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Yo-Criminals YW3

A Yo-criminal's profile in Yo-Kai Watch 3.

Yo-criminals (Japanese: 指名手配妖怪 Shimeitehai Yōkai), also known as Wanted Yo-kai (Japanese: ウォンテッド妖怪 Wonteddo Yōkai) in Yo-kai Watch 3, are a type of Yo-kai that must be fought and captured for a crime they've committed. All of them are color variations of existing Yo-kai and cannot be befriended.

Yo-Criminal Profile YW(2)

A Yo-criminal's profile in Yo-kai Watch and Yo-kai Watch 2.

Detective Holdit is in charge of finding Yo-criminals, who gives the player information on their location, crime they've committed and reward.


Each Yo-criminal are of an alternate-colored variant of a Yo-kai, with their names sounding like corrupt pun of their original counterparts, as well as their Soultimate Move. They also have a law-breaking offense (which differs between games), which is considered to be wrong by Detective Holdit.

They appear for at least a week in real time, giving the player plenty of time to capture them before they disappear after the set date. In Yo-kai Watch 3, they'll still appear after the deadline, but the player will be given less Wanted Points when caught after it.

From Yo-kai Watch 2, there are quests for capturing Yo-criminals that become open on a set date. The player must talk with Detective Holdit at his post to acquire them.

In Yo-kai Watch 3, they can now be found in BBQ only. It is unlocked optionally during That Boy Buck in the story by going to Northbeech where they will find that Dectective Holdit has moved his law enforcement business overseas.

Finding Yo-Criminals[]

They appear in every district of Springdale (except for Excellent Tower in Yo-kai Watch 2), and exclusively in BBQ in Yo-kai Watch 3. Their location is given by Detective Holdit, and are found in a randomized and unmarked spot in the district.

When they spot the player, they run at a fast pace and the player has to chase them down enough to talk to them. Using Staminum and the Bicycle are perfectly acceptable. However, they won't leave the district unless the player goes inside a building which will make them temporarily disappear until the player comes back to the area.

Once the Yo-criminal has been caught, the player will either have to talk with them thrice in the Yo-kai Watch video game in order for them to concede defeat and give up a Password which can be entered in the Lambert Post Office to obtain a Trophy. In Yo-kai Watch 2 and Yo-kai Watch 3, they'll have to be fought by the player instead.


Upon defeating and capturing the Yo-criminal, the player is then awarded an item for their work.

From Yo-kai Watch 2, capturing them now awards the player with Wanted Points (Japanese: ウォンテッドポイント Wonteddo Pointo), which can be exchanged for items.

List of Yo-Criminals[]

Yo-kai Watch[]

