Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki

Yo-kai Medallium biography
Yo-kai Medallium
"This heartwarming Yo-kai removes the tension in the air. He can cheer up even the angriest of people."

Happierre (Japanese: ホノボーノ Honobono) is a Rank C, Restoration-attribute Yo-kai of the Heartful tribe introduced in Yo-kai Watch.

From Yo-kai Watch: Ukiukipedia Kiwami to Yo-kai Watch: Ukiukipedia Gakuen Y, and in Yo-kai Watch 4, he's the part of the of the Omamori tribe.

Happierre evolves into Reversa when fused with Dismarelda.

In Yo-kai Watch, Happierre is one of the Yo-kai required to unlock Shogunyan.


Video games[]

Anime series[]

Manga series[]


Happierre has a yellow, gaseous-looking body, with diminutive arms. He sports squinty eyes, a wide mouth, and a green mustache, vaguely resembling a Dali style. His hair is green and styled to resemble a normal haircut, and has a daisy on the top.

He shows a cheerful disposition, which is evidenced by his constant smile. He is calm, gentle and most of the time, he tries to solve problems in a peaceful manner, which is the main reason Nate summons him. He also speaks in a French accent, while in the Japanese version he ends his sentences with "bono". On rare occasions, he can sometimes get angry.

Happierre's aura warms and smooths the atmosphere where he is present, ensuring a cheerful and amiable disposition of the people on it. Said aura can negate the dampening effects of depressing Yo-kai such as Dismarelda, normalizing the atmosphere. This ability has also been shown to negate Cynake's inspiriting.


Yo-kai Watch[]

Happierre appears in trees in Graduate Street and the Station Square in Downtown Springdale.

He can also be freed from the Crank-a-kai with a Green Coin.

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Happierre appears in trees in Blossom Heights, Excellent Tower and in trees and telephone poles Old Springdale. He can also be found through the binoculars in the Excellent Observation Deck. and on the first, second and fourth floors of the Divine Paradise.

He can also be found between 5000 and 7999 yards in the Infinite Tunnel.

He can also be freed from the Crank-a-kai with a Green Coin.

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Happierre can be found in trees and streams in Uptown Springdale during the day and under cars in Harrisville Station Plaza.

He can also be found between 20,000 and 39,999 yards in Hazy Lane.

He can be also freed from the Crank-a-kai with a Green Coin.

He can also be found in Blasters T in the Temple of Clusis ② and the Shining and Heavenly Labyrinths.

Yo-kai Watch 4[]

Happierre's souls can be found in the Yo-kai Sumo Ring. They are a reward for completing the Skilled Arena. He can also be found in the Gutsy Bones battles in Enma Tournament - Oni Arena.

Yo-kai Watch Blasters[]

Happierre can be found on Patrol Missions in Blossom Heights. An NPC Happierre called Mr. Happierre resides in the Blasters House as part of the B Team. He allows the player to swap the Yo-kai in their party.

He is required for the Happy Couples and Legendary Blasters Yo-kai Circles.

Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble[]

Happierre can be found in stage 38, 53, 98, 125, 130, 136, 148, secret stage 5-3, 6-5 and 8-6, stage 19 on Super Mystery Way and stage 39 in Ultra Terror Time.

He can be also freed from the Crank-a-kai using a Green Coin, Cheerful Coin, and a Mystery Coin.

Game data[]

Main series[]

Yo-kai Watch[]

Stats Calculation
This shows Happierre's stat on level: 99.

Type Name Power Attribute Range
Attack Body Bash (Japanese: あてみ Atemi) 15-67 Single enemy
No description.
Technique Restore (Japanese: 回復の術 Kaifuku no Jutsu) 50-110 Restoration Single ally
No description.
Inspirit Cheerfulness (Japanese: ほのぼのさせる Honobono sa seru) Single ally
Fills an ally's heart with cheer and steadily recovers HP.
Soultimate Move Air of Happiness (Japanese: ほのぼのフィールド Honobono Field, lit. Heartwarming Field) All allies
Gradually recovers HP of allies with a blissful aura.
Skill Caring (Japanese: おせわ Osewa)
Gradually recovers HP of adjacent Yo-kai.

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Stats Calculation
This shows Happierre's stat on level: 99.

