Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki

Yo-kai Medallium biography
Yo-kai Medallium
"This gentle Yo-kai acts as a spirit guide for the souls of those that have passed away."

Frogetmenot (Japanese: センポクカンポク Senpoku-kanpoku) is a Rank S, Restoration-attribute Classic Yo-kai of the Slippery tribe introduced in Yo-kai Watch 3.

In Yo-kai Watch 3, Frogetmenot is one of the Yo-kai required to unlock Elder Bloom. In Yo-kai Watch Busters 2, Frogetmenot is one of the Yo-kai required to unlock Poofessor.


Video games[]

Anime series[]


Frogetmenot is a humanoid amphibian Yo-kai with green skin. He wears a black kimono with a white sash patterned with blue spots, and a straw hat that appears to have warts on it. He's always seen carrying a paper lamp that is lit up with a blue flame.


Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Frogetmenot can be found by going to the sewer entrance in Mt. Wildwood (only accessible by helicopter, player must have an S Rank Watch) he will ask the player to gather all seven fox masked NPCs found across all the sewer manholes in Springdale, once the player has found all the NPCs, Frogetmenot can be fought once daily and befriended by normal methods.

He can also be freed from the Crank-a-kai with a Legend Coin

Yo-kai Watch Busters 2[]

Frogetmenot can be obtained through Majin Banbarayar’s labyrinth as well as Slimamander’s and Eyedra’s 3rd labyrinth

Game data[]

Main series[]

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Stats Calculation
This shows Frogetmenot's stat on level: 60.

Type Name Power Attribute Range
Attack Smack Down (Japanese: はりたおす Haritaosu) 25x2 Single enemy
No description.
Technique Paradise (Japanese: 極楽の術 Gokuraku no Jutsu) 70 Restoration Single ally
No description.
Inspirit Lingering Smile (Japanese: しみいる笑顔 Shimīru Egao) Single ally
Puts a warm smile in an ally's heart. DEF goes way up.
Soultimate Move Rise and Shine (Japanese: そろそろ起きなはれや Sorosoro Okina Hare ya) Restoration All allies
Revives allies and restores their HP with a hidden smile.
Skill Waterproof (Japanese: ぼうすい Bōsui)
Reduces Water elemental damage taken by all allies.
Blasters stats[]

Attribute tolerance[]

Held items[]

Spin-off games[]

Yo-kai Watch Busters 2[]

Other games[]

Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble[]


  • Befriended: "Join with me, for one should give ample time to the soul as well as the body."
  • Loafing: "Time for a rest!"
  • During battle 1: "There we are"
  • During battle 2: "What's the trouble?"
  • Freed from Crank-a-kai: "Relax. When the time comes, I'll show you the way..."
  • Blasters T Camp: "Adventures grant us a chance to learn from our mistakes."

In the anime[]

Yo-kai Watch[]

Frogetmenot makes his debut in EP190.

Yo-kai Watch![]

Frogetmenot make a cameo appearance in EX011.

In the manga[]

Frogetmenot appears in CP132.


"Frogetmenot" is a pun on the flower Forget-me-not with frog.

"Saporientador" is a combination of "Sapo" (Toad) and "Orientador" (Guidance).


Senpoku-kanpoku is based on the youkai of the same name from the Toyama prefecture. This creature appears as a frog with a human-like expression, and will enter the residences of the recently deceased and settle on their straw mats, living there for three weeks until the day of the funeral, upon which they will kindly escort the casket to the graveyard. The locals regard it as a kami and call it "Tentengotto" with respect, and believe that if its name is invoked during hard times, Tentengotto will symbolically snatch them to safety with its fly-catching tongue.


In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan  Japanese センポクカンポク Senpoku-kanpoku Named after the senpoku-kanpoku
Flag of Spain  Spanish Saporientador Combination of "Sapo" (Toad) and "Orientador" (Guidance).
Flag of France  French Entraînette
Flag of Italy  Italian Ricordarana Pun on "ricordare" with "rana"
Flag of Germany  German Leitmaulfrosch Pun on "Breitmaulfrosch" (wide-mouthed frog), "leit, shortened leiten" (to guide) + maulfrosch