No. Image Name Charges Capture Rewards Counterpart Soultimate
01 Nisenoko Nogo (Japanese: ニセノコ Nisenoko) Switching erasers with fakes.YW
Broke into principal's office to tell jokes over intercom.YW2
Impersonated the intended recipient of a wrong number call.YW3
Slither TrophyYW2
Large ExporbYW3
2,200 WPYW2
Noko Mimic-making Aim (Japanese: モノマネつくりわらい Monomane Tsukuri Nerai)
02 Kimoji Fullgramps (Japanese: キモ爺 Kimojī) Drawing mustaches on textbooks.YW
Tried to show off while doing crunches and failed.YW2
Dipped hand in the toilet bowl, dried it on someone's clothes.YW3
Hunger TrophyYW
Brute BracerYW2
2,000 WPYW3
Hungramps Weirdsplosion (Japanese: ゲテモノ大放出 Gedamono Daihōshutsu)
03 Kuronyan Doppelnyan (Japanese: 黒ニャン Kuronyan) (YW1) Drew enlarged nostrils on historical figures in books. (YW2) Blacked out the test scores to hide a failing grade. (YW3) Sprayed squid ink on white chocolate. Meow Trophy, Speed Bell, 4000 WP Jibanyan Dirty Paws (Japanese: 汚れちまった肉球 Yogorechimatta Nikukyū)
04 Pakuro Ba Tattletwin (Japanese: パクロ婆 Pakuro'bā) (YW1) Stealing from the donation box. (YW2) Copied someone else's idea for a short-story contest. (YW3) Went for a stroll, and stole a passerby's dog. Granny Trophy, Silver Doll, 2600 WP Tattletell Pilferer Slap (Japanese: かっさらいビンタ Kassarai Binta)
05 Torima Bogusus (Japanese: 通り馬 Tōrima) (YW1) Giving Wet Willies as a greeting. (YW2) Burped a song that got stuck in everybody's head. (YW3) Callously breathed into the ear of a passerby. Horse Trophy, Mega Exporb, 3400 WP Negasus Random Attacker Shock (Japanese: 通り魔ショック Tōrima Shock)
06 Blazioff edit Blazioff (Japanese: うすっぺライオン Usupperaion) (YW1) Answered the questions aimlessly in order to finish faster your homework. (YW2) Wrote a book report about a movie. (YW3) Wrote the entire summer school diary on the last day. Mane Trophy, Blue Coin, 2600 WP Blazion Narrow Margin (Japanese: ぺらぺらフレイム Perapera Flame)
07 Falsina edit Falsina (Japanese: がきおんな Gaki-onna) (YW1) Firing fireworks sideways as apposed to in the air. (YW2) Flooded an entire bathroom while playing with a hose. (YW3) Froze a rival's skirt in place after the wind had blown. Hood Trophy, Lunar Ring 3800 WP Frostina Prank Sorbet (Japanese: 悪ふざけソルベ Warufusake Sorbet)
08 Grimples edit Grimples (Japanese: いわくちゃん Iwaku-chan) (YW1) Spreading scary rumors. (YW2) Sold a lock of principal's hair for five bucks. (YW3) Stuck silly stickers on the backs of friends. Wrinkled Trophy, Reflector, 3800 WP Grumples Make it Drain (Japanese: いわくつきドレイン Iwakutsuki Drain)
09 Shin edit Shin (Japanese: なまくら Namakura) (YW1) Making toilet paper untearable. (YW2) Did a bad imitation of a monkey climbing a tree. (YW3) Ruined an opening ceremony by not cutting the tape. Katana Trophy, Holy Exporb, 3600 WP Sheen Blunt Blade (Japanese: なまくらぶれーど Namakura Blade)
10 Papa dolt edit Papa Dolt (Japanese: 悪オトン Waru Oton)

(YW1) Farting during dinnertime. (YW2) Broke the swing set when sitting down on a swing. (YW3) Table flipped when served yucky food.

Papa Trophy, Vampiric Fangs, 3600 WP Papa Bolt Stress Out (Japanese: ストレス大放電 Stress Dai-Hōden)
11 Zerogu edit Zerogu (Japanese: キザ天狗 Kiza-Tengu) (YW1) Bringing a guitar at a yoga class.

(YW2) Secretly uses the bumpers in a bowling completion. (YW3) Said keep the change "\" after paying th exact amount.

Tengu Trophy, Fiend Badge, 6800 WP Tengu Zero Gale (Japanese: キザったら疾風 Kizattara Shippū)
12 Cadout edit Cadout (Japanese: デマまる Demamaru) (YW1) Giving false testimony in a newspaper interview. (YW2) Spread a rumor about dancing skeletons. (YW3) Cravenly raised hopes by lying that there'd be steak for lunch. Cicada Trophy, Yellow Coin, 2000 WP Cadin Pizza Slice (Japanese: でまかせ水平斬り Demakase Suihei Kiri)
13 Mochiless edit Mochisless (Japanese: くされモチ Kusaremochi)

(YW1) Hiding a booby trap in the school lunch.

(YW2) Left milk out to make yogurt and forgot about it. 

(YW3) Used cake for weightlifting instead of eating it.

Mochi Trophy, Cheery Coat Mochismo Impulsive Punch (Japanese: 宝のもちぐされ拳 Takara-no-Mochi Gusare Ken)
14 Buher edit Buher (Japanese: ワルスギス Warusugisu) (YW1) Slapping an old man's wig off. (YW2) Scratched the blackboard with long nails. (YW3) Interrupted gym class by releasing a hound. Bird Trophy, Tough Bell, 2200 WP Buhu Evil Temptation (Japanese: 悪へのいざない Waru e no Izanai)
15 Sushinoma Sushinoma (Japanese: じゃまと Jamato) (YW1) Waving a staff around in a crowded train. (YW2) Kept chatting after being shushed at the cinema. (YW3) Stopped someone going to the toilet when they were desperate. Wannabe Trophy, Restraint Belt, 3600 WP Sushiyama Bothersome Stomp (Japanese: おじゃまむしスタンプ Ojama Mushi Stamp)
16 Chaninverse edit Chaninverse (Japanese: いかサマ士 Ikasamashi) (YW1) Used a dice with the number six written on every side. (YW2) Folding the edges so he could cheat at cards. (YW3) Stood on tiptoe when being measured. Gambler Trophy, Golden Doll, 2600 WP Chansin Bluffing Great Gamble (Japanese: ハッタリ大バクチ Hattari Ō-bakuchi)
17 Castelilose Castelilose (Japanese: シッカク Shikkaku)

(YW1) Stole a marathon finish line. (YW2) Always runs backwards when someone yells "GO!" (YW3) In a marathon, cunningly hitched a ride to the finish line.

