Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki

San Fantastico (Japanese: ナギサキ Nagisaki) is a small town that appears in Yo-kai Watch games. It has plenty of places to go fishing, while the town has some features to offer.


It is a port-like town with docks, that is visited in the second game for a story quest. It is the smallest town in the game - it doesn't have any sub-areas and even lacks a school. It can only be accessed by boarding the Central Line on the railway system. A Baffle Board of Chummer appears near the station as well.

There is a cave filled with water of which the level can be changed, and Baffle Boards for The Dancing Trio. A hidden workshop is also found here.

The Deserted House is probably the most interesting thing in this area: one can enter this house for an exclusive dungeon named Mystery Way. As well, extra places are added to it after one or both other versions of the game are linked.

There is also a fisherman with a quest in the second game, and after completing that quest, (which is to catch three certain fish types) the player may use his boat to get to open sea and catch fish types that were otherwise not obtainable. All this provided that the player has obtained a fishing rod.

Places of Interest[]

Seaside Cave[]

Main article: Seaside Cave

The Seaside Cave is a dungeon visited in Yo-kai Watch 2 and an optional dungeon in Yo-kai Watch 3.


Dragon Palace[]

In Yo-kai Watch 3, during Hailey Anne's A Ghost Club Odyssey request, she alongside Zoey and Lina visit this place to seek the truth about a legend of the same name. Other than this quest however, Dragon Palace has no real, meaningful use.


Rusty's Mart[]

Item Name Price Games
Fish Bait Fish Bait $1.00 YW2, YW3
Plum Rice Ball Plum Rice Ball $1.10 YW2, YW3
Milk Milk $1.20 (YW2) $1.00 (YW3) YW2, YW3
Soul Tea Soul Tea $1.30 YW2, YW3
Fresh Urchin Fresh Urchin $13.00 YW2, YW3
Choice Tuna Choice Tuna $140.00 YW2, YW3

In the games[]

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

San Fantastico becomes accessible starting at Chapter 6 of the main story, in which the player is required to complete the Find Mermaidyn! quest (alongside four others) to progress further. Mermaidyn is located inside Seaside Cave for this reason.

Yo-kai Watch Blasters[]

Like most other maps from Yo-kai Watch 2, San Fantastico is visited for several missions.

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Like Harrisville, this town makes a return in the third game, where it is an optional area. However, in the original Japanese release, only the Station Road is accessible. Komasan S appears here and can be battled if you have linked Yo-kai Watch 2 - Fleshy Souls and obtain the Soul Sack.

Starting from version 3.0, the full San Fantastico can be accessed, and it can be accessed in the localised version from the start. It retains most of it's features and sub-areas, but Mystery Way is no longer accessible. Dragon Palace is a new area situated inside Seaside Cave and inhabited by Princess Pearl.


Item Name Location Games
Mini Exporb Mini Exporb Purple chests YW2
Support Life 7 Support Life #7 Purple chests YW3
Skill Encycloped Skill Encyclopedia Purple chests YW3
Lil Angel Heals Li'l Angel Heals Purple chests YW3
Spirit Talisman Spirit Talisman x2 Yellow treasure box, under house in central south YW2
Fish Bait Fish Bait Purple chests YW2
Fish Bait x2
Bronze Doll Bronze Doll Purple chests YW3
Originyan Essence Originyan Essence Purple chests YW3
Music Card Music Card Purple chests YW3
Dancing Star2 Dancing Star Purple chests YW2, YW3
Lottery Ticket Lottery Ticket Purple chests YW3
Stale Coin Rusted Coin Purple chests YW3
Light Blue Coin Fragment Light-Blue Coin Fragment Purple chests YW2
Big Bottle Bottomless Bottle Yellow chest, south-east in garden YW3
Dried Mackerel Dried Mackerel Purple chests YW2, YW3
Mussels-0 Mussels x4 Yellow chest, Seaside cave, north-east YW3
Yellowtail Yellowtail Purple chests YW2
Fresh Urchin Fresh Urchin Purple chests YW3
King Salmon-0 King Salmon x2 Yellow Chest, through building, north-east of can bin YW3
Crab Omelet Crab Omelet Purple chests YW3
Egg Sushi-0 Egg Sushi Purple chests YW3

