Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki

In-game screenshot depicting Gusto battling Acala Exalted, alongside Uribou; Zashiki-warashi and Usapyon B.

PuraPura Blasters (Japanese: プラプラ・バスターズ Purapura Basutāzu) - also known as "++ Blasters" / "B++" - is a small, secondary game mode within the ++ DLC expansion of Yo-kai Watch 4. A main feature of the expansion, the player can roll-out on traditional Blasters missions in familiar areas such as Uptown Springdale, Past Yo-kai World and Sakuragi Hills. Unlike Blasters T (a Blasters side-mode within Yo-kai Watch 3), PuraPura Blasters is more reminisicent to the Blasters spin-off games and shares no treasure theme.

PuraPura Blasters missions comprise of collecting Oni Orbs, battling Big-Boss Yo-kai and befriending Yo-kai featured in these missions. Players can move out on missions solo, with friends over a local wifi connection or with others over an online connection.

The combat in PuraPura Blasters is extremely similar to the battle mechanics in main-game, with moves, UI interfaces and movement being copied over. New features in the mode have been added including a timer, Oni Orb counter and a "Ping" feature when the player presses the "L" Button. Yo-kai retain their ranks, elemental attributes and roles from main-game.


To unlock PuraPura Blasters, the player must progress through Quest No.50: GOGOGO from the bottom of Hell! (Japanese: 地獄の底からGOGOGO! jigoku no soko kara GOGOGO !). This quest is initiated with Poofessor in the Past Yo-kai World in Chapter 7 of the storyline. Meaning, like Blasters T, PuraPura Blasters can be played whilst the player is continuing to progress through the story - though some PuraPura Missions are locked to postgame.

Once the player has entered the Busters Hell Hole and spoken to Sgt. Burly, they will unlock the ability to select, unlock and move-out on different missions. Moving out on these missions will be one of the player's first exposures to the new, DLC Yo-kai.


See Missions (Yo-kai Watch 4++).


Unlike Blasters T, PuraPura Blasters has independent levels called "Blasters Levels" that are separate from main-game levels. This means, a Yo-kai that is level 50 in main-game, will start off Blasters level 1. Despite main-game levels reaching a maximum of Lvl.120 (with the DLC), Busters Levels can only reach the traditional maximum of Lvl.99. Levelling a Yo-kai's Busters Level takes place with Coach Nekidspeed, who requires Oni Orbs to do so. You can also level up your Yo-kai whilst waiting in local and online co-op lobbies, a feature which was not present in Yo-kai Watch Blasters. Oni Orbs can be obtained through three ways:

  • Collecting Oni Orbs from defeated Yo-kai and Bosses in PuraPura Missions. The player can also collect stray Oni Orbs.
  • Exchanging "Oni Eggs" for Oni Orbs. These eggs are limited, and can only be rewarded by Blizzie or by scanning in Y Medals in the Keystone Scanning App.
  • Selling items and equipment to Dimmy in his shop.

The number of Oni Orbs required to max. out a Yo-kai's Buster Level is as follows (the requirements differ by a Yo-kai's Rank)

  • E Rank:
  • D Rank:
  • C Rank:
  • B Rank:
  • A Rank:
  • S Rank:

The Oni Crank-a-kai[]

The Oni Crank-a-kai from the previous mainline games returns in PuraPura Blasters. Unlike the four Crank-a-kai's (situated in the four different worlds), the Oni Crank-a-kai does not have a crank limit: it can be cranked by the player as many times as they wish to do so. Also, the Oni Crank-a-kai cannot be found in Gasha Land, meaning there is only one Crank in the game. Furthermore, the Crank-a-kai coins found scattered across the game (like Gasha and One-Star) are incompatible with this Crank-a-kai. To accomadate this change, a new class of coin was introduced: "Oni Coins". There are 3 different types of Oni Coins, each with a varying rarity and thus varying prizes. The rarer the coin, the higher the odds and the harder it is to collect said coin.

Locations of all Oni Coins[]

As mentioned previously, there are 3 different types of Oni Coins. Each type of Oni Coin has a different location in PuraPura, with some having multiple. A lot of the locations where these coins are found dictate their rarity and difficulty.

  • Regular Oni Coin (): Commonly drop from random Yo-kai, including Normal bosses and objective-based Yo-kai. Can also be bought in Dimmy's shop for 3,000 Oni Orbs.
  • Super Oni Coin (): Uncommonly (sometimes rarely) drop from Normal and Super bosses and objective-based Yo-kai.
  • Extreme Oni Coin (): Rarely drop from Super and Ultra Bosses only.