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Skills (Japanese: スキル Sukiru) are special abilities Yo-kai have that can influence how a battle may go and progress.

There are several varieties of Skills:

  • Forward: These abilities are active 100% of the time.
  • Activation: These abilities do not become active until their criteria is achieved.
  • Continuous: These abilities are active 100%. Unlike Forward Skills, these abilities are static, and are more passive in nature.
  • Defensive: These abilities are either activation-based or continuous-based, but are played out in a more defensive manner.

For the skills Originyan can learn, please go to Build-a-Nyan.

Skills introduced in Yo-kai Watch[]

Name Target Condition Effect Yo-kai
Annoyance (Japanese: むしゃくしゃ Mushakusha) Allies Continuous May attack an ally.
Blazing Spirit (Japanese: もえるとうし Moeru Tōshi) Yourself Activation Power increases when an ally is defeated.
Death Sphere All Continuous All healing Techniques will be weaker. Nird
Dodge (Japanese: かたすかし Katasukashi) Yourself Defensive Will not receive damage from Soultimate Moves.
Equipment Forbidden! (Japanese: そうび禁止! Sō bi kinshi!) All Continuous Equipment effects on all Yo-kai are negated. Slitheref*
Forgot to Guard (Japanese: まもりわすれ Mamori Wasure) All Continuous No Yo-kai will guard in battle.
Guard Break (Japanese: ガードくずし Gādo Kuzushi) Enemies Forward Ignore foe's guard effect when attacking. (YW)

Ignores foe’s Guard when attacking. (YW3)

Gassy Sphere (Japanese: おならフィールド Onara Field) Enemies Continuous Decreases accuracy of enemies. Cheeksqueek
Intimidation (Japanese: いあつかん Iatsukan) All Continuous No Yo-kai will Loaf around.
Oldness Zone (Japanese: 老いゾーン Oi Zōn) Enemies Continuous No Yo-kai will be able to dodge.
Prayer (Japanese: おいのり O inori) Allies Continuous Gradually recovers HP of adjacent Yo-kai.
Skill Forbidden!
Soothing Rhythm (Japanese: 木魚のリズム Mokugyo no Rizumu) Opponents Continuous All foes will be prone to Loafing around.
Spirit Guard (Japanese: ゆうたいガード Yūtai Gādo) Yourself Defensive No elemental-weakness damage if guarding. (YW)

When guarding avoid hits from weak element. (YW3)

The Stand (Japanese: どひょうぎわ Dohyou-giwa) Yourself Activation Will keep 1 HP after a knockout blow once.
Sword Hunting (Japanese: かたながり Katana Gari) Yourself Activation Power increase greatly every time you defeat a foe.
Skilled Loafer (Japanese: さぼりじょうず Sabori jōzu) Yourself Activation Will recover a little HP when Loafing around. (YW)

Recovers own HP when Loafing around. (YW3)

Revenge (Japanese: しかえし Shikaeshi) Yourself Activation Reflects some damage back to foe. (YW)

Sends back some damage to enemy. (YW3)

Mirror Body (Japanese: ミラーボディー Mirā Bodī) Yourself Defensive Send 1/2 of Technique damage back at foe. (YW)

Sends back some damage from Technique to foe. (YW3)

Spiky Guard (Japanese: とげガード Toge Gādo) Yourself Defensive Deals damage back to foe while guarding.
Soft Skin (Japanese: もちはだ Mochi Hada) Yourself Defensive Increases Defense if dealt critical damage.
Blessed Body (Japanese: めぐみのからだ Megumi no Karada) Recovers all allies' HP when defeated.
Cursed Skin (Japanese: のろいのおはだ Noroi no o Hada) Yourself Activation All stats will increase when Inspirited by foe
Lost Confidence
Mine Allies & Opponents Continuous Will take good Inspirits on allies for itself. Greesel
Wavy Body (Japanese: ひらひらボディー Hirahira bodī) Yourself Continuous Dodges attacks like you wouldn't believe!
Pompadour (Japanese: リーゼント Regent) Yourself Continuous Will dodge enemy headbutt attacks.
Dragon Force (Japanese: ドラゴンパワー Doragon Pawā) Yourself Activation Power will increase when in trouble.
Extreme Critical (Japanese: 超クリティカル Chō Kuritikaru) Yourself Forward Power of critical attacks is high. (YW)