Hidden Items[]

Item Name Location Games
Mini Exporb Mini Exporb Item Spot

Under houses

Small Exporb-0 Small Exporb Under cars

Between trash Between boxes

Staminum2 Staminum Item spot YW2
Staminum Alpha Staminum Alpha Under cars YW3
Top Techniques Top Techniques Under houses YW3
Ancient Arts Ancient Arts Between trash YW3
A Serious Life A Serious Life On the beach YW3
Strength Talisman Strength Talisman Under cars YW2
Mighty Medicine Mighty Medicine Under houses YW3
Getaway Plush2 Getaway Plush Between trash YW3
Fish Bait Fish Bait Item spot

Under cars

Item Spot

On the beach

Iron Doll Iron Doll Under cars YW2
On the beach YW3
Music Card Music Card Under cars YW3
Stale Coin Rusted Coin Under cars

By the sea

Purple Coin Fragment Purple Coin Fragment Between trash YW2
Soul Tea Soul Tea Between trash

Under cars

Y-Cola Y-Cola Under cars YW3
Spiritizer Y 2 Spiritizer Y Under cars YW3
Ramen Cup YWWW Ramen Cup Under cars YW3
Yellowtail Yellowtail Item spot YW2
Fresh Urchin Fresh Urchin Item Spot YW3
Cheesy Corn Chips Cheesy Chips Between trash YW3



Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Insect Name Location Time Rate
Yw1 brown cicada Brown Cicada On trees ? ?

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Insect Name Location Time Rate
Snail On trees Raining ?
Yw1 green cicada Green Cicada On trees ? ?
Large Cicada On trees ? ?


Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Fish Name Location Time Rate
Starfish Beach ? ?
Yw1 rockfish Rockfish Sea ? ?
Yw1 rare rockfish ★Rockfish Sea ? ?
Squid Sea ? ?
Mullet Sea ? ?
Amberjack Boat ? ?
★Amberjack Boat ? ?
Grunt Boat ? ?
Filefish Boat ? ?
Lobster Boat ? ?
Conger Eel Boat ? ?

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Fish Name Location Time Rate
Starfish Beach Anytime High
Yw1 rockfish Rockfish Sea ? ?
Squid Sea ? ?


Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Hidden Workshop
Wiglicon Wiglin Rank E icon WigliconSteppicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Steppicon Steppa Rank E icon SteppiconRhythicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Rhythicon Rhyth Rank D icon RhythiconSteppicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Heheeicon Heheheel Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?%
FlushIcon Flushback Rank D icon FlushIconHurchiconChumicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Chumicon Chummer Rank C icon ChumiconHurchiconFlushIcon ? Anytime Any ?%
Seaside Cave
Wiglicon Wiglin Rank E icon WigliconSteppiconRhythicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Steppicon Steppa Rank E icon SteppiconWigliconRhythicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Rhythicon Rhyth Rank D icon WigliconSteppicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Coughicon Coughkoff Rank D icon CoughiconHurchicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Hurchicon Hurchin Rank D icon HurchiconCoughiconHeheeicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Heheeicon Heheheel Rank D icon HeheeiconCoughiconHurchicon ? Anytime Any ?%
FlushIcon Flushback Rank D icon FlushIconChansiconBenTovIconHeheeicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Chansicon Chansin Rank C icon ChansiconHurchiconBenTovIconFlushIcon ? Anytime Any ?%
BenTovIcon Ben Tover Rank C icon BenTovIconChansiconHurchiconFlushIcon ? Anytime Any ?%
Shroicon Shrook Rank B icon ShroiconChansiconHurchiconBenTovIcon ? Anytime Any ?%
Tunaticon Tunatic Rank A icon Shroicon ? Anytime Any ?%
On Trees
Cadinicon Cadin Rank E icon Cadinicon ? Anytime Any ?
Toupicon Touphant Rank C icon Toupicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Infoicon Infour Rank B icon Infoicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Under Cars
Heheeicon Heheheel Rank D icon - ? Anytime Any ?
Whapicon Whapir Rank C icon Whapicon ? Anytime Any ?%
BenTovIcon Ben Tover Rank C icon BenTovIcon ? Anytime Any ?%
Nulicon Nul Rank A icon Nulicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Whapicon Whapir Rank C icon Whapicon ? Anytime Any ?
BenTovIcon Ben Tover Rank C icon - ? Anytime Any ?
Infoicon Infour Rank B icon ? Anytime Any ?
Construction Materials
BenTovIcon Ben Tover Rank C icon BenTovIcon ? Anytime Any ?%
Telephone Poles
Toupicon Touphant Rank C icon Toupicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Infoicon Infour Rank B icon Infoicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Hurchicon Hurchin Rank D icon Hurchicon ? Anytime Any ?%
Heheeicon Heheheel Rank D icon Heheeicon ? Anytime Any ?%
FlushIcon Flushback Rank D icon FlushIcon ? Anytime Any ?%
Supyicon Supyo Rank A icon Cynakicon ? Anytime Any ?%

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Hidden Workshop
YW3BittBatt Bitter Batter Rank C icon YW3BittBattYW3Shrook ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Shrook Shrook Rank B icon YW3ChummeYW3BittBatt ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Almi Almi Rank B icon YW3AlmiYW3Rhyth ? Anytime Any ?
Seaside Cave
YW3Steppa Steppa Rank E icon YW3WigliYW3Rhyth 28 Anytime Any ?
YW3Coughko Coughkoff Rank E icon YW3Almi ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Urnacon Urnaconda Rank C icon YW3Urnacon 26 Anytime Any ?
YW3BittBatt Bitter Batter Rank C icon YW3AlmiYW3Flockto ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Shrook Shrook Rank B icon YW3ShrookYW3BittBattYW3MumblesYW3Almi ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Almi Almi Rank B icon YW3AlmiYW3Urnacon ? Anytime Any ?
On Trees
YW3Almi Almi Rank B icon YW3Almi ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Letsbif Letsbifrenz Rank A icon YW3Letsbif ? Anytime Any ?
Under Cars
YW3Slippu Slippup Rank E icon YW3Slippu ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Neggpla Neggplant Rank E icon YW3Neggpla 5 Anytime Any ?
YW3Jumbeli Jumbelina Rank D icon YW3Jumbeli ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Heheel Heheheel Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Soloman Soloman Rank C icon YW3Soloman ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Slippu Slippup Rank E icon ? Anytime Any ?
Construction Materials
YW3Mumbles Mumbles Rank A icon YW3Mumbles ? Anytime Any ?
YW3Letsbif Letsbifrenz Rank A icon ? Anytime Any ?
Telephone Poles
YW3Signibb Signibble Rank D icon YW3Signibb 6 Anytime Any ?
YW3Almi Almi Rank B icon YW3Almi ? Anytime Any ?
YW3FauKap Faux Kappa Rank A icon ? Anytime Any ?

Special Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Rank Requirements Level Time Rate
Komaicon-s YW3 Komasan S Rank S icon Obtain Soul Sack* 50 Anytime Multiple

Yo-kai Watch Blasters[]

