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A list of weapons in Y School Heroes: Bustlin' School Life.


Punch type weapons[]

Name Image Rarity Level Attack Y Attack X Attack Skill
Red Gloves (Japanese: 赤グローブ Aka Gurōbu) Ysh red gloves 7 8 Hit it! (Japanese: 打つべし Utsubeshi) 3 Deadly! Red Straight (Japanese: 必殺!赤ストレート Hissatsu! Aka Sutorēto) 8 A powerful blow that packs high-density demonic energy into the gloves. N/A
Crimson Gloves (Japanese: 紅のグローブ Kurenai no gurōbu) Ysh red gloves ☆☆ 110 90
Scarlet Fists (Japanese: 緋色のゲンコツ Hiiro no Genkotsu) Ysh red gloves ☆☆☆ 209 180 Burn Attack (Japanese: やけどアタック Yakedo atakku) When attacking, there is a 3% chance of causing burn status.
Crimson Fists (Japanese: 紅蓮のゲンコツ Guren no Genkotsu) Ysh red gloves ☆☆☆☆☆ 286 271 When attacking, there is a 5% chance of causing burn status.
Red Hot Fists (Japanese: 赤熱のゲンコツ Sekinetsu no genkotsu) Ysh red gloves ☆☆☆☆☆ 383 370 When attacking, there is a 7% chance of causing burn status.
Red Breaker (Japanese: レッドブレイカー Reddo bureikā) Ysh red gloves ☆☆☆☆☆ 615 The last hit of a normal attack is always a critical hit.
Gem Punch (Japanese: 珠玉のパンチ Shugyoku no Panchi) Ysh gem punch ☆☆☆ 60 110 Super Rush (Japanese: スーパーラッシュ Sūpā rasshu) 4 Hyper Knuckle (Japanese: ハイパーナックル Haipā nakkuru) 12 Rarely reduces the enemy's defense and mentality. Prank Tips (Japanese: いたずらの心得 Itazura no kokoroe) Increases enemy debuff duration by 5%
Supreme Punch (Japanese: 至高のパンチ Shikō no Panchi) Ysh gem punch ☆☆☆☆ 167 210 Increases enemy debuff duration by 10%
Ultimate Punch (Japanese: 究極パンチ Kyūkyoku Panchi) Ysh gem punch ☆☆☆☆☆ 244 293 Increases enemy debuff duration by 15%
Tofu Cubes (Japanese: 豆腐の角 Tōfu no Tsuno) Ysh tofu cubes 2 3 Silken Punch (Japanese: きぬごしパンチ Kinu goshi panchi) 3 Soft Smash (Japanese: やわらかスマッシュ Yawaraka sumasshu) 6 Hit your opponent with the corner of a tofu! Can be charged. N/A
Grilled Tofu Cubes (Japanese: あぶり豆腐の角 Aburi Tōfu no Tsuno) Ysh tofu cubes ☆☆☆☆ 205 178 Depressed Attack (Japanese: しょんぼりアタック Shonbori atakku) When attacking, there is a 2% chance of causing Depressed status.
Grilled Tofu Cubes (Japanese: 焼き豆腐の角 Yakidōfu no tsuno) Ysh tofu cubes ☆☆☆☆☆ 463 When attacking, there is a 5% chance of causing Depressed status.
Frozen Tofu Cubes (Japanese: 凍った豆腐の角 Kōtta Tōfu no Tsuno) Ysh frozen tofu cubes ☆☆ 98 83 Frozen Momen Punch (Japanese: 冷凍もめんパンチ Reitō mo men panchi) 3 Hard and Stiff Impact (Japanese: カチコチインパクト Kachikochi inpakuto) 8 Strike the enemy with the corner of a hard block of tofu! Occasionally makes the enemy stagger. N/A
Frozen Tofu Cubes (Japanese: 凍てつきし豆腐の角 Itetsukishi Tōfu no Tsuno) Ysh frozen tofu cubes ☆☆☆☆☆ 309 274 Wobbling Critical (Japanese: ふらふらクリティカル Furafura kuritikaru) Increases critical hit rate by 5% when enemy is staggering
Frozen Tofu Cubes Ysh frozen tofu cubes ☆☆☆☆☆ 390 372 Increases critical hit rate by 11% when enemy is staggering
Absolute Zero Tofu Cubes (Japanese: 絶対零度の豆腐の角 Zettai reido no tōfu no tsuno) Ysh frozen tofu cubes ☆☆☆☆☆ 827 623 Increases critical hit rate by 20% when enemy is staggering
Cat Punch (Japanese: ネコパンチ Nekopanchi) Ysh cat punch 33 28 Meatball Punch (Japanese: 肉球パンチ Niku-kyū panchi) 3 Scratch Nyan Nyan (Japanese: ひっかきニャンニャン Hikkaki nyan'nyan) 3x3 Scratch as hard as you can to damage your enemies! N/A
Nyan Nyan Punch (Japanese: ニャンニャンパンチ Nyan'nyan panchi) Ysh cat punch ☆☆☆☆ 215 177 Just Evade & HP Recovery (Japanese: ジャスト回避&HP回復 Jasuto kaihi& HP kaifuku) When evasion is successful, recover 1% of your HP
Knyuckle Punch (Japanese: ニャックルパンチ Nyakku ru panchi) Ysh cat punch ☆☆☆☆☆ 508 468 The transformation gauge is slower to fill, but human attack power is increased by 60%.
Cat Paw of Temptation (Japanese: 誘惑の猫の手 Yūwaku no Neko no Te) Ysh cat paw of tempation ☆☆ 84 74 Squishy Paws (Japanese: ぷにぷに肉球 Punipuni niku-kyū) 3 Drain Meatball (Japanese: ドレイン肉球 Dorein niku-kyū) 3x3 When an attack hits, steals enemy HP for yourself. N/A
Charming Cat's Paw (Japanese: 魅惑の猫の手 Miwaku no Neko no Te) Ysh cat paw of tempation ☆☆☆☆☆ 265 249 Critical Damage Up (Japanese: クリティカルダメージアップ Kuritikaru damēji appu) Increases critical attack damage by 10%
Mii-chan Punch (Japanese: ミィちゃんパンチ Myi-chan panchi) ☆☆☆☆ 300 278 3 3x3 Rarely makes enemies depressed Increase damage to depressed enemies by 20%
Mii-chan Punch II (Japanese: ミィちゃんパンチⅡ Myi-chan panchi Ⅱ) ☆☆☆☆☆ 494 465 Increase damage to depressed enemies by 30%
Handmade Pom-poms (Japanese: 手づくりポンポン Tedzukuri Ponpon) Ysh handmade pompoms 25 23 Hurrah Punch (Japanese: フレフレアタック Furefure atakku) 3 Cheer Dance (Japanese: チアダンス Chiadansu) N/A Increase the power and spirit of your allies N/A
Sharp and Crisp Pom-poms (Japanese: キレッキレになるポンポン Kirekkire ni Naru Ponpon) Ysh handmade pompoms ☆☆☆☆☆ 311 264 Club Supporter Benefits (Japanese: クラブサポーター特典 Kurabu sapōtā tokuten) Increases the rate of club support by 10%
Pom Pom Acrobat (Japanese: ポンポン・アクロバット Ponpon akurobatto) Ysh handmade pompoms ☆☆☆☆☆ 606 When using an emote, 45% chance of recovering 5% HP
Cheering Pom-poms (Japanese: 応援ポンポン Ōen Ponpon) Ysh cheering pompoms 23 19 Pom-pom Rush (Japanese: ポンポンラッシュ Ponpon rasshu) 3 Cure Dance (Japanese: キュアダンス Kyua dansu) 8 A healing dance will slightly recover your allies' HP. N/A
Encouragement Pom-poms (Japanese: 激励のポンポン Gekirei no Ponpon) Ysh cheering pompoms ☆☆☆ 220 175 Recovery Techniques (Japanese: 回復の技術 Kaifuku no gijutsu) When healing an ally, the amount of recovery is increased by 20%
Victory Pom-poms (Japanese: 勝利を呼ぶポンポン Shōri o yobu ponpon) Ysh cheering pompoms ☆☆☆☆☆ 528 470 Recover a little HP for allies During battle, even if you eat food, it will not be consumed at 20%

Kick type weapons[]

