Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki
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Excellent Tower (Japanese: さくらEXツリー Sakura EX Tsurī) is a small settlement located in Springdale that appears in the Yo-kai Watch games, first appearing in Yo-kai Watch 2. It can be visited where the player will be able to go up the tower, to get a view of the area.

It has a pathway leading to Breezy Hills from the west, and a train station that connects to the Springdale Railway, allowing access to other parts of Springdale from there.


Excellent Tower night

Excellent Tower during the night.


Excellent Tower’s Everymart.

The Excellent Tower is a tower spanning about 42 stories tall, with two lookout areas, both of them being shaped like a cherry blossom to fit the aesthetic the town has all over. Entry for visiting the tower is free, allowing the player to go up the elevator at the high viewing space.

At the top of the tower, there is an Everymart (that cannot be interacted with) and a souvnier shop selling merchandise themed around the attraction. Some binoculars can also be found, which provide a panoramic view of Springdale.

The mascot for Excellent Tower is Excel Ent, which is of an anthropomorphic cherry blossom that says "Excellent!" as a catchphrase. He appears as a costumed character that can be seen around the area.



Item Name Price Games
Plum Rice Ball Plum Rice Ball $1.10 YW2, YW3
Leaf Rice Ball Leaf Rice Ball $1.50 YW2, YW3
Roe Rice Ball Roe Rice Ball $3.00 YW2, YW3
Y-Cola Y-Cola $1.30 YW2, YW3
Sandwich Sandwich $2.20 YW2, YW3
Donut Doughnut $1.00 YW3
Ramen Cup YWWW Ramen Cup $1.80 (YW2) $1.50 (YW3) YW2, YW3
Getaway Plush2 Getaway Plush $5.00 YW2, YW3

In the games[]

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Yo-kai Watch Blasters[]

Warning: plot & spoiler details are listed below.

In Yo-kai Watch Blasters, the tower is not normally accessible at all for Patrol Missions, but it's visited at the final mission after the player defeats almost all of the Cream Puffs and follows the remaining one to the Excellent Tower, causing it to turn into Whisped Cream.

Spoilers end here.

Yo-kai Watch 3[]


Item Name Location Games
Large Exporb Large Exporb Hidden from the other side of the station that can be accessed by crawling. YW2
Purple treasure boxes YW3
Staminum2 Staminum Purple treasure boxes YW3
Hidden Hits Hidden Hits Purple treasure boxes YW3
Soul Secrets Soul Secrets At the northeastern part of the parking lot. YW3
Use Karate Use Karate Purple treasure boxes YW3
Support Special Support Special At the eastern end of the map, from across the parking lot. YW2
Nasty Medicine Nasty Medicine Purple treasure boxes YW3
Fish Bait Fish Bait Purple treasure boxes YW3
Music Card Music Card x2 Yellow treasure box, east of tower front YW2
Music Card Purple treasure boxes YW3
Apt Key Key to Apt. C-101 Hidden from the other side of the station that can be accessed by crawling. YW2
Fashionable Frames Fashionable Frames Behind the bench at the front entrance of the tower. YW3
Robo Body Robo Body On top of the garage of the left building next to Excellent Tower (Helicopter required) YW3
YWCoinBlue Blue Coin At the shipping depot that can be reached by balancing on the fence. YW3
Five-Star Coin Fragment Five-Star Coin Fragment Purple treasure boxes YW3
Shiny Badge Shiny Badge At the shipping depot that can be reached by balancing on the fence. YW2
Rainbow Ring Rainbow Ring At the northeastern end of the map, from across the parking lot. YW3
Cheesecake Cheesecake Purple treasure boxes YW3
Seafood Curry Seafood Curry At the bottom-right corner of the area behind the station map. YW2

Hidden Items[]

Item Name Location Games
Staminum2 Staminum Item Spot

In boxes

Bye Lil Angel Bye, Li'l Angel In flowerbeds YW3
Skill Encycloped Skill Encyclopedia In boxes YW3
Getaway Plush2 Getaway Plush In boxes YW3
Originyan Essence Originyan Essence Under cars YW3
Iron Doll Iron Doll Between trash YW3
Lottery Ticket Lottery Ticket In boxes

Between trash

Music Card Music Card Under cars YW3
YWCoinBlue Blue Coin Under cars YW3
Five-Star Coin Fragment Five-Star Coin Fragment Under cars YW3
Tasty Nibbles Tasty Nibbles Item Spot YW3



Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Insect Name Location Time Rate
Yw1 green cicada Green Cicada Trees
Yw1 brown cicada Brown Cicada Trees
White Moth Trees


