Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki

Downtown Springdale (Japanese: さくら中央シティ Sakura Chūō Shiti) is a major commercial area of Springdale that appears in Yo-kai Watch games. It has a lot of places and restaurants to visit, and is where the Springdale Railway is located.

There are three pathways leading to other parts of town. Shopper's Row is accessed from the west, while Uptown Springdale can be visited at the north. Breezy Hills is accessible via the Seabreeze Tunnel.

In Yo-kai Watch 3, the Springdale Underground Area can be accessed, which connects to other places like the Sunset Mall and the Undergound Parking Lot.

Places of Interest[]

Yw2 springdale station outside

Springdale Central Station[]

Springdale Central Station is a train station that allows access to areas otherwise not reachable, including Harrisville and Sparkopolis, as well as Blossom Heights and Excellent Tower.

Arcadia Arcade[]

The Arcadia Arcade is an arcade containing claw machines and arcade systems, though none of them can be played or interacted with in the games. It plays a minor role in a few quests.

Frostia's Place[]

Main article: Frostia's Place

Frostia's Place is a bar found on Tipsy Way, and is only accessible during the evening, though it can be entered during the daytime from the back door from the Alleyway.

In Yo-kai Watch 2 and Yo-kai Watch 3, the player can buy Snacks from here.

Golden Egg[]

There is a Golden Egg monument located in the southern entrance of Springdale Central Station, opposite Nom Burger. In the main series games, the egg can be rubbed for good luck which if done enough will award the player with certain items much like the Shrine at Mount Wildwood.

The ability for the egg to be rubbed must be activated by a certain way depending on the game; in Yo-kai Watch, the player must speak to a character near the area. In Yo-kai Watch 2, the player must ring the doorbell at a house located next to the vacant lot and Nocturne Hospital. In Yo-kai Watch 3, a teenager who runs near the Shoten Temple at Blossom Heights must be spoken to.

Depending on how many times the Golden Egg is rubbed, an item may be given. In Yo-kai Watch 2, ten times gives a Golden Tag and 20 times causes Castelius Max to appear. If he is defeated, he gives the player a Platinum Bar. In Yo-kai Watch 3, a shining giant chick will appear from the egg in the northern entrance of the station and will drop rare items when it runs across the street.

Café Shanista[]

Main article: Café Shanista

Springdale Business Tower[]

Main article: Springdale Business Tower

Construction Site[]

Main article: Construction Site

In Yo-kai Watch, there is an area accessible during the main storyline of the game, which is of a construction site. It is an optional dungeon in Yo-kai Watch 2 and cannot be accessed in Yo-kai Watch 3.

Springdale Sports Club[]

Main article: Springdale Sports Club

Springdale Underground Area[]

Springdale Underground Area is an area added in Yo-kai Watch 3.

Sunset Mall[]

Sunset Mall is an area added in Yo-kai Watch 3.



Item Name Price Games
Plum Rice Ball Plum Rice Ball $1.00 (YW) $1.10 (YW2, YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Leaf Rice Ball Leaf Rice Ball $1.40 (YW) $1.50 (YW2, YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Roe Rice Ball Roe Rice Ball $3.00 YW2, YW3
Y-Cola Y-Cola $1.20 (YW) $1.30 (YW2, YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Sandwich Sandwich $2.20 YW, YW2, YW3
Donut Doughnut $1.00 YW3
Ramen Cup YWWW Ramen Cup $1.80 (YW) $1.50 (YW2, YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Getaway Plush2 Getaway Plush $5.00 YW, YW2, YW3

Nom Burger[]

Item Name Price Games
Hamburger Hamburger $2.60 (YW, YW2) $1.80 (YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Cheeseburger Cheeseburger $3.40 (YW, YW2) $2.20 (YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Double Burger Double Burger $5.00 (YW, YW2) $3.50 (YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Nom Burger Nom Burger $8.80 (YW2) $7.00 (YW3) YW2, YW3
Ice Cream Ice Cream $1.50 YW3

Cafe Shanista[]

Item Name Price Amount per day Games
Cheesecake Cheesecake $2.80 Infinite YW2, YW3
Shortcake Shortcake $3.50 Infinite YW2, YW3
Royal Pancakes Royal Pancakes $8.00 Infinite YW2, YW3
Jumbo Parfait Jumbo Parfait $20.00 Infinite (YW2) 3 (YW3) YW2, YW3

