Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki
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Hazy Lane (Japanese: えんえんあぜみち En'en Azemichi) is a rice paddy field that can be found at Greenfields in Yo-kai Watch 3. This area mirrors the Infinite Tunnel that appeared in Yo-kai Watch 2, except it now includes some extra events. Likewise, it can only be done once a day and resets at 6:00AM on the Nintendo 3DS's system clock.

The goal of this area is to cross the rice paddy fields as long as the player can, while they make decisions based on the things that they find in the field. Depending on the choices, the distance of the exit may be further or shorter and they may or may not find items or encounter Yo-kai.

The exit is indicated by a gate, similar to the one at the entrance of Mt. Wildwood Shrine, and a row of trees.


Hazy Lane serves as a replacement to its predecessor, The Infinite Tunnel, and as a result shares many features with a handful of its own differences.

Entering Hazy Lane can be only done once a day, with the player being prompted to save before entering. The player's daily visit resets at 6:00 AM, based on the system clock of the Nintendo 3DS.

The main goal of the Hazy Lane remains unchanged from its predecessor, which is to travel as far as possible, with the chance to meet Rare Yo-kai, including the friend forms of several Boss Yo-kai, the further one travels. The player's best record of distance traveled, recorded in yards/metres, depending on region, can be found in their profile in the Contacts app.

Initially, the player will reach Hazy Lane's end at about roughly 500-1000 yards. Subsequent visits lengthen the field, typically by another 1000 yards/metres. The field's length is also affected by how the player responds to questions and situations presented by certain NPCs found in the fields. These NPCs may trigger a battle or give the player an item, depending on the choices they make. The player can leave Hazy Lane earlier by interacting with a scarecrow, which appear on the left side of the path, similar to the doors in Infinite Tunnel.

Yo-kai can also be encountered walking down Hazy Lane and talking to them gives the player the option to battle them. Occasionally, Yo-kai may be found stationary in the middle of the pathway, which will force the player to battle when approached. The Yo-kai found near the start of the field are initially low ranked, but the Yo-kai encountered much further down the field gradually change to higher ranking ones.

In the Hazy Lane Moody Mary and Skulk can also be found.


Under 6,000 Yards[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
YW3Herbibo Herbiboy Rank E icon YW3Herbibo Anytime Any ???%
YW3Brushid Brushido Rank E icon YW3TongusYW3Dazzab Anytime Any ???%
YW3Neggpla Neggplant Rank E icon YW3WydeawYW3Dimmy Anytime Any ???%
YW3InTun In-Tune Rank E icon YW3WhNaa Anytime Any ???%
YW3NoGoKar No-Go Kart Rank E icon YW3Cutnah Anytime Any ???%
YW3Cadin Cadin Rank E icon YW3Hoppy Anytime Any ???%
Who-Me Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Oh Wheel Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Chilled Cowcao Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
D'wanna Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Quagmira Rank E icon D'wanna Anytime Any ???%
Wazzat Rank E icon Brokenbrella Anytime Any ???%
Dummkap Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Dulluma Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Zip Unlock Rank E icon Petty-Cake, Snaggly Anytime Any ???%
YW3Dimmy Dimmy Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Treeter Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
YW3Wydeaw Wydeawake Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Pallysol Rank E icon Pallysol Anytime Any ???%
Putasockinit Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Furgus Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Lil Blue Bathing Hood Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Why Naant Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Noway Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Messyrai Rank E icon Anytime Any ???%
Buhu Rank E icon Negatibuzz, Ake Anytime Any ???%
YW3Lafalott Lafalotta Rank D icon YW3SnailspYW3LovTor Anytime Any ???%

6,000 - 9,999 Yards[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Wantston Rank E icon Hungramps
Helmsman Rank D icon Anytime Any ???%
Tattletell Rank D icon Anytime Any ???%
Cupistol Rank D icon Anytime Any ???%
OMGator Rank D icon Anytime Any ???%
Unshelltered Rank D icon Anytime Any ???%
Indexter Rank D icon Anytime Any ???%
Mermaidyn Rank D icon
Smogling Rank D icon
Tomorrow Gal Rank D icon
Chicken Chukket Rank D icon
Enefly Rank D icon
Enerfly Rank D icon