Name Image Rarity Level Attack Y Attack X Attack Skill
Jet Boots (Japanese: ジェットブーツ Jetto Būtsu) Ysh jet boots 30 26 Jet Kick (Japanese: ジェットキック Jetto kikku) 3 Jet Burst (Japanese: ジェットバースト Jetto bāsuto) 10 Attack enemies while backing up with reverse jet propulsion! N/A
Jet Boot Smash (Japanese: ジェットブーツ・スマッシュ Jetto Būtsu Sumasshu) Ysh jet boots ☆☆☆☆ 196 163 Just Avoid & Power Up (Japanese: ジャスト回避&パワーアップ Jasuto kaihi& pawā appu) When evasion is successful, power increases by 5%
Air Walker (Japanese: エアーウォーカー Eā u~ōkā) Ysh jet boots ☆☆☆☆☆ 479 463 Always increases speed by 20%
Black Smoke Jet Boots (Japanese: 黒煙のジェットブーツ Kuro Kemuri no Jetto Būtsu) Ysh black smote jet boots ☆☆ 89 79 Jet BK (Japanese: ジェットBK Jetto BK) 3 Smokescreen Jet Burst (Japanese: 煙幕ジェットバースト Enmaku jetto bāsuto) 8 Occasionally blinds enemies N/A
Jet Boots Smokey (Japanese: ジェットブーツ・スモーキー Jetto Būtsu Sumōkī) Ysh black smote jet boots ☆☆☆☆☆ 292 260 Just Evade & Speed Up (Japanese: ジャスト回避&すばやさアップ Jasuto kaihi& subaya-sa appu) When evasion is successful, agility increases by 5%
Black Spiker (Japanese: ブラック・スパイカー Burakku supaikā) Ysh black smote jet boots ☆☆☆☆☆ 614 Occasionally blinds enemies When using emotes during battle, speed increases by 45%
Practice Bash (Japanese: 練習用バッシュ Renshū-yō Basshu) Ysh practice bash 35 29 Bash Kick (Japanese: バッシュキック Basshu kikku) 3 Impact Dunk (Japanese: インパクトダンク Inpakuto danku) 10 Attack the enemy with a tremendous landing impact! Can be charged. N/A
Grip Bash (Japanese: グリップバッシュ Gurippu Basshu) Ysh practice bash ☆☆ 106 87 N/A
Jumping Bash (Japanese: ジャンピングバッシュ Janpingu Basshu) Ysh practice bash ☆☆☆ 211 164 HP Full Attack Power Up (Japanese: HP満タン攻撃力アップ HP man Tan kōgeki-ryoku appu) When your HP is at MAX, your attack power increases by 5%
Impact Bash (Japanese: インパクトバッシュ Inpakuto Basshu) Ysh practice bash ☆☆☆☆☆ 301 246 When your HP is at MAX, your attack power increases by 8%
Rebound Impact (Japanese: リバウンドインパクト Ribaundo inpakuto) Ysh practice bash ☆☆☆☆☆ 365 364 When your HP is at MAX, your attack power increases by 12%
The Shocking Rebound King (Japanese: 衝撃のリバウンドキング Shōgeki no ribaundo kingu) Ysh practice bash ☆☆☆☆☆ 607 The attack immediately after switching weapons is always a critical hit.
Wobbling High Heels (Japanese: ガタつくハイヒール Gata Tsuku Haihīru) Ysh wobbling high heels 5 7 Heel Kick (Japanese: ヒールキック Hīru kikku) 3 Runway Walking (Japanese: ランウェイウォーキング Ran'u~ei u~ōkingu) 8 Beautiful walking attack. Increase the power and spirit of allies! N/A
Beautiful Legs High Heels (Japanese: 美脚ハイヒール Bikyaku Haihīru) Ysh wobbling high heels ☆☆ 78 72 N/A
Beauty High Heels (Japanese: ビューティーハイヒール Byūtī Haihīru) Ysh wobbling high heels ☆☆☆ 175 151 Disco Time Increases All Stats (Japanese: ディスコタイムで全ステータスアップ Disuko taimu de zen sutētasu appu) When disco time occurs, all stats are increased by 3%
Actress' High Heels (Japanese: 大女優のハイヒール Dai Joyū no Haihīru) Ysh wobbling high heels ☆☆☆☆☆ 269 238 When disco time occurs, all stats are increased by 6%
Ysh wobbling high heels ☆☆☆☆☆ 459 459
Baroness High Heels (Japanese: ハイヒール・バロネス Haihīru baronesu) Ysh wobbling high heels ☆☆☆☆☆ 605 When disco time occurs, all stats are increased by 16%
Perfect Walking (Japanese: パーフェクト・ウォーキング Pāfekuto u~ōkingu) Ysh wobbling high heels ☆☆☆☆☆ 612 Become invincible for a very short time Become invincible for 15 seconds once when in a pinch
Chipped Blade Skate Shoes (Japanese: 刃が欠けたスケートシューズ Ha Ga Kaketa Sukēto Shūzu) Ysh chipped blade skate shoes 30 26 Ice Edge (Japanese: アイスエッジ Aisu ejji) 3 Tornado Tow Loop (Japanese: 竜巻トウループ Tatsumaki tourūpu) 4x5 A powerful move that spins gracefully in the air and knocks enemies away. Can be charged. N/A
Brilliant Tracks (Japanese: ブリリアントシュプール Buririanto Shupūru) Ysh chipped blade skate shoes ☆☆☆☆ 208 182 3 4x5 Unflinching Charge (Japanese: ひるまないチャージ Hirumanai chāji) Increases flinch resistance by 25% while charging
Amazing Skate (Japanese: アメイジングスケート Ameijingu sukēto) Ysh chipped blade skate shoes ☆☆☆☆☆ 489 464 Increases critical rate by 20%
Greatest Toe Loop (Japanese: グレイテスト・トーループ Gurei tesuto tōrūpu) Ysh chipped blade skate shoes ☆☆☆☆☆ 604 Unflinching Charge (Japanese: ひるまないチャージ Hirumanai chāji) Increases flinch resistance by 40% while charging
Freezing Skate Shoes (Japanese: 氷結のスケートシューズ Hyōketsu no sukēto shūzu) Ysh freezing skate shoes ☆☆ 95 82 Ice Blade (Japanese: アイスブレード Aisu burēdo) 3 Blizzard Axel (Japanese: ブリザードアクセル Burizādo akuseru) 4x5 Wrapped in cold air, it spins in the air! Occasionally freezes enemies. N/A
Primadonna on Ice (Japanese: 氷上のプリマドンナ Hikami no Puri Madon'na) Ysh freezing skate shoes ☆☆☆☆☆ 267 263 Increased Ice Resistance (Japanese: こごえにしやすさアップ Kogoe ni shiyasu sa appu) Increases chance of freezing enemies by 5%
Frozen Skate (Japanese: フローズンスケート Furōzun sukēto) Ysh freezing skate shoes ☆☆☆☆☆ 469 461 Increases chance of freezing enemies by 7%

Spirit bullet weapons[]

Name Image Rarity Level Attack Y Attack X Attack Skill
Stylish Folding Fan (Japanese: オシャレな扇子 Osharena Sensu) Ysh stylish folding fan 11 10 Cool Breeze Bullet (Japanese: 涼風弾 Suzukaze Dan) 3 Great Demonic Whirlwind (Japanese: 妖気大旋風 Yōki dai senpū) 4 Creates a great whirlwind filled with demonic energy to attack the enemy. N/A
Elegant Fan (Japanese: 風雅な扇子 Fūgana Sensu) Ysh stylish folding fan ☆☆☆☆ 182 149 Cool Breeze Bullet (Japanese: 涼風弾 Suzukaze Dan) When your transformation gauge is at MAX, your attack power increases by 5%
Glory and Beauty (Japanese: 栄華・花鳥風月 Eiga kachō fūgetsu) Ysh stylish folding fan ☆☆☆☆☆ 572 458 Disco time increased by 25%
Mysterious Fan (Japanese: 妖しき扇子 Ayashiki Sensu) Ysh mysterious fan ☆☆ 72 67 Mysterious Wind (Japanese: あやかしの風 Ayakashi no kaze) 3 Dance of the Demonic Spirit - Elegance (Japanese: 妖気乱舞・雅 Yōki ranbu miyabi) 2x5 Attacks with wind imbued with demonic energy! Can be charged. N/A
Mysterious Fan Demonic Dance (Japanese: 怪扇・妖気乱舞 Kai Ōgi Yōki Ranbu) Ysh mysterious fan ☆☆☆☆☆ 305 265 Critical hits will cause enemy mental down. (Japanese: クリティカルで敵メンタルダウン Kuritikaru de teki mentaru daun) When a critical hit occurs, there is a 10% chance of lowering the enemy's mental state.
Sacred Fan: Strange Encounters (Japanese: 神器扇・奇縁乱舞 Jingi ōgi kien ranbu) Ysh mysterious fan ☆☆☆☆☆ 597 The attack immediately after switching weapons is always a critical hit.
Beginner's Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: かけだしの新体操リボン Kakedashi no Shin Taisō Ribon) Ysh beginners ribbon 19 14 Ribbon Shot (Japanese: リボンショット Ribon shotto) 3 Ribbon Spiral (Japanese: リボンスパイラル Ribon supairaru) 3x8 Attack by spinning the ribbon around! Can be charged. N/A
Shining Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 輝きの新体操リボン Kagayaki no Shin Taisō Ribon) Ysh beginners ribbon ☆☆☆☆ 181 165 Critical Hit Recovery (Japanese: クリティカルで回復 Kuritikaru de kaifuku) When you land a critical attack, you recover HP equal to 10% of the damage dealt.
Glorious Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 栄華の新体操リボン Eiga no shin taisō ribon) Ysh beginners ribbon ☆☆☆☆☆ 513 447 When you suffer a status abnormality, your HP recovers by 12%.
Passionate Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 熱情の新体操リボン Netsujō no Shin Taisō Ribon) Ysh passionate ribbon ☆☆ 72 67 Ribbon Shoot (Japanese: リボンシュート Ribon shūto) 3 Ribbon Gatling (Japanese: リボンガトリング Ribon gatoringu) 2x5 Spin the ribbon to create a demon bullet. Can be charged. N/A
Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon Cheers (Japanese: 新体操リボン・チアーズ Shin Taisō Ribon Chiāzu) Ysh passionate ribbon ☆☆☆☆☆ 280 240 I want to go to a Disco! (Japanese: ディスコに行きたい! Disuko ni ikitai!) Disco Time occurrence rate increased by 8%
Love Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 愛の新体操リボン Ai no Shin Taisō Ribon) Ysh love ribbon ☆☆ 101 54 Ribbon Gun (Japanese: リボンガン Ribon gan) 3 Fairy Ribbon (Japanese: フェアリーリボン Fearī ribon) 6 Heals allies with healing ribbons. Can be charged. N/A
Benevolent Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 博愛の新体操リボン Hakuai no Shin Taisō Ribon) Ysh love ribbon ☆☆☆☆ 179 153 Unflinching Charge (Japanese: ひるまないチャージ Hirumanai chāji) Increases flinch resistance by 25% while charging
Compassionate Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 慈愛の新体操リボン Jiai no shin taisō ribon) Ysh love ribbon ☆☆☆☆☆ 445 During battle, defense increases by 15% for each human character
Baton of Harmony (Japanese: 調和のタクト Chōwa no takuto) Ysh baton of harmony 18 13 Forte Shot (Japanese: フォルテショット Forute shotto) 3 Command the Slash (Japanese: 斬撃の指揮 Ki jī No shiki) 4x3 Attacks enemies with a demonic baton. Also blows enemies away. Resuscitation Tips (Japanese: 蘇生のコツ Sosei no kotsu) Reviving teammates is 15% faster
Symphonia Baton (Japanese: シンフォニアタクト Shinfonia takuto) Ysh baton of harmony ☆☆☆☆☆ 307 272
Harmony Baton (Japanese: ハーモニータクト Hāmonī takuto) Ysh baton of harmony ☆☆☆☆☆ 467 440 Resuscitation Tips (Japanese: 蘇生のコツ Sosei no kotsu) Reviving teammates is 20% faster
Bewitching Baton (Japanese: 惑わしのタクト Madowashi no takuto) Ysh gold baton ☆☆ 76 68 Accent Shot (Japanese: アクセントショット Akusento shotto) 3 Commanding the Chaos (Japanese: 混乱の指揮 Konran no shiki) N/A With his mysterious command, send the enemy flying and sometimes confuses them. N/A
Chaos Baton (Japanese: カオスタクト Kaosu takuto) Ysh gold baton ☆☆☆☆☆ 256 251 Improved Ease of Confusion (Japanese: こんらんにしやすさアップ Kon ran ni shiyasu sa appu) Increases chance of causing confusion by 10%
Gale Baton Ysh gold baton ☆☆☆☆☆ 348 342
Wandering Baton (Japanese: ワンダリングタクト Wanda ringu takuto) Ysh gold baton ☆☆☆☆☆ 737 580 Sends enemies flying and sometimes confuses them. Increases chance of causing confusion by 25%
Gentle Breeze Baton (Japanese: そよ風のタクト Soyokaze no takuto) Ysh purple baton ☆☆ 67 53 Crescendo Shot (Japanese: クレシェンドショット Kureshendo shotto) 3 Strong Command (Japanese: 強壮の指揮 Kyōsō no shiki) N/A Keep the tempo up and increase all stats of allies within range! N/A
Whirlwind Baton (Japanese: 旋風のタクト Senpū no takuto) Ysh purple baton ☆☆☆☆ 169 142 Confusion Attack (Japanese: こんらんアタック Kon ran atakku) When attacking, there is a 3% chance of causing confusion.
Gale Baton (Japanese: 疾風のタクト Hayate no takuto) Ysh purple baton ☆☆☆☆☆ 342 When attacking, there is a 5% chance of causing confusion.
Intellectual Presentation Stick (Japanese: 知的なプレゼン棒 Chi-tekina Purezen Bō) Ysh presentation stick 21 15 Like This! (Japanese: このように! Kono yō ni!) 3 And so, it happens! (Japanese: と、なるわけであります! To, naru wakedearimasu!) 5 Point at your enemy with your presentation stick and attack! N/A
Capable Man's Presentation Stick (Japanese: デキる男のプレゼン棒 Dekiru otoko no purezen bō) Ysh presentation stick ☆☆☆☆ 218 169 Increases Critical Rate When in a Pinch (Japanese: ピンチにクリティカル率アップ Pinchi ni kuritikaru-ritsu appu) Increases critical rate by 5% when in a pinch
A Talented CEO's Presentation Stick (Japanese: 敏腕CEOのプレゼン棒 Binwan CEO no purezen bō) Ysh presentation stick ☆☆☆☆☆ 381 353 Increases critical rate by 17% when in a pinch
A Talented CEO's Presentation Stick Ysh presentation stick ☆☆☆☆☆ 756 583
Very Conspicuous Presentation Stick (Japanese: やけに目立つプレゼン棒 Yakeni Medatsu Purezen Bō) Ysh conspicuous presentation stick ☆☆ 94 77 Yes, Attention! (Japanese: ハーイ注目! Hāi chūmoku!) 3 This Will be on the Test! (Japanese: ここテストに出ますよー! Koko tesuto ni demasu yo ̄ !) 5 Attack with the presentation stick! You will become an easy target for any enemy you hit. N/A
Unusually Conspicuous Presentation Stick (Japanese: 異様に目立つプレゼン棒 Iyō Ni Medatsu Purezen Bō) Ysh conspicuous presentation stick ☆☆☆☆☆ 303 275 Conspicuous Attack (Japanese: 目立ちアタック Medachi atakku) Increases your chances of being targeted by 10% when attacking
Blue Presentation Stick Ysh blue presentation stick ☆☆☆☆ 283 258 3 5
Ysh blue presentation stick ☆☆☆☆☆ 341 336 3 5
Stretching Out Presentation Stick (Japanese: ドンドンのび~るプレゼン棒 Dondon nobi ~ru purezen bō) Ysh blue presentation stick ☆☆☆☆☆ 457 438 3 5 Occasionally paralyzes enemies When you defeat an enemy with a special skill, the medal drop rate increases by 30%.
Controller Ysh game controller ☆☆☆☆ 372 350 3 9
Ysh game controller ☆☆☆☆☆ 540 452 3 9
Highly Sensitive Mechanical Controller (Japanese: 高感度メカニカルコントローラー Kō kando mekanikaru kontorōrā) Ysh game controller ☆☆☆☆☆ 575 Speed ​​decreases by 30%, but attack and defense power increase by 45%.
Hard and Stiff Controller (Japanese: カチコチコントローラー Kachikochi kontorōrā) Ysh game controller ☆☆☆☆☆ 581 Occasionally freezes enemies When enemy is frozen, critical rate increased by 19%
Machine Gun Ysh machine gun ☆☆☆☆ 363 347 3 2x3
Ysh machine gun ☆☆☆☆☆ 523 448
Armor-piercing Assault Rifle (Japanese: 徹甲アサルトライフル Tōru Kinoe asaruto raifuru) Ysh machine gun ☆☆☆☆☆ 714 576 Increases speed by 40% when using emotes during battle