Belly Buster Curry[]

Item Name Price Games
Chicken Curry Chicken Curry $7.00 YW2, YW3
Lamb Curry Lamb Curry $8.80 YW2, YW3
Seafood Curry Seafood Curry $11.00 YW2, YW3
Buster Curry Buster Curry $15.00 YW2, YW3
Veggie Curry Veggie Curry $8.00 YW2

Frostia's Place[]

Item Name Price Games
Potato Chips Potato Chips $1.20 (YW2) $1.30 (YW3) YW2, YW3
Tasty Nibbles Tasty Nibbles $1.80 YW2, YW3
Cheesy Corn Chips Cheesy Chips $2.20 YW2, YW3
Snow Pea Snacks Snow-Pea Snack $3.00 YW2, YW3

Sumptuous Sukiyaki[]

Item Name Price Games
Sukiyaki (1) Sukiyaki Lunchbox $9.80 YW3
Chicken Sukiyaki Chicken Sukiyaki $28.00 YW3
Sukiyaki (2) Beef Sukiyaki $52.00 YW3

Sunset Mall[]

Item Name Price Games
Ice Cream Ice Cream $1.50 YW3
Berry Berry Ice Cream Berry Ice Cream $2.20 YW3

In the games[]

Yw2 downtown springdale overview

The introduction to Downtown Springdale in Yo-kai Watch 2

Yo-kai Watch[]

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Access to Downtown Springdale is unlocked in Let's Go to Harrisville where the protagonist wants to go to Harrisville and must take the train from Springdale Central Station.

Yo-kai Watch 3[]


Item Name Location Games
Medium Exporb Medium Exporb Yellow treasure box, in the western part of the area, in the tiny path leading to the house. YW
Next to the Arcadia Arcade, situated in front of a building corner. YW2
Staminum2 Staminum In the parking lot across the police station. YW2
A Serious Life A Serious Life Yellow treasure box, next to the stairs leading to Springdale Central Station from the southern side. YW
Soul Secrets Soul Secrets Purple treasure boxes YW3
Support Life 7 Support Life No. 7 Tucked in the corner across the road from Springdale Sports Club. YW2
Behind the Springdale Business Tower. YW2
Bitter Medicine Bitter Medicine Purple treasure boxes YW3
Getaway Plush2 Getaway Plush Purple treasure boxes YW3
Silver Doll Silver Doll Purple treasure boxes YW3
Gold Doll Golden Doll Rub the golden egg for 7 days, then catch up to the golden goose (repeatable). YW3
Dancing Star2 Dancing Star Purple treasure boxes YW3
Lottery Ticket Lottery Ticket Yellow treasure box, in the east on the thin boardwalk with seating

Purple treasure boxes

Music Card Music Card Purple treasure boxes YW3
Gold Tag Gold Tag Rub the golden egg for 10 days (repeatable). YW2
Fancy That! Iss. 14 Fancy That! Iss. 14 On top of the building with the swimming pool next to Seabreeze Tunnel (Helicopter required) YW3
YWCoinOrange Orange Coin Tucked in the bottom-right corner of the parking lot near Nom Burger YW2
Platinum Bar Platinum Bar Rub the golden egg for 20 days, then defeat Castelius I YW2
Gold Emblem Gold Emblem Rub the golden egg for 7 days, then catch up to the golden goose (repeatable) YW3
Color Stars Eyes Color Stars Eyes On a building near the Springdale Underground Area. (Helicopter required) YW3
MyNyan Voice Icon Kappanyan Voice On a building at the left side and southern entrance of the station. (Helicopter required) YW3
Black Badge Black Badge In the parking lot next to the Springdale Business Tower. YW2
Royal Pancakes Royal Pancakes Yellow treasure box, east of Café Shanista YW2
Purple treasure boxes YW3
Choice Tuna Choice Tuna Yellow treasure box, behind the stairs leading to Cafe Shanista near the boardwalk. YW
Snow Pea Snacks Snow Pea Snacks Yellow treasure box, in the western part of the area, in the tiny path leading to the house. YW2
Ugly Ring Ugly Ring Yellow treasure box, behind tortoise camera shop YW3

Hidden Items[]