10,000 - 19,999 Yards[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Goofball Rank D icon Anytime Any ???%
Lodo Rank D icon
Fishpicable Rank D icon
Blowkade Rank D icon
Tublappa Rank D icon
Mynimo Rank D icon
Dismarelda Rank D icon
Minochi Rank D icon
Chatalie Rank D icon
Predictabull Rank D icon
Draggie Rank D icon
Stinkeye Rank C icon
Ben Tover Rank C icon
Shmoopie Rank C icon
Toiletta Rank C icon
Drizzelda Rank C icon
Ray O'Light Rank C icon
Greengramps Rank C icon
Mr. Blockhead Rank C icon
K'mon-K'mon Rank C icon
Blazion Rank C icon
Lady Longnek Rank C icon
Count Zapaway Rank C icon
Babblong Rank C icon
Rhumbastiltskin Rank C icon
Whapir Rank C icon
Tengloom Rank C icon
Blips Rank C icon
Repossessor Rank C icon
Misterr Typoo Rank C icon
Right Brothers Rank C icon
Spenp Rank C icon
Flumpy Rank C icon
Disliking Rank C icon
Lazy Sundae Rank C icon

20,000 - 39,999 Yards[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Swelton Rank C icon Anytime Any ???%
Mad Mountain Rank C icon
Ledballoon Rank C icon
Touphant Rank C icon
Cheeksqueek Rank C icon
Chippa Rank C icon
Sing Kong Rank C icon
Ol' Fortune Rank C icon
Nekidspeed Rank C icon
Slippy Rank C icon
Mirapo Rank C icon
Soloman Rank C icon
Chansin Rank C icon
Injurnalist Rank C icon
Compunzer Rank C icon
Papa Windbag Rank C icon
Nagatha Rank C icon
Failian Rank C icon
Crook-a-doodle Rank C icon
Castelius III Rank C icon
Mudmunch Rank C icon
Happierre Rank C icon
BBQvil Rank C icon
Croonger Rank C icon
Ol' Saint Trick Rank C icon
Illoo Rank C icon
Alloo Rank C icon
Rhinoggin Rank B icon
Beetler Rank B icon
Quaken Rank B icon
Lil' Kappa Rank B icon
Verygoodsir Rank B icon
Lamedian Rank B icon
Alloo Rank B icon
Statikid Rank B icon
Goruma Rank B icon
Confuze Rank B icon
Pearly White Rank B icon
Grumples Rank B icon
Snobetty Rank B icon
Cynake Rank B icon
Contrarioni Rank B icon
Ooze Zat Rank B icon
Hot Air Buffoon Rank B icon
Draaagin Rank B icon
Nird Rank B icon
Shrook Rank B icon
Frostina Rank B icon
Slitheref Rank A icon
Greesel Rank A icon
Faux Kappa Rank A icon
Timidevil Rank A icon
Hairum Scarum Rank A icon
Casanono Rank A icon
Ghostess Rank A icon
Mircle Rank A icon
Dubbles Rank A icon
Steaking Rank A icon
Eyesoar Rank A icon
Mython Rank A icon
Negasus Rank A icon
Whirlweasel Rank A icon
Papa Bolt Rank A icon
Mama Aura Rank A icon
Kyryn Rank S icon
Chymera Rank S icon
Thurston Rank S icon
Tengu Rank S icon
Tenguriginal Rank S icon

40,000 - 89,999 Yards[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Grainpa Rank B icon Anytime Any ???%
Shreek Rank A icon
Master Oden Rank A icon
Slimamander Rank A icon
Sproink Rank A icon
SV Snaggerjag Rank A icon
Nul Rank A icon
El Sharkador Rank S icon
Nunchucky Rank S icon
Auntie Heart Rank S icon
Count Cavity Rank S icon
Frostail Rank S icon
Damona Rank S icon
Eterna Rank S icon
Shadow Venoct Rank S icon
Snow Spect-hare Rank S icon
Sonic Bam Rank S icon
Dr. Nocturne Rank S icon
Horridjinn Rank S icon
Clodzilla Rank S icon
Inflammaboy! Rank S icon
Goldenyan Rank S icon
Cruncha Rank S icon