Good Job Prize, Big Bottle, 4800 WP Castelius III Disqualified One-Shot Send Off (Japanese: しっかく一発退場 Shikkaku Ippatsu Taijō)
18 Zeroberker edit Zeroberker (Japanese: 無茶むしゃ Mucha Musha) (YW1) Blew on the campfire. (YW2) Grabbed someone's bald head instead of a handrail. (YW3) Ordered a cheeseburger, but, left the cheese. Wild Trophy, Fiend Charm, 7000 WP Zerberker Crazy Wild Dance (Japanese: むちゃくちゃ乱舞 Mucha Kusha Ranbu)

Roughraffony edit

Roughraffony (Japanese: ブレルりん Burerurin) (YW1) Unable to decide what he wants for breakfast. (YW2)Talked up watermelons in order to hog all the mangos. (YW3) Attempted to play dodgeball during a basketball game. Cool Hair Prize, Orange Coin, 2000 WP Roughraff Matter Mincer (Japanese: 優柔不断メンチ Yūjūfudan mench)


Enofly (Japanese: 絶不蝶 Zeffuchō)

(YW1) Gave a cold to everybody. (YW2) Gave someone a tummy ache due to bad cooking. (YW3) Skipped school on the day of a big game release.

Flutter Trophy, Spell Bell, 2600 WP Enerfly Forged in Fire (Japanese: 火事場の馬鹿力 Kajiba no bakadjikara)

Fi-knight edit

Fi-knight (Japanese: とんま将軍 Tonma-shōgun) (YW1) Rode a pommel horse. (YW2) Tackles a gaggle of geese when they weren't looking. (YW3) Promptly returned home when told to do homework. Shogun Trophy, Turnabeads, 3800 WP Reuknight Head Off (Japanese: ばかちんとんま斬 Baka chin ton ma ki)

Lodont edit

Lodon't (Japanese: どろボーイ Dorobōi, Doroboy) (YW1) Brought a ball of mud during a snowball fight. (YW2) Wiped muddy hands all over a friend's new white pants. (YW3) Stole magazines on a train, pretending to be the conductor. Kids' Trophy, Sun Bracelet, 2600 WP Lodo The Works (Japanese: ぜーんぶイタダキ! Ze ̄ n bu itadaki!)

Daiznt edit

Daizn't (Japanese: ボーどろ Bōdoro) (YW1) Refused to jump rope. (YW2) Intentionally sang off-key during a choir competion. (YW3) Plundered a pig, and deployed it into the rabbit hutch. Daze Trophy, Monkey Circlet, 2600 WP Daiz Man of the House (Japanese: ぜんぶおれのもの Zenbu ore no mono)

