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School Mafia (Japanese: 学園マフィア Gakuen Mafia) Also known as "Physical Education Warehouse Social Club" is the Y-Academy mafia group whose leader is Nozuchika Mitsumatagi.


His goal is to unite troubled kids to do less criminal acts at the Y-Academy. Following the events YG023 and YG024, his secondary goal is to help the YSP Club and its allies take on the Onryo and Alien invaders.


Currently the School Mafia has many members, but only two are currently Yo-kai Hero.

Student Position
MitsumatagiNozuchikaSquare Nozuchika Mitsumatagi Leader, Leader of Imperial Study Research Group
ChiakiHebiyamaSquare Chiaki Hebiyama Leader's Partner, Leader of Heavy Metal Club
MeraRaidoSquare Mera Raido Former member, Member of YSP Club
OthersSquare Various members Common members

Yo-kai Hero[]

The leader of the School Mafia Nozuchika Mitsumatagi and his partner Chiaki Hebiyama are Yo-kai Hero, minus Mera Raido who left the Mafia without becoming Yo-kai Hero until he arrived at the YSP Club.

Yo-kai Hero Identity
TheViperSquare The Viper MitsumatagiNozuchikaSquare Nozuchika Mitsumatagi
SkySnakerSquare Sky Snaker ChiakiHebiyamaSquare Chiaki Hebiyama

Allies or Affiliates[]

As a school criminal organism, the School Mafia does not usually ally itself with the Clubs, but after the events of YG024 they allied with the YSP Club and consequently also with its allies.

Student Club/Occupation
JinpeiJibaSquare Jinpei Jiba YSP Club (Leader)
SandayuKomaSquare Sandayu Koma YSP Club (Member)
MataroTamadaSquare Mataro Tamada YSP Club (Member), Special Effects Hero Club (Leader)
MeraRaidoSquare Mera Raido YSP Club (Member), School Mafia (Former member)
FubukiHimekawaSquare Fubuki Himekawa YSP Club (Member)
RyusukeKyubiSquare Ryusuke Kyubi Tennis Club (Leader), Ms. Enra Research Society (Member)
EmmaDaioujiSquare Emma Daiouji Naginata Club (Leader)
RantoKirikagureSquare Ranto Kirigakure UFO Research Club (Leader), Student Council (Leader)
KumakoSquareKukaSquare Kumako Kumoike/Kuka Nanakumo Y-Laboratory Research Facility (Inventor Leader)
HaruhikoSquare Haruhiko Usumizawa Class 1-A Teacher


It is not known when this organization was founded, at some point Nozuchika Mitsumatagi became a leader of the Mafia and during his leadership he met Chiaki Hebiyama and became his partner. Mera Raido later renounced the Mafia to join the YSP Club during M06.


  • It is the group with the most members with countless little known students.