Music weapons[]

Name Image Rarity Level Attack Y Attack X Attack Skill
Cheap Recorder (Japanese: 安っぽいリコーダー Yasuppoi rikōdā) Ysh cheap recorder 16 12 Attack Phrase (Japanese: こうげきフレーズ Kō geki furēzu) 3 Chasing Melody (Japanese: 追いかけるメロディ Oikakeru merodi) 2x8 Attack enemies with quick playing! Sound bullets will track enemies for a short distance. N/A
Young Leaf Recorder (Japanese: 若葉のリコーダー Wakaba no rikōdā) Ysh cheap recorder ☆☆ 81 68 N/A
Master Recorder (Japanese: 熟達のリコーダー Jukutatsu no rikōdā) Ysh cheap recorder ☆☆☆ 190 164 Summon & Attack Power Up (Japanese: 召喚&攻撃力アップ Shōkan& kōgeki-ryoku appu) When summoning an Onryo, attack power increases by 10%
Tounging Master (Japanese: タンギングマスター Tangingu masutā) Ysh cheap recorder ☆☆☆☆☆ 271 252 When summoning an Onryo, attack power increases by 15%
Gorgeous Toot Toot (Japanese: 華麗なるトゥートゥートゥー Kareinaru to~ū to~ūto~ū) Ysh cheap recorder ☆☆☆☆☆ 375 351 When summoning an Onryo, attack power increases by 25%
Court Musician's Recorder (Japanese: 宮廷音楽家のリコーダー Kyūtei ongakuka no rikōdā) Ysh cheap recorder ☆☆☆☆☆ 578 During battle, defense increases by 19% for each human character
Creaky Megaphone (Japanese: ベコベコなメガホン Bekobekona megahon) Ysh creaky megaphone 24 21 Let's Get it Going! (Japanese: かっとばせー! Kattobase ̄ !) 5 Good Luck Yell! (Japanese: がんばれエール! Ganbare ēru!) N/A Cheer to increase the speed of allies within range! N/A
Explosive Megaphone (Japanese: 爆音メガホン Bakuon megahon) Ysh creaky megaphone ☆☆☆ 206 173 How to Help (Japanese: 手助けの心得 Tedasuke no kokoroe) Increases duration of buffs on allies by 5%
Thunder Megaphone (Japanese: 天地雷鳴メガホン Tenchi raimei megahon) Ysh creaky megaphone ☆☆☆☆☆ 296 261 Increases duration of buffs on allies by 10%
A Megaphone that Shakes the Earth Ysh creaky megaphone ☆☆☆☆☆ 392 356
A Megaphone That Shakes the Earth (Japanese: 大地を揺るがす大声援メガホン Daichi o yurugasu dai seien megahon) Ysh creaky megaphone ☆☆☆☆☆ 545 453 Increases the duration of buffs on allies by 30%
Dull Trumpet (Japanese: くすんだトランペット Kusunda toranpetto) Ysh dull trumpet ☆☆ 103 54 Trumpet Wave~♪ (Japanese: ラッパッ波~♪ Rappahha ~ ♪) 3 Unbeatable March (Japanese: 負けないマーチ Makenai māchi) N/A Play and improve the defense and mental strength of your teammates! N/A
Passionate Trumpet (Japanese: 情熱のトランペット Jōnetsu no toranpetto) Ysh dull trumpet ☆☆☆ 178 147 Dull Trumpet (Japanese: くすんだトランペット Kusunda toranpetto) Increases duration of buffs applied to self by 5%
Glory of the Trumpeter (Japanese: グローリー・オブ・トランペッター Gurōrī Obu toranpettā) Ysh dull trumpet ☆☆☆☆☆ 248 234 Increases duration of buffs applied to self by 10%
Golden Sound (Japanese: ゴールデンサウンド Gōruden saundo) Ysh dull trumpet ☆☆☆☆☆ 491 443 Defense power increases by 25% when close to an enemy
Cute Clarinet (Japanese: ぱっきゃらなクラリネット Pakkya-rana kurarinetto) Ysh cute clarinet 3 5 Pakyarama Gun (Japanese: パキャラマ砲 Pakyarama-hō) 3 Healing Rhapsody (Japanese: 癒しのラプソディー Iyashi no rapusodī) 10 Recovers HP of allies within range with a gentle tone. N/A
Melodic Clarinet (Japanese: 旋律のクラリネット Senritsu no kurarinetto) Ysh cute clarinet ☆☆ 107 55 N/A
Papa's Beloved Clarinet (Japanese: パパの愛したクラリネット Papa no ai shita kurarinetto) Ysh cute clarinet ☆☆☆☆ 173 144 Conspicuous Attack (Japanese: 目立ちアタック Medachi atakku) Increases your chances of being targeted by 10% when you hit an attack
Memorial Clarinet Ysh cute clarinet ☆☆☆☆☆ 359 346 Increases your chances of being targeted by 15% when you hit an attack
Ysh cute clarinet ☆☆☆☆☆ 474 441
The Clarinet: A Legacy (Japanese: 受け継がれるクラリネット Uketsuga reru kurarinetto) Ysh cute clarinet ☆☆☆☆☆ 811 591 Increases your chances of being targeted by 25% when you hit an attack
Rusty Microphone (Japanese: サビついたマイク Sabi tsuita maiku) Ysh rusty microphone 10 9 Check Rap (Japanese: チェケラップ Chekerappu) 5 Raise It Up☆Rap (Japanese: アゲアゲ☆ラップ Ageage ☆ rappu) N/A Increase all your stats with this super cool rap! N/A
Passionate Singing Microphone (Japanese: 熱唱マイク Nesshō maiku) Ysh rusty microphone ☆☆ 115 60 N/A
Soul Voice (Japanese: ソウルボイス Sōru boisu) Ysh rusty microphone ☆☆☆☆ 214 156 The Enemy of Allies (Japanese: 仲間の仇・全 Nakama no kyū zen) When a teammate dies, increase all stats by 10%
Vocal Master (Japanese: ヴォーカルマスター Vu~ōkaru masutā) Ysh rusty microphone ☆☆☆☆☆ 531 450 After striking a pose, you will be invincible for 7 seconds.

One handed weapons[]

