Houzzat is a light purple-pink colored box like Yo-kai having arms and orange lips with jagged and separated teeth. As his name would imply, Houzzat has a miniature yellow room with furniture inside his mouth.
Houzzat often experiences bouts of amnesia from time to time. This leaves him in a constant state of confusion, always wondering who he is, where he is, etc. Sometimes, this gets to the point where even if he's mid-conversation, he'll suddenly forget everything and start all over again. He speaks in a primitive, somewhat childish way, referring to himself in the 3rd person and uses "me" instead of "I".
Houzzat can eat a person's memories with greater efficiency and capacity than Wazzat, to the point of causing amnesia.
Evolve Wazzat at level 20. He can also be found on Gogo Junction (Main Line) in Mystery Way and can be freed from the Crank-a-kai in the present with a Yellow Coin.
Befriended: "Who were you again? Eh, who cares - let's be friends!"
Loafing: "What Houzzat do?"
Being traded: "Where WAS Houzzat? Where IS Houzzat? You help Houzzat?"
Receiving food (favorite): "Houzzat like!"
Receiving food (normal): "What was that?"
Receiving food (disliked): "*gag* MISTAKE!"
Freed from Crank-a-kai:"Houzzat not remember how Houzzat got here. FEED HOUZZAT MEMORIES!"
Being found in a Yo-kai Spot: "Well, hiiiii. Me Houzzat." "Can’t Houzzat mimic mailbox without gettin’ million questions?" "Why Houzzat here? Uh...Houzzat not really know." "..." "Well, hiiiii. Me Houzzat." (The player will then obtain three Getaway Plushes.)
(When you talk to Houzzat again): "So you found Houzzat. Now you want something, don’t you?" "...Huh. You already have it?"
"Maison du Wasure" is a wordplay on the French word "maison" and "dowasure" (ど忘れ, "memory lapse").
In a similar manner to Wazzat, "Houzzat" combines the phrase "Who's that?" and the word "house" or How's That?
"Mémogre" is a combination of "mémoire" (memory) and "ogre".
"Komecasa" is a corruption of the verb "comer" (to eat) and "casa" (home or house).
"Dimentigrand" is a combination of "dimenticare" (to forget) and "grand"
When snapped in the Yo-kai Cam, his tip is, "Who am I? What's going on?!"
Houzzat's "random" nicknames in Yo-kai Watch 2 are: Gulper, Colby, Grando, and Miles.