Grasshopper Flowerbeds
Locust Flowerbeds

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Insect Name Location Time Rate
Yw1 green cicada Green Cicada Trees
Yw1 brown cicada Brown Cicada Trees
African Cicada Trees
Yw1 ladybug Ladybug Flowerbeds
Hawk Moth Flowerbeds


Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
In trees
Happieicon Happierre Rank C icon Happieicon 17 Anytime Any ?
Olsaicon Ol' Saint Trick Rank B icon Olsaicon ? Anytime Any ?
VerGoIcon Verygoodsir Rank B icon VerGoIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Scricon Scritchy Rank A icon Contraricon ? Anytime Any ?
Under cars
Nagaicon Nagatha Rank C icon Nagaicon 18 Anytime Any ?
Blazicon Blazion Rank C icon Blazicon ? Anytime Any ?
Contraricon Contrarioni Rank B icon Contraricon ? Anytime Any ?
Lavloricon Lava Lord Rank B icon Lavloricon ? Anytime Any ?
Under vending machines
Nagaicon Nagatha Rank C icon Nagaicon ? Anytime Any ?
Blazicon Blazion Rank C icon Blazicon ? Anytime Any ?
In garbage
Blazicon Blazion Rank C icon Blazicon ? Anytime Any ?
Babblicon Babblong Rank C icon Babblicon ? Anytime Any ?
Contraricon Contrarioni Rank B icon Contraricon ? Anytime Any ?
Lavloricon Lava Lord Rank B icon Alone ? Anytime Any ?
In flowerbeds
Babblicon Babblong Rank C icon Babblicon ? Anytime Any ?
Lavloricon Lava Lord Rank B icon Lavloricon ? Anytime Any ?
In long grass
Nagaicon Nagatha Rank C icon ? Anytime Any ?
Lavloricon Lava Lord Rank B icon Lavloricon ? Anytime Any ?
In materials yards
Babblicon Babblong Rank C icon Babblicon ? Anytime Any ?
VerGoIcon Verygoodsir Rank B icon Alone ? Anytime Any ?
Observation Deck
Happieicon Happierre Rank C icon Happieicon ? Anytime Any ?
Tenglicon Tengloom Rank C icon Tenglicon ? Anytime Any ?
VerGoIcon Verygoodsir Rank B icon ? Anytime Any ?
Olsaicon Ol' Saint Trick Rank B icon ? Anytime Any ?
Mamauricon Mama Aura Rank A icon ? Anytime Any ?
Azudraicon Azure Dragon Rank S icon Alone ? Anytime Any ?

Gift Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Rank Requirements Level Time Rate
Harbaricon Harry Barry Rank B icon Complete Your Local Mascot 22 Anytime One
Robonyicon Robonyan Rank A icon Defeat him in battle during Watch the Skies 35 Anytime One

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
In trees
YW3SoSorr So-Sorree Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Smoglin Smogling Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Illoo Illoo Rank C icon YW3Illoo ? Anytime Any ?
YW3MamAur Mama Aura Rank A icon YW3MamAur ? Anytime Any ?
Under cars
YW3Yoink Yoink Rank D icon YW3Yoink ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Babblo Babblong Rank C icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3LavLor Lava Lord Rank B icon ? Anytime Any ?
Under vending machines
YW3Suspioni Suspicioni Rank D icon YW3Suspioni 11 Anytime Any ?
YW3Blips Blips Rank C icon YW3Blips ? Anytime Any ?
In garbage
YW3Suspioni Suspicioni Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Kmon K'mon-K'mon Rank C icon ? Anytime Any ?
In flowerbeds
YW3Lafalott Lafalotta Rank C icon YW3Lafalott 12 Anytime Any ?
YW3Mirapo Mirapo Rank C icon YW3Mirapo ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Illoo Illoo Rank C icon YW3Illoo ? Anytime Any ?
In long grass
YW3Illoo Illoo Rank C icon YW3Illoo ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Babblo Babblong Rank C icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Mirapo Mirapo Rank C icon YW3Mirapo ? Anytime Any ?
In materials yards
YW3Yoink Yoink Rank D icon YW3Yoink ? Anytime Any ?
Observation Deck
YW3MamAur Mama Aura Rank A icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Kyryn Kyryn Rank S icon YW3MamAur ? Anytime Any ?

Special Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Rank Requirements Level Time Rate
Sighicon Sighborg Y Rank B icon Can randomly appear 1 Anytime One

Baffle Boards[]

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Clues Yo-kai
  1. Eats memories
  2. Mysterious Tribe
  3. Shaped like a hat
Effect: Allows Yo-kai's nicknames to be changed.