Special Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
YW3Grainp Grainpa* Rank B icon
47 Anytime Any ?%
YW3MasOde Master Oden* Rank A icon
47 Anytime Any ?%
YW3Skreek Skreek* Rank A icon
47 Anytime Any ?%
YW3Nul Nul* Rank A icon
47 Anytime Any ?%
YW3Sproin Sproink* Rank A icon
47 Anytime Any ?%
YW3SVSnagg SV Snaggerjag* Rank A icon
47 Anytime Any ?%
YW3Slimam Slimamander* Rank A icon
47 Anytime Any ?%
YW3Arachni Arachnia* Rank S icon
47 Anytime Any ?%

Boss Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Level Health Weakness
YW3BossSkulk Skulk 50 Wind icon


Object Function
Scarecrow It will take the player out of the lane. However, it may also have other effects.
The Infinite Railroad If the player chose to board the Infinte Railroad, it will take them a good distance either closer or farther from the exit. Their distance counter will change accordingly.
The Vending Machine
  • $1.00 - The player will either battle a weak Yo-kai or receive a cheap item.
  • $10.00 - The player will either battle a Yo-kai or receive an item. 
  • $100.00 - The player will either battle a strong Yo-kai or receive a rare item.

Interactive Characters[]

There are some NPCs the player can interact with, which can affect the outcome of the Hazy Lane pathways. For example, The Tangler asks the most questions out of the many different humans the player can encounter.

The Tangler[]

Choice Outcome
"Before you are three well-made models and a sturdy hammer. Yo have to smash one of the models with the hammer... Which one would you smash?"
An amazing car. The exit will get farther away.
A worn, old castle. The player will receive an item.
Combirobot. The player will battle a Yo-kai.
"You are waiting, alone and in the driving rain, for the bus... You wait and wait but the bus doesn't come... You have no means to contact anyone... So, what do you do?"
Keep on waiting anyway. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and the exit will get farther away.
Walk through the heavy rain. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and the exit will become closer.
"You trip over your own feet and fall into a deep, dark hole... Cursing your luck, you look up. What you see astounds you. Here in the dark where no light can reach what is it that you see?"
A Skull. The player receives an item and the exit will get farther away.
A beautiful Jewel. The exit will become closer.
"You have decided to climb a mountain. It is, for you, your first ever mountain... What sort of mountain do you climb?"
The world's tallest mountain. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and receive an item.
A safe to climb mountain. The exit will get farther away, and the player will receive an item.
"You stand up high up in a lighthouse with a view that stretches to the far horizon... From there you see a large shadow approach from across the sea... What is it?"
A large pod of dolphins. The exit will get closer.
A sinking ship. The exit will get farther away.
A new continent. The player will receive an item.
"Late at night you stand in your empty classroom, your mind a blank... Along the back wall are examples of dictation that the class have taken... You must remember some of the words there... What sort of words do you remember?"
Pearls before swine. The player will get an item.
Extravagant vim and vigor. The exit will get closer.
More haste less speed. The exit will get farther away.
"You are watching TV in the living room with your folks... What do you see on television?"
An interesting anime. The player will receive an item.
News of a big event. .The player will battle a Yo-kai, the exit will get farther away.
"A high wall blocks the path that you must travel... How do you proceed?"
Climb over with a ladder. The exit will get closer.
Retrace one's steps. The exit will get farther away.
Smash with all one's might. The player will receive an item.
"There is a blank white page before you. You may color that paper in the color of your choice, to the extent you want... What color does that paper become?"
Gray colored. The exit will get closer.
Rainbow colored. The player will battle a Yo-kai, will recieve an item, and the exit will get farther away.
"A frightful witch has laid a hex on you that will be fatal in three days... You have just three more days... How do you spend your final days?"
Search for a way to remove a curse. The exit will get farther away.
Enjoy to one's heart's content. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and will receive an item.
Say one's goodbyes to everyone. The exit will get closer.
"You are watching TV in the living room with your folks, what do you see on the television?"
An interesting Anime. The player will receive an item.
News of a big event. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and the exit will get farther away.


