Skills (Japanese: スキル Sukiru) are special abilities Yo-kai have that can influence how a battle may go and progress.
There are several varieties of Skills:
- Forward: These abilities are active 100% of the time.
- Activation: These abilities do not become active until their criteria is achieved.
- Continuous: These abilities are active 100%. Unlike Forward Skills, these abilities are static, and are more passive in nature.
- Defensive: These abilities are either activation-based or continuous-based, but are played out in a more defensive manner.
For the skills Originyan can learn, please go to Build-a-Nyan.
Skills introduced in Yo-kai Watch[]
Name | Target | Condition | Effect | Yo-kai |
Annoyance (Japanese: むしゃくしゃ Mushakusha) | Allies | Continuous | May attack an ally. | |
Blazing Spirit (Japanese: もえるとうし Moeru Tōshi) | Yourself | Activation | Power increases when an ally is defeated. | |
Chatty | ||||
Death Sphere | All | Continuous | All healing Techniques will be weaker. | Nird |
Dodge (Japanese: かたすかし Katasukashi) | Yourself | Defensive | Will not receive damage from Soultimate Moves. | |
Equipment Forbidden! (Japanese: そうび禁止! Sō bi kinshi!) | All | Continuous | Equipment effects on all Yo-kai are negated. | Slitheref* |
Forgot to Guard (Japanese: まもりわすれ Mamori Wasure) | All | Continuous | No Yo-kai will guard in battle. | |
Guard Break (Japanese: ガードくずし Gādo Kuzushi) | Enemies | Forward | Ignore foe's guard effect when attacking. (YW)
Ignores foe’s Guard when attacking. (YW3) |
Gassy Sphere (Japanese: おならフィールド Onara Field) | Enemies | Continuous | Decreases accuracy of enemies. | Cheeksqueek |
Intimidation (Japanese: いあつかん Iatsukan) | All | Continuous | No Yo-kai will Loaf around. | |
Oldness Zone (Japanese: 老いゾーン Oi Zōn) | Enemies | Continuous | No Yo-kai will be able to dodge. | |
Prayer (Japanese: おいのり O inori) | Allies | Continuous | Gradually recovers HP of adjacent Yo-kai. | |
Skill Forbidden! | ||||
Soothing Rhythm (Japanese: 木魚のリズム Mokugyo no Rizumu) | Opponents | Continuous | All foes will be prone to Loafing around. | |
Spirit Guard (Japanese: ゆうたいガード Yūtai Gādo) | Yourself | Defensive | No elemental-weakness damage if guarding. (YW)
When guarding avoid hits from weak element. (YW3) |
The Stand (Japanese: どひょうぎわ Dohyou-giwa) | Yourself | Activation | Will keep 1 HP after a knockout blow once. | |
Sword Hunting (Japanese: かたながり Katana Gari) | Yourself | Activation | Power increase greatly every time you defeat a foe. | |
Skilled Loafer (Japanese: さぼりじょうず Sabori jōzu) | Yourself | Activation | Will recover a little HP when Loafing around. (YW)
Recovers own HP when Loafing around. (YW3) |
Revenge (Japanese: しかえし Shikaeshi) | Yourself | Activation | Reflects some damage back to foe. (YW)
Sends back some damage to enemy. (YW3) |
Mirror Body (Japanese: ミラーボディー Mirā Bodī) | Yourself | Defensive | Send 1/2 of Technique damage back at foe. (YW)
Sends back some damage from Technique to foe. (YW3) |
Spiky Guard (Japanese: とげガード Toge Gādo) | Yourself | Defensive | Deals damage back to foe while guarding. | |
Soft Skin (Japanese: もちはだ Mochi Hada) | Yourself | Defensive | Increases Defense if dealt critical damage. | |
Blessed Body (Japanese: めぐみのからだ Megumi no Karada) | Recovers all allies' HP when defeated. | |||
Cursed Skin (Japanese: のろいのおはだ Noroi no o Hada) | Yourself | Activation | All stats will increase when Inspirited by foe | |
Lost Confidence | ||||
Mine | Allies & Opponents | Continuous | Will take good Inspirits on allies for itself. | Greesel |
Wavy Body (Japanese: ひらひらボディー Hirahira bodī) | Yourself | Continuous | Dodges attacks like you wouldn't believe! | |
Pompadour (Japanese: リーゼント Regent) | Yourself | Continuous | Will dodge enemy headbutt attacks. | |