Boosts critical damage. (YW3)

Blocker (Japanese: ブロッカー Burokkā) Yourself Continuous; Defensive Will be guarding when moving to the front. (YW)

Guard automatically after moving. (YW3)

Careless (Japanese: ぶようじん Buyōjin) Yourself Continuous Prone to be dealt critical attacks.
Good Fortune (Japanese: こううん Kō̄n) Player Continuous Will increase money at the end of a battle.
Greed (Japanese: よくぼう Yoku bō) Player Continuous Foe will be more prone to drop items.
Eyesight A Yourself Forward Never misses attacks. Singcada
Quick to Run
Fire Play (Japanese: 火あそび Hi Asobi) Yourself Forward Increased damage of Fire attacks. (YW)

Boosts Fire elemental damage for all Yo-kai. (YW3)

Water Play (Japanese: 水あそび Mizu Asobi) Yourself Forward Increased damage of Water attacks. (YW)

Boosts Water elemental damage for all Yo-kai. (YW3)

Lightning Play (Japanese: 雪あそび Kaminari Asobi) Yourself Forward Increased damage of Lightning attacks. (YW)

Boosts Lightning elemental damage for all Yo-kai. (YW3)

Snow Play (Japanese: 氷あそび Kōri Asobi) Yourself Forward Increased damage of Ice attacks. (YW)

Boosts Ice elemental damage for all Yo-kai. (YW3)

Wind Play (Japanese: 風あそび Kaze Asobi) Yourself Forward Increased damage of Wind attacks. (YW)

Boosts Wind elemental damage for all Yo-kai. (YW3)

Fire Watchout (Japanese: 火のようじん Hinoyōjin) Yourself Defensive Lessen damage from Fire attacks.
Waterproof (Japanese: ぼうすい Bō sui, lit. Guard) Yourself Defensive Lessen damage from Water attacks.
Insulator (Japanese: ぜつえんたい Zetsu entai) Reduces Lightning element damage taken by all allies.
Windshield (Japanese: かぜよけ Kazeyoke) Yourself Defensive Lessen damage from Wind attacks.
Hanging In (Japanese: おれないハート Orenai Hāto) Yourself Activation Won't get bad effects of enemy Inspirits.
Matchless Shell (Japanese: むてきのこうら Mutekino kōra) Yourself Defensive Does not get Inspirited by enemies.
Too Serious (Japanese: くそまじめ Kuso Majime) Yourself Continuous Will never Loaf.
Summon (Japanese: よびよせ Yobiyose) Player Continuous Will make Wisps appear more often. Pandanoko
Hard Worker (Japanese: どりょくか Doryokuka) Yourself Continuous Receives more experience points.
Popularity (Japanese: モテモテ Motemote) Player Continuous Makes more foes befriend you. (YW)

Improves chances of befriending an enemy. (YW3)

Unpopularity (Japanese: モテマテン Motematen) Player Continuous Makes foes less likely to become your friend.
Glossy Skin (Japanese: つやつやボディー Tsuyatsuya bodī, lit. Shiny Body) Yourself Defensive Does not get dealt critical damage.
Gold Guard (Japanese: ゴールドガード Gōrudo Gādo) Yourself Defensive Lessen Lightning and Water damage. (YW)

Lowers Lightning and Water elemental damage taken. (YW3)

Silver Guard (Japanese: シルバーガード Shirubāgādo) Yourself Defensive Lessen Fire and Ice damage. (YW)

Lowers Fire and Ice elemental damage taken. (YW3)

Castelius II
Bronze Guard (Japanese: ブロンズガード Buronzugādo) Yourself Defensive Lessen Earth and Wind damage. (YW)

Lowers Earth and Wind elemental damage taken. (YW3)

Castelius III
Gambler (Japanese: ギャンブラー Gyanburā) Self and Opponents Continuous High chance to give and take critical strikes.
Light Speed (Japanese: いっせん Issen) Yourself Forward High chance to deal critical attacks.
Long Lasting (Japanese: ながもち Nagamochi) All Continuous Good Inspirits last longer. (YW)

