any 50%
Castiiiicon Castelius III Rank C icon Castiiiicon 17 Night Any 50%
Urnacicon Urnaconda Rank C icon BlaziconBlowkicon  1 Night Any 50%
Dismaricon Dismarelda Rank D icon Signibicon  Night Any 90%
Robonyicon Robonyan Rank A icon Signibicon  39 Night Any 10%
Dismaricon Dismarelda Rank D icon Signibicon  Night Any 90%
Robonyicon Robonyan Rank A icon Signibicon  39 Night Any 10%

Boss Yo-kai

Yo-kai Level Health Weakness
Bosmassicon Massiface 20 1700 Fire

Yo-kai Watch 2

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Castiiiicon Castelius III ink=Rank CastiiiiconIlliconBlowkicon 29-30 Anytime Any ?%
Illicon Illoo ink=Rank IlliconCastiiiiconBlowkicon 29-30 Anytime Any ?%
Blowkicon Blowkade ink=Rank BlowkiconIlliconCastiiiicon 29-30 Anytime Any ?%

Boss Yo-kai

Yo-kai Level Health Weakness
Bosmassicon Massiface 36 Fire






  • The layout of the Construction Site compared to the Springdale Sports Club is drastically different, with the most notable feature not being present are escalators, which was replaced with an elevator.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan  Japanese 工事現場 Kōji Genba
Flag of Spain  Spanish Obra
Flag of France  French Chantier
Flag of Italy  Italian Cantiere
Flag of Germany  German Baustelle
Flag of South Korea  Korean 공사중 건물 Gongsajung geonmul

Locations in Springdale
Districts Uptown SpringdaleBlossom HeightsDowntown SpringdaleShopper's RowBreezy HillsMt. WildwoodExcellent TowerHarrisville Station PlazaHarrisvilleSan FantasticoSparkopolisGreenfields
Interior Areas Adams HouseForester HouseEverymartBanter BakeryPiggleston BankLambert Post OfficeJungle HunterSpringdale Community CenterSpringdale Elementary SchoolMemory StoreLogan's HouseShrine Behind the WaterfallMt. Wildwood - SummitDeserted HouseCandy StopSpringdale Hot SpringsTimers & MorePrayer's Peak TunnelBernstein HouseSpringdale RailwayChloro-Phil GoodWayfarer ManorByrd HouseShoten TempleMegan's HouseFoundation AcademyFortune HospitalNom BurgerFrostia's PlaceSpringdale Business TowerArcadia ArcadeSeabreeze TunnelSunset MallBelly Buster Curry HouseCafé ShanistaSpringdale Sports ClubTortoise Camera ShopSpringdale Underground AreaSumptuous SukiyakiSpringdale Flower RoadSuperior StyleToys iZ WeNorth Wind RamenSun PavilionSushi SpringdaleSettle In BookstoreWhatta FindTranquility ApartmentsTempura TempestArcher HouseStone HouseGourd Pond MuseumWisteria GardensBreezy Hills ApartmentsThomas HouseAmy's HouseLina's HouseStonewood HouseGrandma's HouseMountain MarketHarrisville SchoolRusty's MartDeserted HouseRolling Waves Meeting HallDragon HeightsAnimeChumMaid in HeavenNext HarMEOWny TheaterSoba SensationDetective Agency
Yo-kai Areas The CatwalkDesolate LaneShady Back AlleyLonely WaterwayHidden Side StreetTucked Away LotSecret BywayAcademy ShortcutBehind Frostia's PlaceDelivery BayRugged PathShopping Street NarrowsMt. Wildwood - Mountain PathJumbo SliderRice Paddy PathAlley off the PlazaHidden WorkshopBriny GrottoShady Parking LotJunk AlleySpringdale Underground Parking
Dungeons Old MansionSpringdale Underground WaterwayConstruction SiteSpringdale Business TowerGourd Pond MuseumSpringdale Elementary SchoolAbandoned TunnelNocturne HospitalMt. MiddletonInfinite TunnelSeaside CaveIllusionary SparkopolisHazy Lane
Access to The Yo-kai WorldAmbrosia PavillionInfinite InfernoMystery WayGera Gera Abyss ResortYopple HQTatsumi-kawabata - NorthSakura Motomachi (Past)Yo-kai World (Past)Enma's Palace (Future)
Districts Old SpringdaleOld HarrisvilleOld Harrisville Station PlazaMount Wildwood (past)Gourd Pond (past)
Interior Areas Shoten TempleTimers & MoreSpringdale Hot SpringsGalleria BoulevardSpringdale IronworksSunset Manufacturing Co.Ninja ForestSecret BaseOld-Time HousePrayer's Peak TunnelFlatpot Plains
Yo-kai Areas Well RoadFox Shrine RoadRice Paddy
Dungeons Mt. Middleton
Access to Infinite InfernoSawayama Castle Town