A nude, red skinned creature with yellow and turquoise eyes. It has bushy, grass-green hair and a very long indigo tongue. It carries around a pale brown and gray bucket made from barrel wood that is covered with dark purple stains.
In the English dub, his tongue is indigo with a blue tip. The stains on his barrel wood bucket are blue.
Those inspirited by Tublappa suddenly develop an irresistible urge for licking things, with their tongue having the same appearance as his own.
Tublappa can be found in stage 26, 86, 127, 213, 243, secret stage 2-4 in Sewer B, secret stage 4-8 in Sewer D, secret stage 9-6, 12-47, 13-56 and 14-78 in the Infinite Inferno, secret stage 17-11 and 21-21 in the Divine Paradise, stage 13 in Super Mystery Way, stage 14 in Terror Time, stage 26 in Super Terror Time and stage 32 in Ultra Terror Time.
He can also be freed from the Crank-a-kai with a One-Star Coin and a Red Coin.
Befriended: "I underestimated you! I won't anymore, so let's be friends!"
Loafing: "Let me REST!"
Receiving food (favourite): "Mmm!"
Receiving food (normal): "Kinda plain."
Receiving food (disliked): "Not a fan...at all."
Freed from Crank-a-kai: "Pleased to meet ya! Don't let my size fool ya... I've licked many an enemy!"
In the anime[]
In EP058, Tublappa is inspiriting Nate making him lick everything. Later, he sees Eddie and Bear and disgustingly Nate licks them putting them in shock then he sees Katie and tries to lick her then Jibanyan and Whisper tries to stop him but fails. Then, he goes towards Katie and then she gives Nate a salt candy and Tublappa finds it so good he gives Nate his medal.
"Tublappa" is a corruption of tub lapper.
"Chupatinas" is translated as Tub sucker.
"Sale de bain" is a portmanteau of "sale" (dirty) and "salle de bain" (bathroom).
"Zuberzunge" can be translated as "Tub Tongue."
"Leccatino" is a portmanteau of "leccare" (to lick) and "catino" (basin).
Tublappa is based on the youkai named the akaname (Japanese: 垢嘗,akaname), or "filth licker." It appears as a small, oily humanoid monster with shaggy hair, red skin, single-toed feet, and a long tongue. This creature is attracted by dirty bathrooms, and will sneak inside at night to lick every surface clean, only to bolt if someone comes in or turns the light on, much like a cockroach. Because of its foul habits, the akaname can spread diseases in its wake, thus people are advised to keep their bathrooms clean, especially the bathtub, lest they receive a visit from this rather uncouth youkai.
Tublappa's random nicknames are: Tonguey, Ickalick, Milo, and Tubby.