Item Name Location Games
Mini Exporb Mini Exporb Item spot
On the beach
Small Exporb-0 Small Exporb In flowerbeds YW3
Large Exporb-0 Large Exporb In flowerbeds
Item spot
Staminum2 Staminum Between trash
Item spot
A Serious Life A Serious Life On the beach YW3
Support Special Support Special Under cars YW3
Lil Angel Heals Li'l Angel Heals Item spot YW3
Getaway Plush2 Getaway Plush Under cars
In long grass
By the sea
On the beach
Black Syrup Black Syrup Under cars
In flowerbeds
Originyan Essence Originyan Essence Item spot
Under cars
Iron Doll Iron Doll In streams YW3
Silver Doll Silver Doll On the beach YW3
Dancing Star2 Dancing Star Under cars YW3
Lottery Ticket Lottery Ticket Item spot
Under vending machines
In flowerbeds
Music Card Music Card Under cars
Under vending machines
Between trash
In long grass
Ghastly Fragment Ghastly Fragment Between trash YW3
Stale Coin Rusted Coin Between trash YW3
One-Star Coin Fragment One-Star Coin Fragment Between trash
Under cars
Spiritizer Y 2 Spiritizer Y Under cars
On the beach
Soul Tea Soul Tea On the beach YW3
10-Cent Gum Humdrum Gum Between trash YW3
Fruit Drops Fruit Drops By the sea YW3
Strawberry Chocobar Strawberry Chocobar On the beach YW3
Ramen Cup YWWW Ramen Cup Under cars
Between trash
Potato Chips Potato Chips Item spot
Under cars



Yo-kai Watch[]

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Insects Name Location Time Rate
Brown Cicada Trees
Yw1 green cicada Green Cicada Trees
Cricket Long grass
Yw1 grasshopper Grasshopper Long grass
White Moth Flowerbeds
Yw1 ladybug Ladybug Flowerbeds

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Insects Name Location Time Rate
Yw1 green cicada Green Cicada Trees
White Moth Flowerbeds


Yo-kai Watch[]

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Fish Name Location Time Rate
Barracuda Beach
Shrimp Beach
Mackerel Beach
Porcupine Fish Ocean
Whiting Ocean
Beltfish Ocean

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Fish Name Location Time Rate
Crayfish Streams
Sweetfish Streams
Starfish On the beach


Yo-kai Watch[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Springdale Business Tower
Chatlicon Chatalie Rank D icon ChatliconCupisiconMinoicon ? Night Any ?
Rockabicon Rockabelly Rank D icon RockabiconMinoicon ? Night Any ?
Cupisicon Cupistol Rank D icon CupisiconRockabiconChatlicon ? Night Any ?
Minoicon Minochi Rank D icon RockabiconChatlicon ? Night Any ?
Academy Shortcut
Mynicon Mynimo Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
Suspicion Suspicioni Rank D icon SuspicionTantriconSignibicon ? Anytime Any ?
Tantricon Tantroni Rank D icon TantriconMynicon ? Anytime Any ?
Signibicon Signibble Rank D icon TantriconSuspicion ? Anytime Any ?
Delivery Bay
Mynicon Mynimo Rank D icon MyniconSuspicion ? Anytime Any ?
Suspicion Suspicioni Rank D icon SuspicionTantriconSignibicon ? Anytime Any ?
Tantricon Tantroni Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
Signibicon Signibble Rank D icon Suspicion ? Anytime Any ?
Behind Frostia's Place
Mynicon Mynimo Rank D icon MyniconTantricon ? Anytime Any ?
Suspicion Suspicioni Rank D icon SuspicionTantriconMynicon ? Anytime Any ?
Tantricon Tantroni Rank D icon SuspicionMyniconTantriconSignibicon ? Anytime Any ?
Signibicon Signibble Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
In trees
Dummicon Dummkap Rank E icon DimmiconCoughicon ? Anytime Any ?
Under cars
Suspicion Suspicioni ink=Rank NowaiconDimmicon ? Anytime Any ?
Ellicon Elloo Rank C icon Alone ? Anytime Any ?
In rivers
Under vending machines
In garbage
Suspicion Suspicioni ink=Rank NowaiconDummicon ? Anytime Any ?
In materials yards
In flowerbeds
In long grass
Cynakicon Cynake Rank B icon Nowaicon ? Anytime Any ?
Steppicon Steppa Rank E icon Steppicon ? Anytime Any ?
Rhythicon Rhyth ink=Rank Steppicon ? Anytime Any ?