Ol' Slap Stick

Ol' Slap Stick (Japanese: あきす老師 Akisurōshi) (YW1) Stole some Christmas gifts. (YW2) Stole Santa's beard and wore it as a sock. (YW3) Snuck into a garden and planted lots of bonsai trees. Sack Trophy, Beefy Bell, 3800 WP Ol' Saint Trick Jail-Yard Sale (Japanese: 盗品大セール Tōhin dai sēru)
25 Neverfore edit Neverfore (Japanese: 青いらん Aoiran) (YW1) Coloured everybody's clothes blue. (YW2) Wore painted shoes and left blue footprints everywhere. (YW3) Sailed off into the sunset with excessive dramaticism. Kimono Trophy, Nail Bat, 8000 WP Everfore Midlife Crisis (Japanese: グッバイ青春時代 Gubbai seishun jidai)
26 Manjimate edit Manjimitate (Japanese: 悪メン犬 Warumenken) (YW1) Drew on people's forehead while they're sleeping. (YW2) Scattered rabbit poop all over the soccer field. (YW3) Bought scary books in spite of being underage. Glasses Trophy, Fiend Band, 2600 WP Manjimutt Evil Eye (Japanese: どこ見てんだコラァ! Doko mite nda kora~a!)
27 Negatibuzzkill edit Negatibuzz-kill (Japanese: てぐせブーン Tegusebūn) (YW1) Ate meat during a barbecue. (YW2) Blew eraser shavings onto a classmates's desk. (YW3) Span his pen irritatingly while the teacher lectured. Buzz Trophy, Holy Exporb, 2600 WP Negatibuzz Maniacal Klepto (Japanese: てぐせウイルス Te guse uirusu)
28 Watkappa edit Watkappa (Japanese: えせガッパ Esegappa) (YW1) Did mimic the southern accent. (YW2) Pretended to be a city guy and put down country folk. (YW3) Added ketchup to strawberry ice-cream. Kappa Trophy, Reversword Walkappa Great Heights (Japanese: みえはり滝落とし Mie hari taki otoshi)
29 Komasham edit Komasham (Japanese: ダマさん Damasan) (YW1) Lied to a friend and offend him. (YW2) Tried to fix a game console then broke it even more. (YW3) Ate all the icing on a friend's birthday cake. Guardian Trophy, Ritzy Studs, 2600 WP Komasan Groovy Moves (Japanese: ひとだまし乱舞 Hito damashi ranbu)
30 Whoopie edit Whoopie (Japanese: 腹黒郎 Haragurō) (YW1) Monopolised the karaoke microphone. (YW2) Pretended to be clumsy to avoid doing the dishes. (YW3) Pretended to be frail and made others carry stuff. Heart Trophy, Meteor Badge, 3200 WP Shmoopie Youthful Trickery (Japanese: ブリっこポーズだよ! Buri kko pōzuda yo!)
31 Illow edit Illow (Japanese: ペテン老師 Petenrōshi) (YW1) Spoke slang. (YW2) Pretended to be wearing clean socks but wasn't. (YW3) Gave a friend a peppermint disguised as sweet candy. Master Trophy, Thick Specs, 2600 WP Illoo Mirrored Soul (Japanese: ひとだまもどき Hito dama modoki)
32 Copyled edit ʼCopyled' (Japanese: 荒らすん蛇 Arasun'ja)

(YW1) Spun in a circle when told to stand still. (YW2) Spun in a circle when asked to stand still. (YW3) Gave everyone in class a mohawk hairstyle.

Snake Trophy, Pink Coin, 5200 WP Copperled Going Wild (Japanese: あらぶるんじゃ! Ara buru n ja!)
33 Pakka edit Pakka (Japanese: じゃまガッパ Jamakappa) (YW1) Doing the shuttle run on the crosswalk. (YW2) Coyly flicked rubber bands at innocent bystanders. (YW3) Got in a packed elevator and pressed all 555 buttons. Bottle Trophy, Heavenly Sash, 4800 WP Appak Strobe Attack (Japanese: ちょっかいだし一閃 Chokkaidashi issen)
34 Parrukkoma koshame by masterchristian-db579dh Koshame (Japanese: だまししコマ Damashishikoma) (YW1) Told people it was April 1st. (YW2) Pretended to be a prince of a foreign nation. (YW3) Said Tomorrow's the weekend "\" on Thursday enraging all. Lion Trophy, Sleepillow Komane Me-First Burst (Japanese: オレオレバースト Oreorebāsuto)
35 Fussky edit Fussky (Japanese: サギ王子 Sagi-ōji) (YW1) Assumed the player's identity. (YW2) Lied about inventing popcorn to get a date. (YW3) Rewrote the date on an expired couponーand then used it. Cloak Trophy, Venoct Gauntlet, 5200 WP Chilhuahua The Spine Tingler (Japanese: せすじ凍るサギ Se suji kōru sagi)
36 Recap Recap (Japanese: こそどろ帽 Kosodorubō) (YW1) Pretending to drop an eraser and copy off his neighbors test. (YW2) Stole crush's flute so she missed her recital. (YW3) Took deep breaths from the hat of a special someone. Hat Trophy, Sleep 'n' Study, 2600 WP Wazzat Sneaky Thief (Japanese: こそどろろ~ん Koso dororo ~ n)
37 Fouwl Fouwl (Japanese: 立ちヨミテング Tachiyomi Tengu) (YW1) Reading books from a bookstore without paying

(YW2)Hid in the back of a shop to read comics all night. (YW3) Took the pull-out from a magazine, without buying it.

