Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki

The Clean Freaks[]

"Whether it's with military precision, foamy ease, or a hostess's warmth, these Yo-kai love to clean up."

The Clean Freaks (Japanese: キレイ第一 衛生委員会 Kirei dai ichi eisei iinkai, Clean Foremost Health Commitee") Yo-kai Circle focuses on Yo-kai who deal with cleanliness.

The reward for completing this is a Mem-o-Vac.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
009 Brushido Official Art Brushido Isamashi medal Rank E icon Blasters healer Uptown Springdale - Under Cars
324 Furozukin Artwork Lil Blue Bathing Hood Pokapoka medal Rank E icon Blasters healer Southmond - Garden Grill
366 Itareri-tsukuseri Artwork Ghostess Pokapoka medal Rank A icon Blasters healer Breezy Hills - Gardens

Familiar Faces[]

"Everyone and their dog seems to know these Yo-kai. Yet, strangely, they don't know each other that well."

Familiar Faces (Japanese: おなじみのメンツだニャン Onajimi no mentsu danyan) Yo-kai Circle focuses on four well-known Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is a Memory Chime.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
243 JibanyanArtwork Jibanyan Pretty medal Rank D icon Blasters fighter Chapter 1 (Nate's Side)
251 KomasanArtwork Komasan Pretty medal Rank D icon Blasters fighter Chapter 6
257 KomajiroArtwork Komajiro Pretty medal Rank D icon Blasters fighter Chapter 9
423 UsapyonArtwork Usapyon Usurakage medal Rank B icon Blasters fighter Chapter 1 (Hailey's Side)

Big Band Theory[]

"The team of percussionists can drum up a storm, thanks to Pergushin's 'self sacrificing' spirit."

Big Band Theory (Japanese: お騒がせミュージシャン O sawagase myūjishan, "Noisy Musicians") Yo-kai Circle focuses on percussion based Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is a Golden Ticket 5.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
344 Don Chan Don Chan Pokapoka medal

Rank C icon

Blasters healer "You're Invited to DON-CHAN's Bash!" Quest
460 Squeeky official art Squeeky Bukimi medal Rank E icon Blasters fighter Northbeech - Hip & Hopping Alley
470 Taikomochi-0 Pergushin

Bukimi medal

Rank E icon Blasters ranger Breezy Hills - Under Cars
487 Rhumbastiltskin Rhumbastiltskin Bukimi medal Rank C icon Blasters ranger Northbeech - Hip & Hopping Alley

The Barbecue Brigade[]

"These 'Merican Yo-kai are putting the barbecue back into BBQ! Just don't let Hungramps find out..."

The Barbecue Brigade (Japanese: メリケンフード協会 Merikenfūdo kyōkai, "Merican Food Association") Yo-kai Circle focuses on different 'Mercian Food Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is a Glamorous Straw.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
087 Chukket Artwork Chicken Chukket Fushigi medal Rank D icon Blasters fighter East Pine - Hotel - Rear Byway
156 Amanjir Chilled Cowcao Goketsu medal Rank E icon Blasters healer Northbeech - Hydrants
162 Oh Bah Gah! Artwork Oh Bah Gah! Goketsu medal Rank D icon Blasters tank Northbeech - Hip & Hopping Alley
193 Steaking Artwork Steaking Goketsu medal Rank A icon Blasters tank East Pine - Hotel - Rear Byway
211 PettycakeArtwork Petty-Cake Pretty medal Rank E icon Blasters healer Southmond - Garden Grill
232 Demonade Artwork Zest-a-Minute Pretty medal Rank D icon Blasters healer East Pine - Hotel - Rear Byway
350 Lazy Sundae 2D Lazy Sundae Pokapoka medal Rank C icon Blasters healer Southmond - Under Cars
395 Salty Bacon Salty Bacon Usurakage medal Rank D icon Blasters fighter East Pine - Grass

Speed 3[]

"This is an exclusive racing Circle reserved for the fastest Yo-kai around! Even Double Time considered joining."

Speed 3 (Japanese: 暴☆走☆族 "Hotrodders") Yo-kai Circle focuses on three very speedy Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is Jetnyan.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
019 20160715135235 Minimoto Isamashi medal Rank D icon Blasters ranger Sparkopolis - Under Vending Machines
261 Bakusoku Nekidspeed Pretty medal Rank C icon Blasters ranger Breezy Hills - Bushes
461 Rawry Render Rawry Bukimi medal Rank B icon Blasters fighter Fuse Squeeky with Horn.