Gift Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Rank Requirements Level Time Rate
Komsanicon YW2 Komasan ink=Rank Automatically befriended after being talked to in Kyubi the Bully 18 Night One

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Springdale Business Tower
SqueIcon Squeeky Rank E icon SqueIconChatlicon ? Anytime Any ?
Cupisicon Cupistol Rank D icon CupisiconWazziconSqueIconChatlicon ? Anytime Any ?
Chatlicon Chatalie Rank D icon ChatliconCupisicon ? Anytime Any ?
Academy Shortcut
SqueIcon Squeeky Rank E icon SqueIconWazziconDullicon ? Anytime Any ?
Wazzicon Wazzat Rank E icon WazziconDullicon ? Anytime Any ?
Dullicon Dulluma Rank E icon DulliconWazziconSqueIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Delivery Bay
Wazzicon Wazzat Rank E icon WazziconWantsicon ? Anytime Any ?
Wantsicon Wantston Rank E icon WantsiconWazziconSqueIcon 11 Anytime Any ?
SqueIcon Squeeky Rank E icon SqueIconWazziconWantsicon ? Anytime Any ?
Behind Frostia's
SqueIcon Squeeky Rank E icon SqueIconMinoiconWazziconWydeaIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Wazzicon Wazzat Rank E icon WazziconMinoiconWydeaIconSqueIcon ? Anytime Any ?
WydeaIcon WydeawakeFS Rank E icon WydeaIconWazziconSqueIcon ? Anytime Any ?
HerbIcon HerbiboyBS Rank E icon ? Anytime Any ?
Minoicon Minochi Rank D icon MinoiconWazziconSqueIcon ? Anytime Any ?
In trees
Wazzicon Wazzat Rank E icon Wazzicon ? Anytime Any ?
Dummicon Dummkap Rank E icon Dummicon ? Anytime Any ?
Shmoicon Shmoopie Rank C icon Shmoicon ? Anytime Any ?
Lamdicon Lamedian Rank A icon Lamdicon ? Anytime Any ?
Under cars
Hungricon Hungramps Rank E icon Hungricon ? Anytime Any ?
SqueIcon Squeeky Rank E icon SqueIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Suspicion Suspicioni Rank D icon Suspicion ? Anytime Any ?
NosiIcon Nosirs Rank D icon NosiIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Ceeseeicon Cheeksqueek Rank C icon - ? Anytime Any ?
In rivers
CricIcon Cricky Rank E icon CricIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Under vending machines
Hungricon Hungramps Rank E icon - ? Anytime Any ?
NosiIcon Nosirs Rank D icon NosiIcon ? Anytime Any ?
DraaaIcon Draaagin Rank B icon - ? Anytime Any ?
In garbage
Hungricon Hungramps Rank E icon Hungricon ? Anytime Any ?
SqueIcon Squeeky Rank E icon SqueIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Ceeseeicon Cheeksqueek Rank C icon Ceeseeicon ? Anytime Any ?
DraaaIcon Draaagin Rank B icon DraaaIcon ? Anytime Any ?
In materials yards
SqueIcon Squeeky Rank E icon SqueIcon ? Anytime Any ?
DraaaIcon Draaagin Rank B icon DraaaIcon ? Anytime Any ?
In flowerbeds
In long grass
Hungricon Hungramps Rank E icon Hungricon ? Anytime Any ?
SqueIcon Squeeky Rank E icon - ? Anytime Any ?
Minoicon Minochi Rank D icon Minoicon ? Anytime Any ?
Cupisicon Cupistol Rank D icon Cupisicon ? Anytime Any ?
Coughicon Coughkoff Rank E icon Coughicon ? Anytime Any ?
CricIcon Cricky Rank E icon CricIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Red traffic lights
Snarticon Snartle Rank S icon - ? Anytime Any ?

Special Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Rank Requirements Level Time Rate
Snotticon Snottle Rank D icon Spawn randomly 20 Anytime ?