Dragon Force (Japanese: ドラゴンパワー Doragon Pawā) | Yourself | Activation | Power will increase when in trouble. | |
Extreme Critical (Japanese: 超クリティカル Chō Kuritikaru) | Yourself | Forward | Power of critical attacks is high. (YW)
Boosts critical damage. (YW3) |
Blocker (Japanese: ブロッカー Burokkā) | Yourself | Continuous; Defensive | Will be guarding when moving to the front. (YW)
Guard automatically after moving. (YW3) |
Pacifist | ||||
Hoggish | ||||
Careless (Japanese: ぶようじん Buyōjin) | Yourself | Continuous | Prone to be dealt critical attacks. | |
Good Fortune (Japanese: こううん Kō̄n) | Player | Continuous | Will increase money at the end of a battle. | |
Greed (Japanese: よくぼう Yoku bō) | Player | Continuous | Foe will be more prone to drop items. | |
Eyesight A | Yourself | Forward | Never misses attacks. | Singcada |
Quick to Run | ||||
Fire Play (Japanese: 火あそび Hi Asobi) | Yourself | Forward | Increased damage of Fire attacks. (YW)
Boosts Fire elemental damage for all Yo-kai. (YW3) |
Water Play (Japanese: 水あそび Mizu Asobi) | Yourself | Forward | Increased damage of Water attacks. (YW)
Boosts Water elemental damage for all Yo-kai. (YW3) |
Lightning Play (Japanese: 雪あそび Kaminari Asobi) | Yourself | Forward | Increased damage of Lightning attacks. (YW)
Boosts Lightning elemental damage for all Yo-kai. (YW3) |
Snow Play (Japanese: 氷あそび Kōri Asobi) | Yourself | Forward | Increased damage of Ice attacks. (YW)
Boosts Ice elemental damage for all Yo-kai. (YW3) |
Wind Play (Japanese: 風あそび Kaze Asobi) | Yourself | Forward | Increased damage of Wind attacks. (YW)
Boosts Wind elemental damage for all Yo-kai. (YW3) |
Fire Watchout (Japanese: 火のようじん Hinoyōjin) | Yourself | Defensive | Lessen damage from Fire attacks. | |
Waterproof (Japanese: ぼうすい Bō sui, lit. Guard) | Yourself | Defensive | Lessen damage from Water attacks. | |
Insulator (Japanese: ぜつえんたい Zetsu entai) | Reduces Lightning element damage taken by all allies. | |||
Windshield (Japanese: かぜよけ Kazeyoke) | Yourself | Defensive | Lessen damage from Wind attacks. | |
Hanging In (Japanese: おれないハート Orenai Hāto) | Yourself | Activation | Won't get bad effects of enemy Inspirits. | |
Matchless Shell (Japanese: むてきのこうら Mutekino kōra) | Yourself | Defensive | Does not get Inspirited by enemies. | |
Too Serious (Japanese: くそまじめ Kuso Majime) | Yourself | Continuous | Will never Loaf. | |
Summon (Japanese: よびよせ Yobiyose) | Player | Continuous | Will make Wisps appear more often. | Pandanoko |
Hard Worker (Japanese: どりょくか Doryokuka) | Yourself | Continuous | Receives more experience points. | |
Popularity (Japanese: モテモテ Motemote) | Player | Continuous | Makes more foes befriend you. (YW)
Improves chances of befriending an enemy. (YW3) |
Unpopularity (Japanese: モテマテン Motematen) | Player | Continuous | Makes foes less likely to become your friend. | |
Glossy Skin (Japanese: つやつやボディー Tsuyatsuya bodī, lit. Shiny Body) | Yourself | Defensive | Does not get dealt critical damage. | |
Gold Guard (Japanese: ゴールドガード Gōrudo Gādo) | Yourself | Defensive | Lessen Lightning and Water damage. (YW)
Lowers Lightning and Water elemental damage taken. (YW3) |
Silver Guard (Japanese: シルバーガード Shirubāgādo) | Yourself | Defensive | Lessen Fire and Ice damage. (YW)
Lowers Fire and Ice elemental damage taken. (YW3) |
Castelius II |
Bronze Guard (Japanese: ブロンズガード Buronzugādo) | Yourself | Defensive | Lessen Earth and Wind damage. (YW)
Lowers Earth and Wind elemental damage taken. (YW3) |
Castelius III |
Gambler (Japanese: ギャンブラー Gyanburā) | Self and Opponents | Continuous | High chance to give and take critical strikes. | |
Light Speed (Japanese: いっせん Issen) | Yourself | Forward | High chance to deal critical attacks. | |
Long Lasting (Japanese: ながもち Nagamochi) | All | Continuous | Good Inspirits last longer. (YW)
Charms will last longer. (YW3) |