The Yo-kai Family[]

"Lazy Sundae's influence has rubbed off on this Yo-kai family, who spend their weekends lounging around indoors. "

The Yo-kai Family (Japanese: ある一家の日曜日 Aru ikka no nichiyōbi, "A Certain Family's Sunday") Yo-kai Circle focuses on Yo-kai who apparently belong to the same family.

The reward for completing this is Fuu 2.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
232 Demonade Artwork Zest-a-Minute Pretty medal Rank D icon Blasters healer East Pine - Hotel - Rear Byway
330 Push Pup Push Pup Pokapoka medal Rank D icon Blasters healer Southmond - Grass
350 Lazy Sundae 2D Lazy Sundae Pokapoka medal Rank C icon Blasters healer Southmond - Under Cars
360 Pearly White Artwork Pearly White

Pokapoka medal

Rank B icon Blasters healer Hazeltine Mansion - Library
406 Geekun Artwork Indexter Usurakage medal Rank D icon Blasters ranger Northbeech - Warehouse No. 2

The Failure Brigade[]

"This Circle was opened as a self-help group for the most hopeless Yo-kai around to share their woes."

The Failure Brigade (Japanese: やらかし反省会 Yarakashi hansei-kai) Yo-kai Circle focuses on Yo-kai who mess up a lot.

The reward for completing this is a Reflector.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
001 Sigh-Durr 2D Sigh-Durr Isamashi medal Rank E icon Blasters fighter Gloombell Forest
024 Damajor Artwork Goofball Isamashi medal Rank D icon Blasters fighter Meadowbrooke Farm
210 TwirlyPieArtwork Twirly Pie Pretty medal Rank E icon Blasters ranger Southmond - Grass
219 Buttered Blue Art Buttered Blue Pretty medal Rank E icon Blasters fighter Northbeech - Hydrants

The Thunderous Three[]

"These sparkly individuals can all appreciate the taste of a yummy high voltage current."

The Thunderous Three (Japanese: サンダーボーイズ Sandābōizu, "Thunder Boys") Yo-kai Circle focuses on electric Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is a Lightning Badge.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
102 SignibbleArtwork Signibble Fushigi medal Rank D icon Blasters fighter Blossom Heights - Telephone Pole
122 Statikid Artwork Statikid Fushigi medal

Rank B icon

Blasters fighter Bada-Bing Tower
173 Raizou Zappary Goketsu medal Rank D icon Blasters fighter Shopper's Row - Telephone Poles

Onis Inc[]

"Need a monster for your movie? Stop by this Circle and you'll have the pick of the bunch!"

Onis Inc (Japanese: 鬼さんはこちらです Oni-san wa kochiradesu, "Here is the Oni") Yo-kai Circle focuses on Oni, of course. The English name is a parody of Monsters, Inc..

The reward for completing this is a Fiend Band.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
122 Statikid Artwork Statikid Fushigi medal Rank B icon Blasters fighter Bada-Bing Tower
177 SweltonArtwork Swelton Goketsu medal Rank C icon Blasters tank Dukesville - Under Carriages
378 Leadoni Leadoni Usurakage medal Rank E icon Blasters ranger Blossom Heights - Under Cars
379 Mynimo Art Mynimo Usurakage medal Rank D icon Blasters ranger Breezy Hills - Bushes
396 SuspicioniArtwork Suspicioni Usurakage medal Rank D icon Blasters fighter Excellent Tower - Trash
397 Tantroni Art Tantroni

Usurakage medal

Rank D icon Blasters fighter Nocturne Hospital
437 Eyesoar Art Eyesoar Usurakage medal Rank A icon Blasters tank Greenfields Station - Paddies
438 Eyellure Art Eyellure Usurakage medal Rank S icon Blasters tank Oni Crank-a-kai

The Chill Pills[]

"A Circle for Yo-kai who'd rather cruise through life in the slow lane."

The Chill Pills (Japanese: 万年フリーダム Man'nen furīdamu, "Ten Thousand Year Freedom") Yo-kai Circle focuses on lazy Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is Moximous N.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
006 Cutta-nah Cutta-nah Isamashi medal Rank E icon Blasters fighter Breezy Hills - Gardens
125 Himajin Artwork Imagenius Fushigi medal Rank B icon Blasters ranger Bada-Bing Tower
263 Okiraccoon Artwork Slackoon Pretty medal Rank C icon Blasters fighter Northbeech - Streams
422 Darisu Artwork Horizontail Usurakage medal Rank B icon Blasters fighter Crank-a-kai (BBQ)

The Sinful Sisters[]

"These femme fatales are so alluring that each of them has legions of adoring fans."