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Sunset Mall
YW3WhNaa Why Naant Rank E icon YW3ArmsmaYW3Minimot ? Night Any ?
YW3Armsma Armsman Rank D icon YW3ChataliYW3WhNaa ? Night Any ?
YW3Chatali Chatalie Rank D icon YW3ChataliYW3WhNaa ? Night Any ?
YW3SinKon Sing Kong Rank C icon YW3ChataliYW3WhNaa ? Night Any ?
YW3Kapunk Kapunki Rank A icon YW3KapunkYW3SinKon ? Night Any ?
Underground Parking
YW3WhNaa Why Naant Rank E icon YW3NoGoKarYW3Wigli ? Anytime Any ?
YW3NoGoKar No-Go Kart Rank E icon YW3WhNaaYW3Wazza ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Chatali Chatalie Rank D icon YW3ChataliYW3SoSorr ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Chumme Chummer Rank C icon YW3ChummeYW3MrBlockYW3PanPupYW3SoSorr ? Anytime Any ?
YW3ThroWipe Throne Wiper Rank B icon YW3ThroWipeYW3NoGoKar ? Anytime Any ?
Academy Shortcut
YW3Dullum Dulluma Rank E icon YW3WazzaYW3Coughko ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Wazza Wazzat Rank E icon YW3WazzaYW3Dullum ? Anytime Any ?
YW3SoSorr So-Sorree Rank D icon YW3SoSorrYW3Rockabel ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Chumme Chummer Rank C icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3ThroWipe Throne Wiper Rank B icon YW3ThroWipeYW3WhNaa ? Anytime Any ?
Delivery Bay
YW3NoGoKar No-Go Kart Rank E icon YW3NoGoKarYW3Dullum ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Dullum Dulluma Rank E icon YW3DullumYW3NoGoKar ? Anytime Any ?
YW3PanPup Panja Pupil Rank D icon YW3SoSorrYW3Rockabel ? Anytime Any ?
YW3MrBlock Mr. Blockhead Rank C icon YW3MrBlockYW3Chatali ? Anytime Any ?
YW3ThroWipe Throne Wiper Rank B icon YW3ThroWipeYW3MrBlock ? Anytime Any ?
Underground Area
YW3WhNaa Why Naant Rank E icon YW3WhNaaYW3Sumodo ? Night Any ?
YW3Sumodo Sumodon Rank D icon YW3SumodoYW3Chatali ? Night Any ?
YW3Chatali Chatalie Rank D icon YW3ChataliYW3WhNaa ? Night Any ?
YW3MrBlock Mr. Blockhead Rank C icon YW3MrBlockYW3Sumodo ? Night Any ?
YW3ThroWipe Throne Wiper Rank B icon YW3MrBlockYW3Sumodo ? Night Any ?
Behind Frostia's
YW3Wigli Wiglin Rank E icon YW3WhNaaYW3NoGoKar ? Anytime Any ?
YW3WhNaa Why Naant Rank E icon YW3WhNaaYW3Wigli ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Rockabel Rockabelly Rank D icon YW3RockabelYW3PanPup ? Anytime Any ?
YW3MrBlock Mr. Blockhead Rank C icon YW3MrBlockYW3Rockabel ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Frostin Frostina Rank B icon YW3FrostinYW3RockabelYW3ThroWipeYW3MrBlock ? Anytime Any ?
Lonely Waterway
YW3Sushyam Sushiyama Rank B icon ? Anytime Any ?
In trees
YW3SoSorr So-Sorree Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Compun Compunzer Rank C icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3ThroWipe Throne Wiper Rank B icon ? Anytime Any ?
Under cars
YW3Pupsic Pupsicle Rank E icon ? Anytime Any ?
In rivers
YW3Coughko Coughkoff Rank E icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Hurchin Hurchin Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
Under vending machines
YW3Nagath Nagatha Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
Materials Yard
YW3Rockabel Rockabelly Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
In flowerbeds
YW3Sandi Sandi Rank S icon ? Anytime Any ?
In long grass
YW3Wazza Wazzat Rank E icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Slither Slitheref Rank A icon ? Anytime Any ?
In the ocean
YW3Wigli Wiglin Rank E icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Steppa Steppa Rank E icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Rhyth Rhyth Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Heheel Heheheel Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Urnacon Urnaconda Rank C icon ? Anytime Any ?