Too Afraid (Japanese: ビビリすぎ Bibiri sugi) | Yourself | Continuous | Loafs around a lot. | Timidevil |
Modest (Japanese: ひかえめ Hikae-me) | Yourself | Continuous | Low chance of getting attacked by foes. | |
Leader | ||||
Penetrate (Japanese: かんつう Kantsū) | Yourself | Forward | Always deals elemental damage. (YW)
Ignores enemy elemental affinity. (YW3) |
Venocharge (Japanese: オロチャージ Orochāji, lit. Orocharge) | Self | Soul Meter charges faster. | Venoct | |
Secrecy | Yourself | Continuous | Will not become target of attacks. | |
Vampiric (Japanese: きゅうけつ Kyuuketsu) | Yourself | Forward | Drains opponents HP on normal attacks. | |
Alpha (Japanese: 「あ」 "A") | Yourself | Continuous | With adjacent Omega Yo-kai, SPR increases. | |
Omega (Japanese: 「うん」 "Un") | Yourself | Continuous | With adjacent Alpha Yo-kai, STR increases. | |
Brothers' Vow (Japanese: 兄弟のちかい Kyōdai no Chikai) | Adjacent Allies | Continuous | Stat boost for adjacent Yo-kai with same Skill. (YW)
Small stat boost if linked to Yo-kai with same skill. (YW3) |
Grip on You (Japanese: はなさない! Hanasanai!) | Yourself | Forward | Amount of absorbed HP increased. | |
Prediction (Japanese: みらいよち Miraiyochi) | Enemies | Continuous | Decreases foe's accuracy. | Dummkap* |
Jar Guard (Japanese: つぼガード Tsu bo gādo) | Yourself | Continuous | Has extremely high chances to guard. | |
Ultimate Dark | ||||
Caring (Japanese: おせわ Osewa) | Allies | Continuous | Gradually recovers HP of adjacent Yo-kai. (YW)
Gradually restores HP for all linked allies. (YW3) |
Endurance (Japanese: がまん Gaman) | Yourself | Forward | Will keep 1 HP after a knockout blow once. | |
Courageous Spirit (Japanese: ふるえるとうし Furueru Tōshi) | Yourself | Activation | Power increases when an ally is defeated. | Quaken |
Shining Spirit (Japanese: かがやくとうし Kagayaki Tōshi) | Yourself | Activation | Power increases when an ally is defeated. | Siro |
Adrenaline (Japanese: まえのめり Mae no Mari) | Yourself | Activation | Power increases each time it defeats a foe. | |
Suspicion | Yourself | Continuous | May attack an ally. | |
Loiterer | Yourself | Activation | Will recover a little HP when Loafing around. | Chummer |
Bladed Body (Japanese: やいばのボディー Yaiba no Bodī) | Yourself | Defensive | Body deals damage to all foes who attack it. | |
Bouncy Skin | ||||
Stealing | ||||
Sense of Smell (Japanese: きゅうかく Kyūkaku) | Yourself | Forward | Never miss attacks. (YW)
Never misses attacks. (YW3) |
Moist Skin | Yourself | Defensive | Lessens damage from Water attacks. | |
Staticky Skin | ||||
Stiff Skin (Japanese: かちかちおはだ Kachikachi wo Hada) | Yourself | Defensive | Lessen damage from Ice attacks. | *Slush |
Miraculous Scales (Japanese: きせきのりんぷん Kiseki no Rinpun) | Yourself | Continuous | Does not get Inspirited by enemies. | |
Insecure (Japanese: ふあんてい Fuantei) | Yourself & Enemies | Forward | High chance to give and take critical strikes. | |
Strict | Allies | Continuous | All allies will Loaf around less. | Papa Bolt |
Snitch | Yourself | Forward | Absorb foe's HP with regular attacks. | Grubsnitch |
Starver (Japanese: ひもじすと Himoji suto) | Allies | Continuous | The effects of food on allies will double. | |
Shark Skin | Yourself | Defensive | Skin deals damage to attacking foes. | Shrook |
Optimism Power | Adjacent Allies | Continuous | Gradually recovers HP of adjacent Yo-kai. | Chippa |
Mutt's Paradise (Japanese: しめったおはだ Shimetta o wada) | Yourself and Allies | Continuous | Stat boost for adjacent Yo-kai with same Skill. | |
Platinum Guard (Japanese: プラチナガード Purachinagādo) | Yourself | Continuous | Lowers Water, Ice and Wind elemental damage taken. (YW3) | |
Linked Together |
Skills introduced in Yo-kai Watch 2[]
Name | Target | Condition | Effect | Yo-kai |
Bony Bond (Japanese: 元祖のきずな Ganso no Kizuna) | All | Continuous | All Yo-kai aligned to Bony Spirits have raised DEF. | Faysoff* |