Name Image Rarity Level Attack Y Attack X Attack Skill
Great Noise Paper Fan (Japanese: エエ音で鳴るハリセン Ē-on de naru harisen) Ysh great noise paper fan 25 23 Span (Japanese: スパーン Supān) 3 Won't You Protect It?! (Japanese: 守らんかいッ! Mamoran kai ~tsu!) N/A Use your wit to improve your teammates' defense and mental strength. N/A
Really Great Noise Paper Fan (Japanese: めっちゃエエ音で鳴るハリセン Metcha ē-on de naru harisen) Ysh great noise paper fan ☆☆☆☆☆ 290 245 Targeted Attack (Japanese: 狙いすましアタック Nerai su mashi atakku) Increase damage dealt to targeted enemies by 5%
Great Noise Paper Fan (Japanese: ごっつエエ音で鳴るハリセン Go ttsu ē-on de naru harisen) Ysh great noise paper fan ☆☆☆☆☆ 480 During battle, attack power increases by 20% for each human character
Partner Wake-Up Paper Fan No. 1 (Japanese: 相方たたき起こしハリセン1号 Aikata tatakiokoshi harisen 1-gō) Ysh partner wake up fan ☆☆ 61 62 Super Cone (Japanese: スパコーン Supakōn) 3 How Are You?! (Japanese: 元気ださんかいッ! Genkida-san kai ~tsu!) 5 Use your wit to heal allies and cure bad stats. N/A
Partner Wake-Up Paper Fan No. 2 (Japanese: 相方たたき起こしハリセン2号 Aikata tatakiokoshi harisen 2-gō) Ysh partner wake up fan ☆☆☆☆ 212 159 Recovery Techniques (Japanese: 回復の技術 Kaifuku no gijutsu) When healing an ally, the amount of recovery increases by 10%
Partner Poking Paper Fan (Japanese: 相方ド突きまくりハリセン Aikata do tsuki makuri harisen) Ysh partner wake up fan ☆☆☆☆☆ 562 478 When you are in a pinch, you become less likely to be targeted by enemies for 15 seconds.
Sunrise Paper Fan (Japanese: おったまげハリセン Ottamage harisen) Ysh sunrise paper fan ☆☆ 98 83 Drumstick Cone (Japanese: バチコーン Bachikōn) 3 What's Going On?! (Japanese: どないやねんッ! Do naiya nen ~tsu!) 6 A strong retort! The enemy's bad status increases their power! N/A
Surprisingly Shocking Paper Fan (Japanese: ビックリ仰天ハリセン Bikkuri gyōten harisen) Ysh sunrise paper fan ☆☆☆☆☆ 317 281 Critical Hits Lower Enemy Defense (Japanese: クリティカルで敵ディフェンスダウン Kuritikaru de teki difensu daun) Critical hits lower enemy defense by 10%
Surprise Ascension Paper Fan (Japanese: ドッキリ昇天ハリセン Dokkiri shōten harisen) Ysh sunrise paper fan ☆☆☆☆☆ 617 Critical hits lower enemy defense by 45%
Master's Paper Fan (Japanese: 師匠のハリセン Shishō no harisen) Ysh masters paper fan ☆☆☆ 57 102 Why?! (Japanese: なんでやねんッ! Nandeya nen ~tsu!) 4 I'm Gonna Have to Stop! (Japanese: やめさせてもらうわー! Yame sasete morau wa ̄ !) 8 A miraculous retort removes all of the enemy's power-up effects. Knowledge of Transformation (Japanese: 変身の心得 Henshin no kokoroe) Increases the upper limit of the transformation gauge by 3%
Great Master's Paper Fan (Japanese: 大師匠のハリセン Dai shishō no harisen) Ysh masters paper fan ☆☆☆☆ 164 200 Increases the upper limit of the transformation gauge by 6%
Legendary Master's Paper Fan (Japanese: 伝説の大師匠のハリセン Densetsu no dai shishō no harisen) Ysh masters paper fan ☆☆☆☆☆ 242 300 Increases the upper limit of the transformation gauge by 9%
Homemade Rubber Racket (Japanese: お手製ラバーラケット O tesei rabā raketto) Ysh homemade rubber racket 27 24 High Speed Rally (Japanese: 高速ラリー Kōsoku rarī) 3 Smash Bomb (Japanese: スマッシュボム Sumasshu bomu) 6 A powerful table tennis smash! When you charge it, it explodes for some reason. N/A
Fast Table Tennis Racket (Japanese: 快速卓球ラケット Kaisoku takkyū raketto) Ysh homemade rubber racket ☆☆ 86 59 HP Full Speed Up (Japanese: HP満タンすばやさアップ HP man Tan subaya-sa appu) When your HP is at MAX, your speed increases by 10%
Sonic Smash (Japanese: 音速スマッシュ Onsoku sumasshu) Ysh homemade rubber racket ☆☆☆☆☆ When your HP is at MAX, your speed increases by 15%
Mach Service (Japanese: マッハサービス Mahha sābisu) Ysh homemade rubber racket ☆☆☆☆☆ 393 374 When your HP is at MAX, your speed increases by 20%
Infinite Cut Serve (Japanese: 夢幻カットサーブ Mugen katto sābu) Ysh homemade rubber racket ☆☆☆☆☆ 613 The attack immediately after switching weapons is always a critical hit.
Stylish Racket (Japanese: 小洒落たラケット Ko shareta raketto) Ysh stylish racket 27 24 Forehand Volley (Japanese: フォアハンドボレー Foahando borē) 3 A Brilliant Service Ace (Japanese: 華麗にサービスエース Karei ni sābisu ēsu) 6 Attack the enemy with a powerful serve! Can be charged. N/A
Prince's Racket (Japanese: 貴公子のラケット Kikōshi no raketto) Ysh stylish racket ☆☆☆☆ 191 175 Quick Recovery (Japanese: やっつけ回復 Yattsuke kaifuku) When you defeat an enemy, your HP recovers by 5%.
Racket Prince (Japanese: ラケットプリンス Raketto purinsu) Ysh stylish racket ☆☆☆☆☆ 401 376 When you defeat an enemy, your HP recovers by 9%.
Flashy Racket (Japanese: ド派手なラケット Do hadena raketto) Ysh flashy racket ☆☆ 91 80 Power Shot (Japanese: パワーショット Pawā shotto) 3 Spectacular Power Serve (Japanese: 圧巻のパワーサーブ Akkan no pawā sābu) 6 Serve with all your might! Can be charged and will sometimes make enemies angry. N/A
Super Angry Racket (Japanese: 超怒級ラケット Chō ika-kyū raketto) Ysh flashy racket ☆☆☆☆☆ 282 279 Pissed Special Effect (Japanese: プンスカ特効 Punsuka tokkō) Increase damage dealt to angry enemies by 10%
Gigaton-class Racket (Japanese: ギガトン級ラケット Gigaton-kyū raketto) Ysh flashy racket ☆☆☆☆☆ 553 476 Increase damage dealt to angry enemies by 30%
Bamboo Sword Full of Spirit (Japanese: わりと気合の入った竹刀 Wari to kiai no haitta shinai) Ysh bamboo sword full of spirit 29 25 Kendo Attack (Japanese: ケンドーアタック Kendō atakku) 3 With All My Might! (Japanese: 渾身メェーーン! Konshin me~ē̄n!) 8 Attack with all your might! Charge to increase power and range! N/A
Swordsman's Bamboo Sword (Japanese: 剣豪の竹刀 Kengō no shinai) Ysh bamboo sword full of spirit ☆☆☆☆☆ 315 267 Increases Critical Rate When in a Pinch (Japanese: ピンチにクリティカル率アップ Pinchi ni kuritikaru-ritsu appu) When in a pinch, increase critical rate by 5%
Sword Saint's Bamboo Sword (Japanese: 剣聖の竹刀 Ken Sei no shinai) Ysh bamboo sword full of spirit ☆☆☆☆☆ 558 477 When in a pinch, increase critical rate by 10%
Raiding Bamboo Sword (Japanese: カチコミ竹刀 Kachikomi shinai) Ysh raiding bamboo sword ☆☆ 78 72 Devil Kendo Attack (Japanese: 魔剣道アタック Ma kendō atakku) 3 Devil Kendo Death Break (Japanese: 魔剣道デスブレイク Ma kendōdesu bureiku) 8 A deadly blow that can kill a small fry in one hit. Can be charged. N/A
Rasetsu Bamboo Sword (Japanese: 羅刹の竹刀 Rasetsu no shinai) Ysh raiding bamboo sword ☆☆☆☆ 188 161 Increases Attack Power With 1 HP (Japanese: HP1で攻撃力アップ HP 1 de kōgeki-ryoku appu) When your HP is 1, increase your attack power by 30%
Yasha Bamboo Sword (Japanese: 夜叉の竹刀 Yasha no shinai) Ysh raiding bamboo sword ☆☆☆☆☆ 567 479 When fighting an enemy stronger than you, your attack power increases by 21%.
Oni Bamboo Sword Ysh raiding bamboo sword ☆☆☆☆☆ 840 633 Increases Attack Power With 1 HP (Japanese: HP1で攻撃力アップ HP 1 de kōgeki-ryoku appu) When your HP is 1, increase your attack power by 90%
White Training Sword Ysh white bamboo sword ☆☆☆☆ 306 270 3 9
Ysh white bamboo sword ☆☆☆☆☆ 410 382
Divine Punishment Bamboo Sword (Japanese: 天罰テキメン竹刀 Tenbatsu tekimen shinai) Ysh white bamboo sword ☆☆☆☆☆ 582 481 Prevents critical damage
Poofessor Staff Ysh poofessor staff ☆☆☆☆ 270 250 3 2x6 Rarely makes enemies sad
Ysh poofessor staff ☆☆☆☆☆ 377 352
Wisdom Trivia Stick (Japanese: 才知のうんちく棒 Sai chi no unchiku bō) Ysh poofessor staff ☆☆☆☆☆ 452 452 When you are close to an enemy, your attack power increases by 25%.
Deep Sleeping Trivia Stick (Japanese: 熟睡のうんちく棒 Jukusui no unchiku bō) Ysh poofessor staff ☆☆☆☆☆ 618 Rarely puts enemies to sleep The final hit of a normal attack will always be a critical hit.

Two handed weapons[]

