Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki
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The Scrapyard (Japanese: スクラップヤード Sukurappuyādo) is an area that appears in Yo-kai Watch 3. It can be accessed at the bottom-left corner of Southmond in St. Peanutsburg.

It plays a major role in the storyline, after Nate and Buck go there to investigate a giant monster from reading the Fancy That! magazine.


In the games[]

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

The Scrapyard is introduced in Chapter 2: That Boy Buck, where Nate is forced to go inside because of the quest "Mysterious Giant Spotted!" Within the quest, Wyatt and Austin tell Nathan Adams about the rumors of a giant beast. Nate solves the mystery by finding and defeating Junkernaut at the end of the labyrinth. Nate also befriends Buck Hazeltine within the Scrapyard.

At the entrance, the player can find a Baffle Board that requires Greengramps and allows the player to exchange garbage for different items. In addition, there also is a crane that can be accessed to clear roadblocks when first visiting.

Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble[]

The Scrapyard can be accessed after beating Excellent Tower map, but a gate with Moximous N is required to unlock the map, who can be befriended in Harrisville.



Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
YW3LovTor Love Torn Rank E icon YW3LovTorYW3Squeeky ? Anytime Any ?%
YW3InTun In-Tune Rank E icon ? Anytime Any ?%
YW3WhoMe Who-Me Rank E icon ? Anytime Any ?%
YW3Squeeky Squeeky Rank E icon ? Anytime Any ?%
YW3OhWhe Oh Wheel Rank E icon YW3OhWheYW3Putasoc ? Anytime Any ?%
YW3Putasoc Putasockinit Rank E icon YW3InTunYW3Squeeky ? Anytime Any ?%
YW3TommGal Tomorrow Gal Rank D icon YW3TommGalYW3GrubblYW3InTunYW3OhWhe ? Anytime Any ?%
YW3Grubbl Grubbles Rank D icon YW3GrubblYW3LovTorYW3PutasocYW3TommGal ? Anytime Any ?%
YW3Ballin Ballin Rank C icon ? Anytime Any ?%
YW3CouZap Count Zapaway Rank C icon YW3CouZapYW3TommGal ? Anytime Any ?%
YW3Skeleb Skelebella Rank B icon YW3Skeleb YW3CouZap ? Anytime Any ?%
YW3Cuttinch Cuttincheez Rank A icon YW3CuttinchYW3Squeeky YW3Skeleb YW3Grubbl ? Anytime Any ?%

Boss Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Level Health Weakness

Baffle Boards[]

Clues Yo-kai
  1. Heartful Tribe
  2. Carries the...earth?
  3. Loves the environment
Effect: Allows the ability for the player to exchange trash for items.

After answering the Baffle Board and obtaining Greengramps, he will trade the player with some Items in exchange for Trash picked up by the Yo-kai Vacuum Cleaner.

Item Price Selling Price
Lottery Ticket Lottery Ticket


2 Trash BBuck1.00
Staminum2 Staminum 5 Trash BBuck2.40
Staminum Alpha Staminum Alpha 10 Trash BBuck4.80
Bronze Doll Bronze Doll 5 Trash BBuck10.00
Silver Doll Silver Doll 20 Trash BBuck50.00
Gold Doll Gold Doll 70 Trash BBuck200.00
Medium Exporb Medium Exporb 15 Trash BBuck8.00
Mega Exporb Mega Exporb 50 Trash BBuck92.00
Nasty Medicine Nasty Medicine 15 Trash BBuck3.00
Bitter Medicine Bitter Medicine 30 Trash BBuck6.00
Mighty Medicine Mighty Medicine 80 Trash BBuck24.00
Ghastly Fragment Ghastly Fragment 5 Trash BBuck1.00
Think Karate Think Karate 5 Trash BBuck0.98
Use Karate Use Karate 20 Trash BBuck5.00
Skill Compendium Skill Compendium 5 Trash BBuck0.98
Skill Encycloped Skill Encyclopedia 20 Trash BBuck5.00
Get Guarding Get Guarding 5 Trash BBuck0.98
Guard Gloriously Guard Gloriously 20 Trash BBuck5.00
Lil Angel Heals Li'l Angel Heals 5 Trash BBuck0.98
Bye Lil Angel Bye, Li'l Angel 20 Trash BBuck5.00
The Pests Quest The Pest's Quest 5 Trash BBuck0.98
The Perfect Pest The Perfect Pest 20 Trash BBuck5.00
Support Life 7 Support Life #7 5 Trash BBuck0.98
Support Special Support Special 20 Trash BBuck5.00
A Serious Life A Serious Life 70 Trash BBuck25.00
Hidden Hits Hidden Hits 80 Trash BBuck30.00
Top Techniques Top Techinques 80 Trash BBuck30.00
Soul Secrets Soul Secrets 80 Trash BBuck30.00
Merican Flour Starry Spangles 99 Trash BBuck40.00


  • This is one of the few locations that has the exact same name in the Japanese and English versions.

In other languages[]

Locations in St. Peanutsburg
Districts SouthmondNorthbeechEast PineSecret Forest BaseMeadowbrooke FarmPecan PortDukesville
Interior Areas BBQ - Adams HouseBBQ - Forester HouseSkycutter Post OfficeAcornia BankMargarita'sSouthmond Elementary SchoolHouse of BoxesTinker's Toy TownStar BurgerCity HallAmore PizzaSunrise SushiMiracle CircusEverymart NorthbeechWarehouse No. 3 MarketplaceSpringdale Trading - St. PeanutsburgJungle HunterBon Voyage BoatsPearly Chamber of WhimsyBob's WatchesPhantomartWayfarer ManorEast Pine ChurchSteak and Pine 29Tempura TemptationsSucculent SukiyakiMushroom ParkRemote RelicForest IsletHazeltine MansionWild Hunters
Yo-kai Areas Denton's RepairsGarden GrillHip & Hopping AlleyWarehouse No. 2Hotel - Rear BywayHopper's Gorge
Dungeons ScrapyardGloombell ForestGrumbler's GrottoTower of Zenlightenment
Access to Yopple HQCluvian Continent