Stilt Trophy, Die of Fate, 2800 WP Nird Turnado (Japanese: ぺージめくり花風 Pēji mekuri hanafū)
38 Dullabel edit Dullabel (Japanese: どろこ婦人 Doroku-fujin) (YW1) Putting a mudpack on the principal's portrait. (YW2) Threw mud at runners from the back of a marathon. (YW3) Copied artwork from a gallery and handed it in for homework. Stylish Trophy, Green Coin, 2000 WP Dazzabel ☆Brelly Rush (Japanese: ぬすんだ傘☆ラッシュ Nusunda kasa ☆ rasshu)
39 Scarafinge cheatler by masterchristian-db57cy3 Cheatler (Japanese: クロノブシ Kuronobushi) (YW1) Painted the coloured pencil black. (YW2) Hid a colony of ants inside a classmate's desk. (YW3) Gave father ink when asked to pass the soy sauce. Stag Trophy, Iron Plates, 3600 WP Beetler Black Scissors (Japanese: ブラックシザーズ Burakkushizāzu)
40 Sparanoo impistol by masterchristian-db57cym Impistol (Japanese: パチモ天 Pachimoten) (YW1) Stealing dirty laundry. (YW2) Lied about receiving lots of Valentine's Day chocolate. (YW3) Served crayfish and called it lobster. Cupid Trophy, Purple Coin, 3000 WP Cupistol Kiss Kiss Bang (Japanese: 猿まね投げキッス Saru mane nagekissu)
41 Comipeximo blamedian by masterchristian-db577n0 ʼBlamedian' (Japanese: ペテン師匠 Petenshishō) (YW1) Adding another digit on to his test scores. (YW2) Put a stamp on a centipede and dropped it in the mail. (YW3) Held a closing down sale, but didn't close down. Comedy Trophy, Ancient Scale, 4800 WP Lamedian Mystery Trickery (Japanese: なに様いかさま~ Nani-sama ikasama ~)
42 Rinoscuro rhinopposite by masterchristian-db57cxj Rhinopposite (Japanese: クロカブト Kurokabuto) (YW1) Painting the white lines on roads black. (YW2) Set all of the class turtles free during recess. (YW3) Stuck horns on a cockroach, passed it off as a rhino beetle. Beetle Trophy, Cicada Sword, 3600 WP Rhinoggin Path to Heck (Japanese: 悪道いっぽんみち Akudō i ppo n michi)
43 Subdolus geezel by masterchristian-db57cyq Geezel (Japanese: のぞキング Nozokingu)

(YW1) Left the bathroom door open and .... (YW2) Snuck into a movie without buying tickets first. (YW3) Snooped on something private.