Special Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Rank Requirements Level Time Rate
Sighicon Sighborg Y ink=Rank Can randomly appear 1 Anytime One

Yo-kai Watch Blasters[]

Icon Yo-kai Rank Tribe Attri. Blasters Role
YWBDullu Dulluma Rank E icon Tough Tribe Earth icon Blasters tank
YWBWazz Wazzat Rank E icon Mysterious Tribe Wind icon Blasters ranger
YWBWantst Wantston Rank E icon Heartful Tribe Lightning icon Blasters ranger
YWBWigli Wiglin Rank E icon Heartful Tribe Restoration icon Blasters healer
YWBStepp Steppa Rank E icon Heartful Tribe Restoration icon Blasters healer
YWBWydea WydeawakeWDS Rank E icon Shady Tribe Lightning icon Blasters ranger
YWBSqueek Squeeky Rank E icon Eerie Tribe Ice icon Blasters fighter
YWBCoughk Coughkoff Rank E icon Eerie Tribe Water icon Blasters ranger
YWBPeckpoc PeckpocketRCC Rank E icon Eerie Tribe Drain icon Blasters ranger
YWBSlush SlushWDS Rank E icon Eerie Tribe Ice icon Blasters tank
YWBSignib Signibble Rank D icon Mysterious Tribe Lightning icon Blasters fighter
YWBCupist Cupistol Rank D icon Mysterious Tribe Wind icon Blasters healer
YWBRhyth Rhyth Rank D icon Heartful Tribe Restoration icon Blasters healer
YWBChata Chatalie Rank D icon Eerie Tribe Lightning icon Blasters healer
YWBKelpa Kelpacabana Rank C icon Heartful Tribe Restoration icon Blasters healer
YWBNagath Nagatha Rank C icon Eerie Tribe Drain icon Blasters healer
YWBHouzz Houzzat Rank B icon Mysterious Tribe Wind icon Blasters fighter
YWBIllo Illoo Rank B icon Mysterious Tribe Water icon Blasters fighter
YWBDaruma Darumacho Rank B icon Tough Tribe Earth icon Blasters tank
YWBSkelebe SkelebellaRCC Rank B icon Charming Tribe Water icon Blasters healer
YWBRawry Rawry Rank B icon Eerie Tribe Ice icon Blasters fighter
YWBAlhail AlhailWDS Rank B icon Eerie Tribe Ice icon Blasters tank
YWBRevesett Reversette Rank A icon Heartful Tribe Wind icon Blasters fighter
YWBLamedia Lamedian Rank A icon Eerie Tribe Drain icon Blasters fighter
YWBStatik Statiking Rank S icon Mysterious Tribe Lightning icon Blasters fighter

Yo-kai Spots[]

Yo-kai Watch[]

Title Yo-kai Reward Fight? Rank Time/Weather Location Hiding Spot
Pardon Our Dust Rockabelly Dancing Star x3 Yes C Anytime Multiple areas Construction sign
Undy Small Exporb No
Elloo Bitter Medicine Yes
Mad Mountain Strength Talisman No
Payn Bronze Doll Yes
The Big Blue Shmoopie Medium Exporb No C Clear weather By the beach In an inner tube
Daiz Humdrum Gum No
Hi Score Tantroni Armour Charm No C Anytime Arcadia Arcade Playing an arcade game

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Title Yo-kai Reward Fight? Rank Time/Weather Location Hiding Spot
Nuisance Vehicle Complaints Blazion Strength Talisman x2 Yes C Anytime Multiple areas On a bicycle
Minochi ?
Hissfit ?
Nekidspeed Pink Coin Fragment Yes
Leggly ?
Chippa Coffee Milk x2 No
The Runaway Signboard Benkei Red Coin Fragment Yes C Anytime Multiple areas
Helmsman ?
Armsman ?
Cutta-nah ?
Chansin ?
Ledballoon Fruit Milk x2 ?
Coughkoff ?
Hurchin ?
Blowkade ?
Mad Mountain Use Karate Yes
Mochismo ?
Minochi ?
Pandle ?
Undy ?
Yoodooit Lottery Ticket Yes
Ake ?

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Title Yo-kai Reward Fight? Rank Time/Weather Location Hiding Spot
Stray Shopping Cart Petty-Cake Ice Cream Yes E Anytime Sunset Mall - 1F Moving shopping cart
Wee Weedy Wonders Wiglin Dancing Star Yes E Dolpin Cafe, Sunset Mall Seaweed in fish tank
High-tech Low-tech Toilet Flushback Soba Noodles Yes D Anytime Everymart Toilet
Off The Scale Espy Yes C Springdale Sports Club - 2F Scales
What Monster Is This? Throne Wiper Fish Tempura Yes B Mail Box
A Dangerous Inner Tube Cynake Fresh Urchin Yes B Beach Inner tube


  • In the Arcadia Arcade, the character on the cardboard stand next to the machines resembles Hatsune Miku, a software which has evolved into a popular virtual singer in Japanese pop culture. Additionally, the arcade machines resemble that of Project DIVA Arcade, judging from the button layout.
    • It is further referenced in Yo-kai Watch 2, via the chatter between two people say that the arcade game they're playing is music-related.