Name Image Rarity Level Attack Y Attack X Attack Skill
Strong Bat (Japanese: ど根性バット Dokonjō batto) Ysh strong bat 5 7 Humming Swing (Japanese: ぶんぶんスイング Bunbun suingu) 4 Powerful Slugger (Japanese: 強振スラッガー Kyōshin suraggā) 8 Attack with a full swing of all your might! Occasionally knocks enemies away. N/A
Fighting Spirit Bat (Japanese: 闘魂バット Tōkon batto) Ysh strong bat ☆☆☆☆ 197 171 Critical Up (Japanese: クリティカルアップ Kuritikaru appu) Increases chance of critical attacks by 1%
Home Run King Bat (Japanese: ホームラン王のバット Hōmuran-ō no batto) Ysh strong bat ☆☆☆☆☆ 577 480 Defense power is reduced by 20%, but attack power is increased by 70%.
Whirlwind Swing (Japanese: 旋風スイング Senpū suingu) Ysh whirlwind swing ☆☆ 91 80 Cycle Hit (Japanese: サイクルヒット Saikuru hitto) 4 Whirlwind Liner (Japanese: 旋風ライナー Senpū rainā) 10 A quick swing attack! Charge up to create a whirlwind. N/A
Electric Fan Rotation Bat (Japanese: 扇風機大回転バット Senpūki daikaiten batto) Ysh whirlwind swing ☆☆☆☆☆ 298 258 Slow Attack (Japanese: スローアタック Surō atakku) When attacking, slows down by 2%
Cyclone Swing (Japanese: サイクロンスイング Saikuron suingu) Ysh whirlwind swing ☆☆☆☆☆ 620 Speed ​​decreases by 30%, but attack and defense power increase by 50%.
Youthful Bat (Japanese: 青春のバット Seishun no batto) Ysh youthful bat ☆☆☆ 58 94 Youthful Hit (Japanese: 青春ヒット Seishun hitto) 5 Youthful Home Run (Japanese: 青春ぶっとばしホームラン Seishun buttobashi hōmuran) 10 A powerful swing will occasionally knock the enemy away. A whirlwind will also be generated when charged. Critical Up (Japanese: クリティカルアップ Kuritikaru appu) Increases chance of critical attacks by 1%
Refreshing Youthful Bat (Japanese: さわやか青春のバット Sawayaka seishun no batto) Ysh youthful bat ☆☆☆☆ 166 192 Increases chance of critical attacks by 2%
Shining Youthful Bat (Japanese: きらめく青春のバット Kirameku seishun no batto) Ysh youthful bat ☆☆☆☆☆ 246 287 Increases chance of critical attacks by 3%
Shaggy Broom (Japanese: ぼさぼさなホウキ Bosabosana hōki) Ysh shaggy broom 32 27 Clean Wear (Japanese: はきそうじ Wa ki-sōji) 4 Cleaning Duty Sky Attack (Japanese: そうじ当番天空撃 Sōji tōban tenkū jī) 5 Spin your broom around and attack your enemies while flying! N/A
Prickly Broom (Japanese: ちくちくするホウキ Chikuchiku suru hōki) Ysh shaggy broom ☆☆ 112 79 Critical Hits Reduce Enemy Power (Japanese: クリティカルで敵パワーダウン Kuritikaru de teki pawā daun) Critical hit reduces enemy power by 5%
Fluffy Broom (Japanese: ワッサワッサなホウキ Wassawassana hōki) Ysh shaggy broom ☆☆☆☆☆ 313 277 Critical hit reduces enemy power by 10%
Ysh shaggy broom ☆☆☆☆☆ 386 371
Tsukumogami Bamboo Broom (Japanese: 付喪神の竹ぼうき Tsuke sōshin no take bōki) Ysh shaggy broom ☆☆☆☆☆ 619 Critical Hits Reduce Enemy Power (Japanese: クリティカルで敵パワーダウン Kuritikaru de teki pawā daun) Critical hit reduces enemy power by 45%
Worn Out Mop (Japanese: くたびれたモップ Kutabireta moppu) Ysh worn out mop ☆☆ 104 86 Mop Combo (Japanese: モップコンボ Moppu konbo) 4 Shiny Finish (Japanese: ピカピカフィニッシュ Pikapika finisshu) 5 You can kill two birds with one stone by cleaning the floor with a mop and attacking enemies at the same time. N/A
Reinforced Mop (Japanese: 補強されたモップ Hokyō sa reta moppu) Ysh worn out mop ☆☆☆ 217 189 Critical Hits Lower Enemy Spirits (Japanese: クリティカルで敵スピリットダウン Kuritikaru de teki supiritto daun) When a critical hit occurs, 5% of the enemy's spirit is lowered.
Carbide Mop (Japanese: 超硬合金製モップ Chō kata gōkin-sei moppu) Ysh worn out mop ☆☆☆☆☆ 320 284 When a critical hit occurs, 10% of the enemy's spirit is lowered.
Lightweight Mop Made From Rare Metals Ysh worn out mop ☆☆☆☆☆ 408 381
Ysh worn out mop ☆☆☆☆☆ 567 479
Swordsman's Steel Mop (Japanese: 刀鍛冶謹製・玉鋼モップ Katanakaji kinsei-dama-kō moppu) Ysh worn out mop ☆☆☆☆☆ 619 Critical hit reduces enemy spirit by 45%
Warped Frying Pan (Japanese: ゆがんだフライパン Yuganda furaipan) Ysh warped frying pan ☆☆ 95 82 Fry Pan (Japanese: フライパーン Furai pān) 4 Fire Cooking (Japanese: ファイヤークッキング Faiyā kukkingu) 8 Swings a flaming frying pan! Can be charged. N/A
Skilled Housewife's Frying Pan (Japanese: デキる主婦のフライパン Dekiru shufu no furaipan) Ysh warped frying pan ☆☆☆ 193 176 Hungry Spirit Attack (Japanese: ハングリー精神・攻 Hangurī seishin Osamu) Satiation level decreases by 20%, but attack power increases by 20%
Top Chef's Frying Pan (Japanese: 一流シェフのフライパン Ichiryū shefu no furaipan) Ysh warped frying pan ☆☆☆☆☆ 277 269 Satiation level decreases by 20%, but attack power increases by 30%
Ysh warped frying pan ☆☆☆☆☆ 496 466
Juicy Burning Hot Pot (Japanese: 火鍋バーニングジューシー Hinabe bāningu jūshī) Ysh warped frying pan ☆☆☆☆☆ 610 Hungry Spirit Attack (Japanese: ハングリー精神・攻 Hangurī seishin Osamu) Satiation level decreases by 20%, but attack power increases by 50%
Calligraphy Brush (Japanese: 習字筆 Shūji fude) Ysh calligraphy brush 4 6 Brush Beater (Japanese: 筆たたき Fude-tataki) 4 'Bond' Calligraphy (Japanese: 「絆」の書 `Kizuna' no sho) N/A The word "Bond" increases all the stats of your surrounding allies! N/A
Calligrapher's Brush (Japanese: 書道家の筆 Shodō-ka no fude) Ysh calligraphy brush ☆☆☆☆ 172 146 Slimy Attack (Japanese: ぬるぬるアタック Nurunuru atakku) When attacking, there is a 2% chance of making the enemy slippery
Kobo Stroke (Japanese: 弘法の一筆 Guhō no hitofude) Ysh calligraphy brush ☆☆☆☆☆ 469 461 When using Club Support, there is a 30% chance of two items being thrown.
Healing Brush (Japanese: 癒しの筆 Iyashi no fude) Ysh healing brush ☆☆ 113 60 Brush Sifter (Japanese: 筆ふるい Fude furui) 4 'Healing' Calligraphy (Japanese: 「癒」の書 ` yù ' No sho) 8 Use the word "Heal" to recover the HP of nearby allies! N/A
Recovery Brush (Japanese: 快癒の筆 Kaiyu no fude) Ysh healing brush ☆☆☆☆ 200 157 Sleep Attack (Japanese: いねむりアタック I nemuri atakku) When attacking, there is a 2% chance of putting the enemy to sleep.
God of Medicine Brush (Japanese: 医神の筆 I-shin no fude) Ysh healing brush ☆☆☆☆☆ 603 The final hit of a normal attack will always be a critical hit
Amulet Brush (Japanese: 魔よけの筆 Mayoke no fude) Ysh amulet brush ☆☆ 109 57 Brush Sweep (Japanese: 筆ばらい Fudeba rai) 4 Exorcism Calligraphy (Japanese: 「祓」の書 ` fú ' No sho) 4 Use the word "Exorcism" to remove negative effects from allies and recover HP! N/A
Innocent Brush (Japanese: 清廉なる筆 Seiren'naru fude) Ysh amulet brush ☆☆☆☆ 170 143 Tips for Summoning Onryo (Japanese: 怨霊召喚のコツ Onryō shōkan no kotsu) Increases the chance of summoning an Onryo by 5%
Exorcism Brush (Japanese: 破魔の筆 Yabu ma no fude) Ysh amulet brush ☆☆☆☆☆ 454 457 Increases the chance of summoning an Onryo by 12%
Wrench Ysh wrench ☆☆☆☆ 295 267 4 10 Occasionally makes enemies dizzy
Ysh wrench ☆☆☆☆☆ 397 375
Ysh wrench ☆☆☆☆☆ 538 473
Wrought Iron Tungsten Spanner (Japanese: 錬鉄タングステンスパナ Rentetsu tangusuten supana) Ysh wrench ☆☆☆☆☆ 608 When dealing damage, there is an 18% chance that 10% of the damage dealt will be recovered as HP.
Bloody Wrench (Japanese: ブラッディレンチ Buraddi renchi) Ysh wrench ☆☆☆☆☆ 609 Absorbs HP from enemies When your transformation gauge is at MAX, your attack power increases by 25%.

Hand thrown weapons[]

Name Image Rarity Level Attack Y Attack X Attack Skill
Hard Work Volleyball (Japanese: 努力のバレーボール Doryoku no barēbōru) Ysh hard work volleyball 12 11 One-two Attack (Japanese: ワンツーアタック Wantsū atakku) 3 Sweat and Tears Full Power Strike (Japanese: 汗と涙の全力スパイク Ase to namida no zenryoku supaiku) 3 Spike the ball as hard as you can! Chargeable. N/A
Sweat and Tears Volleyball (Japanese: 汗と涙のバレーボール Ase to namida no barēbōru) Ysh hard work volleyball ☆☆ 88 59 Darkness Attack (Japanese: くらやみアタック Kura ya mi atakku) When attacking, there is a 2% chance of causing darkness
Victory Volleyball (Japanese: 勝利のバレーボール Shōri no barēbōru) Ysh hard work volleyball ☆☆☆☆☆ 275 247 When attacking, there is a 3% chance of causing darkness
Ysh hard work volleyball ☆☆☆☆☆ 363 347
Damaged Basketball (Japanese: 傷んだバスケットボール Itanda basukettobōru) Ysh damaged basketball 19 14 3 3
YBA Official Basketball (Japanese: YBA公認バスケットボール YBA kōnin basukettobōru) Ysh damaged basketball ☆☆☆ 199 165
Cool Joke Basketball (Japanese: 冗談みたいにイケてるBB Jōdan mitai ni Ike Teru BB) Ysh damaged basketball ☆☆☆☆☆ 294 255
Basketball Legend Ysh damaged basketball ☆☆☆☆☆ 393 357
Ysh damaged basketball ☆☆☆☆☆ 560 456
Hard Dodgeball (Japanese: 硬いドッジボール Katai dojjibōru) Ysh hard dodgeball 12 11 3 3
Carbide Crush Ball (Japanese: 超硬クラッシュボール Chō kata kurasshu bōru) Ysh hard dodgeball ☆☆☆☆ 187 161
Ysh hard dodgeball ☆☆☆☆☆ 587 460
Explosive Dodgeball (Japanese: 爆熱ドッジボール Bakunetsu dojjibōru) Ysh explosive dodgeball ☆☆ 63 64 3 3
Hellfire Dodgeball (Japanese: 獄炎ドッジボール Goku-en dojjibōru) Ysh explosive dodgeball ☆☆☆☆☆ 284 259
Love and Hate Dodgeball Ysh explosive dodgeball ☆☆☆☆☆ 572 458
A Flask With Something In It (Japanese: 何かが入ったフラスコ Nani ka ga haitta furasuko) Ysh nitro flask 8 8 4 10
Nitro Flask (Japanese: ニトロの入ったフラスコ Nitoro no haitta furasuko) Ysh nitro flask ☆☆☆☆ 185 158
Ysh nitro flask ☆☆☆☆☆ 506 446
Pungent Flask (Japanese: 刺激臭がするフラスコ Shigeki-shū ga suru furasuko) Ysh pungent flash ☆☆ 69 65 4 5
Miasma Flask (Japanese: 瘴気ただようフラスコ Shōki tadayō furasuko) Ysh pungent flash ☆☆☆☆☆ 258 243
Chilled Flask (Japanese: ひやひやなフラスコ Hiyahiyana furasuko) Ysh chilled flask ☆☆ 69 65 4 5
Frozen Flask (Japanese: 凍てついたフラスコ Itetsuita furasuko) Ysh chilled flask ☆☆☆☆☆ 252 243
Freeze Liquid Ysh chilled flask ☆☆☆☆☆ 795 589
Heavy Bowling Ball (Japanese: 重いボウリング玉 Omoi bōringu-dama) Ysh heavy bowling ball 12 11 3 4
Super Heavyweight Bowling Ball (Japanese: 超ヘビー級ボウリング玉 Chō hebī-kyū bōringu-dama) Ysh heavy bowling ball ☆☆☆☆ 184 157
Super Heavy Gravity Bowl Ysh heavy bowling ball ☆☆☆☆☆ 354 344
Bam Bowling Ball (Japanese: バッチバチのボウリング玉 Batchibachi no bōringu-dama) Ysh bam bowling ball ☆☆ 63 64 3 4
Stun Gun Ball (Japanese: スタンガンボウル Sutangan bōru) Ysh bam bowling ball ☆☆☆☆☆ 254 242

Kick-off weapons[]

Name Image Rarity Level Attack Y Attack X Attack Skill
Worn Out Slippers (Japanese: ヘタったスリッパ Heta tta surippa) Ysh worn out slippers 16 12 3 5x2
Guest's Slippers (Japanese: 来賓用スリッパ Raihin-yō surippa) Ysh worn out slippers ☆☆ 81 70
Sonic Flying Slippers (Japanese: 音速スッ飛びスリッパ Onsoku suttobi surippa) Ysh worn out slippers ☆☆☆ 202 148
Magnum Slipper Warhead (Japanese: マグナムスリッパ弾頭 Magunamu surippa dantō) Ysh worn out slippers ☆☆☆☆☆ 261 235
Ysh worn out slippers ☆☆☆☆☆ 590 530
Spikes for Beginners (Japanese: 初心者向けスパイク Shoshinsha-muke supaiku) Ysh spikes for beginners 8 8 3 10
Jagged Spikes (Japanese: ギザギザスパイク Gizagiza supaiku) Ysh spikes for beginners ☆☆ 63 64
Slash Spikes (Japanese: スラッシュスパイク Surasshu supaiku) Ysh spikes for beginners ☆☆☆ 203 162
Earth Cutting Spikes (Japanese: 大地切り裂くスパイク Daichi kirisaku supaiku) Ysh spikes for beginners ☆☆☆☆☆ 250 248
Ysh spikes for beginners ☆☆☆☆☆ 366 348
Assault Rugby Ball (Japanese: 突撃ラグビーボール Totsugeki ragubī bōru) Ysh assault rugby ball 22 16 3 6
Brave Tackle (Japanese: ブレイブタックル Bureibu takkuru) Ysh assault rugby ball ☆☆☆☆ 194 167
Ysh assault rugby ball ☆☆☆☆☆ 555 455
Impact Rugby Ball (Japanese: 衝撃のラグビーボール Shōgeki no ragubī bōru) Ysh impact rugby ball ☆☆ 84 71 3 6
Rugby Man Warcry (Japanese: ラガーマン・ウォークライ Ragāman u~ōku rai) Ysh impact rugby ball ☆☆☆☆☆ 273 253
Catastrophe Rugby Ball Ysh impact rugby ball ☆☆☆☆☆ 548 454
Old Soccer Ball (Japanese: 古びたサッカーボール Furubita sakkā bōru) Ysh old soccer ball 12 11 3 4
Friendship Soccer Ball (Japanese: 友情のサッカーボール Yūjō no sakkā bōru) Ysh old soccer ball ☆☆ 72 67
Bond Soccer Ball (Japanese: 絆のサッカーボール Kizuna no sakkā bōru) Ysh old soccer ball ☆☆☆ 176 154
Fantasista Ball (Japanese: ファンタジスタボール Fantajisuta bōru) Ysh old soccer ball ☆☆☆☆☆ 263 237
Ysh old soccer ball ☆☆☆☆☆ 523 448


