Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki

"Discover the origin of the Yo-kai Watch!"
—Game's slogan.

Yo-kai Watch 2 (Japanese: 妖怪ウォッチ2 Youkai Wotchi Tsū) is a role-playing video game developed by Level-5 for the Nintendo 3DS. It is the second mainline game to be released in the Yo-kai Watch series.

Yo-kai Watch 2 was initially released as two versions: Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits (Japanese: 妖怪ウォッチ2元祖 Youkai Wotchi Tsū Ganso, Yo-kai Watch 2: Originator) and Yo-kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls (Japanese: 妖怪ウォッチ2本家 Youkai Wotchi Tsū Honke, Yo-kai Watch 2: Head House). They released in Japan on July 10, 2014. The localization for these games would come out on September 30, 2016 in North America, October 15, 2016 in Australia, April 7, 2017 in Europe, and April 20, 2017 in South Korea.

A third version called Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters (Japanese: 妖怪ウォッチ2真打 Youkai Wotchi Tsū Shinuchi, Yo-kai Watch 2: Headliner) was released in Japan on December 13, 2014. The localization for this version came out on September 21 in South Korea and on September 29, 2017 in North America and Europe.

Yo-kai Watch 2 expands on the previous game by including more Yo-kai to befriend, new locations to explore, extra online features, and more.

Box Blurb[]

Bony Spirits Fleshy Souls Psychic Specters
A mysterious watch that lets you see Yo-kai...

Discover the origin of the Yo-kai Watch!
The strangely charming troublemakers, Yo-kai, are back for an all-new time traveling adventure!

Explore new areas, and become a time-traveling hero with Hovernyan, a mysterious new cat Yo-kai.

Enjoy battles, co-op play, and trading with friends via network play.

Bigger world, better battles!

Over 350 Yo-kai!

Exclusive Medal also compatible with Yo-kai Watch™ Model Zero from Hasbro!

Exclusive Bony Spirits Yo-kai!
Venoct appears in the Bony Spirits story.

Download items in-game weekly via the internet.

A mysterious watch that lets you see Yo-kai...

Discover the origin of the Yo-kai Watch!
The strangely charming troublemakers, Yo-kai, are back for an all-new time traveling adventure!

Explore new areas, and become a time-traveling hero with Hovernyan, a mysterious new cat Yo-kai.

Enjoy battles, co-op play, and trading with friends via network play.

Bigger world, better battles!

Over 350 Yo-kai!

Exclusive Medal also compatible with Yo-kai Watch™ Model Zero from Hasbro!

Exclusive Fleshy Souls Yo-kai!
Battle alongside Kyubi in the Fleshy Souls story.

Download items in-game weekly via the internet.

Introducing YO-KAI WATCH 2: Psychic Specters, the ultimate version of YO-KAI WATCH 2!

Travel back in time to discover the origin of the Yo-kai Watch, and make new Yo-kai friends along the way.

Witness the invention of the Yo-kai Watch.

New features!

Discover new areas and quests.

Fight new bosses in YO-KAI WATCH Blasters.

New dungeon!

Befriend the Wicked Yo-kai!

Learn the secrets of who Kyubi and Venoct really are!

Start a new game, or transfer YO-KAI WATCH 2: Bony Spirits or YO-KAI WATCH 2: Fleshy Souls save data from your SD Card via a menu option in YO-KAI WATCH 2: Psychic Specters to pick up where you left off!


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Warning: plot & spoiler details are listed below.

One night, mysterious Yo-kai appear and wipe away the player's memories of Yo-kai befriended during the course of Yo-kai Watch 1. The player's family spends the next day downtown, where they decide to buy doughnuts. However, an argument erupts between the player's parents about which doughnuts to buy. This results in the player picking either Fleshy or Bony (depending on their game), which impacts the story massively.

The player then runs into Bear and Eddie in Uptown Springdale, who eagerly show off their new Mega Watches, which triggers a faint memory of the Yo-kai Watch that the player had. On the way back to their house, the player stumbles across the Memory Store, which is filled with watches similar to the player's previous Yo-kai Watch. The owner then reveals that his watch can reveal hidden things that normal people cannot see and sells to the player, only for him to refund the money to use in the prize machine outside.

After inserting the coin, the player is disappointed when a rock falls out of the machine as their prize. The player begins to leave but the rock starts to jump around, calling out in the voice of Whisper. The player releases him and Whisper explains the concept of Yo-kai to them, however realises they have heard about this before. The capsule then emits a strange light and the memories of Whisper and the player are restored.

Whisper then suggests they seek out Jibanyan to find out what happened to him. Upon finding him at the Fish Place, Jibanyan is shocked at being spotted by the player (who he does not recognize), and repeats the tragic story of his death. Jibanyan's memories are then restored, allowing the player to befriend him again. After travelling back to the Memory Store to investigate more, the group are shocked to discover it has vanished, leaving a plot of empty land in it's place. The player then finds a Yo-kai called Brushido, who mistakes the player for littering. Jibanyan is summoned to defeat him and he automatically befriends the player and joins their team. The group then continue home, unaware they are being watched by the thieves that stole the watch from above.