Darkness Trophy, Guard Gem, 5800 WP Greesel Deep Look (Japanese: 心も体ものぞきます Kokoro mo karada mo nozokimasu)
44 Padezero pandull by masterchristian-db579dd Pandull (Japanese: だましんぼう Damashinbō) (YW1) Gave empty candy boxes. (YW2) Lied about being a pop star to sell autographs. (YW3) Created a dastardly method to cheat at rock-paper-scissors. Toothpick Trophy, Red Coin, 2000 WP Pandle Ninja Stab (Japanese: だましだましぶっさし Damashidamashi bussashi)
45 Inganguilla conger by masterchristian-db579b5 Conger (Japanese: ねつぞウナギ Netsuzo Unagi) (YW1) Put incorrect answers on textbooks. (YW2) Couldn't hold it in any longer and peed in the pool. (YW3) Called a normal rock a meteorite. Eel Trophy, Ski Mask, 2600 WP Croonger Shut Yo' Mouth (Japanese: 口だけおべっか Kuchidake obekka)
46 Imposqualo bummer by masterchristian-db579au Bummer (Japanese: ほらふきザメ Horafukizame) (YW1) Told lies. (YW2) Spread a lie that grapes are actually penguin eggs. (YW3) Sold a squid, advertising it as an alien mummy. Shark Trophy, Galaxy Charm, 2000 WP Chummer Little White Lie (Japanese: うそも方便ガード Uso mo hōben gādo)
47 Dempostore mimicevil by masterchristian-db577nd Mimicevil (Japanese: イビビル Ibibiru) (YW1) Made fun of someone who called the teacher "Mummy". (YW2) Shot spitballs at the back of a classmate's neck. (YW3) Yelled "Speak Up!" at a timid youngster. Demon Trophy, Crystal Ball, 5000 WP Timidevil Glue Stickler (Japanese: 知着算いびり Chi-gi san ibiri)
48 Inchamp trippa by masterchristian-db579b1 Trippa (Japanese: どろこんぶ Dorokonbu) (YW1) Put mud inside your shoes. (YW2) Got mud all over the brand- new gym equipment. (YW3) Turned the swimming pool into soup. Seaweed Trophy, Sticker of Hate, 2200 WP Steppa Walk Softly (Japanese: そろり足ステップ Sorori ashi suteppu)
49 Pooretto shaggie by masterchristian-db579e1 Shaggie (Japanese: わりゅーくん Waryū-kun) (YW1) Used a fire extinguisher to fake a snowstorm. (YW2) Used a fire extinguisher to fake a snowstorm. (YW3) Filled a friend's slippers with countless eggs. Dragon Trophy, Light Blue Coin, 2000 WP Draggie Cheat Code (Japanese: モラルぶれいく Morarubureiku)
50 Sdend Sdend (Japanese: まきあげ貝 Makiagekai) (YW1) Ran the lotto wheel without interruption. (YW2) Insulted the school lunch lady's cooking. (YW3) Asked for a bite, but treacherously took two. Shell Trophy, Golden Doll, 3200 WP Spenp Shake It Up (Japanese: かつあげパラダイス Katsuage paradaisu)
51 Falspy Falspy (Japanese: もぐりちゃん Moguri-chan) (YW1) Snuck into the zoo and camped out in the cages. (YW2) Snuck into the zoo and camped out in the cages. (YW3) Switched the coffee in the teacher's lounge with cocoa. Triclops Trophy, Holy Exporb, 3200 WP Espy Heart Speakeasy Surgery (Japanese: 心もぐり術 Kokoro moguri-jutsu)
52 Apni Apni (Japanese: フゥビン Fūbin) (YW1) Wished you could think about a wish in front of a wishing well. (YW2) Picked up a pair of undies with chopsticks. (YW3) Gleefully listened to a stranger's tale of misfortune. Cyclops Trophy, Fiend Ring, 4800 WP Insomni Glowing Gazes (Japanese: 憐みのまなざし 憐 Mi no manazashi)

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

No. Images Name Charges Capture Rewards


53 Eyeclops Eyeclops (Japanese: ふかづめ小僧 Fukazuke-kozō) (YW2) Stealing other people's olives. (YW3) Spread bad advice that you ought to insult people you like. 2000 WP Boyclops Cut to the Quick! (Japanese: ふかづめになーれっ Fuka dzume nina ̄ re ~tsu)
54 No Me No Me (Japanese: ざしき荒らし Zashiki-arashi) (YW2) Planted carnivorous plants in a friend's garden. (YW3) Spread oil all over a room and made it greasy. 2400 WP Gnomey Gleeful as a Gale (Japanese: 微笑みのあらし Hohoemi no arashi)
55 Sud munch Sud Munch (Japanese: ソーダ坊 Sōdabō) (YW2) Shook a soda and sprayed it onto a passerby. (YW3) Carbonated the cafeteria's soup. 3200 WP Mudmunch Fizzical Finesse (Japanese: 超炭酸しゅわしゅわ〜 Chō tansan shi ~yuwashuwa 〜)
56 Wutring Wutring (Japanese: きこえんら Kikoen-ra) (YW2) Pretended not to hear the bell signaling recess's end. (YW3) Sabotaged the school bell and took a day-long nap. 2600 WP Smogling Boss Hurricane (Japanese: きこえんら期間 Kikoen-ra kikan)
57 Parsofalso follysol by masterchristian-dbquyn4 Follysol (Japanese: ガサガサお化け Gasagasa obake) (YW2) Put vegetable oil into a friend's shampoo. (YW3) Replaced someone's lipstick with a glue stick. 2800 WP Pallysol Brelly Blast (Japanese: お肌ガサガサ陣風 O hada gasagasa jinfū)
58 Fake-gus Fake-gus (Japanese: ねぐせげん Ne guse gen) (YW2) Replaced a vial of hair wax with a tub of lard. (YW3) Attempted to pass off bed hair as the latest fashion. 2000 WP Furgus Eternal Bed Hair (Japanese: 水強なるねぐせ Mizu tsuyo naru ne guse)
59 Leccameno sublappa by masterchristian-dbquyna Sublappa (Japanese: ごきげんななめ Goki gen naname) (YW2) Spiced up a tube of lip gloss with some hot sauce (YW3) Licked a doorknob, and claimed that it tasted like iron. 2800 WP Tublappa Lick of Fury (Japanese: やっあたりぺろんちよ Ya~tsuatari peron Chiyo)
60 Voltofinto faykoff by masterchristian-dbquynd Faykoff (Japanese: ほっぺた坊 Hoppetabō) (YW2) Pinched someone's cheeks with a clothespin. (YW3) Stole mother's make-up and outdid her in a beauty contest. 3000 WP Faysoff Winning Ugly (Japanese: おたふくわ~るど Otafuku wa ~rudo)
61 Strongnek edit Strongnek (Japanese: とぐろ首 Do kuro kubi) (YW2) Practiced bunny hops outside a grocery store. (YW3) Tied an un-untieable knot in a friend's scarf. 3200 WP Lady Longnek Spinning Headbutt (Japanese: ぐるぐるヘッドバット Guruguru heddobatto)
62 Infradalio floppaflip by masterchristian-dbquynj Floppaflip (Japanese: ばか草履 Baka-zōri) (YW2) Flushed test papers down a toilet and clogged it. (YW3) Craftily replaced someone's soft slippers with rough ones. 2200 WP Pittapatt Blistering Idiot (Japanese: あんまりばかに砂! Anmari baka ni suna!)
63 Blabeye Blabeye (Japanese: ざわめき Zawameki) (YW2) Wouldn't stop talking in the middle of class. (YW3) Spotted a boy and girl talking, proclaimed them a couple 5000 WP Eyesoar Laser Eyes (Japanese: おさわがしアイビーム O sawagashi aibīmu)
64 Malmaiden edit Malmaiden (Japanese: ろうにんぎょう Rōningyō)