The Sinful Sisters (Japanese: 罪づくりな女たち Tsumi-dzukurina on'na-tachi, "Sinful Women") Yo-kai Circle focuses on six well-loved female Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is Jibakoma.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
101 Enraenra Smogmella Fushigi medal Rank A icon Blasters fighter Evolve Smogling at Lv. 32.
138 Snow Spect-hare Artwork Snow Spect-hare Fushigi medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter Crank-a-kai (BBQ)
277 Damona2 Damona Pretty medal Rank S icon

Blasters fighter

Crank-a-kai (Springdale)
498 Everfore Everfore Bukimi medal Rank S icon Blasters ranger Fuse Grumples with Ageless Powder.
504 InsomniArtwork Insomni Bukimi medal Rank A icon Blasters ranger Southmond - In Trees
542 Mermotherartwork-0 Mermother Nyororon medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter Ambrosia Pavilion

Circle of Cheer[]

"These girls make it their mission to brighten people's lives with their opulent optimism!"

The Circle of Cheer (Japanese: フレフレガールズ Furefuregāruzu, "Hooray Hooray Girls") Yo-kai Circle focuses on cheerful Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is Rudy.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
229 Krystal Fox Krystal Fox Pretty medal Rank D icon

Blasters healer

Sparkopolis - Under Vending Machines
238 Kanpe-chan Artwork Cue-Tee Pretty medal Rank D icon Blasters healer Southmond - Hydrants
325 Furoral Artwork Bubble Beth Pokapoka medal Rank A icon Blasters healer Fuse Lil Blue Hood with Scented Bath Oil.
328 Tomorrow Gal Artwork Tomorrow Gal Pokapoka medal Rank D icon Blasters healer Southmond - Hydrants

Off the Rails[]

"This gang of hoodlurns are the definition of delinquency. Typically found loitering around near Everymart."

The Off the Rails (Japanese: ヤンキーズ Yankīzu, "Yankees") Yo-kai Circle focuses on delinquent Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is a Golden Ticket 6.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
152 Gurerulin artwork Roughraff Goketsu medal Rank E icon Blasters fighter Blossom Heights - Tucked Away Lot
154 Bruff Art Bruff Goketsu medal Rank A icon Blasters tank Southmond
249 Baddinyan Art Baddinyan Pretty medal Rank B icon Blasters fighter Crank-a-kai (BBQ)
461 Rawry Render Rawry Bukimi medal Rank B icon Blasters fighter Fuse Squeeky with Horn.
488 Koshipanda Slax Bukimi medal Rank C icon Blasters tank Meadowbrooke Farm - Grass

The Seaweed Shufflers[]

"These weedy wonders are starting a dance revolution under the watchful eye of their choreographer, Fundango."

The Seaweed Shufflers (Japanese: ダンシング海藻革命 Danshingu kaisō kakumei, "Dancing Seaweed Revolution") Yo-kai Circle focuses on the dancing seaweed Yo-kai and their instructor, Fundango.

The reward for completing this is a Cheery Coat.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
311 Wiglin-0 Wiglin Pokapoka medal Rank E icon Blasters healer Downtown Springdale - Ocean
312 Kelpacabana Art Kelpacabana Pokapoka medal Rank C icon Blasters healer Evolve Wiglin at Lv. 17.
313 Steppa-0 Steppa Pokapoka medal Rank E icon Blasters healer Downtown Springdale - Ocean
314 Rhyth-0 Rhyth Pokapoka medal Rank D icon Blasters healer Downtown Springdale - Ocean
359 Happy-san Artwork Fundango Pokapoka medal Rank B icon Blasters healer "The Yo-kai Circus' One Last Hurrah" Quest

Hear Me Roar![]

"These lions shake the room with their roars, it's just too bad they can't be more in-sync..."

The Hear Me Roar! (Japanese: ライオンさん Raion-san, "Lion-san") Yo-kai Circle focuses on three lion Yo-kai with (Japanese: ライオン Raion) in their Japanese names.