Choice Outcome
"You are on a deserted island. Cast adrift from a sinking ship, you were washed ashore unconscious... As you come to you realize that you are gripping something in your right hand... What is it?"
A rusty spade. The player will battle a Yo-kai and receive an item.
A sand covered cellphone. The player will battle a Yo-kai, the exit will get farther away.
Crumpled bills. The exit will get closer.
"You are fast asleep in the middle of a dream. What kind of dream is it?"
A dream of sinking in dark water. The player will battle a Yo-kai, the exit will get closer.
A dream full of water birds. The player will battle a Yo-kai, the exit will get farther away.
A dream of drinking a cup of water. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and receive an item.
"Fire! Quickly, put out the fire! Everyone, form a bucket chain! Now, where is the leader of your bucket chain?"
Close to the origin of the fire. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and the exit will get farther away.
Near the middle. The player will battle a Yo-kai, the exit will get closer.
Near a watering place. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and will receive an item.
"A certain three brothers started fighting amongst themselves! Who, among the following, was the worst?"
Oblivious first son. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and will receive an item.
Violent second son. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and the exit will get closer.
Lying third son. The player will battle a Yo-Kai, and the exit will get farther away.
"Standing before you is a fearsome monster... What terror! Such peril! Your very survival is in doubt!... What do you do?"
Battle. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and the exit will get farther away.
Battle. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and the exit will get farther away.
Battle. The player will battle a Yo-kai, and the exit will get farther away.

The Crowman[]

Choice Outcome
We need more The exit will get closer, and the frequency of scarecrows appearing will increase on the next visit.
There are enough. The player will battle a Yo-kai.
They're useless! The exit will get farther away.

Last n First Fella & First n Last Lass[]

Choice Outcome
Scarecrow. The player will receive an item.
Cocoa. The player will battle a Yo-kai.
Bag. The exit will be closer.


Choice Outcome
Eroding. The exit will get closer.
Not Eroding. The exit will get closer.
I don't know. The exit will get closer.


Choice Outcome
Tell enjoyable experience. The exit will get farther away.
Tell surprising experience. The player will receive an item.
Tell sad experience. The exit will get closer.

Runaway Girl[]

Choice Outcome
I hate them. The player will receive a cheap item.
I like them. The player will battle a Yo-kai.

Lucky Lady[]

Choice Outcome
Let's share. The player will battle a Yo-kai.
I refuse. The player will receive a cheap item.

Aching Animal[]

Choice Outcome
This is Happiness. The exit will get closer.
This is Sadness. The exit will get farther away.

Campaign Girl[]

Choice Outcome
I'll give it a try. The player will battle a Yo-kai.
I'd rather not. The player will receive an item.

Shifty Courier[]

Choice Outcome
Accept. The player will receive an item.
Decline. The player will battle a Yo-kai.

Forgetful Man[]

Choice Outcome
"Do you like Hazy Lane's pathways too?"
I love them. The exit will get farther away.
I detest them. The exit will get closer.

Mr. Donothing[]

Choice Outcome
"Doing nothing is the best thing! You agree with me, don't you?"
Nod quietly. Nothing happens.
Shake head. Nothing happens.
Do nothing. Nothing happens.

Springdale Elementary Class 5-1/ 5-2[]

Either Hailey's or Nate's classmates appear, with a student on both sides of the pathway, clapping for the player's arrival. Talking to the homeroom teacher will result in the exit being farther. Talking to the students will have them say nothing but Well done!. Though some will give the player items.

Talk to Bear when playing as Nate when encountered, and he will randomly give you the Bernsteinyan Voice for the player's Build-a-Nyan.

Human Tunnel[]

The player will encounter a group of children forming a tunnel with their hands and the player must cross it, if the children yell "stop!" before the player reaches the end, they will reveal themselves to be Yo-kai and start a team battle, if the player gets all the way to the end of the tunnel it will result in the exit being farther.

The Seer[]

A young boy will offer to tell you your fortune, asking which type you would like to hear. This allows altering the pathway's length, bringing the exit closer or further away depending on your response.

