Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki
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Hinohikari is only exclusive to Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble.

This article is of a Yo-kai which only appears in that game and may or may not appear in future titles.

Yo-kai Medallium biography
Yo-kai Medallium
"After longing for the moon for what seems like a long while, in a twist of fate, he was reincarnated as the Prince of the Dazzling Sun. He has a strong sense of justice and burns evil, however, he is still getting used to the power of the sun. He always ends up burning too much."

Hinohikari (Japanese: ヒノヒカリ) is an Rank SSS Yo-kai of the Shady tribe exclusively in Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble. He is the reincarnation of Lunie.


Video games[]


Hinohikari resembles Lunie with fair skin with a red flame-like symbol on his belly. He has orange and yellow-colored hair which gives the impression it is on fire, and orange-red eyes. He wears an orange-colored necklace in the shape of a miitama. He wears a long-sleeved white shirt with red sleeves sporting a flame motif and pants with red threads tied around the ankle areas,and around his waist is tied a yellow-and-red hued sash, the ends of which sport a flame-like appearance. He has two red wings resembling those of a phoenix.


Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble[]

During the Final Fight!! Reincarnated Yo-kai Appear ~Bushinyan Future~ event, Hinohikari can be freed from the Reincarnation Crank-a-kai.

Game data[]

Hinohikari Wib Wob
Stats Calculation
This shows {{{name}}}'s stat on level: ??.
Soultimate Move
Pops a horizontal line of wib wobs.
Other Effects
Soultimate Levels
LV01 00
LV02 00
LV03 00
LV04 00
LV05 00
LV06 00
LV07 00
Skill Levels
His Soultimate Gauge remains filled by a certain amount after using his Soultimate Move

Deals more damage during Rinne Punitto Shot Battle

LV01 Effect: 00
LV02 Effect: 00
LV03 Effect: 00
LV04 Effect: 00
LV05 Effect: 00


"Hinohikari" is a pun on Hi (Japanese: "fire") and Hikari (Japanese: ヒカリ "light"), both written in katakana, befitting his sun motif.


See Lunie#Origin.


Related Yo-kai[]