Charms will last longer. (YW3)

Too Afraid (Japanese: ビビリすぎ Bibiri sugi) Yourself Continuous Loafs around a lot. Timidevil
Modest (Japanese: ひかえめ Hikae-me) Yourself Continuous Low chance of getting attacked by foes.
Penetrate (Japanese: かんつう Kantsū) Yourself Forward Always deals elemental damage. (YW)

Ignores enemy elemental affinity. (YW3)

Venocharge (Japanese: オロチャージ Orochāji, lit. Orocharge) Self Soul Meter charges faster. Venoct
Secrecy Yourself Continuous Will not become target of attacks.
Vampiric (Japanese: きゅうけつ Kyuuketsu) Yourself Forward Drains opponents HP on normal attacks.
Alpha (Japanese: 「あ」 "A") Yourself Continuous With adjacent Omega Yo-kai, SPR increases.
Omega (Japanese: 「うん」 "Un") Yourself Continuous With adjacent Alpha Yo-kai, STR increases.
Brothers' Vow (Japanese: 兄弟のちかい Kyōdai no Chikai) Adjacent Allies Continuous Stat boost for adjacent Yo-kai with same Skill. (YW)

Small stat boost if linked to Yo-kai with same skill. (YW3)

Grip on You (Japanese: はなさない! Hanasanai!) Yourself Forward Amount of absorbed HP increased.
Prediction (Japanese: みらいよち Miraiyochi) Enemies Continuous Decreases foe's accuracy. Dummkap*
Jar Guard (Japanese: つぼガード Tsu bo gādo) Yourself Continuous Has extremely high chances to guard.
Ultimate Dark
Caring (Japanese: おせわ Osewa) Allies Continuous Gradually recovers HP of adjacent Yo-kai. (YW)

Gradually restores HP for all linked allies. (YW3)

Endurance (Japanese: がまん Gaman) Yourself Forward Will keep 1 HP after a knockout blow once.
Courageous Spirit (Japanese: ふるえるとうし Furueru Tōshi) Yourself Activation Power increases when an ally is defeated. Quaken
Shining Spirit (Japanese: かがやくとうし Kagayaki Tōshi) Yourself Activation Power increases when an ally is defeated. Siro
Adrenaline (Japanese: まえのめり Mae no Mari) Yourself Activation Power increases each time it defeats a foe.
Suspicion Yourself Continuous May attack an ally.
Loiterer Yourself Activation Will recover a little HP when Loafing around. Chummer
Bladed Body (Japanese: やいばのボディー Yaiba no Bodī) Yourself Defensive Body deals damage to all foes who attack it.
Bouncy Skin
Sense of Smell (Japanese: きゅうかく Kyūkaku) Yourself Forward Never miss attacks. (YW)

Never misses attacks. (YW3)

Moist Skin Yourself Defensive Lessens damage from Water attacks.
Staticky Skin
Stiff Skin (Japanese: かちかちおはだ Kachikachi wo Hada) Yourself Defensive Lessen damage from Ice attacks. *Slush
Miraculous Scales (Japanese: きせきのりんぷん Kiseki no Rinpun) Yourself Continuous Does not get Inspirited by enemies.
Insecure (Japanese: ふあんてい Fuantei) Yourself & Enemies Forward High chance to give and take critical strikes.
Strict Allies Continuous All allies will Loaf around less. Papa Bolt
Snitch Yourself Forward Absorb foe's HP with regular attacks. Grubsnitch
Starver (Japanese: ひもじすと Himoji suto) Allies Continuous The effects of food on allies will double.
Shark Skin Yourself Defensive Skin deals damage to attacking foes. Shrook
Optimism Power Adjacent Allies Continuous Gradually recovers HP of adjacent Yo-kai. Chippa
Mutt's Paradise (Japanese: しめったおはだ Shimetta o wada) Yourself and Allies Continuous Stat boost for adjacent Yo-kai with same Skill.
Platinum Guard (Japanese: プラチナガード Purachinagādo) Yourself Continuous Lowers Water, Ice and Wind elemental damage taken. (YW3)
Linked Together