The reward for completing this is an Arcane Attacks.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
040 BlazionArtwork Blazion (メラメライオン) Isamashi medal Rank C icon Blasters ranger Springdale Elementary (Night)
041 Quaken Art Quaken (グラグライオン) Isamashi medal Rank B icon Blasters ranger Blossom Heights - Vending Machines
112 Lionguist Lionguist (ペラペライオン) Fushigi medal Rank C icon Blasters fighter Fuse Blazion with Starry Spangles.

Perfect Harmony[]

"In need of entertainment? These Yo-kai can turn even the dullest of days into a musical extravaganza!"

The Perfect Harmony (Japanese: オペラ座の妖怪 Opera-za no yōkai, "Yo-kai of the Opera") Yo-kai Circle focuses on singing Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is some Turnabeads.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
178 Sing Kong Artwork Sing Kong Goketsu medal Rank C icon Blasters tank Sunset Mall (Night)
308 In-Tune In-Tune Pokapoka medal Rank E icon Blasters healer Southmond - Denton's Repairs
526 Croonger2 Croonger Nyororon medal Rank C icon Blasters healer Pecan Port - Streams

The Mad Hatters[]

"A Circle for highly refined Yo-kai with superb manners and, most importantly, exquisite hats."

The Mad Hatters (Japanese: 妖怪紳士ですから Yōkai shinshidesukara, "Because we are Yo-kai Gentlemen") Yo-kai Circle focuses on Yo-kai with nice hats.

The reward for completing this is a Platinum Doll.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
109 Suttonkyo Lord Shrillington Fushigi medal Rank C icon Blasters fighter Hazeltine Mansion - Library
123 Professor Plumage Artwork Professor Plumage Fushigi medal Rank B icon Blasters fighter Sparkopolis - Junk Alley
128 Otonakai Artwork Squandeer Fushigi medal Rank A icon Blasters ranger Bada-Bing Tower

Budding Bad Guys[]

"These Yo-kai all long to feel the thrill of facing down a party of heroes as ultimate, final bosses."

The Budding Bad Guys (Japanese: ボスになりたい四天王 Bosu ni naritai shiten'nō, "Four Boss Wannabe Heavenly Kings") Yo-kai Circle focuses on Yo-kai who aspire to be great villains.

The reward for completing this is a Holy Exporb.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
445 554 tut 'n' k'mon Tut 'n' K'mon Usurakage medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter Fuse K'mon-K'mon with Bad News.
502 Kimetemaou Artwork Decidevible Bukimi medal Rank A icon Blasters fighter Bada-Bing Tower
503 Hairum Scarum Artwork Hairum Scarum Bukimi medal Rank A icon Blasters tank Bada-Bing Tower
569 MythonArtwork Mython Nyororon medal Rank A icon Blasters fighter Bada-Bing Tower

Pedal to the Metal[]

"They'll drive you anywhere in record time, if they don't drive you mad first, of course..."

The Pedal to the Metal (Japanese: オレたちドライブ仲間 Ore-tachi doraibu nakama, "We are Drive Buddies") Yo-kai Circle focuses on speedy vehicle Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is a Lucky Charm.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
139 Oh Wheel Artwork Oh Wheel Goketsu medal Rank E icon Blasters tank Southmond - Denton's Repairs
145 NoGoKart No-Go Kart Goketsu medal Rank E icon Blasters tank Downtown Springdale - Delivery Bay
163 Speedemountain Speedemountain Goketsu medal Rank D icon Blasters tank Meadowbrooke Farm - Grass

Fastidious Three[]

"These self-professed superheroes of the service industry can at times be more trouble than they're worth."

The Fastidious Three (Japanese: お帰りなさいませ御主人様 Okaerinasaimase goshujinsama, "Welcome back, Master") Yo-kai Circle focuses on the butler and maid Yo-kai who wind up causing more trouble than they can fix.

The reward for completing this is Whispocrates.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
121 Verygoodsir Official Art Verygoodsir Fushigi medal Rank B icon Blasters healer Hazeltine Mansion - 2F Hallway
351 GattenMeierArtwork Got It Maid Pokapoka medal Rank C icon Blasters healer Hazeltine Mansion - Library
547 YW - Whisper Whisper Nyororon medal Rank C icon Blasters ranger "The Man You Can Never See" Quest

In the Know[]

"Watch your tongue around these gossip gathering gargoyles, or prepare for your secrets to slither out."

The In the Know (Japanese: ゲス・マスターズ Gesu masutāzu, "Scumbag Masters") Yo-kai Circle Focuses on Yo-kai who hunger for secrets.

