Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki
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Shopper's Row (Japanese: おつかい横丁 Otsukai Yokochō) is a shopping district and small residential area of Springdale that appears in Yo-kai Watch games. It is most notably home to the Springdale Flower Road, which has several accessible shops and locations.

There are two pathways leading to other parts of the town. Blossom Heights is accessible from the main road overhead bridge while Downtown Springdale is accessed from the road near the southern part.

Places of Interest[]

Springdale Flower Road[]

Main article: Springdale Flower Road

Tranquillity Apartments[]

Main article: Tranquility Apartments

Tranquillity Apartments (Japanese: あんのん団地 Annon danchi) are three blocks of apartments that have three floors each, with nine doors on every floor. Several Quests take place in the area, in both inside and outside of the houses. Some of the doors are also unlockable via finding apartment door keys for rare items.

Yo-kai can be found in the apartments, in both closed and open doors via using the searchlight in the latter or as wild Yo-kai inside the buildings.

Nocturne Hospital[]

Main article: Nocturne Hospital

Doughnut Stores[]

In Yo-kai Watch 2, there are two doughnut stores that make an appearance. The places are called Spirit Doughnuts (Japanese: 元祖ドクロ屋 Ganzo dokuro-ya) that sell doughnuts with custard filling and Soul Doughnuts (Japanese: 本家ドクロ屋 Honke dokuro-ya) that sell them with cream instead. It plays a major role in the storyline of that game, relating to the conflict of what doughnut filling is better.

The stores reappear again in Yo-kai Watch 3, but they must be unlocked by completing The Persuasion of General Arachnus and The Search for General Toadal Dude Quests respectively.



Item Name Price Games
Plum Rice Ball Plum Rice Ball $1.00 (YW) $1.10 (YW2, YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Leaf Rice Ball Leaf Rice Ball $1.40 (YW) $1.50 (YW2, YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Roe Rice Ball Roe Rice Ball $3.00 YW, YW2, YW3
Y-Cola Y-Cola $1.20 (YW) $1.30 (YW2, YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Sandwich Sandwich $2.20 YW, YW2, YW3
Donut Doughnut $1.00 YW3
Ramen Cup YWWW Ramen Cup $1.80 (YW) $1.50 (YW2, YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Getaway Plush2 Getaway Plush $5.00 YW, YW2, YW3

Doughnut Stores[]

Item Name Price Games
Soul Doughnut Soul Doughnut $1.20 (YW2) $1.30 (YW3) YW2, YW3
Spirit Doughnut Spirit Doughnut $1.20 (YW2) $1.30 (YW3) YW2, YW3

Whatta Find[]

Item Name Price Games
Small Exporb-0 Small Exporb $30.00 (YW) $10.00 (YW2, YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Medium Exporb-0 Medium Exporb $80.00 YW2, YW3
Large Exporb-0 Large Exporb $260.00 YW2, YW3
Worn Bangle Worn Bangle $50.00 (YW) $18.00 (YW2, YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Cheap Bracelet Cheap Bracelet $18.00 YW2, YW3
Rocker Wrist Rocker Wrist $160.00 (YW) $65.00 (YW2, YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Power Bracelet Power Bracelet $65.00 YW2, YW3
Brute Bracer Brute Bracer $380.00 (YW) $110.00 (YW2) YW, YW2
Grand Bracelet Grand Bracelet $110.00 YW2
Sun Bracelet Sun Bracelet $330.00 YW3
Rusty Ring Rusty Ring $50.00 (YW) $18.00 (YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Ugly Ring Ugly Ring $18.00 YW2, YW3
Pretty Ring Pretty Ring $160.00 (YW) $65.00 (YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Rainbow Ring Rainbow Ring $65.00 YW2, YW3
Illusion Ring Illusion Ring $380.00 (YW) $110.00 (YW2) YW, YW2
Fairy Ring Fairy Ring $110.00 YW2
Lunar Ring Lunar Ring $330.00 YW3
Aged Charm Aged Charm $50.00 (YW) $18.00 (YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Old Charm Old Charm $18.00 YW2, YW3
Runic Charm Runic Charm $160.00 (YW) $65.00 (YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Protective Charm Protective Charm $65.00 YW2, YW3
Armor Charm Armor Charm $380.00 (YW) $110.00 (YW2) YW, YW2
Lucky Charm Lucky Charm $110.00 YW2
Galaxy Charm Galaxy Charm $330.00 YW3
Simple Badge Simple Badge $50.00 (YW) $18.00 (YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Black Badge Black Badge $18.00 YW2, YW3
Shiny Badge Shiny Badge $160.00 (YW) $65.00 (YW3) YW, YW2, YW3
Cute Badge Cute Badge $65.00 YW2, YW3
Hermes Badge Hermes Badge $380.00 (YW) $110.00 (YW2) YW, YW2
Aurora Badge Aurora Badge $110.00 YW2
Meteor Badge Meteor Badge $330.00 YW3
Sleepillow Sleepillow $700.00 YW
Sleep 'n' Study Sleep 'n' Study $900.00 YW
Sticker of Hate Sticker of Hate $550.00 YW
Plain Ring Plain Ring $100.00 YW
Blank Charm Blank Charm $100.00 YW
Raging Blade Raging Blade $300.00 YW2
Spiritual Water Ethereal Water $880.00 YW2
Carved Bear Carved Bear $180.00 YW3
MVP Trophy MVP Award $300.00 YW3
Mermaid Jewel Mermaid Pearl $880.00 YW3