Carnivaura (Japanese: 肉食オーラ Nikushoku Ōra) | All | Continuous | All Yo-kai are more likely to attack. | Carniboy |
Digging In (Japanese: 土がくれ Tsuchi ga kure) | Takes less damage from Earth attacks. (YW2)
Reduces Earth elemental damage taken by all allies. (YW3) |
Downpour (Japanese: 大雨 Ōame, lit. Heavy Rain) | All Yo-kai receive more Water damage. | DrizzeldaYW2 | ||
Earth Cannon (Japanese: 大地の砲 Daichi no-hō) | Yourself | Continuous | Normal attacks become Earth attacks. | Mistank |
Electro Field (Japanese: 電磁フィールド Denji Fīrudo) | Yourself | Defensive | Reduces Lightning damage. (YW2)
Lightning damage triggers DEF boost. (YW3) |
Failian |
Going Nowhere (Japanese: 超ガマン Chō gaman, lit. Extreme Patience) | Yourself | Activation | Retains 1 HP after a knockout blow twice. | |
Great Legs (Japanese: 美脚 Bikyaku) | Front row allies | Continuous | When in the back row, front row allies gradually recover HP. (YW)
Gradually recovers allies' HP while subbed. (YW3) |
Leggly |
Gust o' Gusto (Japanese: 追い風ふかし Oikaze fukashi) | Front-row allies | Continuous | When in the back row, raises allies' SPD. | Brokenbrella |
Herbivaura (Japanese: 草食オーラ Sōshoku Ōra) | All | Continuous | All Yo-kai are less likely to attack. | Herbiboy |
Feel the Beat (Japanese: どんどんフィールド Dondon fīrudo, lit. Dondon Field) | Boosts all stats. | Don Chan | ||
Me Too! (Japanese: モノマネ Monomane, lit. Imitation) | Yourself and ally in front | Activation | Yo-kai mimics moves made by an ally in front. (YW3) | Mimikin |
Make Amends (Japanese: 謝罪 Shazai) | Adjacent Allies | Activation | Heals an adjacent Yo-kai when Loafing (YW2)
Restores HP to an ally while Yo-kai Loafs. (YW3) |
Noise Pollution (Japanese: さわぎたて Sawagitate, lit. Freshly Made Noise) | All Yo-kai receive more damage from Inspirits. | Rawry | ||
Rest in Pieces (Japanese: こっなごな Konnago na) | All | Activation | Prevents all Yo-kai from being revived. | |
Sunburn (Japanese: 炎天下 Entenka, lit. Blazing Sun) | Ray O'Light * | |||
Soulful Promise | ||||
Shuffle | ||||
Sneaky Snacker (Japanese: 妖怪食い Yōkai-gui) | Any enemy | Forward | Restores HP after defeating an opponent. | Demuncher |
Lick it Clean (Japanese: きずなめ Kizuname) | Allies | Activation | Yo-kai gets purified when healing allies. | |
Acrobat (Japanese: アクロバット Akurobatto) | Yourself | Forward | Uses an attack in return when dodging an enemy's attack. (YW2)
Counterattacks right after dodging enemy. (YW3) |
Rest Less | ||||
Juicy Goodness (Japanese: 果汁100% Jūsu 100-pāsento) | Allies | Activation | Heals your allies' Soultimate Gauge when they pass out. | |
Free to Be | ||||
Lickaway (Japanese: あかなめ Akaname) | All Allies | Continuous | Chance of purifying allies. | |
Sticky Fingers (Japanese: どろぼう Dorobō) | Enemies | Forward | Chance to steal foe's item with regular attacks. | |
Firewall | ||||
Fill 'Er Up | ||||
Superconductor (Japanese: 避雷針 Hiraihari, lit. Lightning Rod) | Yourself | Activation | Blocks damage from all Lightning Techniques. | |
Rocky Terrain | ||||
Alpine Wall | ||||
Windbreaker | ||||
Toadally Saved (Japanese: ガマのまもり Gama no Mamori, lit. Toad's Guard) | Protects allies on the verge of defeat. | Toadal Dude | ||
Sun Shield | ||||
Second Wind | ||||
Haiwax (Japanese: つやっつや Tsuyattsuya)* | Returns all negative Inspiriting attacks. | Furdinand | ||
Waterworks | ||||
Sludge Grudge (Japanese: おんねん On'nen) | Single enemy | Activation | Deals damage to the foe that defeats it. | |
Just a Minute | ||||
Spin-no-rama (Japanese: まわREN Mawaren) | When in front, enemies can't change positions. | Nosirs | ||
Know Your Place | ||||
You First | ||||
Night Life (Japanese: 深夜テンション Shin'ya Tenshon) | All statuses receive boosts at night. | |||
Rice and Dice (Japanese: 鬼斬り Oni-giri) | Certain enemies | Forward | Inflicts greater damage to Oni-type Yo-kai | |