The reward for completing this is a Mystic Mysteries.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
081 Trumpfohreule Artwork Too-Much-To-Take Fushigi medal Rank A icon Blasters fighter Evolve Who-Me at Lv. 28.
407 Hack King Hack King Usurakage medal Rank A icon Blasters ranger Fuse Indexter with Wydeawake.
414 Aitttimes Injurnalist Usurakage medal Rank C icon Blasters ranger Hazeltine Mansion - Grass

Just Bossing Around[]

"It's rumored that all these boss Yo-kai wanted in life was to be loved as much as the Komasan brothers."

The Just Bossing Around (Japanese: 今日の敵は 明日の友 Kyō no teki wa ashita no tomo, "Today's Enemies are Tomorrow's Friends") Yo-kai Circle focuses on the friend forms of certain Boss Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is Bison Burly.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
205 Kabuking Friend Kabuking Goketsu medal Rank S icon Blasters tank Crank-a-kai (Springdale)
292 Rubeus J Friend Form Artwork Rubeus J Pretty medal Rank A icon Blasters fighter Crank-a-kai (Springdale)
293 Hardy Hound Friend Form Artwork Hardy Hound Pretty medal Rank A icon Blasters ranger Crank-a-kai (BBQ)
430 SlimamanderFriendForm Slimamander Usurakage medal Rank A icon Blasters fighter Hazy Lane
433 Gutsy Bones friend Gutsy Bones Usurakage medal Rank A icon Blasters ranger Crank-a-kai (BBQ)
441 Wobblewok friend Wobblewok Usurakage medal Rank S icon Blasters tank Crank-a-kai (BBQ)
500 Sproink-Friend-0 Sproink Bukimi medal Rank A icon Blasters tank Hazy Lane
598 SvSnaggerjag Friend SV Snaggerjag Nyororon medal Rank A icon Blasters fighter Hazy Lane

The Comix Club[]

"This band of 'Merican Yo-kai also run a stand-up comedy act..but reviews say it's somewhat cornfusing."

The Comix Club (Japanese: アメコメ倶楽部 Ame kome kurabu, "Amecomi Club") Yo-kai Circle focuses on three unique 'Merican Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is a Patriot's T-Shirt.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
088 PintocornArtwork Cornfused Fushigi medal Rank D icon Blasters ranger Meadowbrooke Farm
264 Puppiccino Puppiccino Pretty medal Rank C icon Blasters fighter East Pine - Grass
423 UsapyonArtwork Usapyon Usurakage medal Rank B icon Blasters fighter Chapter 1 (Hailey's Side)

For Great Justice[]

"Champions of the innocent and weak, the Yo-kai Heroes soar through the sky justly and freely."

The For Great Justice (Japanese: HEROOOOOO!!!) Yo-kai Circle focuses on superhero Yo-kai!

The reward for completing this is Darknyan.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
065 Shurikenny Art Shurikenny Isamashi medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter "The Shadowy Hero! Shureikenny!" QuestS
137 BunnyMintArtworkTransparent Agent Spect-hare Fushigi medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter "The Lovely Hero! Agent Spect-hare!" QuestS
208 SilverLining Silver Lining Goketsu medal Rank S icon Blasters tank "The Sky Hero! Silver Lining!" QuestS
225 Unbearaboy! Art Unbearaboy! Pretty medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter "The Rookie Hero! Unbearaboy!" QuestT
373 DoubleTime Double Time Pokapoka medal Rank S icon Blasters healer "The Wonder Hero! Double Time!" QuestT
443 Dr. E. Raser Art Dr. E. Raser Usurakage medal Rank S icon Blasters ranger "The Mad Hero! Dr. E. Raser!" QuestT
508 Oridjinn Artwork Oridjinn Bukimi medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter "The Strongest Hero! Oridjinn!" QuestS
510 LittleCharrmer Little Charrmer Bukimi medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter "The Fiery Hero! Little Charrmer!" QuestT

The Nyanyan All Stars[]

"The hierarchy of this nyanriffic band is sublty complex, when to the casual observer they all look so similar."

The Nyanyan All Stars (Japanese: ニャニャンオールスターズ Nyanyan'ōrusutāzu) Yo-kai Circle focuses on three very different cat Yo-kai.