Other Encounters[]

Several other humans and Yo-kai can be seen in the Hazy Lane pathways and interacted with, but they do not affect the outcome of the distance.

Polite Peyton[]

A boy who lets the player go ahead as he 'enjoys people watching.' However, when next encountered, he has turned into an old man.

Piny Pensioner[]

An Old man talks about how the scenery stirs fond memories of his past.

Shaky Woman[]

A scared woman suspects that she's being followed by someone, she warns the player that if they plan on going any further and feel like they're being followed, they should run away as fast as possible. This is likely referring to The Chase.

Naive Child[]

A child pondering about how everything looks strange.

Davy Dropsy[]

He only appears when the game view is turned outside down, poking him will result in him falling off the screen, doing this twice will make the third encounter with the NPC be replaced by Skreek, who had taken the form of a human in danger to scare people, but the poking caused them to fall into a hole. They can be battled and befriended normally and will give the player a copy of a random book.

Pebble Guy[]

Says he's looking for pretty pebbles, claims that if he gets to find one he will show it to you.

Fastidious Fran[]

She goes on about how she washed one of her dirty hands but got the other one dirty in the process, then tried to wash that hand but got the first hand dirty, with the cycle repeating.

Tour guide[]

A woman attempting to give a tour of Hazy Lanes, but falls apart trying to describe what can be seen behind them, stating that the tour has ended in disaster.

Laughing Lady[]

A lady that is constantly laughing with no context given.

Hard-Luck Harry[]

He tells the player about how he has lost everything and how liberating it feels, they tell the player they should try losing everything too.

Calming Lady[]

Tries to cheer up the player and ask them to give her a smile.

Chasing Lady[]

A lady asks if the player has seen a young woman as they were leaving, with brown hair, wearing red glasses and a bright pink skirt. She asks to let her know if the player sees her. In fact, she actually describes herself, as she has brown hair and wears red glasses and a pink skirt.


A text bubble suddenly appears, telling the player to "freeze!". Moving causes another bubble to appear, declaring that the player has moved and triggers a Yo-kai battle. Standing still will cause the camera to slowly zoom in on the player, giving the impression that something is approaching them, though it will eventually zoom out.

Rarely, another text bubble may appear after the camera zooming out, declaring that the player has been 'captured'. This triggers a battle with high ranking Yo-kai including Rare Yo-kai and the friend forms of Boss Yo-kai.

Hyottoko Trio[]

Occasionally, the player will come across a trio of dancers wearing hyottoko masks parading down the fields. While the trio cannot be interacted with, after encountering and passing by them, there is a small chance the dancers will suddenly reappear, accompanied by a red screen, in an attempt to jump scare the player.

Once the screen dissolves back to normal gameplay, the player will discover that they have been transformed into a dancer themselves, with heavily reduced walking speed and the inability to sprint. The effect wears off after walking 20 yards.


A Faysoff disguises itself as Nate/Hailey. If asked who they are they'll reveal they've lost their face before revealing themselves and dropping a random item upon running away.


A Mimikin can be found stuck in the paddy's irrigation ditch to the side of the pathway and can be freed by interacting with him. There's a chance he gives the player the elusive Issue 3 of Fancy That!, which triggers a quest in BBQ involving Nate's doppelgänger. Subsequent findings of Mimikin yield a random item after helping him.

On rare occasions, three Mimikins can be found stuck in the paddy, though interacting with them reveals they are simply engaged in a synchronized swimming exercise.

Master Oden[]

Sometimes the player can find Master Oden's stall in the side of the pathway, by talking to him the player can choose to either eat some oden or battle Master Oden alongside the Manjimutt at the stall instead, he can be befriended by normal methods.


A Nul can rarely be found among the group of students of Class 5-1 who congratulate the player. Speaking to him and choosing "Noticed" triggers a battle where he can be befriended normally.


A Heron will be sometimes found at the side of the pathway, by interacting with it they will give the player a random item.

Sproink & SV Snaggerjag[]

Sometimes the player will encounter Sproink and SV Snaggerjag together, after a bit of a chat the player gets to choose which one they want to battle, Sproink and SV Snaggerjag, and they can be befriended by traditional means.