Skills introduced in Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Name Target Condition Effect Yo-kai
Bony Bond (Japanese: 元祖のきずな Ganso no Kizuna) All Continuous All Yo-kai aligned to Bony Spirits have raised DEF. Faysoff*
Carnivaura (Japanese: 肉食オーラ Nikushoku Ōra) All Continuous All Yo-kai are more likely to attack. Carniboy
Digging In (Japanese: 土がくれ Tsuchi ga kure) Takes less damage from Earth attacks. (YW2)

Reduces Earth elemental damage taken by all allies. (YW3)

Downpour (Japanese: 大雨 Ōame, lit. Heavy Rain) All Yo-kai receive more Water damage. DrizzeldaYW2
Earth Cannon (Japanese: 大地の砲 Daichi no-hō) Yourself Continuous Normal attacks become Earth attacks. Mistank
Electro Field (Japanese: 電磁フィールド Denji Fīrudo) Yourself Defensive Reduces Lightning damage. (YW2)

Lightning damage triggers DEF boost. (YW3)

Going Nowhere (Japanese: 超ガマン Chō gaman, lit. Extreme Patience) Yourself Activation Retains 1 HP after a knockout blow twice.
Great Legs (Japanese: 美脚 Bikyaku) Front row allies Continuous When in the back row, front row allies gradually recover HP. (YW)

Gradually recovers allies' HP while subbed. (YW3)

Gust o' Gusto (Japanese: 追い風ふかし Oikaze fukashi) Front-row allies Continuous When in the back row, raises allies' SPD. Brokenbrella
Herbivaura (Japanese: 草食オーラ Sōshoku Ōra) All Continuous All Yo-kai are less likely to attack. Herbiboy
Feel the Beat (Japanese: どんどんフィールド Dondon fīrudo, lit. Dondon Field) Boosts all stats. Don Chan
Me Too! (Japanese: モノマネ Monomane, lit. Imitation) Yourself and ally in front Activation Yo-kai mimics moves made by an ally in front. (YW3) Mimikin
Make Amends (Japanese: 謝罪 Shazai) Adjacent Allies Activation Heals an adjacent Yo-kai when Loafing (YW2)

Restores HP to an ally while Yo-kai Loafs. (YW3)

Noise Pollution (Japanese: さわぎたて Sawagitate, lit. Freshly Made Noise) All Yo-kai receive more damage from Inspirits. Rawry
Rest in Pieces (Japanese: こっなごな Konnago na) All Activation Prevents all Yo-kai from being revived.
Sunburn (Japanese: 炎天下 Entenka, lit. Blazing Sun) Ray O'Light *
Soulful Promise
Sneaky Snacker (Japanese: 妖怪食い Yōkai-gui) Any enemy Forward Restores HP after defeating an opponent. Demuncher
Lick it Clean (Japanese: きずなめ Kizuname) Allies Activation Yo-kai gets purified when healing allies.
Acrobat (Japanese: アクロバット Akurobatto) Yourself Forward Uses an attack in return when dodging an enemy's attack. (YW2)

Counterattacks right after dodging enemy. (YW3)

Rest Less
Juicy Goodness (Japanese: 果汁100% Jūsu 100-pāsento) Allies Activation Heals your allies' Soultimate Gauge when they pass out.
Free to Be
Lickaway (Japanese: あかなめ Akaname) All Allies Continuous Chance of purifying allies.
Sticky Fingers (Japanese: どろぼう Dorobō) Enemies Forward Chance to steal foe's item with regular attacks.
Fill 'Er Up
Superconductor (Japanese: 避雷針 Hiraihari, lit. Lightning Rod) Yourself Activation Blocks damage from all Lightning Techniques.
Rocky Terrain
Alpine Wall
Toadally Saved (Japanese: ガマのまもり Gama no Mamori, lit. Toad's Guard) Protects allies on the verge of defeat. Toadal Dude
Sun Shield
Second Wind
Haiwax (Japanese: つやっつや Tsuyattsuya)* Returns all negative Inspiriting attacks. Furdinand
Sludge Grudge (Japanese: おんねん On'nen) Single enemy Activation Deals damage to the foe that defeats it.
Just a Minute
Spin-no-rama (Japanese: まわREN Mawaren) When in front, enemies can't change positions. Nosirs
Know Your Place
You First
Night Life (Japanese: 深夜テンション Shin'ya Tenshon) All statuses receive boosts at night.
Rice and Dice (Japanese: 鬼斬り Oni-giri) Certain enemies Forward Inflicts greater damage to Oni-type Yo-kai
Curse Worsener (Japanese: 呪いの天才 Noroi no Tensai) All Allies Continous Increases effectiveness of all allies' bad Inspirits.
Pigskin (Japanese: メタボボディー Metabobodī) Only receives half damage from an attack. Sproink
Highlander (Japanese: 大将 Taishō) Yourself Activation Power increase greatly every time you defeat a foe.
Twinkle Toes (Japanese: かれいなステップ Karei na Suteppu) Dodges and returns every enemy attack. (YW2)