Curse Worsener (Japanese: 呪いの天才 Noroi no Tensai) | All Allies | Continous | Increases effectiveness of all allies' bad Inspirits. | |
Pigskin (Japanese: メタボボディー Metabobodī) | Only receives half damage from an attack. | Sproink | ||
Highlander (Japanese: 大将 Taishō) | Yourself | Activation | Power increase greatly every time you defeat a foe. | |
Twinkle Toes (Japanese: かれいなステップ Karei na Suteppu) | Dodges and returns every enemy attack. (YW2)
Often avoids enemy Techniques. (YW3) |
Spoilerina | ||
Oily Mess (Japanese: なめらかオイル Nameraka oiru, lit. Smooth Oil) | Allies | Continuous | Shortens move timer for all allies. (YW3) | Swelton |
Washed Out (Japanese: きれいずき Kirei-suki) | Self | Activation | Lower all stats when Inspirited. | |
Triple Header (Japanese: トリプルヘッド Toripuruheddo, lit. Triple Head) | This Yo-kai's Skills will target all enemy Yo-kai. | Slimamander | ||
Hassle | ||||
Polarity (Japanese: 超電磁パワー Chō denji pawā, lit. Super Electromagnetic Power) | Self | Forward | Builds STR as Soul Meter refills. | |
Lone Soldier | ||||
Lightning Up! (Japanese: 雷の拳 Kaminari no Ken) | Self | Forward | ||
Fangsicles | ||||
Bear Care | ||||
Gimme Twenty (Japanese: エクササイズ Ekusasaizu) | Central ally | Continuous | Ups the STR of the Yo-kai in the center. | |
Lie-in Wait (Japanese: 満を持す Man wo Jisu) | Self | Continuous | Will only attack every other turn, except during boss battles. | Lie-in Heart |
Soul Snacker (Japanese: 魂食い Tama-gui) | Any enemy | Forward | Restores HP after defeating an opponent. | Devourer |
Magic Mist (Japanese: 妖気のけむり Yōki no Kemuri) | Adjacent Allies | Continuous | Gradually recovers Soul Meter of adjacent Yo-kai. (YW2)
Slowly recovers Soul Meter for linked Yo-kai. (YW3) |
Tasty Aroma (Japanese: おでんの香り Oden no Kaori) | All | Continuous | Gradually restores Yo-kai on both sides. (YW2)
Slowly restores HP for all linked allies. (YW3) |
Master Oden |
In a Flash (Japanese: 閃光 Senkō) | Self | Forward | Gets one preemptive attack. | |
Bitter Rice (Japanese: うらやめし~ Urayameshi ~, lit. I'm So Jealous~) | May attack an ally. | Wotchagot | ||
Thick Crust (Japanese: におうだち Niōda chi) | Self | Activation | DEF increases when front and center. (YW2)
Boosts DEF while standing on the center tile. (YW3) |
Eye See You (Japanese: 目目目 Me-me-me) | Self | Forward | Never misses attacks | |
Geckstra Safe (Japanese: やもりのまもり Yamori no Mamori) | Allies and self | Activation | Protects allies from lethal blows by taking the hits. | Uber GeekoYW2 |
Step Up | ||||
Sand Still (Japanese: すなお Sunao) | Self | Continuous | Will never loaf. | |
Carefree Spirit | ||||
Clairvoidance (Japanese: 未来予知 Mirai yochi) | Yourself | Continuous | Easily dodges enemy attacks.YW2
Improves ability to dodge enemy attacks.YW3 |
Seaweed Samba | ||||
Golden Touch | ||||
Got Your Back (Japanese: ベンチウォーマー Benchiwōmā) | Front-row allies | Continuous | When in the back row, gradually recover allies' HP. | Pittapatt |
Me First! | ||||
Zap Away | ||||
Bloodsucker | ||||
Hairnet | ||||
Center Stage | ||||
Saintly Scales | ||||
Rubberneck | ||||
Biochemistry (Japanese: うんちく Unchiku) | All | Forward | All Techniques lose their attribute. | Poofessor |
Tongue Twister | ||||
Dirty Rat | ||||
Number One! (Japanese: ナンバーワン! Nanbā Wan!) | Yourself | Activation | Raises SPD sharply when in the center. (YW2)
Greatly boosts SPD while standing on the center tile. (YW3) |
Night Guard (Japanese: ダークガード Dāku Gādo) | Yourself | Defensive | Will not take damage from Soultimates | Darknyan |
Healer Moon | Sailornyan | |||
Purrsistence (Japanese: 猛虎のねばり Mōko no nebari, lit. The Tenacity of the Fierce Tiger) | Self | Activation | Retains 1 HP after a knockout blow twice. | Machonyan |
Breaking Baaad | ||||