Tempura Tempest[]

Item Name Price Games
Eggplant Tempura Eggplant Tempura $1.10 YW3
Pumpkin Tempura-0 Pumpkin Tempura $1.10 YW3
Chicken Tempura Chicken Tempura $1.50 YW3
Smelt Tempura-0 Fish Tempura $1.50 YW3
Squid Tempura-0 Squid Tempura $2.20 YW3
Conger Eel Tempura Eel Tempura $3.30 YW3
Jumbo Shrimp Tempura Jumbo Shri. Tempura $4.50 YW3


Item Name Location Games
Medium Exporb Medium Exporb In the corner of the parking lot at the northeastern part of the district. YW
Purple chests YW3
Hidden Hits Hidden Hits At the northwestern part of the parking lot next to the Nocturne Hospital. YW
Use Karate Use Karate Purple chests YW3
The Pests Quest The Pest's Quest In the middle of the parking lot next to the Nocturne Hospital. YW2
The Perfect Pest The Perfect Pest Yellow chest, far north-east, north of the bin and vending machines YW3
Bronze Doll Bronze Doll Purple chests YW3
Dancing Star2 Dancing Star x3 Around the staircase leading to Blossom Heights YW3
Dancing Star Purple chests YW3
Lottery Ticket Lottery Ticket Leadoni treasure chest YW3
Music Card Music Card Behind the C-Block building at Tranquillity Apartments. YW2
YWCoinYellow Yellow Coin Next to Everymart by the tresspassable fence. (Only reachable during nighttime.) YW2
1-Star Coin One-Star Coin In the front yard of the Nocturne Hospital. YW3
Stale Coin Rusted Coin Purple chests YW3
One-Star Coin Fragment One-Star Coin Fragment Yellow chest, west of Nocturne Hospital YW3
Tights Tights In the vacant area next to the northwestern parking lot. (Helicopter required) YW3
MyNyan Voice Icon Naughtynyan Voice In the front yard of the Nocturne Hospital at the left side of the area. YW3
MyNyan Voice Icon Kabukinyan Voice Next to Everymart by the tresspassable fence. (Only reachable during nighttime.) YW3
Plain Ring Plain Ring In the front yard of the Nocturne Hospital. YW
Pretty Ring Pretty Ring The northern part near Springdale Flower Road. YW
Aged Charm Aged Charm Yellow treasure box, in the vacant lot behind the doughnut stores. YW2
Salmon Roe Sushi Salmon Sushi Situated in the middle of the western entrance to Springdale Flower Road YW2
Fresh Urchin Fresh Urchin Located at the slope in the northeastern part. YW2
Crab Omelet Crab Omelet Purple chests YW3
Smelt Tempura-0 Fish Tempura Situated in the middle of the western entrance to Springdale Flower Road YW3
Golden chest, eastern Tranqulity apartments under bike stand YW3

Hidden Items[]

