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Yo-kai Watch Wiki
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Infinite Inferno (Japanese: ムゲン地獄 Mugen Jigoku) is an area that appears in the Yo-kai Watch games. It's a prison filled with strong Yo-kai, that can only be accessed after beating the main story of the video games.

The entrance is in a small shed that is located beyond Prayer's Peak Tunnel, left of Blossom Heights. A key is required for the shed to be opened, which is obtained from Mr. Stone as part of a side-quest in Yo-kai Watch and Yo-kai Watch 2.

In Yo-kai Watch 3, the Infinite Inferno cannot be entered and is replaced by The Tower of Zenlightenment.

In the games[]

Yo-kai Watch[]

The player is told very little about the true nature of the Infinite Inferno. In the first game, after beating the final boss, Whisper tells the player that, while the Yo-kai made their way back to the human world after the Yo-kai Elevator was locked, the seal around the Infinite Inferno got weakened, and defines it as a part of the Yo-kai World that presumably got sealed due to the high power of the Yo-kai living there, probably referring to Wobblewok specifically (even though he later states he has no information about it), stating that they could destroy the human world if awakened and freed. He then asks the player to investigate and deal with this incoming danger.

The player is then hinted to find Mr. Stone in Breezy Hills. Upon finding him, he tells the player about a weird dream he's been having over and over since he was a boy, showing a hut in a grassy meadow on the other side of a tunnel west from Blossom Heights, which however he knows nothing about, nor did he ever manage to find said hut. Her wife will stop the player upon attempting to exit, confirming that her husband's dream was not actually just a dream; they went there multiple times, and she actually was able to feel something very sinister coming from the hut. She then reveals she's able to see Yo-kai, and assumes that whatever she felt messed up her husband's memory. She eventually gives the player a key she found during her last visit, which turns out to be the key that opens the hut, despite neither Mr or Mrs Stone were brave enough to ever enter.

Upon actually reaching the place Mr. Stone mentioned, Whisper feels a tremendously strong aura coming from the hut. After climbing down a ladder, the player is given access to the Infinite Inferno proper, as well as a Mirapo and Eyepo next to the entrance.

The Infinite Inferno is a huge underground dungeon made by 8 circles, which can be reached via ladders and doors that apparently lead nowhere, but will actually teleport the player elsewhere upon interaction. A lot of rare and sometimes otherwise unobtainable Yo-kai dwell there, including more Jibanyan. Despite its labyrinth-like layout, the area is way more linear than it looks like, as there is only one way that leads to the lowest circle and any other route ultimately lead to a dead end, usually containing a chest with rare items. There are, however, a couple of shortcuts that allow the player to get back faster, and some of the circles will be interrupted halfway through by scripted Terror Time sequences that will force the player to beat them in order to continue with the exploration. Losing a battle anywhere in the Infinite Inferno will result in a teleport back to the entrance.

The main purpose of the Infinite Inferno as a gameplay element, however, is being a boss gauntlet, featuring battles against recolored versions of each one of the main bosses fought during the story, except Tarantutor and the first phase of McKraken. Each battle is required for accessing the next circle and will automatically trigger as the player approaches the boss. Since all of the battles are technically rematches, the strategies for defeating the bosses are unchanged compared to the main story, with the only differences being the larger healthpool and damage output of the bosses themselves.

Once the boss rush is over, the player will access the 8th and final circle, where the background music will stop playing and the player will face Wobblewok, which serves as the final boss of the area and the origin of the chaotic energy that dominates the place. After Wobblewok is defeated, the player is warped back to their room, and the Infinite Inferno will reset. Should the player get back, all of the bosses will respawn and can be freely rematched, but the yellow chests will still be open.

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

The Infinite Inferno is introduced in a similar way, after beating the final boss of the game. Whisper and the player both have a weird feeling about the summer vacation being seemingly endless, realizing something strange is going on. Hovernyan appears and tells them the seal of the Infinite Inferno was broken, despite not knowing exactly where it is. He hints the player about a clue being located north of Gourd Pond Museum, before they accept to find out more.