A tower resembling Excellent Tower as seen in the anime.

  • In Komasan in the City: The Magic Floor, Komasan and Komajiro visit a similar-looking tower. The name in the Japanese version is the exact same as it appears in the games, making it evident that it may have been an earlier version of the location. The design of it does not appear anywhere else, nor is mentioned ever again.
    • In the English dub, the place is called "Springdale Tower" instead.
    • However, Excellent Tower would finally reappear in the anime in EP146.
  • Excellent Tower is heavily based on the Tokyo Skytree, which is a landmark located in Sumida, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Though the tower has two lookout points, only one of them can be accessed.
  • The Everymart store in the tower is the only one to not have an Eyepo or Mirapo.
  • Komasan can sometimes be seen in the elevator however he can't be interacted with.

In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan  Japanese さくらEXツリー Sakura EX Tsurī
Flag of Spain  Spanish Torre Excelencia
Flag of France  French Tour Excellence
Flag of Italy  Italian Torre Magnifex
Flag of Germany  German Excelsior–Turm
Flag of the Netherlands  Dutch Excelsiortoren
Flag of South Korea  Korean 진달래 타워 Jindallae tawo
Flag of Russia  Russian Отличная башня Otlichnaya bashnya

Locations in Springdale
Districts Uptown SpringdaleBlossom HeightsDowntown SpringdaleShopper's RowBreezy HillsMt. WildwoodExcellent TowerHarrisville Station PlazaHarrisvilleSan FantasticoSparkopolisGreenfields
Interior Areas Adams HouseForester HouseEverymartBanter BakeryPiggleston BankLambert Post OfficeJungle HunterSpringdale Community CenterSpringdale Elementary SchoolMemory StoreLogan's HouseShrine Behind the WaterfallMt. Wildwood - SummitDeserted HouseCandy StopSpringdale Hot SpringsTimers & MorePrayer's Peak TunnelBernstein HouseSpringdale RailwayChloro-Phil GoodWayfarer ManorByrd HouseShoten TempleMegan's HouseFoundation AcademyFortune HospitalNom BurgerFrostia's PlaceSpringdale Business TowerArcadia ArcadeSeabreeze TunnelSunset MallBelly Buster Curry HouseCafé ShanistaSpringdale Sports ClubTortoise Camera ShopSpringdale Underground AreaSumptuous SukiyakiSpringdale Flower RoadSuperior StyleToys iZ WeNorth Wind RamenSun PavilionSushi SpringdaleSettle In BookstoreWhatta FindTranquility ApartmentsTempura TempestArcher HouseStone HouseGourd Pond MuseumWisteria GardensBreezy Hills ApartmentsThomas HouseAmy's HouseLina's HouseStonewood HouseGrandma's HouseMountain MarketHarrisville SchoolRusty's MartDeserted HouseRolling Waves Meeting HallDragon HeightsAnimeChumMaid in HeavenNext HarMEOWny TheaterSoba SensationDetective Agency
Yo-kai Areas The CatwalkDesolate LaneShady Back AlleyLonely WaterwayHidden Side StreetTucked Away LotSecret BywayAcademy ShortcutBehind Frostia's PlaceDelivery BayRugged PathShopping Street NarrowsMt. Wildwood - Mountain PathJumbo SliderRice Paddy PathAlley off the PlazaHidden WorkshopBriny GrottoShady Parking LotJunk AlleySpringdale Underground Parking
Dungeons Old MansionSpringdale Underground WaterwayConstruction SiteSpringdale Business TowerGourd Pond MuseumSpringdale Elementary SchoolAbandoned TunnelNocturne HospitalMt. MiddletonInfinite TunnelSeaside CaveIllusionary SparkopolisHazy Lane
Access to The Yo-kai WorldAmbrosia PavillionInfinite InfernoMystery WayGera Gera Abyss ResortYopple HQTatsumi-kawabata - NorthSakura Motomachi (Past)Yo-kai World (Past)Enma's Palace (Future)
Districts Old SpringdaleOld HarrisvilleOld Harrisville Station PlazaMount Wildwood (past)Gourd Pond (past)
Interior Areas Shoten TempleTimers & MoreSpringdale Hot SpringsGalleria BoulevardSpringdale IronworksSunset Manufacturing Co.Ninja ForestSecret BaseOld-Time HousePrayer's Peak TunnelFlatpot Plains
Yo-kai Areas Well RoadFox Shrine RoadRice Paddy
Dungeons Mt. Middleton
Access to Infinite InfernoSawayama Castle Town