Item Name Location Games
Mini Exporb Mini Exporb In long grass
Under cars
Item spot
Small Exporb-0 Small Exporb In apartments YW3
Staminum2 Staminum Under cars
In apartments
Staminum Alpha Staminum Alpha Item spot YW3
Top Techniques Top Techniques Under cars YW3
Hidden Hits Hidden Hits In long grass
Bye Lil Angel Bye, Li'l Angel In long grass YW3
Think Karate Think Karate In apartments
In streams
Use Karate Use Karate Under cars YW3
Getaway Plush2 Getaway Plush Under vending machines YW3
Black Syrup Black Syrup Under cars
In apartments
Fish Bait Fish Bait In streams YW3
Originyan Essence Originyan Essence In long grass YW3
Bronze Doll Bronze Doll Between trash YW3
Gold Doll Golden Doll In flowerbeds YW3
Dancing Star2 Dancing Star Under cars YW3
Lottery Ticket Lottery Ticket In streams
In flowerbeds
Under cars
Music Card Music Card Under vending machines
In apartments
In flowerbeds
Ghastly Fragment Ghostly Fragment Between trash YW3
Stale Coin Rusted Coin Item spot YW3
Soul Tea Soul Tea Under cars YW3
Spiritizer Y 2 Spiritizer Y Under cars YW3
Fruit Milk Fruit Milk In streams YW3
Coffee Milk Coffee Milk Under vending machines
In streams
Gooey Candy Gooey Candy In apartments YW3
Giant Cracker Giant Cracker In apartments YW3
Chocobar Chocobar Item spot
In streams
Strawberry Chocobar Strawberry Chocobar Under vending machines YW3
Ramen Cup YWWW Ramen Cup In apartments YW3
Cheesy Corn Chips Cheesy Chips Under cars
In apartments
Tasty Nibbles Tasty Nibbles Under cars YW3



Yo-kai Watch[]

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Insect Name Location Time Rate
Yw1 green cicada Green Cicada Trees
Yw1 brown cicada Brown Cicada Trees
Grasshopper Flowerbeds
Grass Lizard Flowerbeds

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Insect Name Location Time Rate
African Cicada Trees
Yw1 evening cicada Evening Cicada Trees
Yw1 green cicada Green Cicada Trees
Yw1 brown cicada Brown Cicada Trees
White Moth Trees
Grass Lizard Long grass
White Moth Flowerbeds
Wood Louse Long grass


Yo-kai Watch[]

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Fish Name Location Time Rate
Yw1 sweetfish Sweetfish River
Eel River
Carp River
Crab River


Yo-kai Watch[]

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Shopping Street Narrows
WotgotIcon Wotchagot Rank E icon WotgotIconSnaggIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Wiglicon Wiglin Rank E icon WigliconSteppiconSnaggIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Steppicon Steppa Rank E icon WigliconSnaggIcon ? Anytime Any ?
SnaggIcon Snaggly Rank E icon SnaggIconWotgotIconWigliconSteppicon ? Anytime Any ?
Nocturne Hospital 1F and 2F
KmonIcon K'mon-K'mon Rank C icon EspiconNirdiconSnobeIconPapWinIcon ? Anytime Any ?
PapWinIcon Papa Windbag Rank C icon PapWinIconAlliconEspiconNirdicon ? Anytime Any ?
Espicon Espy Rank C icon EspiconAlliconNirdiconSnobeIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Allicon Alloo Rank B icon AlliconNirdiconSnobeIconPapWinIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Nirdicon Nird Rank B icon NirdiconAlliconEspiconSnobeIcon 28 Anytime Any ?
SnobeIcon Snobetty Rank B icon SnobeIconAlliconNirdicon ? Anytime Any ?
Nocturne Hospital 3F
Espicon Espy Rank C icon EspiconNirdicon ? Anytime Any ?
Susyamicon Sushiyama Rank B icon SusyamiconNirdiconKmonIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Goruicon Goruma Rank B icon EspiconNirdiconKmonIconPapWinIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Tranquility Apartments
In trees
SnaggIcon Snaggly Rank E icon SnaggIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Under cars
NosiIcon Nosirs Rank D icon NosiIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Spenpicon Spenp Rank C icon ? Anytime Any ?
Goruicon Goruma Rank B icon Goruicon ? Anytime Any ?
In rivers
Wiglicon Wiglin Rank E icon Wiglicon ? Anytime Any ?
Steppicon Steppa Rank E icon Steppicon ? Anytime Any ?
Rhythicon Rhyth Rank D icon ? Anytime Any ?
Under vending machines
Spenpicon Spenp Rank C icon ? Anytime Any ?
Goruicon Goruma Rank B icon - ? Anytime Any ?
In garbage
Spenpicon Spenp Rank C icon ? Anytime Any ?
In flowerbeds
Peckpoicon Peckpocket Rank E icon Peckpoicon ? Anytime Any ?
Minoicon Minochi Rank D icon 12 Anytime Any ?
PapWinIcon Papa Windbag Rank C icon PapWinIcon ? Anytime Any ?
Under porches
Dwanicon D'wanna Rank E icon Dwanicon ? Anytime Any ?
NosiIcon Nosirs Rank D icon NosiIcon ? Anytime Any ?
PapWinIcon Papa Windbag Rank C icon PapWinIcon ? Anytime Any ?
In long grass
Minoicon Minochi Rank D icon Minoicon ? Anytime Any ?
Grubsnicon Grubsnitch Rank D icon Grubsnicon ? Anytime Any ?
PapWinIcon Papa Windbag Rank C icon - ? Anytime Any ?
Dubbicon Dubbles Rank A icon Dubbicon ? Anytime Any ?
On telephone poles
Signibicon Signibble Rank D icon Signibicon ? Anytime Any ?