Punch type weapons[]

Name Image Location Materials Cost
Red Gloves (Japanese: 赤グローブ Aka Gurōbu) Ysh red gloves Crafting Shiny Cloth x2

Power Meat x1

Crimson Gloves (Japanese: 紅のグローブ Kurenai no gurōbu) Ysh red gloves Cowtco


Red Gloves x1

Stretchy Rubber x9 Power Meat x3

Scarlet Fists (Japanese: 緋色のゲンコツ Hiiro no Genkotsu) Ysh red gloves Crafting Crimson Gloves x1

Incinerator Fire x3 Crispy Fire x8

Crimson Fists (Japanese: 紅蓮のゲンコツ Guren no Genkotsu) Ysh red gloves Crafting Scarlet Fists x1

Instant Muscle Doubling Program x2 The liveliness of Class 1A x11 Incinerator Fire x8

Red Hot Fists (Japanese: 赤熱のゲンコツ Sekinetsu no genkotsu) Ysh red gloves Crafting Crimson Fists x1

The Pride of the Disciplinary Commitee x12 The liveliness of Class 1A x13 Rabbit's Carrot x12

Red Breaker (Japanese: レッドブレイカー Reddo bureikā) Ysh red gloves
Gem Punch (Japanese: 珠玉のパンチ Shugyoku no Panchi) Ysh gem punch
Supreme Punch (Japanese: 至高のパンチ Shikō no Panchi) Ysh gem punch
Ultimate Punch (Japanese: 究極パンチ Kyūkyoku Panchi) Ysh gem punch
Tofu Cubes (Japanese: 豆腐の角 Tōfu no Tsuno) Ysh tofu cubes
Grilled Tofu Cubes (Japanese: あぶり豆腐の角 Aburi Tōfu no Tsuno) Ysh tofu cubes
Grilled Tofu Cubes (Japanese: 焼き豆腐の角 Yakidōfu no tsuno) Ysh tofu cubes
Frozen Tofu Cubes (Japanese: 凍った豆腐の角 Kōtta Tōfu no Tsuno) Ysh frozen tofu cubes
Frozen Tofu Cubes (Japanese: 凍てつきし豆腐の角 Itetsukishi Tōfu no Tsuno) Ysh frozen tofu cubes
Frozen Tofu Cubes Ysh frozen tofu cubes
Absolute Zero Tofu Cubes (Japanese: 絶対零度の豆腐の角 Zettai reido no tōfu no tsuno) Ysh frozen tofu cubes Headmaster's Office 240 Y Drops
Cat Punch (Japanese: ネコパンチ Nekopanchi) Ysh cat punch Crafting Stretchy Rubber x2

Tasty Aura x1

Nyan Nyan Punch (Japanese: ニャンニャンパンチ Nyan'nyan panchi) Ysh cat punch Crafting Cat Punch x1

Medical Kit x5 Biribiru Battery x21

Knyuckle Punch (Japanese: ニャックルパンチ Nyakku ru panchi) Ysh cat punch Crafting Nyan Nyan Punch x1

Infinite Pyramid Power x7 Bakubaku Feed x15 Rabbit's Carrot x14

Cat Paw of Temptation (Japanese: 誘惑の猫の手 Yūwaku no Neko no Te) Ysh cat paw of tempation Cowtco


Cat Punch x1

Shiny Cloth x10 Sweet Syrup x3

Charming Cat's Paw (Japanese: 魅惑の猫の手 Miwaku no Neko no Te) Ysh cat paw of tempation Crafting Cat Paw of Temptation x1

Columbus' Egg x5 Bakubaku Feed x15 Medical Kit x9

Mii-chan Punch (Japanese: ミィちゃんパンチ Myi-chan panchi) Password

Crafting (after inputting password)

Craftmanship x5

Maiden's Love x5 Morashita La Water x7 Energetic Fish x10

Mii-chan Punch II (Japanese: ミィちゃんパンチⅡ Myi-chan panchi Ⅱ) Crafting (after inputting password) Mii-chan Punch x1

Instant Muscle Doubling Program x9 Oasis Tropical x17 Crystal x5

Handmade Pom-poms (Japanese: 手づくりポンポン Tedzukuri Ponpon) Ysh handmade pompoms Purchasing Department


Exciting Plastics x2

Shiny Cloth x1

Sharp and Crisp Pom-poms (Japanese: キレッキレになるポンポン Kirekkire ni Naru Ponpon) Ysh handmade pompoms Crafting Handmade Pom-poms x1

A Class Licence x5 Universal Dictionary x12 Oasis Tropical x9

Pom Pom Acrobat (Japanese: ポンポン・アクロバット Ponpon akurobatto) Ysh handmade pompoms
Cheering Pom-poms (Japanese: 応援ポンポン Ōen Ponpon) Ysh cheering pompoms Purchasing Department


Shiny Cloth x3

Sweet Syrup x2

Encouragement Pom-poms (Japanese: 激励のポンポン Gekirei no Ponpon) Ysh cheering pompoms Crafting Cheering Pom-poms x1

Oasis Tropical x5 Sweet Syrup x10

Victory Pom-poms (Japanese: 勝利を呼ぶポンポン Shōri o yobu ponpon) Ysh cheering pompoms 297500

Kick type weapons[]

Name Image Location Materials Cost
Jet Boots (Japanese: ジェットブーツ Jetto Būtsu) Ysh jet boots Purchasing Department


Mechanical Electronic Circuit x2

Biribiri Battery x1

Jet Boot Smash (Japanese: ジェットブーツ・スマッシュ Jetto Būtsu Sumasshu) Ysh jet boots Crafting Jet Boots x1

Future Technology x1 Mechanical Electronic Circuit x21

Air Walker (Japanese: エアーウォーカー Eā u~ōkā) Ysh jet boots Crafting Jet Boot Smash x1

Scientist's Dreams x5 Morashita La Stream x6 Morashita La Water x13

Black Smoke Jet Boots (Japanese: 黒煙のジェットブーツ Kuro Kemuri no Jetto Būtsu) Ysh black smote jet boots Crafting Jet Boots x1

Mechanical Electronic Circuit x10 Biribiri Battery x8

Jet Boots Smokey (Japanese: ジェットブーツ・スモーキー Jetto Būtsu Sumōkī) Ysh black smote jet boots Crafting Black Smoke Jet Boots x1

Future Technology x6 Swimming Skills x12 Mechanical Electronic Circuit x237

Black Spiker (Japanese: ブラック・スパイカー Burakku supaikā) Ysh black smote jet boots
Practice Bash (Japanese: 練習用バッシュ Renshū-yō Basshu) Ysh practice bash Crafting Stretchy Rubber x2

Power Meat x1

Grip Bash (Japanese: グリップバッシュ Gurippu Basshu) Ysh practice bash Purchasing Department


Practice Bash x1

Shiny Cloth x9 Moisturising Oil x3

Jumping Bash (Japanese: ジャンピングバッシュ Janpingu Basshu) Ysh practice bash Crafting Grip Bash x1

Kinetic Energy x5 Stretchy Rubber x21

Impact Bash (Japanese: インパクトバッシュ Inpakuto Basshu) Ysh practice bash Crafting Jumping Bash x1

Instant Muscle Doubling Program x3 Kinetic Energy x12 Vaulting Box x9

Rebound Impact (Japanese: リバウンドインパクト Ribaundo inpakuto) Ysh practice bash Crafting Impact Bash x1

Petite Snowman x12 Vaulting Box x9 Instant Muscle Doubling Program x5

The Shocking Rebound King (Japanese: 衝撃のリバウンドキング Shōgeki no ribaundo kingu) Ysh practice bash
Wobbling High Heels (Japanese: ガタつくハイヒール Gata Tsuku Haihīru) Ysh wobbling high heels Crafting Exciting Plastics x2

Exciting Wood x1

Beautiful Legs High Heels (Japanese: 美脚ハイヒール Bikyaku Haihīru) Ysh wobbling high heels Cowtco


Wobbling High Heels x1

Shiny Cloth x9 Moisturising Oil x3

Beauty High Heels (Japanese: ビューティーハイヒール Byūtī Haihīru) Ysh wobbling high heels Crafting Beautiful Legs High Heels x1

Craftmanship x2 Exciting Plastics x22

Actress' High Heels (Japanese: 大女優のハイヒール Dai Joyū no Haihīru) Ysh wobbling high heels Crafting Beauty High Heels x1

Morashita La Stream x3 Elegant Sense x12 School Confidential Documents x9

Ysh wobbling high heels Crafting Heels x1

TwinkleStar x11 Science Passion x10 Sweet Syrup x206

Baroness High Heels (Japanese: ハイヒール・バロネス Haihīru baronesu) Ysh wobbling high heels
Perfect Walking (Japanese: パーフェクト・ウォーキング Pāfekuto u~ōkingu) Ysh wobbling high heels
Chipped Blade Skate Shoes (Japanese: 刃が欠けたスケートシューズ Ha Ga Kaketa Sukēto Shūzu) Ysh chipped blade skate shoes Purchasing Department


Shiny Metal x3

Stretchy Rubber x2

Brilliant Tracks (Japanese: ブリリアントシュプール Buririanto Shupūru) Ysh chipped blade skate shoes Crafting Chipped Blade Skate Shoes x1

Swimming Skills x5 Shiny Metal x21

Amazing Skate (Japanese: アメイジングスケート Ameijingu sukēto) Ysh chipped blade skate shoes Crafting Ice Skates x1

Kirarin☆Starlight x5 Little Snowman x15 Swimming Skills x14

Greatest Toe Loop (Japanese: グレイテスト・トーループ Gurei tesuto tōrūpu) Ysh chipped blade skate shoes
Freezing Skate Shoes (Japanese: 氷結のスケートシューズ Hyōketsu no sukēto shūzu) Ysh freezing skate shoes Crafting Chipped Blade Skate Shoes x1

Biribiri Battery x10 Mechanical Electronic Circuit x9

Primadonna on Ice (Japanese: 氷上のプリマドンナ Hikami no Puri Madon'na) Ysh freezing skate shoes Crafting Freezing Skate Shoes x1