Eventually the player will get back to Mr. Stone, who will tell the player a different story from the one seen in the first game: this time he will mention how a kid saved his life 60 years earlier, during the Wicked Yo-kai takeover of Old Springdale, who turns out to be Nathaniel Adams or Kenny Forester; he then ran away until he ended up in a grassy meadow with a little shed, despite forgetting everything else about that place. Similarly to the first game, her wife will stop the player upon trying to exit, giving them the key.

The Infinite Inferno is pretty much unchanged compared to the first game, with the same layout and same bosses, despite some of the Yo-kai being changed. However, upon beating Wobblewok again, a rope will drop down from the ceiling, unlocking the Divine Paradise, which is effectively an extension of the Infinite Inferno including rematches against bosses from the second game's main story, more Yo-kai and items, and a brand-new final boss, Kat Kraydel.


Item Name Location Games
Mega Exporb Mega Exporb Yellow treasure box, centre, 1F isolated area YW2
Hidden Hits Hidden Hits Yellow treasure box, east, 1F isolated area YW2
Top Techniques Top Techniques Yellow treasure box, 3F north, accessed from ladder in 4F YW2
Soul Secrets Soul Secrets Yellow treasure box, central-north-west, 4F YW2
A Serious Life A Serious Life Yellow treasure box, southern path dead end, 3F YW2
Mighty Medicine Mighty Medicine Yellow treasure box, northern path dead end, 3F YW2
Yellow treasure box, 7F east accessed from ladder in 6F YW2
Music Card Music Card x3 Yellow treasure box, west, 1F isolated area YW2
Dancing Star2 Dancing Star x3 Yellow treasure box, central-east, 4F YW2
Lottery Ticket Lottery Ticket x3 Yellow treasure box, south of 3-way fork, 3F YW2
Gold Doll Golden Doll Yellow treasure box, south-east, 5F YW2
YWCoinRed Red Coin Yellow treasure box, 2F YW2
YWCoinOrange Orange Coin Yellow treasure box, 3F, west of Styx Mk. VI YW2
YWCoinBlue Blue Coin Yellow treasure box, north-east, 5F YW2
YWCoinLightBlue Light Blue Coin Yellow treasure box, south-west, 6F YW2
Sun Bracelet Sun Bracelet Yellow treasure box, north-west, 4F YW2
Earth Charm Earth Charm Yellow treasure box, 1F west YW2
Galaxy Charm Galaxy Charm Yellow treasure box, south, 6F YW2
Lunar Ring Lunar Ring Yellow treasure box, central, 7F YW2
Marbled Beef Marbled Beef Yellow treasure box, 3F north-west, north of Styx Mk. VI YW2


Yo-kai Watch[]

