Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki

Yo-kai Medallium biography
Yo-kai Medallium
"This hat Yo-kai can make geniuses into dreamy fools. A foolish life can be more fun...but would you even realize if it were?!"

Dummkap (Japanese: ばか頭巾 Bakazukin) is a Rank E, Lightning-attribute Yo-kai of the Mysterious tribe introduced in Yo-kai Watch.


Video games[]

Anime series[]

Manga series[]


Dummkap has a similar appearance to Wazzat, looking like an orange hat. He has thick lips that form the brim with scattered square teeth. He has a blue bow/ribbon around him, somewhat like a nose. On top are two eye-stalks with swirled eyes.

Dummkap can cause his Inspirited targets to act very foolishly, causing people to look down on the victim. He triggers this effect by biting the top of his victims' heads.


Yo-kai Watch[]

Dummkapp appears on trees everywhere in Downtown Springdale at night. He also sometimes appears alongside Cupistol.

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

He appears in trees and garbage in Uptown Springdale; in trees in Blossom Heights and Downtown Springdale; in trees and telephone poles in Old Springdale; The Catwalk, Desolate Lane, in Paradise Springs on a team with Squeeky and on Mystery Way Route 2.

He can also be found in the 2nd Quiz Room behind the 40 Gate Globe Gate of Whimsy in Gourd Pond Museum. He always appears in the middle left tree. He can also be found on Mystery Way - Route Two.

He can also be randomly encountered on the train on a team with Leggly at level 6.

Dummkap has two equipment slots.

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Dummkap can be found in trees on Meadowbrooke Farm and in trees and telephone poles in East Pine.

He can also be found under 6000 yards in Hazy Lane.

He can also be found in Blasters T in the Tomb of King Clupharaon ①, ②, ③ and ④.

He has two equipment slots.

Yo-kai Watch Blasters[]

Dummkap can be found on Patrol missions in Uptown Springdale and Shopper's Row.

He is required for the Team 'Respect Assets!' Yo-kai Circle.

Yo-kai Watch Busters 2[]

Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble[]

Dummkap can be found on stage 3, 24, 208, 237, secret stage 9-1, 10-17 in the Infinite Inferno, and secret stage 23-71 in the Divine Paradise. He can also be freed from the Crank-a-kai with either a Cheerful Coin or a Yellow Coin.

Game data[]

Main series[]

Yo-kai Watch[]

Stats Calculation
This shows Dummkap's stat on level: 99.

Type Name Power Attribute Range
Attack Bite (Japanese: かみつく Kamitsuku) 15-67 Single enemy
No description.
Technique Shock (Japanese: 電流の術 Denryū no Jutsu) 20-90 Lightning Single enemy
No description.
Inspirit Liven Up (Japanese: 楽しくさせる Tanoshiku sa seru) Single ally
Boosts an ally's SPR and generally cheers it up.
Soultimate Move Ignorance is Bliss (Japanese: おバカワールド Obaka Wārudo) Single ally
Unleashes an ally's heart and significantly boosts SPD.
Skill Prediction (Japanese: みらいよち Miraiyochi)
Decreases foe's accuracy.

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Stats Calculation
This shows Dummkap's stat on level: 99.

Type Name Power Attribute Range
Attack Bite (Japanese: かみつく Kamitsuku) 15-67 Single enemy
No description.
Technique Shock (Japanese: 電流の術 Denryū no Jutsu) 20-90 Lightning Single enemy
No description.
Inspirit Liven Up (Japanese: 楽しくさせる Tanoshiku sa seru) Single ally
Boosts an ally's SPR and generally cheers it up.
Soultimate Move Ignorance is Bliss (Japanese: おバカワールド Obaka Wārudo) Single ally
Unleashes an ally's heart and significantly boosts SPD.
Skill Prediction (Japanese: みらいよち Miraiyochi)
Decreases foe's accuracy.
Soul Effect
Soul mysterious SPD Up (Small) (SPD +20 at level 10)
Blasters stats[]
Blasters fighter
Blasters Stats Dummkap
HP: 1
Strength Stat rank E
Spirit Stat rank C
Speed Stat rank S

Button Move
Button A Attack
Hits an enemy nearby
Button X Lightning
Shocks far-off enemies with strong electricity.

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Stats Calculation
This shows Dummkap's stat on level: 99.