Often avoids enemy Techniques. (YW3)

Oily Mess (Japanese: なめらかオイル Nameraka oiru, lit. Smooth Oil) Allies Continuous Shortens move timer for all allies. (YW3) Swelton
Washed Out (Japanese: きれいずき Kirei-suki) Self Activation Lower all stats when Inspirited.
Triple Header (Japanese: トリプルヘッド Toripuruheddo, lit. Triple Head) This Yo-kai's Skills will target all enemy Yo-kai. Slimamander
Polarity (Japanese: 超電磁パワー Chō denji pawā, lit. Super Electromagnetic Power) Self Forward Builds STR as Soul Meter refills.
Lone Soldier
Lightning Up! (Japanese: 雷の拳 Kaminari no Ken) Self Forward
Bear Care
Gimme Twenty (Japanese: エクササイズ Ekusasaizu) Central ally Continuous Ups the STR of the Yo-kai in the center.
Lie-in Wait (Japanese: 満を持す Man wo Jisu) Self Continuous Will only attack every other turn, except during boss battles. Lie-in Heart
Soul Snacker (Japanese: 魂食い Tama-gui) Any enemy Forward Restores HP after defeating an opponent. Devourer
Magic Mist (Japanese: 妖気のけむり Yōki no Kemuri) Adjacent Allies Continuous Gradually recovers Soul Meter of adjacent Yo-kai. (YW2)

Slowly recovers Soul Meter for linked Yo-kai. (YW3)

Tasty Aroma (Japanese: おでんの香り Oden no Kaori) All Continuous Gradually restores Yo-kai on both sides. (YW2)

Slowly restores HP for all linked allies. (YW3)

Master Oden
In a Flash (Japanese: 閃光 Senkō) Self Forward Gets one preemptive attack.
Bitter Rice (Japanese: うらやめし~ Urayameshi ~, lit. I'm So Jealous~) May attack an ally. Wotchagot
Thick Crust (Japanese: におうだち Niōda chi) Self Activation DEF increases when front and center. (YW2)

Boosts DEF while standing on the center tile. (YW3)

Eye See You (Japanese: 目目目 Me-me-me) Self Forward Never misses attacks
Geckstra Safe (Japanese: やもりのまもり Yamori no Mamori) Allies and self Activation Protects allies from lethal blows by taking the hits. Uber GeekoYW2
Step Up
Sand Still (Japanese: すなお Sunao) Self Continuous Will never loaf.
Carefree Spirit
Clairvoidance (Japanese: 未来予知 Mirai yochi) Yourself Continuous Easily dodges enemy attacks.YW2

Improves ability to dodge enemy attacks.YW3

Seaweed Samba
Golden Touch
Got Your Back (Japanese: ベンチウォーマー Benchiwōmā) Front-row allies Continuous When in the back row, gradually recover allies' HP. Pittapatt
Me First!
Zap Away
Center Stage
Saintly Scales
Biochemistry (Japanese: うんちく Unchiku) All Forward All Techniques lose their attribute. Poofessor
Tongue Twister
Dirty Rat
Number One! (Japanese: ナンバーワン! Nanbā Wan!) Yourself Activation Raises SPD sharply when in the center. (YW2)