Fast Asleep (Japanese: ふかいねむり Fukai nemuri, lit. Deep Sleep) | Slumberhog | |||
Killer Comeback | ||||
Sandbag | ||||
Eruption (Japanese: 大噴火 Dai funka, lit. Large Eruption) | Self | Forward | Normal attacks become Fire attacks. | |
How Sweet | ||||
Use the Hose | Master Nyada | |||
Born Winner (Japanese: 勝利のガッツ Shōri no gattsu, lit. Guts of Victory) | Self | Forward | Dodges attacks like you wouldn't believe! | Moximous N |
Born Lucky (Japanese: 友情のガッツ Yūjō no gattsu, lit. Guts of Friendship) | Self | Forward | Often avoids enemy Techniques. | Moximous K |
He Just Nose (Japanese: はなほじり Hana hojiri, lit. Nose Picking) | Self | Activation | User's Inspirit will always succeed. | Snottle |
Darkness Falls | Darknyan | |||
All or Nothing | ||||
Lord of Light (Japanese: 光オーラ Hikari ōra, lit. Light Aura) | Linked allies | Continuous | Slowly restores HP for all linked allies. |
Skills introduced in Yo-kai Watch 3[]
Name | Target | Condition | Effect | Yo-kai |
Abracatabra! (Japanese: 魔女っ子パワー Majo-kko pawā, lit. Witch Girl Power) | Soul Meter refills quicker for all Yo-kai. | Maginyan | ||
Awakening | ||||
Average (Japanese: 普通 Futsū) | Negates elemental affiliation for all Yo-kai. | Fuu 2 | ||
Amped Up | ||||
Air Supply | ||||
Antifreeze (Japanese: 雪かき Yukikaki, lit. Snow Shovelling) | Reduces Ice elemental damage taken by all allies. | Flippit | ||
Better Batter | ||||
Beat Down | ||||
Bad Medicine | ||||
Batter Up | ||||
Best Foot Forward (Japanese: つるつるの床 Tsurutsuru no yuka, lit. Smooth Floor) | Boosts SPD slightly for linked Yo-kai. | Slippy | ||
Baggy Jeans | ||||
Big Hitter (Japanese: プロフェッショナル Purofesshonaru, lit. Professional) | Always hits and no chance of Loafing off. | |||
Bog Down | ||||
Boneshaker | Deals massive damage to an enemy behind the target. | Sad to the Bone | ||
Blaze Of Glory | ||||
Block 'n' Roll | ||||
Bored Stiff | ||||
Block Party (Japanese: 拡散 Kakusan, lit. Diffusion) | Spreads the effect of own Charms to allies. | Mr. Blockhead | ||
Boing! (Japanese: バルーン Barūn, lit. Balloon) | Reflects a small amount of damage back to the foe. | Hot Air Buffoon | ||
Breezy Does It (Japanese: ストーム Sutōmu, lit. Storm) | Makes Wind Element critical attacks likelier for allies. | Agent Spect-hare | ||
Choco Regen | ||||
Clean Cut | ||||
Come Out Swinging (Japanese: 爆発力 Bakuhatsu-ryoku, lit. Explosive Power) | Critical attack guaranteed for the first attack move. | |||
Charrmed Life | ||||
Curse Your Kind! | Damages Yo-kai who are the same as the target Yo-kai. | Rampajah | ||
Capeable | Immune to negative effects of floors moved over. | |||
Cloud Cover (Japanese: じめじめ Jimejime, lit. Damp) | Does not get dealt critical damage. | |||
Demon Blood (Japanese: 鬼の血 Oni no chi) | Massively boosts attack once when at low HP. | |||
Dumpling (Japanese: きびだんご Ki bidango) | After fainting recover HP one time only. | |||
Decisive Blow | Knocks out an enemy on very low health. | El Sharkador | ||
Disarming | ||||
Don't Feel Baaad | ||||
Dead Stubborn | Greatly boosts DEF when Inspirited by an enemy. | King Deadward | ||
Deep Thinker | ||||
Divine Retribution | Boosts damage against enemies on low HP. | Asura | ||
Dog of the Dead | ||||
Dynamo (Japanese: せいでんき Sei denki) | Refills Soul Meter as you move. | Statikid | ||
Elasticity (Japanese: だんりょく Da nri ~yoku, lit. Strength) | Boosts SPR and STR based on how high DEF is. | Minochi* | ||
Enma Blade | ||||
Earth Play (Japanese: 土あそび Tsuchi asobi) | Boosts Earth elemental damage for all Yo-kai | |||
Evasiveness | ||||
Eye on the Prize | ||||
Eye of the Whyvern | ||||
Epic Performer | Boosts stats based on num. of Yo-kai behind self. | Kabuking | ||
En Garde (Japanese: たてぼうぎょ Tate bōgyo, lit. Vertical Defense) | Lowers Technique damage taken while guarding. | Sir Nyansalot | ||
