Lie-in Heart is a white lion with yellow eyebrows and inner-ears. His nose and eyes are orange. He has a milk-blue mane with ice blue tips. His many tail flames and chest fur match. He wears a yellow vest with burnt-orange sash around the middle, a pair of dark teal pants and wristbands, and dark yellow toed-sandals. He carries a long nihonto-like sword with a maroon sword sheath on the left of his waist.
Lie-in Heart has a very patient soul, to the point of appearing unwilling to act. He waits for the perfect moment to act, but tends to wait days on end for that to happen.
He will make you wait for the perfect moment to do anything, along with a perfect setup. Once the time is ready, Lie-in Heart will make everyone perform whatever they were waiting for to do with a spectacular performance. This is rather risky; it can cause the victim to continue procrastinating to the point where time has run out and the "perfect moment" will never come.
Lie-in Heart is exclusive to PuraPura Blasters. He appears in the Orcanos, second Oni Orb hunt, Hoggles (boss) and Kenshin Amaterasu missions (appearing most frequently in the latter). He can be befriended through Konkatsu with three red souls and two gold souls.
Lie-in Heart debuts in EP032. Having skipped out on doing any of his summer homework, Nate visits Bear's house with the intent of collaborating on their homework together. Although Bear has predictably also not started on his work, he is under the influence of Lie-in Heart and refuses to begin, claiming to be waiting for the perfect moment; Lie-in Heart likewise states that Bear is not ready to undergo the task of homework. Nate summons Blazion to get Bear fired up and Blazion gets Bear fired up. But Lie-in Heart cancels out Blazion's power and he refers Blazion to Great Arthur. He said that the reason Great Arthur was able to hit his target with one shot while shooting arrows was that he waited for the right moment and made his strongest shot. Blazion, on the other hand, was amazed by Lie-in Heart's unstoppable power and admitted defeat.
Then Lie-in Heart convinces Blazion that attempting to do all of Bear's homework without preparation will be worse than not doing it at all. Nate and Bear end up spending the day cleaning Bear's room and taking a nap to rest their minds. In the end, Nate wakes up the following day refreshed but his homework still untouched. Lie-in Heart leaves at this point, but Nate has already run out of time to do any homework.
from this point on, Nate thinks it would be a good idea and summons So-Sorree. So-Sorree makes Nate sarcastically apologetic to Mr. Johnson. But this makes the situation worse.
Lie-in Heart was first summoned in EP086. He had to beat Cheeksqueek up. And He drove Cheeksqueek away. however, even though he blocked Cheeksqueek's fart he said “Now is the time to fart”, and he made Nate violently farted caused the building to flood.
In EP108 he has summoned for stopping Chicken Chukket. Nate tells Lie-in Heart to beat up Chicken Chukket, but Lie-in Heart says this is not the right moment and refuses to do so. Then recess ends, and Lie-in Heart still resists helping Nate when it's Nate's turn to throw a basketball. Chicken Chukket pressures Nate to throw the ball on the floor and tell him he's bored and walk away. Fortunately, at the last moment, Lie-in Heart cancels the effect of Chicken Chukket and allows Nate to throw the ball into the basket, yet Nate couldn't score a basket. At that very moment, Lie-in Heart inspires Bear by saying it's the right time to catch the ball before it hits the ground and make him score a basket multiple times. This ensures that Bear gets attention from girls. Then Lie-in Heart leaves after his victory, but Nate is enraged and asks why he did this to Bear but not to him. Lie-in Heart just walks away without answering. Then Jibanyan, Whisper and Chicken Chukket make fun of Nate's pathetic and poor state and the episode ends.
Lie-in Heart summoned again in EP111, where he tries to stop Oh Bah Gah! from inspiriting Nate. Lie-in Heart canceled the effect of Oh Bah Gah!, making Oh Bah Gah! unable to overreact against anything in the surrounding area. At dinner, Nate's mother cut her finger while cooking, so she had to order pizza. Lie-in Heart said now is the right time to overreacting, and he joined forces with Oh Bah Gah! to impress Nate so Nate overreacted in the middle of the dish, causing him to argue with his mother. Oh Bah Gah! thanked Lie-in Heart.
In EP118, he was one of the members of Stuntmen Filming. He played the driver role. He refused use the brake because he thought "it is not the time yet".
He was summoned again ten episodes later in EP148 to stop In-Tune from inspiriting everyone in class except for Nate. He eliminated In-Tune's powers. Although, he has been the true trouble.
Lie-in Heart reappeared on EP190. He was among the Yo-kai who came to ruin Hailey's gym class through Usapyon.
Then later in EP196, he was summoned along with Ben Tover because they were the only available Yo-kai to be contestants along with Procrastinocchio in Decidevible's slow-buzz game show.
"Man'ojishi" (which translates as "many-tailed lion") is a homophone to the phrase man wo jishi (Japanese: 満を持し,"at long last").
"Lie-in Heart" is a corruption of the name Lionheart, a popular source of bold-hearted figures, which had first started with King Richard I of England. "Lie in" is also a colloquial term for intentionally oversleeping.
"León Alfa" is literally "Alpha Lion" in Spanish.
"Rugis" is a portmanteau with "Régis" (a French name) and "rugir" (roar).
"Coração de leão" is tranlated as "Lion Heart".
"Leoforte" is derived from "leone" (lion) and "forte" (strong).
Lie-in Heart's random nicknames in Yo-kai Watch 2 are: Lionel, Lord Zen, Leon, and Felie-in.
In other languages[]
万尾獅子 Man'ojishi
León Alfa
From "leone", lion in Italian, and "forte", strong in Italian.