Type Name Power Attribute Range
Attack Body Bash (Japanese: あてみ Atemi) 15-67 Single enemy
No description.
Technique Restore (Japanese: 回復の術 Kaifuku no Jutsu) 50-110 Restoration Single ally
No description.
Inspirit Cheerfulness (Japanese: ほのぼのさせる Honobono sa seru) Single ally
Fills an ally's heart with cheer and steadily recovers HP.
Soultimate Move Air of Happiness (Japanese: ほのぼのフィールド Honobono Field, lit. Heartwarming Field) All allies
Gradually recovers HP of allies with a blissful aura.
Skill Caring (Japanese: おせわ Osewa)
Gradually recovers HP of adjacent Yo-kai.
Soul Effect
Soul heartful Restores HP of Adjacent Allies' (Small)
Blasters stats[]
Blasters healer
Blasters Stats Happierre
HP: 1
Strength Stat rank E
Spirit Stat rank B
Speed Stat rank C

Button Move
Button A Attack
Hits an enemy nearby
Button X Circle Restore
Restores HP to one or more Yo-kai if charged.

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Blasters stats[]

Yo-kai Watch 4[]

Stats Calculation
SPD Slow
Role Healer
This shows Happierre's stat on level: 120.
Attribute: Light icon Weak Attribute: Drain icon

Attribute tolerance[]

Fire icon Ice icon Earth icon Lightning icon Water icon Wind icon
Tolerance of attribute attack
Strong × ⇒ △ ⇒ - ⇒ ○ ⇒ ◎ weak

Held items[]

Games Items
Yo-kai Watch Li'l Angel Heals 20%

Top Techniques 5%

Yo-kai Watch 2
Yo-kai Watch 3
Yo-kai Watch Blasters

Spin-off games[]

Yo-kai Watch Blasters[]

Yo-kai Watch Busters 2[]

Other games[]

Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble[]

Happierre Wib Wob
Stats Calculation
This shows Happierre's stat on level: 50.
Soultimate Move
Air of Happiness
Summons his wife Dismarelda.
Other Effects
Soultimate Levels
LV01 Summoned Area: 40pt
LV02 Summoned Area: 44pt
LV03 Summoned Area: 47pt
LV04 Summoned Area: 49pt
LV05 Summoned Area: 51pt
LV06 Summoned Area: 56pt
LV07 Summoned Area: 58pt
Skill Levels
LV01 Effect: N/A
LV02 Effect: N/A
LV03 Effect: N/A
LV04 Effect: N/A
LV05 Effect: N/A

Yo-kai Watch: Ukiukupedia[]


Restoration Attribute
Earth Attribute
Restoration Attribute


  • Befriended: "You've won ze battle and my heart! Merci. Let me call you mon petit chou."
  • Receiving food (favourite): "C'est bon."
  • Freed from the Crank-a-Kai: "Hey, hey! You 'ave freed me? Merci, mon petit chou."

In the anime[]

Main article: Happierre (anime)


  • "Happierre" is a portmanteau of "happy" and "Pierre."
  • "Honobono" is a play on "honobono" (Japanese: ほのぼの heartwarming).
  • "Felisonte" is a portmanteau between "Feliz" (happy) and "Monte" (mountain).
  • "Felicio" is a name made up by the word "Felice" (happy).
  • "Jojojoyeux" is a portmanteau of "Joyeux" (Joyful) and "jovial" and "enjoué" (playful) (or could possibly be a portmanteau of the name Jojo and Joyeux).
  • "Frohland" is a combination of "Froh" (happy, joyful) and the name "Roland."


  • Happierre's first appearance in Yo-kai Watch parallels his first appearance in the anime.
    • The difference is that he does not give his Yo-kai Medal to the player before leaving.
  • When snapped in the Yo-kai Cam, his tip is the following: "Your smiling face brightens the mood around you!"
  • Happierre's marriage to Dismarelda could be a nod to the old adage "opposites attract," for both Yo-kai have a romantic interest in one another but have complete opposite personalities and effects on humans.
  • Happierre and Grumpus Khan are one of the few Yo-kai to keep their Japanese verbal tics in rare instances; the localized version of Yo-kai Watch Blasters is an example.

In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan  Japanese ホノボーノ Honobono
Flag of Spain  Spanish Felisonte
Flag of France  French Jojojoyeux
Flag of Italy  Italian Felicio Name based of the Italian Word for Happy. [Felice]
Flag of Germany  German Frohland
Flag of South Korea  Korean 보노보노 Bonobono
Flag of Russia  Russian Благодушник
More Languages
Flag of the United Arab Emirates  Arabic بشوش
Flag of Hong Kong  Chinese (Cantonese)* 可喏啵喏
Flag of the Republic of China
Flag of the People's Republic of China
  Chinese (Mandarin)*
暖暖妖 "Warm, Warm, Monster"
Flag of Brazil  Portuguese (Brazilian) Joviallan