Greatly boosts SPD while standing on the center tile. (YW3)

Night Guard (Japanese: ダークガード Dāku Gādo) Yourself Defensive Will not take damage from Soultimates Darknyan
Healer Moon Sailornyan
Purrsistence (Japanese: 猛虎のねばり Mōko no nebari, lit. The Tenacity of the Fierce Tiger) Self Activation Retains 1 HP after a knockout blow twice. Machonyan
Breaking Baaad
Fast Asleep (Japanese: ふかいねむり Fukai nemuri, lit. Deep Sleep) Slumberhog
Killer Comeback
Eruption (Japanese: 大噴火 Dai funka, lit. Large Eruption) Self Forward Normal attacks become Fire attacks.
How Sweet
Use the Hose Master Nyada
Born Winner (Japanese: 勝利のガッツ Shōri no gattsu, lit. Guts of Victory) Self Forward Dodges attacks like you wouldn't believe! Moximous N
Born Lucky (Japanese: 友情のガッツ Yūjō no gattsu, lit. Guts of Friendship) Self Forward Often avoids enemy Techniques. Moximous K
He Just Nose (Japanese: はなほじり Hana hojiri, lit. Nose Picking) Self Activation User's Inspirit will always succeed. Snottle
Darkness Falls Darknyan
All or Nothing
Lord of Light (Japanese: 光オーラ Hikari ōra, lit. Light Aura) Linked allies Continuous Slowly restores HP for all linked allies.

Skills introduced in Yo-kai Watch 3[]