In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan  Japanese さくら中央シティ Sakura Chūō Shiti
Flag of Spain  Spanish Floridablanca sur
Flag of France  French Centre–ville de Granval Springdale's city center
Flag of Italy  Italian Valdoro centro
Flag of Germany  German Innenstadt
Flag of the Netherlands  Dutch Lenthuizen (centrum) Springdale (city center)
Flag of South Korea  Korean 진달래 다운타운 Jindallae dauntaun
Flag of Russia  Russian Деловой район Спрингдейла Delovoy rayon Springdeyla

Locations in Springdale
Districts Uptown SpringdaleBlossom HeightsDowntown SpringdaleShopper's RowBreezy HillsMt. WildwoodExcellent TowerHarrisville Station PlazaHarrisvilleSan FantasticoSparkopolisGreenfields
Interior Areas Adams HouseForester HouseEverymartBanter BakeryPiggleston BankLambert Post OfficeJungle HunterSpringdale Community CenterSpringdale Elementary SchoolMemory StoreLogan's HouseShrine Behind the WaterfallMt. Wildwood - SummitDeserted HouseCandy StopSpringdale Hot SpringsTimers & MorePrayer's Peak TunnelBernstein HouseSpringdale RailwayChloro-Phil GoodWayfarer ManorByrd HouseShoten TempleMegan's HouseFoundation AcademyFortune HospitalNom BurgerFrostia's PlaceSpringdale Business TowerArcadia ArcadeSeabreeze TunnelSunset MallBelly Buster Curry HouseCafé ShanistaSpringdale Sports ClubTortoise Camera ShopSpringdale Underground AreaSumptuous SukiyakiSpringdale Flower RoadSuperior StyleToys iZ WeNorth Wind RamenSun PavilionSushi SpringdaleSettle In BookstoreWhatta FindTranquility ApartmentsTempura TempestArcher HouseStone HouseGourd Pond MuseumWisteria GardensBreezy Hills ApartmentsThomas HouseAmy's HouseLina's HouseStonewood HouseGrandma's HouseMountain MarketHarrisville SchoolRusty's MartDeserted HouseRolling Waves Meeting HallDragon HeightsAnimeChumMaid in HeavenNext HarMEOWny TheaterSoba SensationDetective Agency
Yo-kai Areas The CatwalkDesolate LaneShady Back AlleyLonely WaterwayHidden Side StreetTucked Away LotSecret BywayAcademy ShortcutBehind Frostia's PlaceDelivery BayRugged PathShopping Street NarrowsMt. Wildwood - Mountain PathJumbo SliderRice Paddy PathAlley off the PlazaHidden WorkshopBriny GrottoShady Parking LotJunk AlleySpringdale Underground Parking
Dungeons Old MansionSpringdale Underground WaterwayConstruction SiteSpringdale Business TowerGourd Pond MuseumSpringdale Elementary SchoolAbandoned TunnelNocturne HospitalMt. MiddletonInfinite TunnelSeaside CaveIllusionary SparkopolisHazy Lane
Access to The Yo-kai WorldAmbrosia PavillionInfinite InfernoMystery WayGera Gera Abyss ResortYopple HQTatsumi-kawabata - NorthSakura Motomachi (Past)Yo-kai World (Past)Enma's Palace (Future)
Districts Old SpringdaleOld HarrisvilleOld Harrisville Station PlazaMount Wildwood (past)Gourd Pond (past)
Interior Areas Shoten TempleTimers & MoreSpringdale Hot SpringsGalleria BoulevardSpringdale IronworksSunset Manufacturing Co.Ninja ForestSecret BaseOld-Time HousePrayer's Peak TunnelFlatpot Plains
Yo-kai Areas Well RoadFox Shrine RoadRice Paddy
Dungeons Mt. Middleton
Access to Infinite InfernoSawayama Castle Town