A Class Licence x5 Morashita La Water x12 Swimming Skills x9

Frozen Skate (Japanese: フローズンスケート Furōzun sukēto) Ysh freezing skate shoes
Frozen Art Fuki Tower 190 Y Drops

Spirit bullet weapons[]

Name Image Location Materials Cost
Stylish Folding Fan (Japanese: オシャレな扇子 Osharena Sensu) Ysh stylish folding fan Crafting Exciting Wood x3

Shiny Cloth x2

Elegant Fan (Japanese: 風雅な扇子 Fūgana Sensu) Ysh stylish folding fan Crafting Stylish Folding Fan x1

Our Country's Traditional Culture x2 Exciting Wood x22

Glory and Beauty (Japanese: 栄華・花鳥風月 Eiga kachō fūgetsu) Ysh stylish folding fan Crafting Blue Fan x1

Out Country's Traditional Culture x7 Twinkle☆Star x9 Cheers Feed x14

Mysterious Fan (Japanese: 妖しき扇子 Ayashiki Sensu) Ysh mysterious fan Cowtco


Stylish Folding Fan x1

Crispy Fire x5 Biribiri Battery x8

Mysterious Fan Demonic Dance (Japanese: 怪扇・妖気乱舞 Kai Ōgi Yōki Ranbu) Ysh mysterious fan Crafting Mysterious Fan x1

Our Country's Traditional Culture x4 Secret of the Pyramids x10 Exciting Wood x254

Sacred Fan: Strange Encounters (Japanese: 神器扇・奇縁乱舞 Jingi ōgi kien ranbu) Ysh mysterious fan
Beginner's Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: かけだしの新体操リボン Kakedashi no Shin Taisō Ribon) Ysh beginners ribbon Purchasing Department


Shiny Cloth x2

Exciting Plastics x1

Shining Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 輝きの新体操リボン Kagayaki no Shin Taisō Ribon) Ysh beginners ribbon Crafting Beginner's Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon x1

Sword Glow x3 Shiny Cloth x20

Glorious Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 栄華の新体操リボン Eiga no shin taisō ribon) Ysh beginners ribbon Crafting Blue Ribbon x1

Kirarin☆Starlight x5 Twinkle☆Star x9 Maiden's Love x6

Passionate Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 熱情の新体操リボン Netsujō no Shin Taisō Ribon) Ysh passionate ribbon Crafting Beginner's Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon x1

Stretchy Rubber x9 Vegetable x3

Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon Cheers (Japanese: 新体操リボン・チアーズ Shin Taisō Ribon Chiāzu) Ysh passionate ribbon Crafting Passionate Rhythmic Gynmastics Ribbon x1

Columbus' Egg x5 What Was a Vaulting Box x12 Stretchy Rubber x270

Love Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 愛の新体操リボン Ai no Shin Taisō Ribon) Ysh love ribbon Crafting Beginner's Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon x1

Exciting Wood x11 Sweet Syrup x4

Benevolent Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 博愛の新体操リボン Hakuai no Shin Taisō Ribon) Ysh love ribbon Crafting Love Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon x1

Growing and Growing Fertilizer x5 Mechanical Electronic Circuit x22

Compassionate Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon (Japanese: 慈愛の新体操リボン Jiai no shin taisō ribon) Ysh love ribbon
Baton of Harmony (Japanese: 調和のタクト Chōwa no takuto) Ysh baton of harmony Crafting Shiny Metal x2

Exciting Plastics x1

Symphonia Baton (Japanese: シンフォニアタクト Shinfonia takuto) Ysh baton of harmony Crafting Baton of Harmony x1

The Power of the Sword x2

Harmony Baton (Japanese: ハーモニータクト Hāmonī takuto) Ysh baton of harmony Crafting 416850
Bewitching Baton (Japanese: 惑わしのタクト Madowashi no takuto) Ysh gold baton Crafting 1530
Chaos Baton (Japanese: カオスタクト Kaosu takuto) Ysh gold baton Crafting 243310
Gale Baton Ysh gold baton Student Council Office 150 Y Drops
Wandering Baton (Japanese: ワンダリングタクト Wanda ringu takuto) Ysh gold baton Student Council Office 250 Y Drops
Gentle Breeze Baton (Japanese: そよ風のタクト Soyokaze no takuto) Ysh purple baton Crafting 1440
Whirlwind Baton (Japanese: 旋風のタクト Senpū no takuto) Ysh purple baton Crafting 10400
Gale Baton (Japanese: 疾風のタクト Hayate no takuto)
Intellectual Presentation Stick (Japanese: 知的なプレゼン棒 Chi-tekina Purezen Bō) Ysh presentation stick Crafting 119
Capable Man's Presentation Stick (Japanese: デキる男のプレゼン棒 Dekiru otoko no purezen bō) Ysh presentation stick Crafting 15680
A Talented CEO's Presentation Stick (Japanese: 敏腕CEOのプレゼン棒 Binwan CEO no purezen bō) Ysh presentation stick Crafting 378770
A Talented CEO's Presentation Stick Ysh presentation stick Student Council Office 240 Y Drops
Very Conspicuous Presentation Stick (Japanese: やけに目立つプレゼン棒 Yakeni Medatsu Purezen Bō) Ysh conspicuous presentation stick Cowtco


Unusually Conspicuous Presentation Stick (Japanese: 異様に目立つプレゼン棒 Iyō Ni Medatsu Purezen Bō) Ysh conspicuous presentation stick Crafting 298210
Blue Presentation Stick Ysh blue presentation stick Crafting 280370
Ysh blue presentation stick Crafting 360670
Stretching Out Presentation Stick (Japanese: ドンドンのび~るプレゼン棒 Dondon nobi ~ru purezen bō) Ysh blue presentation stick Crafting 414970
Controller Ysh game controller Crafting 375580
Ysh game controller Crafting 428170
Highly Sensitive Mechanical Controller (Japanese: 高感度メカニカルコントローラー Kō kando mekanikaru kontorōrā) Ysh game controller
Hard and Stiff Controller (Japanese: カチコチコントローラー Kachikochi kontorōrā) Ysh game controller
Machine Gun Ysh machine gun Crafting 372380
Ysh machine gun Crafting 424400
Armor-piercing Assault Rifle (Japanese: 徹甲アサルトライフル Tōru Kinoe asaruto raifuru) Ysh machine gun Fuki Tower 230 Y Drops

Music weapons[]

Name Image Location Materials Cost
Cheap Recorder (Japanese: 安っぽいリコーダー Yasuppoi rikōdā) Ysh cheap recorder Purchasing Department


Young Leaf Recorder (Japanese: 若葉のリコーダー Wakaba no rikōdā) Ysh cheap recorder Crafting 1580
Master Recorder (Japanese: 熟達のリコーダー Jukutatsu no rikōdā) Ysh cheap recorder Crafting 13440
Tounging Master (Japanese: タンギングマスター Tangingu masutā) Ysh cheap recorder Crafting 261210
Gorgeous Toot Toot (Japanese: 華麗なるトゥートゥートゥー Kareinaru to~ū to~ūto~ū) Ysh cheap recorder Crafting 376640
Court Musician's Recorder (Japanese: 宮廷音楽家のリコーダー Kyūtei ongakuka no rikōdā) Ysh cheap recorder
Creaky Megaphone (Japanese: ベコベコなメガホン Bekobekona megahon) Ysh creaky megaphone Purchasing Department


Explosive Megaphone (Japanese: 爆音メガホン Bakuon megahon) Ysh creaky megaphone Crafting 15070
Thunder Megaphone (Japanese: 天地雷鳴メガホン Tenchi raimei megahon) Ysh creaky megaphone Crafting 283680
A Megaphone that Shakes the Earth Ysh creaky megaphone Crafting 381960
A Megaphone That Shakes the Earth (Japanese: 大地を揺るがす大声援メガホン Daichi o yurugasu dai seien megahon) Ysh creaky megaphone Student Council Office 200 Y Drops
Dull Trumpet (Japanese: くすんだトランペット Kusunda toranpetto) Ysh dull trumpet Purchasing Department


Passionate Trumpet (Japanese: 情熱のトランペット Jōnetsu no toranpetto) Ysh dull trumpet Crafting 12510
Glory of the Trumpeter (Japanese: グローリー・オブ・トランペッター Gurōrī Obu toranpettā) Ysh dull trumpet Crafting 218780
Golden Sound (Japanese: ゴールデンサウンド Gōruden saundo) Ysh dull trumpet Crafting 293770
Cute Clarinet (Japanese: ぱっきゃらなクラリネット Pakkya-rana kurarinetto) Ysh cute clarinet Crafting 79
Melodic Clarinet (Japanese: 旋律のクラリネット Senritsu no kurarinetto) Ysh cute clarinet Crafting 2130
Papa's Beloved Clarinet (Japanese: パパの愛したクラリネット Papa no ai shita kurarinetto) Ysh cute clarinet Crafting 11810
Memorial Clarinet Ysh cute clarinet Headmaster's Office


150 Y Drops

355130 Money

Ysh cute clarinet
Rusty Microphone (Japanese: サビついたマイク Sabi tsuita maiku) Ysh rusty microphone Crafting 95
Passionate Singing Microphone (Japanese: 熱唱マイク Nesshō maiku) Ysh rusty microphone Crafting 2470
Soul Voice (Japanese: ソウルボイス Sōru boisu) Ysh rusty microphone Crafting 15500
Vocal Master (Japanese: ヴォーカルマスター Vu~ōkaru masutā) Ysh rusty microphone Crafting 298390

One handed weapons[]

Name Image Location Materials Cost
Great Noise Paper Fan (Japanese: エエ音で鳴るハリセン Ē-on de naru harisen) Ysh great noise paper fan Crafting 146
Really Great Noise Paper Fan (Japanese: めっちゃエエ音で鳴るハリセン Metcha ē-on de naru harisen) Ysh great noise paper fan Crafting 277220
Great Noise Paper Fan (Japanese: ごっつエエ音で鳴るハリセン Go ttsu ē-on de naru harisen) Ysh great noise paper fan
Partner Wake-Up Paper Fan No. 1 (Japanese: 相方たたき起こしハリセン1号 Aikata tatakiokoshi harisen 1-gō) Ysh partner wake up fan Crafting 1370
Partner Wake-Up Paper Fan No. 2 (Japanese: 相方たたき起こしハリセン2号 Aikata tatakiokoshi harisen 2-gō) Ysh partner wake up fan Crafting 15480
Partner Poking Paper Fan (Japanese: 相方ド突きまくりハリセン Aikata do tsuki makuri harisen) Ysh partner wake up fan Crafting 302540
Sunrise Paper Fan (Japanese: おったまげハリセン Ottamage harisen) Ysh sunrise paper fan Crafting 2020
Surprisingly Shocking Paper Fan (Japanese: ビックリ仰天ハリセン Bikkuri gyōten harisen) Ysh sunrise paper fan Crafting 320450
Master's Paper Fan (Japanese: 師匠のハリセン Shishō no harisen) Ysh masters paper fan
Great Master's Paper Fan (Japanese: 大師匠のハリセン Dai shishō no harisen) Ysh masters paper fan
Legendary Master's Paper Fan (Japanese: 伝説の大師匠のハリセン Densetsu no dai shishō no harisen) Ysh masters paper fan
Homemade Rubber Racket (Japanese: お手製ラバーラケット O tesei rabā raketto) Ysh homemade rubber racket Purchasing Department