Old Lady[]

An elderly paddy worker gives food to the player if spoken to. After encountering her three times, she will battle the player, revealing herself to be an Arachnia accompanied by a Nagatha and Infour. Each Yo-kai can be befriended normally.

Excel Ent[]

On very rare occasions, the player can encounter Excel Ent. Talking to them will make them ask who the player thinks they are looking at, and that they'll be staring at the player too one day.

Telephone Booth[]

Along the way, the player will come across a telephone booth, what kind of call they receive is random and will often be greeted with a choice, some of the outcomes can result in obtaining an item or make the exit get farther/closer.

Yo-kai Storytime[]

The caller will tell a story about a tormented cat, continuously choosing "Do not hang up the phone." will make them repeat the story again and again, but each time random letters will disappear from the text, resulting to the person on the other side of the phone saying "We won't never let you GO". After closing the first call, the player will receive a Build-a-nyan part, subsequent calls will not give the player anything else.

Prank Call[]

The caller will warn the player that something horrible will happen if they don't select "Go Back to title", continuously choosing "Continue the Game" despite the constant warnings will result in the caller eventually saying "Didn't fall for it huh?" Selecting "Go back to title" he will tell you to keep hitting it then eventually it will send you back to the title screen forcing you to wait for hazy fields to restart at 6:00 AM

Today's News[]

The caller will report the news about a festival in which the player apparently took part of, selecting "I found it interesting" will result on the exit being further away. The festival is probably a reference to the Hyottoko Trio.


Sometimes you will be called by Grainpa, he will offer the player some food, if the player chooses "Want a rice ball", they will get a random rice ball item, choosing "Want some bread" will trigger a battle. Here Grainpa can be befriended normally.

Random Dynamics[]

Echoing sound[]

Each time the player passes 1000 yards, a weird echoing sound can be heard. It is the same as the one in the Infinite Tunnel. Sometime, the sound can play randomly when the player walks/runs.


The loudspeaker can be heard a lot when travelling in Hazy Lane. For example, by entering it, a voice through the speaker says "Thank you for travelling with us today folk!" The player can also hear loudspeaker disfunction noises randomly, without any clear reasons behind it.


The music abruptly stops and the sound of heavy footsteps trampling on wet ground can be heard only as the player moves, giving the impression that they are being followed. This event only happens before defeating Skulk.

Shadow Demon[]

Shadow Demon

The shadow demon

An unknown creature that resembles Skulk can appear, staring at the player. It doesn't appear when it's revealed the creature is Skulk. Additionally, this creature will appear right side up during the screen flip event, when the screen is flipped 180 degrees.

Heartbeat (hb)[]

Similarly to the footsteps, the music can also abruptly stop and the sound of a heartbeat can be heard temporarily. As the player continues to walk down the pathways, the heartbeat will become faster. After a few more yards/meters traveled, the heartbeat will stop, and the music will resume playing. In another case, the heartbeat will start normally, but then switch into a rythm of: one hb, one hb, three fast hb.

Moody Mary's Window[]

A floating window appears in the distance and swings open, revealing Moody Mary as she observes the player. It will disappear after a short time.

Screen flip[]

The screen slowly rotates 180 degrees, turning the game view upside down, and moving left and right is reversed. The screen is flipped back to normal after travelling a certain distance. Once this dynamic occurs, the screen only rotates as the player moves, meaning standing still can have the screen display at different angles in between the transition.

Screen shake[]

The screen will suddenly shake and will play a rumbling sound. Usually, this signals that the chase will happen in a few more yards, but sometimes nothing would happen.

The Chase[]

When the Chase starts, the camera will face the front of the player, and the screen will shake as either Skulk or a giant crayfish will appear behind the player. The player should start moving away immediately, and run while "!" appears above the player.  The creature will chase the player for roughly 100-200 yards/meters; getting caught results in the player being moved closer to the start. If the player succeeds in escaping the creature, they will continue as normal but be temporarily out of stamina if a Staminum or Staminum Alpha wasn't used. The inventory can still be opened during a chase.