Name Target Condition Effect Yo-kai
Abracatabra! (Japanese: 魔女っ子パワー Majo-kko pawā, lit. Witch Girl Power) Soul Meter refills quicker for all Yo-kai. Maginyan
Average (Japanese: 普通 Futsū) Negates elemental affiliation for all Yo-kai. Fuu 2
Amped Up
Air Supply
Antifreeze (Japanese: 雪かき Yukikaki, lit. Snow Shovelling) Reduces Ice elemental damage taken by all allies. Flippit
Better Batter
Beat Down
Bad Medicine
Batter Up
Best Foot Forward (Japanese: つるつるの床 Tsurutsuru no yuka, lit. Smooth Floor) Boosts SPD slightly for linked Yo-kai. Slippy
Baggy Jeans
Big Hitter (Japanese: プロフェッショナル Purofesshonaru, lit. Professional) Always hits and no chance of Loafing off.
Bog Down
Boneshaker Deals massive damage to an enemy behind the target. Sad to the Bone
Blaze Of Glory
Block 'n' Roll
Bored Stiff
Block Party (Japanese: 拡散 Kakusan, lit. Diffusion) Spreads the effect of own Charms to allies. Mr. Blockhead
Boing! (Japanese: バルーン Barūn, lit. Balloon) Reflects a small amount of damage back to the foe. Hot Air Buffoon
Breezy Does It (Japanese: ストーム Sutōmu, lit. Storm) Makes Wind Element critical attacks likelier for allies. Agent Spect-hare
Choco Regen
Clean Cut
Come Out Swinging (Japanese: 爆発力 Bakuhatsu-ryoku, lit. Explosive Power) Critical attack guaranteed for the first attack move.
Charrmed Life
Curse Your Kind! Damages Yo-kai who are the same as the target Yo-kai. Rampajah
Capeable Immune to negative effects of floors moved over.
Cloud Cover (Japanese: じめじめ Jimejime, lit. Damp) Does not get dealt critical damage.
Demon Blood (Japanese: 鬼の血 Oni no chi) Massively boosts attack once when at low HP.
Dumpling (Japanese: きびだんご Ki bidango) After fainting recover HP one time only.
Decisive Blow Knocks out an enemy on very low health. El Sharkador
Don't Feel Baaad
Dead Stubborn Greatly boosts DEF when Inspirited by an enemy. King Deadward
Deep Thinker
Divine Retribution Boosts damage against enemies on low HP. Asura
Dog of the Dead
Dynamo (Japanese: せいでんき Sei denki) Refills Soul Meter as you move. Statikid
Elasticity (Japanese: だんりょく Da nri ~yoku, lit. Strength) Boosts SPR and STR based on how high DEF is. Minochi*
Enma Blade
Earth Play (Japanese: 土あそび Tsuchi asobi) Boosts Earth elemental damage for all Yo-kai
Eye on the Prize
Eye of the Whyvern
Epic Performer Boosts stats based on num. of Yo-kai behind self. Kabuking
En Garde (Japanese: たてぼうぎょ Tate bōgyo, lit. Vertical Defense) Lowers Technique damage taken while guarding. Sir Nyansalot
Exit Strategy (Japanese: 非常口 Hijōguchi, lit. Emergency Exit) Shortens time taken to switch out for allies. Legsit
Extra Mile
Fisher King
Foul Play
Fit of Rage Power increases hugely when in trouble. Roary
Forged in Flame Absorbs Fire elemental damage and boosts STR. Bishamonten
Flash of Inspiration
Full Spectrum (Japanese: 七色の術 Nanairo no jutsu, lit. Seven Coloured Technique) Use Techniques that attack a foe's elemental weakness. Skulleidoscope
Fear Factor
Final Judgment
Fryin' and Dandy
Got It Covered
Greasy Goodness
Gift of the Gab
Gimme Gimme
Good Hydrations
Gift of the Gods
Godspeed Allows one preemptive guaranteed critical attack. Righteous Zazel
Great King
High Steaks (Japanese: お肉 O niku, lit. Meat) Recovers HP once when close to defeat.
Hinix Rising After fainting recover all HP one time only. The Hinix
Hard-Boiled (Japanese: からをやぶる Kara o yaburu, lit. Breaking Through) After fainting recover HP one time only.
Hale and Hardy (Japanese: よゆうの風格 Yo Yū no fūkaku, lit. The Air of Leisure) Boosts DEF while HP is full.
High Roller
Healthy Balance
Highly Capeable Immune to combo attacks. Silver Lining
Holed Up Gradually recovers HP while subbed. Shovulcan
Inner Strength Boosts SPR massively when at low HP. Works once. Hotei
I've Got Your Back
Infinite Undoing
In a Funk
Invader Mode
Join Me
Just a Little Longer
Juggernaut Deals heavy damage to an enemy who is guarding. Orcanos Lu Bu
Keeping Fresh
Knock Yourself Out! (Japanese: まるなげ Maru nage, lit. Throw it all Away) When defeated, knocks out an ally to recover HP. Chicken Chukket
Knot Alright
Keep on Movin' Dodges all attacks while Inspirited by an enemy. Twirly Pie
Lap of Luxury (Japanese: 総なめ Sōname) Steals Charms from all other Yo-kai. Lappinitup
Last Nyan Standing Boosts STR greatly when all other allies are defeated. The Last Nyanmurai
Leadership Nullifies a single Soultimate Move or attack. The Jawsome Kid
Low Spirits
More or Less
Mess Up
Make it Big