Fast Table Tennis Racket (Japanese: 快速卓球ラケット Kaisoku takkyū raketto) Ysh homemade rubber racket Crafting 1640
Sonic Smash (Japanese: 音速スマッシュ Onsoku sumasshu) Ysh homemade rubber racket Crafting 275740
Ysh homemade rubber racket Crafting 383030
Stylish Racket (Japanese: 小洒落たラケット Ko shareta raketto) Ysh stylish racket Purchasing Department


Prince's Racket (Japanese: 貴公子のラケット Kikōshi no raketto) Ysh stylish racket Crafting 14000
Racket Prince Ysh stylish racket Student Council Office 140 Y Drops
Flashy Racket (Japanese: ド派手なラケット Do hadena raketto) Ysh flashy racket Crafting 1960
Super Angry Racket (Japanese: 超怒級ラケット Chō ika-kyū raketto) Ysh flashy racket Crafting 271460
Ysh flashy racket Crafting 430400
Bamboo Sword Full of Spirit (Japanese: わりと気合の入った竹刀 Wari to kiai no haitta shinai) Ysh bamboo sword full of spirit Purchasing Department


Swordsman's Bamboo Sword (Japanese: 剣豪の竹刀 Kengō no shinai) Ysh bamboo sword full of spirit Crafting 313380
Sword Saint's Bamboo Sword Ysh bamboo sword full of spirit Student Council Office 190 Y Drops
Raiding Bamboo Sword (Japanese: カチコミ竹刀 Kachikomi shinai) Ysh raiding bamboo sword Crafting 1550
Rasetsu Bamboo Sword (Japanese: 羅刹の竹刀 Rasetsu no shinai) Ysh raiding bamboo sword Crafting 13360
Ysh raiding bamboo sword Crafting 303170
Oni Bamboo Sword Ysh raiding bamboo sword Fuki Tower 240 Y Drops
White Training Sword Ysh white bamboo sword Crafting 283610
Ysh white bamboo sword Crafting 391160
Ysh white bamboo sword Crafting 434900
Poofessor Staff Ysh poofessor staff Crafting 248260
Ysh poofessor staff Crafting 377700
Ysh poofessor staff Crafting 408800

Two handed weapons[]

Name Image Location Materials Cost
Strong Bat (Japanese: ど根性バット Dokonjō batto) Ysh strong bat Purchasing Department


Fighting Spirit Bat (Japanese: 闘魂バット Tōkon batto) Ysh strong bat Crafting 14210
Ysh strong bat Crafting 303800
Whirlwind Swing (Japanese: 旋風スイング Senpū suingu) Ysh whirlwind swing Crafting 1960
Electric Fan Rotation Bat (Japanese: 扇風機大回転バット Senpūki daikaiten batto) Ysh whirlwind swing Crafting 286650
Youthful Bat (Japanese: 青春のバット Seishun no batto) Ysh youthful bat
Refreshing Youthful Bat (Japanese: さわやか青春のバット Sawayaka seishun no batto) Ysh youthful bat
Shining Youthful Bat (Japanese: きらめく青春のバット Kirameku seishun no batto) Ysh youthful bat
Shaggy Broom (Japanese: ぼさぼさなホウキ Bosabosana hōki) Ysh shaggy broom Crafting 161
Prickly Broom (Japanese: ちくちくするホウキ Chikuchiku suru hōki) Ysh shaggy broom Crafting 2310
Fluffy Broom (Japanese: ワッサワッサなホウキ Wassawassana hōki) Ysh shaggy broom Crafting 313310
Ysh shaggy broom Crafting 379980
Worn Out Mop (Japanese: くたびれたモップ Kutabireta moppu) Ysh worn out mop Crafting 2090
Reinforced Mop (Japanese: 補強されたモップ Hokyō sa reta moppu) Ysh worn out mop Crafting 15560
Carbide Mop (Japanese: 超硬合金製モップ Chō kata gōkin-sei moppu) Ysh worn out mop Crafting 324580
Lightweight Mop Made From Rare Metals Ysh worn out mop Fuki Tower


160 Y Drops


Ysh worn out mop
Warped Frying Pan (Japanese: ゆがんだフライパン Yuganda furaipan) Ysh warped frying pan Crafting 2000
Skilled Housewife's Frying Pan (Japanese: デキる主婦のフライパン Dekiru shufu no furaipan) Ysh warped frying pan Crafting 14020
Top Chef's Frying Pan (Japanese: 一流シェフのフライパン Ichiryū shefu no furaipan) Ysh warped frying pan Crafting 266390
Ysh warped frying pan Crafting 358190
Calligraphy Brush (Japanese: 習字筆 Shūji fude) Ysh calligraphy brush Purchasing Department


Calligrapher's Brush (Japanese: 書道家の筆 Shodō-ka no fude) Ysh calligraphy brush Crafting 11730
Ysh calligraphy brush Crafting 291830
Healing Brush (Japanese: 癒しの筆 Iyashi no fude) Ysh healing brush Crafting 2400
Recovery Brush (Japanese: 快癒の筆 Kaiyu no fude) Ysh healing brush Crafting 14280
Amulet Brush (Japanese: 魔よけの筆 Mayoke no fude) Ysh amulet brush Crafting 2170
Innocent Brush (Japanese: 清廉なる筆 Seiren'naru fude) Ysh amulet brush Crafting 10620
Exorcism Brush Ysh amulet brush Fuki Tower 180 Y Drops
Wrench Ysh wrench Crafting 276590
Ysh wrench Crafting 384040
Ysh wrench Crafting 427700

Hand thrown weapons[]

Name Image Location Materials Cost
Hard Work Volleyball (Japanese: 努力のバレーボール Doryoku no barēbōru) Ysh hard work volleyball Purchasing Department


Sweat and Tears Volleyball (Japanese: 汗と涙のバレーボール Ase to namida no barēbōru) Ysh hard work volleyball Crafting 1710
Victory Volleyball (Japanese: 勝利のバレーボール Shōri no barēbōru) Ysh hard work volleyball Crafting 265160
Ysh hard work volleyball Crafting 372380
Damaged Basketball (Japanese: 傷んだバスケットボール Itanda basukettobōru) Ysh damaged basketball Purchasing Department


YBA Official Basketball (Japanese: YBA公認バスケットボール YBA kōnin basukettobōru) Ysh damaged basketball Crafting 14220
Cool Joke Basketball (Japanese: 冗談みたいにイケてるBB Jōdan mitai ni Ike Teru BB) Ysh damaged basketball Crafting 279420
Basketball Legend Ysh damaged basketball Student Council Office


160 Y Drops


Ysh damaged basketball
Hard Dodgeball (Japanese: 硬いドッジボール Katai dojjibōru) Ysh hard dodgeball Purchasing Department


Carbide Crush Ball (Japanese: 超硬クラッシュボール Chō kata kurasshu bōru) Ysh hard dodgeball Crafting 13240
Ysh hard dodgeball Crafting 304990
Explosive Dodgeball (Japanese: 爆熱ドッジボール Bakunetsu dojjibōru) Ysh explosive dodgeball Crafting 1420
Hellfire Dodgeball (Japanese: 獄炎ドッジボール Goku-en dojjibōru) Ysh explosive dodgeball Crafting 273260
Love and Hate Dodgeball Ysh explosive dodgeball Headmaster's Office


200 Y Drops
A Flask With Something In It (Japanese: 何かが入ったフラスコ Nani ka ga haitta furasuko) Ysh nitro flask Purchasing Department


Nitro Flask (Japanese: ニトロの入ったフラスコ Nitoro no haitta furasuko) Ysh nitro flask Crafting 12990
Ysh nitro flask Crafting 295750
Pungent Flask (Japanese: 刺激臭がするフラスコ Shigeki-shū ga suru furasuko) Ysh pungent flash Crafting 1480
Miasma Flask (Japanese: 瘴気ただようフラスコ Shōki tadayō furasuko) Ysh pungent flash Crafting 245510
Chilled Flask (Japanese: ひやひやなフラスコ Hiyahiyana furasuko) Ysh chilled flask Crafting 1480
Frozen Flask (Japanese: 凍てついたフラスコ Itetsuita furasuko) Ysh chilled flask Crafting 227750
Freeze Liquid Ysh chilled flask Fuki Tower 250 Y Drops
Heavy Bowling Ball (Japanese: 重いボウリング玉 Omoi bōringu-dama) Ysh heavy bowling ball Crafting 103
Super Heavyweight Bowling Ball (Japanese: 超ヘビー級ボウリング玉 Chō hebī-kyū bōringu-dama) Ysh heavy bowling ball Crafting 12900
Super Heavy Gravity Bowl Ysh heavy bowling ball Fuki Tower


150 Y Drops
Bam Bowling Ball (Japanese: バッチバチのボウリング玉 Batchibachi no bōringu-dama) Ysh bam bowling ball Crafting 1420
Stun Gun Ball (Japanese: スタンガンボウル Sutangan bōru) Ysh bam bowling ball Crafting 229630

Kick-off weapons[]

Name Image Location Materials Cost
Worn Out Slippers (Japanese: ヘタったスリッパ Heta tta surippa) Ysh worn out slippers Crafting 107
Guest's Slippers (Japanese: 来賓用スリッパ Raihin-yō surippa) Ysh worn out slippers Crafting 1580
Sonic Flying Slippers (Japanese: 音速スッ飛びスリッパ Onsoku suttobi surippa) Ysh worn out slippers Crafting 14480
Magnum Slipper Warhead (Japanese: マグナムスリッパ弾頭 Magunamu surippa dantō) Ysh worn out slippers Crafting 247860
Ysh worn out slippers Crafting 306320
Spikes for Beginners (Japanese: 初心者向けスパイク Shoshinsha-muke supaiku) Ysh spikes for beginners Purchasing Department


Jagged Spikes (Japanese: ギザギザスパイク Gizagiza supaiku) Ysh spikes for beginners Crafting 1420
Slash Spikes (Japanese: スラッシュスパイク Surasshu supaiku) Ysh spikes for beginners Crafting 14650
Earth Cutting Spikes (Japanese: 大地切り裂くスパイク Daichi kirisaku supaiku) Ysh spikes for beginners Crafting 220910
Ysh spikes for beginners Crafting 373450
Assault Rugby Ball (Japanese: 突撃ラグビーボール Totsugeki ragubī bōru) Ysh assault rugby ball Purchasing Department


Brave Tackle (Japanese: ブレイブタックル Bureibu takkuru) Ysh assault rugby ball Crafting 14070
Ysh assault rugby ball Crafting 301700
Impact Rugby Ball (Japanese: 衝撃のラグビーボール Shōgeki no ragubī bōru) Ysh impact rugby ball Crafting 1600
Rugby Man Warcry (Japanese: ラガーマン・ウォークライ Ragāman u~ōku rai) Ysh impact rugby ball Crafting 264980
Catastrophe Rugby Ball Ysh impact rugby ball Headmaster's Office 180 Y Drops
Old Soccer Ball (Japanese: 古びたサッカーボール Furubita sakkā bōru) Ysh old soccer ball Purchasing Department


Friendship Soccer Ball (Japanese: 友情のサッカーボール Yūjō no sakkā bōru) Ysh old soccer ball Crafting 1510
Bond Soccer Ball (Japanese: 絆のサッカーボール Kizuna no sakkā bōru) Ysh old soccer ball Crafting 12160
Fantasista Ball (Japanese: ファンタジスタボール Fantajisuta bōru) Ysh old soccer ball Crafting 254070
Ysh old soccer ball 360740


  • The colours of the Black Smoke Jet Boots may be a reference to Damona
  • The Gentle Breeze Baton and Whirlwind Baton may be a reference to the Wind Waker from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker