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Morashita la Damelia is an area in Y-Academy and a dungeon in Y School Heroes: Bustlin' School Life.


Morashita la Damelia is a white and blue castle where Hanako-san resides. It has toilet imagery both inside and out.

In Y School Heroes: Bustlin' School Life, a Momo warp point is outside the castle.

In the games[]

Y School Heroes: Bustlin' School Life[]

The Morashita la Damelia acts as a dungeon where Kyouran no Hanako-san is fought during the story. After the mission is completed, it also serves as the dungeon for Kyouran no Hanako-san's re-fights, as well as Hedorosu and Sin Dober's fights.

Between areas with enemies are short trial rooms. These are random for each mission and have a time limit. They may be: reach the goal while avoiding falling poo that slows the player if touched, finding the right toilet to pull a plunger out of, defeat all enemies that are running about, defeat all enemies in three waves, pose in each yellow spotlight. Failing a mission merely deals damage and sends the player back to the start of the trial. For speed trials, it is recommended to be a Yo-kai Hero as they are faster than humans. As a transformation takes time out of the time limit up, it is recommended to have a Hero form ready before entering the trial room.


Name Difficulty Rewards
Kyouran no Hanako-san 6 760 Likes

1120 Money 530 EXP Morishita la Water x1

Super Kyouran no Hanako-san 13 920 Likes

12210 Money 6000 EXP Super Like x1 Morishita la Stream x1 Morishita la Water x5

Ultra Kyouran no Hanako-san 16 1330 Likes

20180 Money 12740 EXP Super Like x1 Morishita la Stream x2 Morishita la Water x8 Gasha Coin x1

Hedoross 13 780 Likes

5980 Money 3520 EXP Crispy Fire x12 Large Exporb x2

Super Hedoross 18 1060 Likes

26030 Money 14240 EXP Super Like x1 Taste of Mom's Home Cooking x4 Mega Exporb x3 Gasha Coin x1

Ultra Hedoross
Sin Dober 18 920 Likes

9890 Money 7910 EXP Mechanical Electronic Circuit x12 Mega Exporb x1



Enemy Level
YSH 216 Kyouran no Hanako-san Kyouran no Hanako-san N/A
YSH 146 Michizure-kun Michizure-kun 125-145
YSH 147 Big Michizure-kun Big Michizure-kun
YSH 183 Guretamago Guretamago
YSH 191 Media Gigas Media Gigas
YSH 198 Bougyaku Professor Bougyaku Professor
YSH 199 Kirikizami Sensei Kirikizami Sensei


Enemy Level
YSH 216 Kyouran no Hanako-san Kyouran no Hanako-san N/A
YSH 183 Guretamago Guretamago 267-286
YSH 146 Michizure-kun Michizure-kun
YSH 147 Big Michizure-kun Big Michizure-kun
YSH 198 Bougyaku Professor Bougyaku Professor
YSH 199 Kirikizami Sensei Kirizami Sensei
YSH 191 Media Gigas Media Gigas
YSH 267 Ojindasu Ojindasu
YSH 100 Usapyon Usapyon
YSH 077 Tattletell Tattletell
YSH 079 Blizzaria Blizzaria


Enemy Level
YSH 216 Kyouran no Hanako-san Kyouran no Hanako-san N/A
YSH 183 Guretamago Guretamago
YSH 198 Bougyaku Professor Bougyaku Professor
YSH 199 Kirikizami Sensei Kirizami Sensei
YSH 191 Media Gigas Media Gigas
YSH 267 Ojindasu Ojindasu
YSH 100 Usapyon Usapyon
YSH 079 Blizzaria Blizzaria

In the anime[]

Y School Heroes[]



  • Some treasure boxes in this dungeon can be opened without entering secret paths because the player is deemed close enough, even through walls and floors. This is likely an oversight.

Locations in Y-Academy
Locations Academy BuildingCommercial AreaDowntownStudent DormitoriesCroissant GorgeWai Wai CampStudent Council OfficeChemistry LaboratorySocial Club
Dungeons Sword TowerMorashita la DameliaIncinerator MountainAkatentrazPyramidFuki TowerKiraboshi LabyrinthHakaiyaa DX