Exit Strategy (Japanese: 非常口 Hijōguchi, lit. Emergency Exit) | Shortens time taken to switch out for allies. | Legsit | ||
Extra Mile | ||||
Fisher King | ||||
Foul Play | ||||
Fit of Rage | Power increases hugely when in trouble. | Roary | ||
Forged in Flame | Absorbs Fire elemental damage and boosts STR. | Bishamonten | ||
Flash of Inspiration | ||||
Full Spectrum (Japanese: 七色の術 Nanairo no jutsu, lit. Seven Coloured Technique) | Use Techniques that attack a foe's elemental weakness. | Skulleidoscope | ||
Fear Factor | ||||
Final Judgment | ||||
Fryin' and Dandy | ||||
Got It Covered | ||||
Greasy Goodness | ||||
Gift of the Gab | ||||
Gimme Gimme | ||||
Get-Up-and-Gofu | ||||
Good Hydrations | ||||
Gift of the Gods | ||||
Godspeed | Allows one preemptive guaranteed critical attack. | Righteous Zazel | ||
Great King | ||||
High Steaks (Japanese: お肉 O niku, lit. Meat) | Recovers HP once when close to defeat. | |||
Hinix Rising | After fainting recover all HP one time only. | The Hinix | ||
Hard-Boiled (Japanese: からをやぶる Kara o yaburu, lit. Breaking Through) | After fainting recover HP one time only. | |||
Hale and Hardy (Japanese: よゆうの風格 Yo Yū no fūkaku, lit. The Air of Leisure) | Boosts DEF while HP is full. | |||
High Roller | ||||
Healthy Balance | ||||
Highly Capeable | Immune to combo attacks. | Silver Lining | ||
Holed Up | Gradually recovers HP while subbed. | Shovulcan | ||
Inner Strength | Boosts SPR massively when at low HP. Works once. | Hotei | ||
Impennytrable | ||||
I've Got Your Back | ||||
Infinite Undoing | ||||
In a Funk | ||||
Invader Mode | ||||
Join Me | ||||
Just a Little Longer | ||||
Juggernaut | Deals heavy damage to an enemy who is guarding. | Orcanos Lu Bu | ||
Keeping Fresh | ||||
Knock Yourself Out! (Japanese: まるなげ Maru nage, lit. Throw it all Away) | When defeated, knocks out an ally to recover HP. | Chicken Chukket | ||
Kupower | ||||
Knot Alright | ||||
Keep on Movin' | Dodges all attacks while Inspirited by an enemy. | Twirly Pie | ||
Linebacker | ||||
Lap of Luxury (Japanese: 総なめ Sōname) | Steals Charms from all other Yo-kai. | Lappinitup | ||
Last Nyan Standing | Boosts STR greatly when all other allies are defeated. | The Last Nyanmurai | ||
Leadership | Nullifies a single Soultimate Move or attack. | The Jawsome Kid | ||
Low Spirits | ||||
Longevity | ||||
Malware | ||||
Marksman | ||||
More or Less | ||||
Mess Up | ||||
Make it Big | ||||
Merican Allstars (Japanese: メリケンナイズ Meriken'naizu, lit. Americanise) | Damage boost based on the number of 'Merican Yo-kai. | |||
Mom's Apple Pie | ||||
Motion Sickness | ||||
Multitalented (Japanese: カラフルボディー Karafurubodī, lit. Colourful Body) | Reduces Fire & Water elemental damage taken. | Showbonyan | ||
Miss You (Japanese: ダメダメ Damedame, lit. No No) | Attacks become likely to miss. | |||
Mountain's Harvest | ||||
Moon's Gift | ||||
Mython Mix-up | ||||
Mysterious Girl (Japanese: 不思議 Fushigi, lit. Mysterious) | All Mysterious tribe Yo-kai will gradually recover HP. | Miss Teri | ||
Nightmare | ||||
Network Effect | ||||
Naval Blockade (Japanese: 指令 Shirei, lit. Command) | Self and allies | User and linked Yo-kai get a slight DEF boost. | Admirable Admiral | |
Oh My Swirls! | ||||
One-Man Show | ||||
Oh So Gorgeous | ||||
Ocean's Bounty | ||||
Overdrive | Immune to enemy Inspirits and negative floor effects. | Ultimate Robonyan | ||
Pair of Heals | ||||
Pandora's Blocks | ||||
Party On! (Japanese: メリケンパーティー Merikenpātī, lit. 'Merican Party) | Boosts stats for all 'Merican Yo-kai. | |||
Punching Up (Japanese: 下剋上 ) | Boosts damage when attacking S-Rank enemies. | |||
Places to Be | ||||
Precognition | ||||
Pop Up Blocker | ||||
Quick Reflexes | ||||
Q's Qurse | ||||
Refresh | ||||
Red Rush | ||||
Repossessor (Japanese: おくらいり Okura iri) | Self | The first action taken against this Yo-kai will be sealed. | Repossessor | |