(YW2) Wore a scary mask to frighten the teacher. (YW3) Carelessly spilt hot wax on the cooking class table.

2800 WP Mermaidyn Malmaidened (Japanese: お前もろうにんぎょう Omae mo rō ningyō)
65 Kappeasy Kappeasy (Japanese: へのカッパ Henokappa) (YW2) Let out a big stinky fart and blamed someone else. (YW3) Farted during an exam to distract rivals. 6000 WP Faux Kappa Tidal Force (Japanese: にぎりっぺ水流 Nigiri ~tsupe suiryū)
66 Fake-inand Fake-inand (Japanese: むだむだん Muda mudan) (YW2) Refused to groom despite frequent shedding. (YW3) Allowed the hair on a mole to grow to a scandalous length. 4400 WP Furdinand Lemming Attack (Japanese: むだな犠牲ボンバー Mudana gisei bonbā)
67 Nagmella edit Nagmella (Japanese: なんやかんや Nan yakan'ya) (YW2) Ate a school lunch and complained (YW3) Told all the boys I love you "\" to get their hopes up. 5000 WP Smogmella Detailspin (Japanese: ケチつけタイフーン Kechi tsuke taifūn)
68 Unbelievabull Unbelievabull (Japanese: くだらん Kudaran) (YW2) Taped the teacher's face on a picture of a goat. (YW3) Tired to break the ice at an interview. Started an ice age. 2200WP Predictabull Joke on It (Japanese: くだらないジョーク Kudaranai jōku)

Yo-kai Watch 3[]