Wild Yo-kai*[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Rate
Negaticon Negatibuzz Rank E icon NegaticonRoughriconSigniticonTantricon ? 30%
Manjicon Manjimutt Rank E icon ManjiconYW1KomsanTantriconSigniticon 51 ??%
Roughricon Roughraff Rank E icon RoughriconGreesiconYW1KomsanManjicon 21 50%
YW1Komsan Komasan Rank D icon YW1KomsanTantriconManjiconNegaticon ? 20%
Tantricon Tantroni Rank B icon TantriconNegaticonGreesiconRoughricon 51 40%
Signiticon Signiton Rank A icon SigniticonTantriconNegaticonYW1Komsan 49 5%
Papbolicon Papa Bolt Rank A icon Papbolicon ? 30%
Greesicon Greesel Rank S icon GreesiconNegaticonRoughriconSigniticon 53 5%
Roughricon Roughraff Rank E icon RoughriconTantriconSigniticonGreesicon 51 ?
Negaticon Negatibuzz Rank E icon NegaticonYW1KomsanTantriconManjicon 49 ?
Manjicon Manjimutt Rank E icon ManjiconTantriconYW1KomsanSigniticon 52 ?
YW1Komsan Komasan Rank D icon YW1KomsanRoughriconGreesiconNegaticon 51 ?
Tantricon Tantroni Rank B icon TantriconNegaticonRoughriconSigniticon 51 ?
Signiticon Signiton Rank A icon SigniticonRoughriconManjiconNegaticon 49 ?
Statikinicon Statiking Rank S icon Signiticon 53 ?
Greesicon Greesel Rank S icon GreesiconSigniticonManjiconYW1Komsan 53 ?
Helmsicon Helmsman Rank D icon HelmsiconDraggiconSuspicionBlazicon 53 ?
Suspicion Suspicioni Rank D icon SuspicionMamauriconHeheeiconHelmsicon ?? ?
Heheeicon Heheheel Rank D icon HeheeiconBlaziconDraggiconSuspicion ?? ?
Draggicon Draggie Rank D icon DraggiconBlaziconHeheeiconTenglicon 55 ?
Blazicon Blazion Rank C icon BlaziconTengliconMamauriconHelmsicon 57 ?
Tenglicon Tengloom Rank C icon TengliconHeheeiconHelmsiconSuspicion 55 ?
Mamauricon Mama Aura Rank S icon MamauriconHelmsiconTengliconSuspicion ?? ?
Helmsicon Helmsman Rank D icon HelmsiconHeheeiconMamauriconTenglicon ?? ?
Suspicion Suspicioni Rank D icon SuspicionHelmsiconHelmsiconBlazicon 58 ?
Heheeicon Heheheel Rank D icon HeheeiconMamauriconTengliconBlazicon ?? ?
Draggicon Draggie Rank D icon DraggiconTengliconHelmsiconSuspicion ?? ?
Blazicon Blazion Rank C icon BlaziconSuspicionDraggiconTenglicon ?? ?
Tenglicon Tengloom Rank C icon TengliconDraggiconBlaziconHeheeicon 55 ?
Mamauricon Mama Aura Rank S icon MamauriconHelmsiconBlaziconSuspicion ?? ?
Azudraicon Azure Dragon Rank S icon DraggiconDraggicon 64 ?
Jibanicon Jibanyan Rank D icon JibaniconHidaiconSusyamiconBlanicon 60 ?
Hidaicon Hidabat Rank D icon HidaiconInsoiconGrumpiconBlanicon 62 ?
Susyamicon Sushiyama Rank B icon SusyamiconJibaniconGrumpiconHidaicon 61 ?
Blanicon Blandon Rank B icon BlaniconSusyamiconInsoiconGrumpicon 62 ?
Grumpicon Grumples Rank B icon GrumpiconBlaniconJibaniconHidaicon 61 ?
Insoicon Insomni Rank S icon InsoiconSusyamiconBlaniconGrumpicon 63 ?
Jibanicon Jibanyan Rank D icon JibaniconGrumpiconHidaiconGrumpicon 60 ?
Hidaicon Hidabat Rank D icon HidaiconSusyamiconJibaniconGrumpicon 62 ?
Susyamicon Sushiyama Rank B icon SusyamiconBlaniconInsoiconHidaicon 61 ?
Blanicon Blandon Rank B icon BlaniconJibaniconSusyamiconHidaicon 62 ?
Grumpicon Grumples Rank B icon GrumpiconInsoiconBlaniconSusyamicon 61 ?
Insoicon Insomni Rank S icon InsoiconHidaiconBlaniconSusyamicon 63 ?
Sandicon Sandi Rank S icon Insoicon 66 ?
Infoicon Infour Rank B icon InfoiconCompuniconMultimiconTimidicon 64 ?
Multimicon Multimutt Rank B icon MultimiconInfoiconTimidiconCompunicon 65 ?
Timidicon Timidevil Rank A icon TimidiconInfoiconMultimiconZerbericon 65 ?
Compunicon Compunzer Rank A icon CompuniconMultimiconZerbericonInfoicon 66 ?
YW1Blonok Bloominoko Rank A icon InfoiconTimidiconMultimiconCompunicon 48 ?
Zerbericon Zerberker Rank S icon ZerbericonTimidiconCompuniconMultimicon ?? ?
Swelteicon Swelterrier Rank S icon Pupsicon 68 ?

Boss Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Level Health Attribute Weakness
Boseyeicon Eyedra 60 2700 Fire icon Water icon
Boshoggicon Hoggles 63 4700 Fire icon Water icon
Bostyxicon Styx Mk.VI 65 4400 Water icon Lightning icon
- Gemble - ?? Water icon Lightning icon
- Zeybrow - ?? Water icon Lightning icon
- Scarp - ?? Water icon Lightning icon
Bosclipsicon Clipso 68 4900 Earth icon Ice icon
Bosnoguicon Dr. Nogut 70 4500 Water icon Lightning icon
Bospookicon Spooklunk 72 3900 Earth icon Ice icon
Bosquisicon Squisker 75 4800 Fire icon Water icon
Boswobbleicon Wobblewok 80 5000 Lightning icon Wind icon

Yo-kai Watch 2*[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Rate
1F, 2F, 3F
Pandicon Pandle Rank E icon ? ?
BrokenIcon Brokenbrella Rank E icon ? ?
Mynicon Mynimo Rank D icon ? ?
4F & 5F
Peckpoicon Peckpocket Rank E icon ? ?
BenTovIcon Ben Tover Rank C icon ? ?
Greesicon Greesel Rank S icon ? ?
6F & 7F
Tantricon Tantroni Rank D icon ? ?
Coperlicon Copperled Rank B icon ? ?
ChymIcon Chymera Rank S icon ? ?

Boss Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Level Health Attribute Weakness
Boseyeicon Eyedra 60 2700 Fire icon Water icon
Boshoggicon Hoggles 63 4700 Fire icon Water icon
Bostyxicon Styx Mk.VI 65 4400 Water icon Lightning icon
- Gemble - ?? Water icon Lightning icon
- Zeybrow - ?? Water icon Lightning icon
- Scarp - ?? Water icon Lightning icon
Bosclipsicon Clipso 68 4900 Earth icon Ice icon
Bosnoguicon Dr. Nogut 70 4500 Water icon Lightning icon
Bospookicon Spooklunk 72 3900 Earth icon Ice icon
Bosquisicon Squisker 75 4800 Fire icon Water icon
Boswobbleicon Wobblewok 80 5000 Lightning icon Wind icon



  • The Infinite Inferno can be found in the files of Yo-kai Watch 3.
    • With a save editor, the inside of the Infinite Inferno can be accessed however it is just an empty void.

In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan  Japanese ムゲン地獄 Mugen Jigoku
Flag of Spain  Spanish Infierno Infinito
Flag of France  French Limbes éternelles
Flag of Italy  Italian Inferno Infinito
Flag of Germany  German Endloses Inferno Endless Inferno
Flag of the Netherlands  Dutch Eindeloze Inferno
Flag of South Korea  Korean 무한지옥 Muhanjiog
Flag of Russia  Russian Вечный ад Vechnyy ad

Locations in the Yo-kai World
Settlements Yo-kai World (Location)Gera Gera LandParadise SpringsWolfit DownNew Yo-kai CityCluvian ContinentYo-kai World (Past)Yo-kai World (Future)Hell's Kitchen
Interior Areas Hungry PassKaibuki TheaterBlasters HouseEnma's EstateAmbrosia PavillionYopple HQEnma VillaYopple StorePhoenix SushiSerenity TempuraClub KomaHaven SukiyakiEnma's Palace (Past)Enma's Palace (Future)Gasha LandEnma Tournament - Oni ArenaYo-kai Sumo RingBusters Hell Hole
Yo-kai Areas Liar MountainHooligan Road
Dungeons Infinite InfernoDivine ParadiseBada-Bing TowerSoukenzanHoukendenMystic Grove
Access to Mt. WildwoodFlatpot PlainsTimers & MoreBob's WatchesSakuragi HillsKasumidaiTatsumi-kawabata - NorthTatsumi-kawabata - SouthShin-motomachi Shopping AreaSakura Motomachi (Past)