Completion of this Yo-kai Ring rewards the player with Buchinyan.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
195 Robonyan F-0 Robonyan F Goketsu medal Rank A icon Blasters tank Crank-a-kai (BBQ)
243 JibanyanArtwork Jibanyan Pretty medal Rank D icon Blasters fighter Chapter 1 (Nate's Side)
608 Shogunyan Shogunyan Isamashi medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter

Unseal from Medallium page with Toadal Dude, Smogmella, Jibanyan, Hovernyan, Faux Kappa, Miradox, Baku and Arachnus.

The Fins of Sharon[]

"Dis hip-hoppin' Kappa Circle is kickin', an' when they get time off they give their plates a good lickin'."

The Fins of Sharon (Japanese: ミズかき隊 Mizu kaki-tai) Yo-kai Circle focuses on three Kappa Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is a Bottomless Bottle.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
240 Walkappa artwork Walkappa Pretty medal Rank D icon Blasters fighter Uptown Springdale - Streams
301 Faux Kappa Official Artwork Faux Kappa Pretty medal Rank A icon Blasters fighter Blossom Heights - Streams
421 LilKappaArtwork Lil Kappa Usurakage medal Rank B icon Blasters fighter Bada-Bing Tower

Make Over Z[]

"This band of DIY devotees not only play concerts but appear on Bitty Rokit's weekly TV show!"

The Make Over Z (Japanese: いろいろツクローバーZ Iroiro tsukurōbā Z, "Iroiro Tsuclover Z") Yo-kai Circle focuses on the five Yo-kai who helped Hailey and Usapyon build their rocket.

The reward for completing this is Maginyan.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
040 BlazionArtwork Blazion Isamashi medal Rank C icon Blasters ranger Springdale Elementary (Night)
105 Statiking2 Statiking Fushigi medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter Train (Rarely)
276 Blizzaria Official Art Blizzaria Pretty medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter Fuse Frostina with Glacial Clip
469 Furdinand Art Furdinand Bukimi medal Rank A icon Blasters tank Evolve Furgus at Lv. 30.
613 PoofessorArtwork Poofessor Image 2024-10-25 123449433 Rank S icon Blasters ranger

Unseal from Medallium page with Cuttincheez, Snottle, Messyrai, Shedwin, Spewart, Whispocrates, Moskevil and Dismarelda.

The Anti-Soul Brothers[]

"These soul brothers are so pipin' hot, the audience feels like it's summer, even when it's not!"

The Anti-Soul Brothers (Japanese: アッチィソウルブラザーズ Atchi~isouruburazāzu) Yo-kai Circle focuses on heat-based Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is Moximous K.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
040 BlazionArtwork Blazion Isamashi medal Rank C icon Blasters ranger Springdale Elementary (Night)
177 SweltonArtwork Swelton Goketsu medal Rank C icon Blasters tank Dukesville - Under Carriages
223 SwelterrierArtwork Swelterrier Pretty medal Rank S icon Blasters fighter Springdale Business Tower (Night)
500 Sproink-Friend-0 Sproink Bukimi medal Rank A icon Blasters tank Hazy Lane

The Taronyan Trio[]

"This Taronyan trio always treat their fans well, handing out healing as freely as they hand out signatures!"

The Taronyan Trio (Japanese: タロニャントリオ Taronyantorio) Yo-kai Circle focuses on Cat Yo-kai from Japanese fairy tales.

The reward for completing this is Sir Nyansalot.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
057 Momonyan Artwork Momonyan Isamashi medal Rank A icon Blasters fighter Crank-a-kai (BBQ)
192 Kintaronyan Art Kintaronyan Goketsu medal Rank A icon Blasters fighter Train (Rarely)
365 Odyssényan Odysseynyan Pokapoka medal Rank A icon Blasters healer Raft - Hopper's Gorge course


"This club for cloistered closet closers have opened their hearts and and drawn fans from far and wide."

The Horrorsmith (Japanese: ヘヤノスミス Heyanosumisu, "Heyanosmith") Yo-kai Circle focuses on reclusive Yo-kai.

The reward for completing this is a Reversword.

No. Image Yo-kai Tribe Rank Blaster Role Location
362 Dimmy Art Dimmy Usurakage medal Rank E icon Blasters ranger Breezy Hills - Bushes
401 HidabatArtwork Hidabat Usurakage medal Rank D icon Blasters ranger Mt. Wildwood - Abandoned Tunnel
452 Droplette Art Droplette Bukimi medal Rank E icon Blasters fighter Breezy Hills - Streams
462 Buhu Art Buhu Bukimi medal Rank E icon Blasters fighter Breezy Hills - In Trees
