Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki
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Pearly Chamber of Whimsy is a dungeon that appears in Yo-kai Watch 3. It is situated in the far west of Northbeech. It acts as the area in BBQ that replaces the Gourd Pond Museum vault from the previous game.


The Pearly Chamber of Whimsy is a strange and abstract area with numerous locked doors that require certain amount of Gate Globes to open.

In the games[]

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

The Pearly Chamber of Whimsy acts as a replacement to the big gates in Gourd Pond Museum from Yo-kai Watch 2. It features minigames the player must beat to progress. These minigames are held behind green doors while red doors either have treasure boxes behind or merely let the player progress. When progressing, the player can create shortcuts so that backtracking is faster.


Whimsical Shopping[]

Whimsical Shopping requires the player to use a shopping cart from Phantomart to traverse the area. The best time to boost with the B button is when the player reaches the middle of the ramp.

Whimsical Work[]

Whimsical Quiz[]

Whimsical Quiz works similarly to the BBQ Cross Road Quiz where a Yo-kai asks the player a question about Yo-kai or items. The last question is a true or false question where the player must enter the correct door.

Whimsical Drilling[]

Whimsical Drilling requires the player to use the Yo-kai Drill to drill through stone blocks. They must avoid Yo-kai while moving north. If a block is opened directly north, south, east or west of a Yo-kai, they will automatically attack the player. Blocks diagonal to these Yo-kai do not count.


Item Name Location
Yellow treasure box, far north-west
Yellow treasure box, far east
Yellow treasure box, far west
Yellow treasure box, Whimsical Shopping - 2nd room, north
Top Techniques Top Techniques Yellow treasure box, south of middle-west staircase
Skill Encycloped Skill Encyclopedia Yellow treasure box, Whimsical Shopping - 2nd room, south-west
Guard Gloriously Guard Gloriously Yellow treasure box, Whimsical Shopping - 2nd room, central-east
Five-Star Coin Fragment Five-Star Coin Fragment Yellow treasure box, far north-east


Whimsical Shopping[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
1st Room
YW3Tiered Tie-red Rank E icon YW3TieredYW3ChiCow Anytime Any ?%
YW3ChiCow Chilled Cowcao Rank E icon YW3ChiCowYW3CueTee Anytime Any ?%
YW3TwiPie Twirly Pie Rank E icon YW3ChiCowYW3CueTee Anytime Any ?%
YW3PusPup Push Pup Rank D icon YW3CueTeeYW3TwiPie Anytime Any ?%
YW3CueTee Cue-Tee Rank D icon YW3ChiCowYW3Tiered Anytime Any ?%
YW3Reverset Reversette Rank A icon YW3CueTee Anytime Any ?%
2nd Room
YW3ButterBlue Buttered Blue Rank E icon YW3OhBaGaYW3PetCak Anytime Any ?%
YW3PetCak Petty-Cake Rank E icon YW3OhBaGaYW3PetCak Anytime Any ?%
YW3SalBac Salty Bacon Rank D icon YW3ButterBlueYW3Unshellt Anytime Any ?%
YW3Unshellt Unshelltered Rank D icon YW3UnshelltYW3SalBac Anytime Any ?%
3rd Room
YW3MamAur Mama Aura Rank A icon Anytime Any ?%

Whimsical Work[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
1st Room
YW3ZipUn Zip Unlock Rank E icon YW3RunsurYW3Legsit Anytime Any ?%
YW3Putasoc Putasockinit Rank E icon YW3RunsurYW3Putasoc Anytime Any ?%
YW3Legsit Legsit Rank D icon YW3RunsurYW3Putasoc Anytime Any ?%
YW3Indext Indexter Rank D icon YW3IndextYW3Putasoc Anytime Any ?%
2nd Room
YW3Quagmi Quagmira Rank E icon YW3QuagmiYW3Grubbl Anytime Any ?%
YW3Runsur Runsure Rank D icon YW3RunsurYW3Quagmi Anytime Any ?%
YW3Grubbl Grubbles Rank D icon YW3RunsurYW3Quagmi Anytime Any ?%
YW3Legsit Legsit Rank D icon YW3QuagmiYW3Grubbl Anytime Any ?%
3rd Room
YW3SupoHer Supoor Hero Rank A icon Anytime Any ?%

Whimsical Drilling[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
YW3Terpot Terrorpotta Rank E icon YW3LedballoYW3CastIII Anytime Any ?%
YW3Ledballo Ledballoon Rank C icon Anytime Any ?%
YW3CastIII Castelius III Rank C icon Anytime Any ?%
YW3Mudmun Mudmunch Rank C icon Anytime Any ?%
YW3Goruma Goruma Rank B icon Anytime Any ?%
4th Room
YW3Rhinormo Rhinormous Rank A icon Anytime Any ?%


In other languages[]

Locations in St. Peanutsburg
Districts SouthmondNorthbeechEast PineSecret Forest BaseMeadowbrooke FarmPecan PortDukesville
Interior Areas BBQ - Adams HouseBBQ - Forester HouseSkycutter Post OfficeAcornia BankMargarita'sSouthmond Elementary SchoolHouse of BoxesTinker's Toy TownStar BurgerCity HallAmore PizzaSunrise SushiMiracle CircusEverymart NorthbeechWarehouse No. 3 MarketplaceSpringdale Trading - St. PeanutsburgJungle HunterBon Voyage BoatsPearly Chamber of WhimsyBob's WatchesPhantomartWayfarer ManorEast Pine ChurchSteak and Pine 29Tempura TemptationsSucculent SukiyakiMushroom ParkRemote RelicForest IsletHazeltine MansionWild Hunters
Yo-kai Areas Denton's RepairsGarden GrillHip & Hopping AlleyWarehouse No. 2Hotel - Rear BywayHopper's Gorge
Dungeons ScrapyardGloombell ForestGrumbler's GrottoTower of Zenlightenment
Access to Yopple HQCluvian Continent