  • The walking distance for Hazy Lane is measured in meters rather than yards compared to the Infinite Tunnel. In the Japanese version of Yo-kai Watch 2, meters was used as walking distance for the area. This is likely an oversight.
  • In the European version of the game, distance in Hazy Lane is shown as 'metres', however in the player card it is referred to in yards. This is not a unit conversion, as the number is still the same.
  • The music for Hazy Lane is the longest song in the Yo-kai Watch games, which is about over four minutes long compared to the Infinite Tunnel.


In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan  Japanese えんえんあぜみち En'en Azemichi Endless road
Flag of Spain  Spanish Calle neblina Foggy street
Flag of France  French Chemin brumeux Hazy path
Flag of Italy  Italian Vicolo Nebbioso Misty Alley
Flag of Germany  German Wandelweg Changing Path

Locations in Springdale
Districts Uptown SpringdaleBlossom HeightsDowntown SpringdaleShopper's RowBreezy HillsMt. WildwoodExcellent TowerHarrisville Station PlazaHarrisvilleSan FantasticoSparkopolisGreenfields
Interior Areas Adams HouseForester HouseEverymartBanter BakeryPiggleston BankLambert Post OfficeJungle HunterSpringdale Community CenterSpringdale Elementary SchoolMemory StoreLogan's HouseShrine Behind the WaterfallMt. Wildwood - SummitDeserted HouseCandy StopSpringdale Hot SpringsTimers & MorePrayer's Peak TunnelBernstein HouseSpringdale RailwayChloro-Phil GoodWayfarer ManorByrd HouseShoten TempleMegan's HouseFoundation AcademyFortune HospitalNom BurgerFrostia's PlaceSpringdale Business TowerArcadia ArcadeSeabreeze TunnelSunset MallBelly Buster Curry HouseCafé ShanistaSpringdale Sports ClubTortoise Camera ShopSpringdale Underground AreaSumptuous SukiyakiSpringdale Flower RoadSuperior StyleToys iZ WeNorth Wind RamenSun PavilionSushi SpringdaleSettle In BookstoreWhatta FindTranquility ApartmentsTempura TempestArcher HouseStone HouseGourd Pond MuseumWisteria GardensBreezy Hills ApartmentsThomas HouseAmy's HouseLina's HouseStonewood HouseGrandma's HouseMountain MarketHarrisville SchoolRusty's MartDeserted HouseRolling Waves Meeting HallDragon HeightsAnimeChumMaid in HeavenNext HarMEOWny TheaterSoba SensationDetective Agency
Yo-kai Areas The CatwalkDesolate LaneShady Back AlleyLonely WaterwayHidden Side StreetTucked Away LotSecret BywayAcademy ShortcutBehind Frostia's PlaceDelivery BayRugged PathShopping Street NarrowsMt. Wildwood - Mountain PathJumbo SliderRice Paddy PathAlley off the PlazaHidden WorkshopBriny GrottoShady Parking LotJunk AlleySpringdale Underground Parking
Dungeons Old MansionSpringdale Underground WaterwayConstruction SiteSpringdale Business TowerGourd Pond MuseumSpringdale Elementary SchoolAbandoned TunnelNocturne HospitalMt. MiddletonInfinite TunnelSeaside CaveIllusionary SparkopolisHazy Lane
Access to The Yo-kai WorldAmbrosia PavillionInfinite InfernoMystery WayGera Gera Abyss ResortYopple HQTatsumi-kawabata - NorthSakura Motomachi (Past)Yo-kai World (Past)Enma's Palace (Future)
Districts Old SpringdaleOld HarrisvilleOld Harrisville Station PlazaMount Wildwood (past)Gourd Pond (past)
Interior Areas Shoten TempleTimers & MoreSpringdale Hot SpringsGalleria BoulevardSpringdale IronworksSunset Manufacturing Co.Ninja ForestSecret BaseOld-Time HousePrayer's Peak TunnelFlatpot Plains
Yo-kai Areas Well RoadFox Shrine RoadRice Paddy
Dungeons Mt. Middleton
Access to Infinite InfernoSawayama Castle Town

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