No. Image Name Charges Wanted Points Counterpart Soultimate
69 Yamajor Screwball (Japanese: ヤメジャー Yamejā) Threw in the towel straight after pitching. 3000 Goofball Hopeless Swipe (Japanese: もう無理ヤメるん打! Mōmuri yameru n da!)
70 CharBQ CharBQ (Japanese: コゲヤ鬼 Kogeya oni) Falsely claimed that burnt meat is good for you. 2200 BBQvil Best Burnt BBQ (Japanese: まるコゲBBQ Maru koge BBQ)
71 Horinugget Fakin' Chukket (Japanese: ほうりナゲット Hōri nagetto) Recklessly threw underwear out of the 2nd floor window. 2400 Chicken Chukket Tactical Toss (Japanese: 適当にPOI☆ Tekitō ni POI ☆)
72 Cornterfeit Artwork Cornterfeit (Japanese: かえってコーン Kaette kōn) Sold eraser shavings at auction. 2800 Cornfused Amaizing Memory (Japanese: 記憶がかえってコーン Kioku ga kaette kōn)
73 Feigndeer Artwork Feigndeer (Japanese: ぬすっトナカイ Nu suttonakai) Stole the holiday season. He really did it. 4400 Squandeer Take That Thief! (Japanese: もってけドロボウ! Motte ke dorobō!)
74 Ohbacare No Bah Gah! (Japanese: オバーカー Obākā) Spread mustard on the school toilet paper. 2800 Oh Bah Gah! Burger Battering (Japanese: バーガー肉ぬきで! Bāgā niku nuki de!)
75 Poisteaking Fakin' Steaking (Japanese: ポイステーキ Poisutēki) Left someone's private diary out for their parents to read. 4200 Steaking Stately Steak Stick (Japanese: 堂々ポイステッキ Dōdō poisutekki)
76 Abominable Admiral Abominable Admiral (Japanese: トンチン艦 Tonchin-kan) Brought a soccer whistle to a recorder lesson. 5000 Admirable Admiral Balker's Broadside (Japanese: まよったら突撃だ~! Mayottara totsugekida ~!)
77 Coppiccino Artwork Coppiccino (Japanese: おとめブル Otome buru) Plucked roses from a rich lady's garden. Made a corsage. 2800 Puppiccino Wild Woman Wallop (Japanese: 荒ぶる乙女心アタック Araburu otomekokoro atakku)
78 Monday Papa Crazy Mondae (Japanese: モンデーパパ Mondēpapa) Wiped an unpleasant person's face with a pizza base. 2800 Lazy Sundae Morning Dad (Japanese: グツドもーみんぐパパ Gutsudo mo ̄ min gu papa)
79 USOpyon Intrudapyon (Japanese: USOピョン USO pyon) Claimed on live TV to have been abducted by aliens. 3400 Usapyon Bogus Bunny Beam (Japanese: ウソっぱち極太ビーム Usoppachi gokubuto bīmu)
80 Niwakapper Ill Kappa (Japanese: にわカッパー Ni wa kappā) Gave his opinion on a game without playing it. 2600 Lil Kappa Ribble Rapple (Japanese: でたらめチェケラッ調 Detarame chekeratchō)
81 Trubbles edit Trubbles (Japanese: あそんドール Ason dōru) Swapped out a normal lightbulb with a garish pink one. 2800 Grubbles Come Play with Me (Japanese: 私と遊んじゃオーラ☆ Watashi to ason ja ōra ☆)
82 Dassokusai Putacrockinit (Japanese: ダソックサイ Dasokkusai) Made a foul soup from dirty socks. 1200 Putasockinit Socking It to Ya (Japanese: 悪臭におわスイング Akushū ni owa suingu)
83 Nejimagator NOMGator (Japanese: ネジマゲーター Nejimagētā) Tied the teacher's austere facial hair into adorable knots. 2800 OMGator Croc-a-Jaw Shock (Japanese: 事実ネジ曲げアゴ力 Jijitsu neji mage ago-ryoku)
84 Hieconda Slydwinder (Japanese: ヒーエコンダ Hīekonda) Sent sleeping people's beds to the South Pole. 5000 Snidewinder Slyswipe (Japanese: マッタンヒエコン打 Mattanhiekon-da)


  • Each Yo-criminal's name is usually centered around the concept of an impersonator, a practical joke or a prank; their names may even be a slight perversion of the original Yo-kai's own.
  • In Yo-kai Sangokushi: Kunitori Wars, Abominable Admiral appears as a playable character sharing the same rank as his non-criminal counterpart. This makes him the first Yo-criminal to become playable, least in a spin-off..
  • Many of their crimes suggest they are visible to everyone.
  • In Yo-kai Watch 2, the new Yo-criminals are entirely of Classic Yo-kai, while they are 'Merican Yo-kai in Yo-kai Watch 3.
  • Based on the color schemes, they look similar to most of the bosses in the Infinite Inferno.
  • Some Yo-criminals share color schemes with Yo-kai related with their non-criminal counterpart, normally with the rare color-swapped of the evolution of their counterpart, such as Roughraffony resembling Bruff.
  • A Yo-kai who resembles Trubbles, named Bamboozle, often accompanies Jeanne Ne-Sais-Quoi.
  • Most of the Yo-criminals are simply palette swaps of existing Yo-kai, except Coppiccino has a rose on his scarf.
  • Dopplenyan's crime in Yo-kai Watch 3 could be based on We Wanna Eat White Squid, the opening theme of Yo-kai Blasters: White dog Squad.

In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Spain  Spanish Yo-delincuentes
Flag of France  French Yo-criminels

Yo-kai Wanted

Flag of Italy  Italian Yo-criminali (Valdoro)

Yo-kai Wanted (Arachidia)

Flag of Germany  German Yo-verbrecher

See Also[]
