Wydeawake is a pale-skinned Yo-kai with half-opened dark pink eyes and a sharp-toothed frown. He has sky blue hair with a small amount of it spiking up to resemble a pair of horns. He wears a navy blue hoodie with a long tail attached to the back with a large crescent moon attached to the end. Mid-way down, the tail gradually turns gold. On the top of his head sits a white coffee cup with a gold star on it. He is seen laying on a white fluffy cloud and typically holds a white device that visually resembles a Nintendo 3DS.
Wydeawake enjoys pulling all-nighters (usually spending time playing games), apparently considering the ability to stay up all night to be a sign of maturity. He's fond of getting others to join in and follow his example, while becoming annoyed if they fail to keep up with him. He also enjoys pranking people who fall asleep early by drawing on their faces. "The night is still young!" is a catchphrase of his.
Whoever was Inspirited by Wydeawake will become compelled to stay up all night. In the anime, Wydeawake has a weakness of being unable to stay awake two nights in a row.
Wydeawake appeared during the Kuroi event that lasted from March 16th 2017 to March 31st 2017, appearing on the 1st hidden stage of the special map. This special stage was unlocked by clearing stage 23 popping 80 Wib Wobs or less.
There was also three occasions where Y Points could be traded for him. July 1st 2017 to July 16th 2017 for 175 Y Points, August 1st 2017 to August 15th 2017 for 1,000 Y points, and January 17th 2018 to Janurary 31st 2018 for 200 Y Points.
Wydeawake appears in EP061, where he crashes a sleepover Nate is holding after Nate complains that his friends Bear and Eddie have fallen asleep early. Wydeawake gets Nate, Whisper and Jibanyan to stay up playing video games with him. When Nate finds that he isn't able to stay up as long as Wydeawake, he summons Enduriphant to help him, Whisper and Jibanyan resist the urge to sleep. As a result, the three end up playing games through the night and following day, leaving Wydeawake exhausted.
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"TETSUYA" is both a common male name, and the Japanese term for "All-Nighter" (徹夜, Tetsuya).
"Wydeawake" is a corruption of the phrase "Wide Awake".
"Envelo" (Spanish name) is the phrase "Envela" (Wake)
Wydeawake, along with his evolution Allnyta, and Failian, are the few Yo-kai with their Japanese names written in upper case italic letters. In the Japanese version of the games, these names carry their respective furigana above each syllable to make their pronunciation easier for Japanese players.
In M05, Wydeawake is seen with a flip-phone instead of a video game handheld implying that technology in the Yo-kai World is likely further ahead in comparison to the human realm. The movie takes place in the 1960s, but the flip-phone wasn't invented until 1989.