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Shopping Street Narrows
YW3Minoch Minochi Rank D icon YW3MinochYW3Takid Anytime Any
YW3CerSpill Cereal Spiller Rank D icon YW3CerSpillYW3Jumbeli Anytime Any
YW3Takid Takoyakid Rank D icon YW3TakidYW3CerSpill Anytime Any
YW3Lodo Lodo Rank D icon YW3LodoYW3Minoch Anytime Any
YW3BittBatt Bitter Batter Rank C icon YW3BittBatt YW3Takid Anytime Any
Nocturne Hospital 1F
YW3Tantoni Tantroni Rank D icon YW3Tantoni YW3Espy Anytime Any
YW3CerSpill Cereal Spiller Rank D icon YW3CerSpillYW3Tantoni Anytime Any
YW3Ducho Duchoo Rank D icon YW3TantoniYW3Espy Anytime Any
YW3Espy Espy Rank C icon YW3EspyYW3Ducho 17 Anytime Any
YW3MadMou Mad Mountain Rank C icon Anytime Any
YW3Lamedia Lamedian Rank B icon YW3LamediaYW3MadMou Anytime Any
Nocturne Hospital 2F
YW3Tantoni Tantroni Rank D icon YW3CerSpill Anytime Any
YW3Jumbeli Jumbelina Rank D icon YW3CerSpill YW3CastIII Anytime Any
YW3CastIII Castelius III Rank C icon YW3CastIII YW3Jumbeli Anytime Any
YW3SirBer Sir Berus Rank A icon YW3SirBerYW3CastIII 34 Anytime Any
YW3Devour Devourer Rank S icon YW3Lamedia YW3Shmoopi Anytime Any
Nocturne Hospital 3F
YW3Espy Espy Rank C icon YW3EspyYW3CastIII Anytime Any
YW3CastIII Castelius III Rank C icon YW3MadMouYW3Espy 12 Anytime Any
YW3Shmoopi Shmoopie Rank C icon YW3CastIIIYW3Espy Anytime Any
Tranquility Apartments
YW3Lodo Lodo Rank D icon Anytime Any
YW3Chansi Chansin Rank C icon Anytime Any
YW3MisTyp Misterr Typoo Rank C icon Anytime Any
In trees
YW3Shmoopi Shmoopie Rank C icon Anytime Any
Under cars
YW3Ducho Duchoo Rank D icon Anytime Any
YW3BenTov Ben Tover Rank C icon Anytime Any
In rivers
YW3Merdyn Mermaidyn Rank D icon Anytime Any
YW3Lamedia Lamedian Rank B icon Anytime Any
Under vending machines
YW3Nird Nird Rank B icon Anytime Any
In garbage
YW3Nird Nird Rank B icon Anytime Any
In flowerbeds
YW3Jumbeli Jumbelina Rank D icon Anytime Any
YW3Grubsni Grubsnitch Rank D icon Anytime Any
Under porches
In long grass
YW3SnipCric Snippity Cricket Rank C icon Anytime Any
YW3SirBer Sir Berus Rank A icon Anytime Any ???%
On telephone poles
YW3Zappar Zappary Rank D icon Anytime Any