Type Name Power Attribute Range
Attack Bite (Japanese: かみつく Kamitsuku) 30 Single enemy
No description.
Technique Shock (Japanese: 電流の術 Denryū no Jutsu) 30 Lightning Single enemy
No description.
Inspirit Playfulness (Japanese: 楽しくさせる Tanoshiku sa seru) Single ally
The Inspirited Yo-kai gets into a groove and their SPR soars.
Soultimate Move Ignorance is Bliss (Japanese: おバカワールド Obaka Wārudo) Single ally
Unleashes an ally's heart, bestowing an ultra boost to SPD.
Skill Clairvoidance (Japanese: 未来予知 Mirai yochi, lit. Future Sight)
Improves ability to dodge enemy attacks.
Blasters stats[]

Attribute tolerance[]

Held items[]

Games Items
Yo-kai Watch Speed Talisman 25%

Bronze Doll 10%

Yo-kai Watch 2 Beef Skewers
Yo-kai Watch 3
Yo-kai Watch Blasters

Spin-off games[]

Yo-kai Watch Blasters[]

Yo-kai Watch Busters 2[]

Other games[]

Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble[]

Dummkap Wib Wob
Stats Calculation
This shows Dummkap's stat on level: 50.
Soultimate Move
Ignorance is Bliss
Drives enemies mad to stop them from attacking.
Other Effects
Soultimate Levels
LV01 18 Soul Points to Stun for 4s
LV02 17 Soul Points to Stun for 4s
LV03 17 Soul Points to Stun for 5s
LV04 16 Soul Points to Stun for 5s
LV05 16 Soul Points to Stun for 6s
LV06 15 Soul Points to Stun for 6s
LV07 15 Soul Points to Stun for 7s
Skill Levels
LV01 Effect: N/A
LV02 Effect: N/A
LV03 Effect: N/A
LV04 Effect: N/A
LV05 Effect: N/A

Yo-kai Watch: Ukiukupedia[]


  • Befriended: "Ah hee hee! Be Dummkap's friend?"
  • Loafing: "Whew..."
  • Receiving food (favorite): "Duhuhuh..."
  • Receiving food (normal): "*chew*...*gulp*"
  • Receiving food (disliked): "Bleeeghhh!"
  • Blasters T Camp "Hurr you go venchur? Dummkap come too."

In the anime[]

Yo-kai Watch[]

Dummkap first appears in Yo-kai Dummkap, in which he causes Nate, Eddie, and Bear to act foolishly, much to the dismay of the girls. Nate realizes this and when confronts him, he summons Tattletell to have the hat Yo-kai reveal his origins. He was once a seat cushion used by schoolchildren which also doubled as a snow hat, but after one kid farted on him, they began to use him to play dumb games, often involving him getting hit. Eventually, he was abandoned after being tossed in a pond, and become a Yo-kai who bore a grudge against all boys. Soon after explaining his motive, Wazzat appears and becomes quick friends with Dummkap, as Wazzat nursed a grudge against the girl who abandoned him. Both Yo-kai merrily float away as Nate realizes that they make a good partnership. At the end of the episode, they pose as hats worn by comedians and use their Inspirits to make them perform their acts, albeit at an abysmal standard nobody likes.

Dummkap is summoned in Yo-kai Flushback to deal with Flushback in order to stop the turtle Yo-kai from tormenting Nate. This plan, however, sacrificed any trust Katie had in Nate that day as he was expected to be a responsible partner for a project.

In EP193, Dummkap is summoned using the Yo-kai Blaster to fight multiple Dracunyans.

Yo-kai Watch♪[]

In the manga[]


Bakazukin's Japanese name is a pun on the word Bōsai zukin (防災頭巾), translating to "Disaster prevention hood," used in schools in the event of an accident no matter how disastrous it is. His name also includes the word "baka," translating to "stupid" and reflecting the overall twist of the Yo-kai design.


In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan  Japanese ばか頭巾 Bakazukin
Flag of Spain  Spanish Tontolín From tonto (idiot) and cojín (cushion).
Flag of France  French Gagalurin
Flag of Italy  Italian Scioccap From sciocco (silly) and cap.
Flag of Germany  German Doofkapp From "doof" (stupid) and "Kappe" (cap).
Flag of the Netherlands  Dutch Dummkap Derived from English name.
Flag of South Korea  Korean 멍모자 Meongmoja
Flag of Russia  Russian Глупошляп Hluposhlyap
More Languages
Flag of the Republic of China
Flag of the People's Republic of China
  Chinese (Mandarin)*
Flag of Brazil  Portuguese (Brazilian) Capelerdo From Capelo (Hood) and Cap with Lerdo (Dumb).

Related Yo-kai[]