Icon Yo-kai Rank Tribe Attri. Blasters Role
YWBSandm Sandmeh Rank E icon Heartful Tribe Earth icon Blasters healer
YWBTubbl Tublappa Rank D icon Brave Tribe Lightning icon Blasters fighter
YWBYoin YoinkRCC Rank D icon Shady Tribe Drain icon Blasters ranger
YWBHurch HurchinWDS Rank D icon Eerie Tribe Ice icon Blasters ranger
YWBMerdyn Mermaidyn Rank D icon Slippery Tribe Water icon Blasters fighter
YWBHeheel Heheheel Rank D icon Slippery Tribe Restoration icon Blasters healer
YWBFishpic Fishpicable Rank D icon Slippery Tribe Lightning icon Blasters ranger
YWBSkrann Skranny Rank C icon Mysterious Tribe Water icon Blasters healer
YWBToupha Touphant Rank C icon Tough Tribe Water icon Blasters tank
YWBWhapi WhapirWDS Rank C icon Charming Tribe Drain icon Blasters healer
YWBBenTov Ben Tover Rank C icon Eerie Tribe Wind icon Blasters ranger
YWBUrnacon Urnaconda Rank C icon Slippery Tribe Lightning icon Blasters healer
YWBChumm Chummer Rank C icon Slippery Tribe Water icon Blasters tank
YWBCroong CroongerRCC Rank C icon Slippery Tribe Drain icon Blasters healer
YWBConfuz Confuze Rank B icon Slippery Tribe Drain icon Blasters fighter
YWBRageon Rageon Rank B icon Slippery Tribe Lightning icon Blasters ranger
YWBPookiv Pookivil Rank A icon Charming Tribe Drain icon Blasters healer
YWBFauKap Faux Kappa Rank A icon Charming Tribe Water icon Blasters fighter
YWBSupyo Supyo Rank A icon Charming Tribe Water icon Blasters fighter
YWBMamAur Mama Aura Rank A icon Heartful Tribe Restoration icon Blasters healer
YWBGimm GimmeRCC Rank A icon Shady Tribe Drain icon Blasters ranger
YWBInsomn Insomni Rank A icon Eerie Tribe Ice icon Blasters ranger
YWBTunatic Tunatic Rank A icon Slippery Tribe Fire icon Blasters ranger
YWBBanose Bananose Rank A icon Slippery Tribe Water icon Blasters ranger
YWBSwosh Swosh Rank S icon Tough Tribe Water icon Blasters tank


Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Request Chapter Rank Time Location
C-1 Grand Prix A Big Yokai Battle
Rank D icon
Anytime Ocean Beach
Take to the Sea! Yokai Watch Model Zero
Rank E icon
Day The Wharf
Trying Tangle TangoPS Big Yo-kai Battle
Rank B icon
Anytime The Wharf
Cap'n Crash...'n' BurnPS Back To Normal!
Rank S icon
Day Seaside Cave

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Yo-kai Spots[]

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Title Yo-kai Reward Fight? Rank Time/Weather Hiding Spot
Object X Floating in the Sea Alloo Bitter Medicine x2 No B Anytime Inner tube
Espy Music Card x3 No
Pinkipoo Nom Burger No
Frostina Blue Coin Fragment No
Swim, Dried Fish! Rageon Brute Bracer Yes B Raining Dried fish
Fishpicable ?
Copperled ?
Undy ?
Hissfit ?
Beetler ?
Rhinoggin ?
Ghostly Starfish at the Coast! Casanuva Large Exporb x2 No A Anytime Wave breaker
Casanono Fish Bait No

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Title Yo-kai Reward Fight? Rank Time/Weather Location Hiding Spot
All Along the Tetrapod Tower Walldin Orange Coin Yes E Anytime Ocean beach Wave breaker
Neighfarious Sukiyaki Lunchbox No
High and Dry Yo-kai Rageon Light Blue Coin Yes E Raining The Wharf Dried fish mat

In the anime[]

In the manga[]


The town's Japanese name, Nagisaki, is derived from the Nagasaki Prefecture, as well as the real-life city of the same name. Though, San Fantastico's structure doesn't resemble a city at all and is better placed in a quieter, rural part of the area.