Special Yo-kai[]

Yo-kai Rank Requirements Level Time Rate
Sighicon Sighborg Y ink=Rank Can randomly appear 1 Anytime One

Yo-kai Watch Blasters[]

Icon Yo-kai Rank Tribe Attri. Blasters Role
YWBDummk Dummkap Rank E icon Mysterious Tribe Lightning icon Blasters ranger
YWBMino MinochiRCC Rank D icon Brave Tribe Fire icon Blasters tank
YWBSnottl Snottle Rank D icon Mysterious Tribe Drain icon Blasters ranger
YWBBlowka Blowkade Rank D icon Tough Tribe Water icon Blasters tank
YWBWalkap Walkappa Rank D icon Charming Tribe Water icon Blasters fighter
YWBGrubsni Grubsnitch Rank D icon Heartful Tribe Earth icon Blasters healer
YWBFlubac FlushbackWDS Rank D icon Slippery Tribe Water icon Blasters healer
YWBChans Chansin Rank C icon Brave Tribe Fire icon Blasters fighter
YWBSwelto SweltonRCC Rank C icon Tough Tribe Fire icon Blasters tank
YWBShmoo Shmoopie Rank C icon Charming Tribe Restoration icon Blasters healer
YWBToilett Toiletta Rank C icon Shady Tribe Drain icon Blasters fighter
YWBTenglo Tengloom Rank C icon Shady Tribe Wind icon Blasters ranger
YWBChesqu Cheeksqueek Rank C icon Eerie Tribe Ice icon Blasters ranger
YWBFlump Flumpy Rank C icon Eerie Tribe Wind icon Blasters fighter
YWBPapWin Papa WindbagWDS Rank C icon Eerie Tribe Lightning icon Blasters ranger
YWBBabblo Babblong Rank C icon Slippery Tribe Water icon Blasters ranger
YWBSpenp Spenp Rank C icon Slippery Tribe Wind icon Blasters tank
YWBTanb Tanbo Rank B icon Brave Tribe Earth icon Blasters fighter
YWBEspy Espy Rank B icon Mysterious Tribe Earth icon Blasters fighter
YWBInfou Infour Rank B icon Mysterious Tribe Ice icon Blasters fighter
YWBGorum Goruma Rank B icon Tough Tribe Water icon Blasters tank
YWBOlSaTr Ol' Saint Trick Rank B icon Heartful Tribe Restoration icon Blasters healer
YWBAgon Agon Rank B icon Shady Tribe Earth icon Blasters fighter
YWBMasOde Master Oden Rank A icon Mysterious Tribe Lightning icon Blasters healer
YWBBruff Bruff Rank A icon Tough Tribe Earth icon Blasters tank
YWBNegasu Negasus Rank A icon Shady Tribe Wind icon Blasters fighter
YWBScritc Scritchy Rank A icon Shady Tribe Lightning icon Blasters ranger
YWBCutche Cuttincheez Rank A icon Eerie Tribe Ice icon Blasters ranger
YWBAwevi Awevil Rank S icon Shady Tribe Water icon Blasters ranger

Yo-kai Spots[]

Yo-kai Watch[]

Title Yo-kai Reward Fight? Rank Time/Weather Location Hiding Spot
Ride! Signibble Spirit Talisman No C Anytime Multiple areas Riding a bicycle
Chansin Use Karate Yes
Illoo Skill Encyclopedia Yes
Chippa Dancing Star No
Black and White Chummer Black Syrup x20

Fish Bait x20

No C Anytime Tranquility Apartments playground Panda statue
I'm Quite the Find! Cutta-nah Aquamarine



