Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki

Yo-kai Medallium biography
Yo-kai Medallium
"This Yo-kai takes great pleasure in shedding hair in the most unexpected of places, baffling those that he Inspirits."

Shedwin (Japanese: けちらし Kechirashi) is a Rank B Ice-attribute Yo-kai of the Eerie tribe introduced in Yo-kai Watch 3.

In Yo-kai Watch 3, Shedwin is one of the Yo-kai required to unlock Poofessor.


Video games[]

Anime series[]


Shedwin resembles a literal ball of hair with oval eyes and a wide smile and thin, hairy arms and legs.

He causes the hair of either humans and Yo-kai with any kind of hair to fall off and scatter.


Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Shedwin can be found in Southmond and in Denton's Repairs.

He can also be freed from the Crank-a-kai by using the Purple Coin in BBQ or a Souvenir Coin in Springdale.

He can also be found in Blasters T in the Statue of Clunubis ④, the Pyramid of Clu ④, Komanubis' Labyrinth and the Labyrinth of Legend.

Yo-kai Watch Busters 2[]

Shedwin can be found in the Karakuri Tower Hidden Room ①.

He can also be freed from the Crank-a-kai with a Purple Coin.

He is required for the Year-End Cleaning Battle Yo-kai Circle.

Game data[]

Main series[]

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Shedwin 2D
Stats Calculation
This shows Shedwin's stat on level: 99.

Type Name Power Attribute Range
Attack Headsmack (Japanese: ずつき Zutsuki) 30 Single enemy
No description.
Technique Frost (Japanese: 氷結の術 Hyōketsu no Jutsu) 50 Ice Single enemy
No description.
Inspirit Scattering Hair (Japanese: 毛だらけにする Kechirashi ni Suru) Single enemy
(pending: brings SPD way, way down)
Soultimate Move Heh Heh Heh Hair (Japanese: オケケのケッケ Okeke no Kekke) Random spaces
Makes giant hairballs appear in the foe's territory. They cannot be passed through.
Skill Hairyness (Japanese: ふっさふさ Fussafusa)
Does not get Inspirited by enemies.
Blasters stats[]

Attribute tolerance[]

Held items[]

Spin-off games[]

Yo-kai Watch Busters 2[]

Other games[]

Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble[]

In the anime[]

Shedwin appears in EP170, which causes Jibanyan's hair to fall off profusely when Nate cleans his room. When he was found by Nate with the Yo-kai Watch, the Yo-kai's hair falls off, prompting Nate to aspire it with his vacuum cleaner.

Soon, Nate notices a long strand of hair and tries to determine who it belongs to, thinking it belongs Katie Forester. While he thinks about Katie, he receives a Yo-kai Medal from Shedwin, unaware of the Yo-kai's happening.

After Nate returns from Springdale Elementary the next day, he still fantasizes about Katie, and summons Shedwin. Soon, the summoned Yo-kai finds out that the strand of hair came from Whisper's armpit, making Nate feel disgusted.


  • "Kechirashi" translates as "hair scatterer" (Japanese: 毛散らし).
  • Shedwin is a portmanteau of the word shed (as in shedding hair) and the name Edwin.
  • Pelusón is a corruption of "Pelusa" (fuzz).


  • Receiving food (favorite): "Adventuresome!"
  • Train (after being defeated): "Mwee hee hee! I thought I had you by the short and curlies!"


  • Shedwin does not have a real life medal counterpart.

In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Spain  Spanish Pelusón
Flag of Italy  Italian Spargipelo