  • The town's name is derived from the word fantastic and the name of San Francisco, considering the basic shape of the town resembles the real-life city in California, USA
  • When placing Chummer on his Baffle Board in Yo-kai Watch 2, he will give the player access to Little Haven Station when talked to for the first time, and he will give the Classic Gold Background for the Yo-kai Pad, when talked to a second time afterwards
  • Though San Fantastico is not accessible 60 years in the past, it's mentioned that it already existed back then, during a request in Old Springdale in Yo-kai Watch 2

In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of the Netherlands  Dutch Duinvoort
Flag of Germany  German Stadenstett
Flag of Italy  Italian San Fantastico
Flag of Japan  Japanese ナギサキ Nagisaki
Flag of Spain  Spanish San Fantástico

Locations in Springdale
Districts Uptown SpringdaleBlossom HeightsDowntown SpringdaleShopper's RowBreezy HillsMt. WildwoodExcellent TowerHarrisville Station PlazaHarrisvilleSan FantasticoSparkopolisGreenfields
Interior Areas Adams HouseForester HouseEverymartBanter BakeryPiggleston BankLambert Post OfficeJungle HunterSpringdale Community CenterSpringdale Elementary SchoolMemory StoreLogan's HouseShrine Behind the WaterfallMt. Wildwood - SummitDeserted HouseCandy StopSpringdale Hot SpringsTimers & MorePrayer's Peak TunnelBernstein HouseSpringdale RailwayChloro-Phil GoodWayfarer ManorByrd HouseShoten TempleMegan's HouseFoundation AcademyFortune HospitalNom BurgerFrostia's PlaceSpringdale Business TowerArcadia ArcadeSeabreeze TunnelSunset MallBelly Buster Curry HouseCafé ShanistaSpringdale Sports ClubTortoise Camera ShopSpringdale Underground AreaSumptuous SukiyakiSpringdale Flower RoadSuperior StyleToys iZ WeNorth Wind RamenSun PavilionSushi SpringdaleSettle In BookstoreWhatta FindTranquility ApartmentsTempura TempestArcher HouseStone HouseGourd Pond MuseumWisteria GardensBreezy Hills ApartmentsThomas HouseAmy's HouseLina's HouseStonewood HouseGrandma's HouseMountain MarketHarrisville SchoolRusty's MartDeserted HouseRolling Waves Meeting HallDragon HeightsAnimeChumMaid in HeavenNext HarMEOWny TheaterSoba SensationDetective Agency
Yo-kai Areas The CatwalkDesolate LaneShady Back AlleyLonely WaterwayHidden Side StreetTucked Away LotSecret BywayAcademy ShortcutBehind Frostia's PlaceDelivery BayRugged PathShopping Street NarrowsMt. Wildwood - Mountain PathJumbo SliderRice Paddy PathAlley off the PlazaHidden WorkshopBriny GrottoShady Parking LotJunk AlleySpringdale Underground Parking
Dungeons Old MansionSpringdale Underground WaterwayConstruction SiteSpringdale Business TowerGourd Pond MuseumSpringdale Elementary SchoolAbandoned TunnelNocturne HospitalMt. MiddletonInfinite TunnelSeaside CaveIllusionary SparkopolisHazy Lane
Access to The Yo-kai WorldAmbrosia PavillionInfinite InfernoMystery WayGera Gera Abyss ResortYopple HQTatsumi-kawabata - NorthSakura Motomachi (Past)Yo-kai World (Past)Enma's Palace (Future)
Districts Old SpringdaleOld HarrisvilleOld Harrisville Station PlazaMount Wildwood (past)Gourd Pond (past)
Interior Areas Shoten TempleTimers & MoreSpringdale Hot SpringsGalleria BoulevardSpringdale IronworksSunset Manufacturing Co.Ninja ForestSecret BaseOld-Time HousePrayer's Peak TunnelFlatpot Plains
Yo-kai Areas Well RoadFox Shrine RoadRice Paddy
Dungeons Mt. Middleton
Access to Infinite InfernoSawayama Castle Town