No C Nighttime Whatta Find Katana
This is a Job for... Me! Blazion A Serious Life No C Anytime Outside ToysIzWe, Springdale Flower Road Superhero Statue
Even Yo-kai Get Sick Skranny Soul Secrets Yes B Anytime Nocturne Hospital On a wheelchair
Tattlecast Nasty Medicine No
Alloo Support Special No
Ol' Saint Trick Bitter Medicine No
Grumples Soul Tea No
Four Wheeled Cool Thornyan Fresh Urchin Yes B Anytime Multiple areas Riding a skateboard
Baddinyan Bye. Li'l Angel Yes
Blandon Deluxe Ramen No
Multimutt Chili Shrimp No
Shrook Fruit Drops No
Reading Around Blips Staminum Alpha x3 No B Anytime Outside Settle In Bookstore, Springdale Flower Road Rotating book shelf
Flawless Flavour Hungorge Roe Rice Ball

Deluxe Ramen

Crab Omelet

Curry Bread

Double Burger

Soul Tea

No B Anytime North Wind Ramen, Springdale Flower Road In front of a bowl
A Modern Bathtub Sushiyama Amazing Milk No B Nighttime Mary's Coin Landry Inside a washing machine
Standing in Style Casanono Thick Specs No A Daytime Superior Style, Springdale Flower Road Mannequin

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Title Yo-kai Reward Fight? Rank Time/Weather Location Hiding Spot
Tranquility Tale: Footsteps Leggly No E Raining Tranquility Apartment A-302
Tranquility Tale: Housekeeper Brushido Soul Tea No E Daytime Tranquility Apartment B-104
Tranquility Tale: Noise Warning Tattlecast Aurora Badge No B Nighttime Tranquility Apartment C-204
The Mysterious Moving Swing Fidgephant Staminum No D Anytime Playground outside Tranquility Apartments On a swing
Yoink Orange Coin fragment ?
Wazzat ?
Lafalotta ?
Chatalie ?
Tantroni Black Syrup x3 ?
Suspicioni ?
Lodo ?
Squeeky ?
Wantston ?
Cupistol Blehgel x2 ?
Signibble Roe Rice Ball x2 ?
Ramen Tragedy Strikes Again Lodo Everything Ramen x2 No D Anytime North Wind Ramen, Springdale Flower Road By a bowl
The Cursed Mannequin Mimikin Rainbow Ring No D Daytime Superior Style, Springdale Flower Road Mannequin
The Merry-Go-Round of Tales Tengloom Soul Secrets No C Anytime Outside Settle In Bookstore, Springdale Flower Road Rotating bookshelf
Mysterious Groaning Life-Form Touphant Dancing Star x3 No C Anytime Mary's Coin Laundry Inside a washing machine
Violent Yet Charming Beast? Hissfit Hidden Hits No E Anytime
The Haunted Hospital Room Snobetty Lunar Ring Yes B Anytime Nocturne Hospital
Hungramps ?
Hungorge ?
Yoodooit ?
N'more ?
Ol' Saint Trick ?
The Super Spinning Mushroom Nurse Tongus Lucky Charm No B Daytime Toys iZ We, Springdale Flower Road
Visiting Hero Supoor Hero Iron Doll No A Anytime
The Light Pursuing Drivers Mircle |Sweet Rice Cake x2 Yes A Anytime Multiple areas
Mirapo ?
Insomni |The Perfect Pest ?
Baku ?
Castelius I Gold Doll ?
Negatibuzz Lottery Ticket x3 ?
Dimmy ?
Hidabat ?
Suspicioni ?
Buhu ?
Negasus Yes
A Legendary Sword Found! Snee Soul Secrets No A Nighttime Whatta Find Katana

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Title Yo-kai Reward Fight? Rank Time/Weather Location Hiding Spot
High-tech Low-tech Toilet Flushback Soba Noodles Yes D Anytime Evermart Toilet
A Little Spin Cleaning Illoo Illusion Ring No B Mary's Coin Laundry Washing machine
Early Bird Catches the Bookworm Nird Top Techniques No B Settle-in Bookstore Book
One Flew Over that Yo-kai Pest Tanbo Yes B Nocturne Hospital 2F Wheelchair
The First Rule of Yo-Fight Club Punching Baguette Large Exporb No A Tranquility Apartments B-101
Leaky Streak Bubble Beth Special ☆ Sundae No A Tranquility Apartments A-302
Home Truths Belfree Soul Secrets No A Tranquility Apartments C-204
In the Frame of Justice Tengu Tengu Fan Yes S Springdale Flower Road Hero statue


  • In the English version of Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble, the shopkeepers at the doughnut stores incorrectly referred to doughnuts as "manjuu" like in the original version of the game, along with the original names of them. It was likely translated by a different team or the change to doughnuts was not yet made in Yo-kai Watch 2's localization.
    • This was fixed in the European-language releases.
  • In the past, the doughnut stores still exist despite not making an appearance in the Yo-kai Watch video game, appearing as generic shop awnings.
    • It's possible that it may have temporarily gone out of business during the time before the events of Yo-kai Watch 2.
    • When travelling back in time via Miradox in Yo-kai Watch 3, the doughnut stores are still listed on the map, but they cannot be reached. This may be an oversight.