Merican Allstars (Japanese: メリケンナイズ Meriken'naizu, lit. Americanise) Damage boost based on the number of 'Merican Yo-kai.
Mom's Apple Pie
Motion Sickness
Multitalented (Japanese: カラフルボディー Karafurubodī, lit. Colourful Body) Reduces Fire & Water elemental damage taken. Showbonyan
Miss You (Japanese: ダメダメ Damedame, lit. No No) Attacks become likely to miss.
Mountain's Harvest
Moon's Gift
Mython Mix-up
Mysterious Girl (Japanese: 不思議 Fushigi, lit. Mysterious) All Mysterious tribe Yo-kai will gradually recover HP. Miss Teri
Network Effect
Naval Blockade (Japanese: 指令 Shirei, lit. Command) Self and allies User and linked Yo-kai get a slight DEF boost. Admirable Admiral
Oh My Swirls!
One-Man Show
Oh So Gorgeous
Ocean's Bounty
Overdrive Immune to enemy Inspirits and negative floor effects. Ultimate Robonyan
Pair of Heals
Pandora's Blocks
Party On! (Japanese: メリケンパーティー Merikenpātī, lit. 'Merican Party) Boosts stats for all 'Merican Yo-kai.
Punching Up (Japanese: 下剋上) Boosts damage when attacking S-Rank enemies.
Places to Be
Pop Up Blocker
Quick Reflexes
Q's Qurse
Red Rush
Repossessor (Japanese: おくらいり Okura iri) Self The first action taken against this Yo-kai will be sealed. Repossessor
Robo-Bones Only receives half damage from an attack.
R & R (Japanese: リラックス Rirakkusu, lit. Relax) Gradually recovers HP while waiting for move timer.
Roar Power
Regal Radiance (Japanese: 魂の炎 Tamashī no honō, lit. Soul Flame) Your Techniques will also heal the Yo-kai in front. Camellia
Star Power
Souper Trouper (Japanese: 回復の汁 Kaifuku no Shiru) Gradually restores HP for all linked allies.
Sharpshooter (Japanese: えんごしゃげき Engo Shageki) Opponents Forward Boosts own combo damage.
Shadow Strike (Japanese: クナイ Kunai) Opponents Forward Damages foes positioned behind another. Shurikenny
Stay Frosty (Japanese: ブリザード Burizādo, lit. Blizzard) Makes Water Element critical attacks likelier for allies. Snow Spect-hare
Soothing Mist
Spiritual Healing Recover HP when dealing a critical attack. Daikokuten
Shout Out (Japanese: シャウト Shauto, lit. Shout) Boosts STR slightly for linked Yo-kai. Sing Kong
Slow Going
Spring Clean Sometimes purifies adjacent allies.
Self-Help (Japanese: じゅうなん Jū nan) Boosts the effect of own Charms.
Slippy-Slidey Shortens move timer for all allies. Slippup
Stalling Tactics (Japanese: かみかくし Kami kakushi, lit. Spirited Away) Lengthens time taken to switch out for all Yo-kai. Throne Wiper
Splurge (Japanese: プレゼント Purezento, lit. Present) Boosts rate of Life Orb and Spirit Orb drops. Squandeer
Solid Investment Boosts DEF if anyone scatters money. Judgebrick
Snakes & Ladders
Stronger vs Wicked
Stick 'Em Up
Such Refinement
Seeing Red Boosts STR when attacking. Neighthan
Stay Down
Sentinel Protects allies on the verge of defeat. Mumbles
Striking Gold Attacks always hit and ignore enemy Guard. El Dorago
Take a Back Seat
Tunnel Vision (Japanese: 狂気 Kyōki, lit. Insanity) Brutle
Tactical Wizardry
Toadal Power (Japanese: ガマのムチ Gama no muchi, lit. Toad Whip) Knocks back an enemy by one tile when attacking. Toadal Dude
Titanium Skeleton Only receives half damage from an attack. Terminyanator
The Bison (Japanese: 元帥 Gensui, lit. Marshal) Boosts all allies' stats ever so slightly. Bison Burly
That All You Got? Boosts STR when attacked by an enemy. Moolinda
Top Dog
Tangle Up
This is My Jam
Take Down (Japanese: まきびし Makibishi) Opponents Forward Resets move timer of enemies attacked. Nunchucky
Upkeep (Japanese: 修理 Shūri, lit. Repair) Allies Gradually recovers HP for the Yo-kai in front of self. Skillskull
Vanishingly Small Self Nullifies low damage received. Urnfulfilled
Umbral Aura
Wingclipper (Japanese: 地獄耳 Jigokumimi, lit. Hell's Ears) While active, Yo-kai are unable to dodge.
Wind in the Sails
Worldy Whisdom
Wipe the Floor
Yogic Flying Does not get dealt critical damage. Yoganalisten
Zero Gravity


  • Certain Skills have it where they are worded/named differently, but function essentially the same as each other, and may have been reworded to reflect the personality of a Yo-kai. (e.g., the Annoyance and Suspicion Skills, which makes the Yo-kai liable to attack their allies or themselves).
  • The Yo-kai that have had their skills changed over games are: Roughraff, Badude, Faysoff, Signibble, Signiton, Slitheref, Ray O'Light, Tyrat, Casanono, Pookivil, Dummkap, Toadal Dude, Uber Geeko and Minochi.

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