Robo-Bones | Only receives half damage from an attack. | |||
R & R (Japanese: リラックス Rirakkusu, lit. Relax) | Gradually recovers HP while waiting for move timer. | |||
Roar Power | ||||
Regal Radiance (Japanese: 魂の炎 Tamashī no honō, lit. Soul Flame) | Your Techniques will also heal the Yo-kai in front. | Camellia | ||
Recycle | ||||
Ransack | ||||
Resurrection | ||||
Star Power | ||||
Souper Trouper (Japanese: 回復の汁 Kaifuku no Shiru) | Gradually restores HP for all linked allies. | |||
Sharpshooter (Japanese: えんごしゃげき Engo Shageki) | Opponents | Forward | Boosts own combo damage. | |
Shadow Strike (Japanese: クナイ Kunai) | Opponents | Forward | Damages foes positioned behind another. | Shurikenny |
Stay Frosty (Japanese: ブリザード Burizādo, lit. Blizzard) | Makes Water Element critical attacks likelier for allies. | Snow Spect-hare | ||
Soothing Mist | ||||
Spiritual Healing | Recover HP when dealing a critical attack. | Daikokuten | ||
Shout Out (Japanese: シャウト Shauto, lit. Shout) | Boosts STR slightly for linked Yo-kai. | Sing Kong | ||
Standoff | ||||
Slow Going | ||||
Spring Clean | Sometimes purifies adjacent allies. | |||
Self-Help (Japanese: じゅうなん Jū nan) | Boosts the effect of own Charms. | |||
Switcheroo | ||||
Slippy-Slidey | Shortens move timer for all allies. | Slippup | ||
Stalling Tactics (Japanese: かみかくし Kami kakushi, lit. Spirited Away) | Lengthens time taken to switch out for all Yo-kai. | Throne Wiper | ||
Soulsucker | ||||
Splurge (Japanese: プレゼント Purezento, lit. Present) | Boosts rate of Life Orb and Spirit Orb drops. | Squandeer | ||
Showstopper | ||||
Self-Serving | ||||
Solid Investment | Boosts DEF if anyone scatters money. | Judgebrick | ||
Snakes & Ladders | ||||
Stronger vs Wicked | ||||
Snip-Snip | ||||
Stick 'Em Up | ||||
Stagnation | ||||
Such Refinement | ||||
Seeing Red | Boosts STR when attacking. | Neighthan | ||
Stay Down | ||||
Sentinel | Protects allies on the verge of defeat. | Mumbles | ||
Striking Gold | Attacks always hit and ignore enemy Guard. | El Dorago | ||
Take a Back Seat | ||||
Tip-Top-Up | ||||
Tunnel Vision (Japanese: 狂気 Kyōki, lit. Insanity) | Brutle | |||
Tactical Wizardry | ||||
Toadal Power (Japanese: ガマのムチ Gama no muchi, lit. Toad Whip) | Knocks back an enemy by one tile when attacking. | Toadal Dude | ||
Titanium Skeleton | Only receives half damage from an attack. | Terminyanator | ||
The Bison (Japanese: 元帥 Gensui, lit. Marshal) | Boosts all allies' stats ever so slightly. | Bison Burly | ||
That All You Got? | Boosts STR when attacked by an enemy. | Moolinda | ||
Top Dog | ||||
Tangle Up | ||||
This is My Jam | ||||
Take Down (Japanese: まきびし Makibishi) | Opponents | Forward | Resets move timer of enemies attacked. | Nunchucky |
Upkeep (Japanese: 修理 Shūri, lit. Repair) | Allies | Gradually recovers HP for the Yo-kai in front of self. | Skillskull | |
Vanishingly Small | Self | Nullifies low damage received. | Urnfulfilled | |
Umbral Aura | ||||
Wingclipper (Japanese: 地獄耳 Jigokumimi, lit. Hell's Ears) | While active, Yo-kai are unable to dodge. | |||
Well-Connected | ||||
Wind in the Sails | ||||
Worldy Whisdom | ||||
Wipe the Floor | ||||
Yogic Flying | Does not get dealt critical damage. | Yoganalisten | ||
Zero Gravity |
- Certain Skills have it where they are worded/named differently, but function essentially the same as each other, and may have been reworded to reflect the personality of a Yo-kai. (e.g., the Annoyance and Suspicion Skills, which makes the Yo-kai liable to attack their allies or themselves).
- The Yo-kai that have had their skills changed over games are: Roughraff, Badude, Faysoff, Signibble, Signiton, Slitheref, Ray O'Light, Tyrat, Casanono, Pookivil, Dummkap, Toadal Dude, Uber Geeko and Minochi.