In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan  Japanese おつかい横丁 Otsukai Yokochō
Flag of Spain  Spanish Zona comercial
Flag of France  French Quartier des boutiques
Flag of Italy  Italian Corso del Commercio
Flag of Germany  German Krämerviertel
Flag of the Netherlands  Dutch Winkelstraat Shopping Street
Flag of South Korea  Korean 상점가 Sangjeomga
Flag of Russia  Russian Торговый квартал Torgovyy kvartal

Locations in Springdale
Districts Uptown SpringdaleBlossom HeightsDowntown SpringdaleShopper's RowBreezy HillsMt. WildwoodExcellent TowerHarrisville Station PlazaHarrisvilleSan FantasticoSparkopolisGreenfields
Interior Areas Adams HouseForester HouseEverymartBanter BakeryPiggleston BankLambert Post OfficeJungle HunterSpringdale Community CenterSpringdale Elementary SchoolMemory StoreLogan's HouseShrine Behind the WaterfallMt. Wildwood - SummitDeserted HouseCandy StopSpringdale Hot SpringsTimers & MorePrayer's Peak TunnelBernstein HouseSpringdale RailwayChloro-Phil GoodWayfarer ManorByrd HouseShoten TempleMegan's HouseFoundation AcademyFortune HospitalNom BurgerFrostia's PlaceSpringdale Business TowerArcadia ArcadeSeabreeze TunnelSunset MallBelly Buster Curry HouseCafé ShanistaSpringdale Sports ClubTortoise Camera ShopSpringdale Underground AreaSumptuous SukiyakiSpringdale Flower RoadSuperior StyleToys iZ WeNorth Wind RamenSun PavilionSushi SpringdaleSettle In BookstoreWhatta FindTranquility ApartmentsTempura TempestArcher HouseStone HouseGourd Pond MuseumWisteria GardensBreezy Hills ApartmentsThomas HouseAmy's HouseLina's HouseStonewood HouseGrandma's HouseMountain MarketHarrisville SchoolRusty's MartDeserted HouseRolling Waves Meeting HallDragon HeightsAnimeChumMaid in HeavenNext HarMEOWny TheaterSoba SensationDetective Agency
Yo-kai Areas The CatwalkDesolate LaneShady Back AlleyLonely WaterwayHidden Side StreetTucked Away LotSecret BywayAcademy ShortcutBehind Frostia's PlaceDelivery BayRugged PathShopping Street NarrowsMt. Wildwood - Mountain PathJumbo SliderRice Paddy PathAlley off the PlazaHidden WorkshopBriny GrottoShady Parking LotJunk AlleySpringdale Underground Parking
Dungeons Old MansionSpringdale Underground WaterwayConstruction SiteSpringdale Business TowerGourd Pond MuseumSpringdale Elementary SchoolAbandoned TunnelNocturne HospitalMt. MiddletonInfinite TunnelSeaside CaveIllusionary SparkopolisHazy Lane
Access to The Yo-kai WorldAmbrosia PavillionInfinite InfernoMystery WayGera Gera Abyss ResortYopple HQTatsumi-kawabata - NorthSakura Motomachi (Past)Yo-kai World (Past)Enma's Palace (Future)
Districts Old SpringdaleOld HarrisvilleOld Harrisville Station PlazaMount Wildwood (past)Gourd Pond (past)
Interior Areas Shoten TempleTimers & MoreSpringdale Hot SpringsGalleria BoulevardSpringdale IronworksSunset Manufacturing Co.Ninja ForestSecret BaseOld-Time HousePrayer's Peak TunnelFlatpot Plains
Yo-kai Areas Well RoadFox Shrine RoadRice Paddy
Dungeons Mt. Middleton
Access to Infinite InfernoSawayama Castle Town