The following day, reports of crows stealing shiny objects are show on TV. The player goes to meet Eddie at Gourd Pond Park and is involved with attempting to catch Eddie's Mega Watch, which has been stolen by the Yo-kai Yoink. After retrieving the watch from the Springdale Sewers and befriending the Yo-kai Swelton along the way, the player visits the Elementary School in order to find their summer homework. While there, they befriend the Yo-kai known as Baku and notice a giant skeleton-like shadow towering over the school. They go to Timers & More to get their watch upgraded by Mr. Goodsight, but must complete a number of tasks for him before-hand. After getting the watch upgraded, they go to school at night to investigate the shadow, leading them to the Yo-kai Gutsy Bones.

The following day, the protagonist encounters a large blue cat Yo-kai while in Shoppers Row, who turns objects around him gigantic. The Yo-kai in question then hypnotises the player into visiting their grandma in the rural town of Harrisville. After arriving via train, the player completes some side tasks then encounters several Yo-kai arguing about the Fleshy Souls and Bony Spirits. The next day, the player encounters the same blue cat Yo-kai, who reveals himself as Meganyan. Battling him, he grows back to normal and turns into Hovernyan, a ca Yo-kai from 60 years ago who tells the player that their grandfather needs their help and transports them into the past using a Time Stone.

Arriving in the past, the characters encounter people who have been inspirited by "Wicked Yo-kai", a type of Yo-kai that the protagonist cannot see with their Yo-kai Watch. They then encounter a younger version of their grandfather, a wild youth who acts like a superhero and looks identical to them. After meeting with their grandparent, they come across plans for building the Yo-kai Watch Model Zero, a prototype model that can detect Wicked Yo-kai. The protagonist helps to build the watch, and also find and free five Classic Yo-kai which were particularly close to their grandfather. They later meet the two evil Yo-kai who stole the protagonist's Yo-kai Watch and memories, who reveal themselves to be Kin and Gin, Wicked Yo-kai with the ability to rewind time. After defeating Kin and Gin, the protagonist's grandfather accepts them as their "sidekick".

Having returned to the present, Jibanyan and the protagonist get into an argument, which leads to Jibanyan running away from home. Jibanyan is then whisked away from the present by Kin and Gin, returning to being a living cat called Rudy, owned by his owner, Amy, forcing him to relive his death. Kin and Gin try to convince him to let Amy die, but Rudy saves Amy again and returns to the present. That same night, a Yo-kai couple, Ray O'Light and Drizzelda, are attacked by Eyeclone, whose rage over their display of affection causes a typhoon in Springdale. Another Yo-kai, Brokenbrella, sees this occurring and goes to the protagonist for help. The protagonist then defeats Eyeclone, stopping the typhoon and saving Ray O'Light and Drizzelda.

Hovernyan appears again, asking the protagonist to come back to the past. When they arrive, Hovernyan tells them that a large battle is occurring between the "Fleshy Souls" and "Bony Spirits", two Yo-kai factions that have been at war for hundreds of years. The protagonist goes to the battlefield in to cease the conflict, although ends up fighting on behalf of one of the factions. Defeating the general of the opposing side, they are told that the reason the war began was an argument about doughnut fillings, which escalated over time. The protagonist's grandfather then arrives and reveals that many of the Yo-kai on the battlefield are actually Wicked Yo-kai in disguise. Kin and Gin arrive, followed by, Dame Dedtime, the boss of the Wicked Yo-kai.

Dame Dedtime summons Unfairy to attack the group, but he is restrained by the joint efforts of both generals. The protagonist learns of a Yo-kai called Master Nyada that can grant them the power to fight the Wicked Yo-kai. After finding him and beating his trials, Master Nyada gives them a hose, telling them it will give them the power to beat the wicked Yo-kai. They return to Unfairy, who has broken free from Toadal Dude and Arachnus, and can hear Master Nyada telling them to "use the hose". Whisper and Jibanyan use the hose to knock down Unfairy, giving he protagonist the chance to take him down. After this, Toadal Dude and Arachnus call an official truce to the conflict between their two factions. However, wicked Yo-kai have begun to swarm in on Springdale and Dame Dedtime unleashes a "Dedcloud" that will take control of humans and change the future into one in her image. She then sends the protagonist and their companions to the future that will exist if her plans are not stopped, in which Springdale is overrun by Wicked Yo-kai who control the joyless citizens and Yo-kai.

The protagonist uses Miradox to get back to the Past, where they set about attempting to destroy the machines producing the Dedcloud. They are then eventually led towards Dame Dedtime's base of operations. While their grandfather tries to hold off Kin and Gin with Hovernyan, the protagonist tries to take down Dame Dedtime, but finds that their efforts are in vain as she appears to be immortal. However, Hovernyan gives the protagonist's grandfather the milk bottle tops that he wrote his Yo-kai friends' names on. Finally able to accept himself as their friend and someone they see as a hero, Nathaniel/Kenny screams to the Yo-kai for help, causing the milk bottle tops to transform into Yo-kai Medals, and the Yo-kai Watch Model Zero to appear on his wrist. He uses them to summon the Classic Yo-kai, and takes down Kin and Gin for good. The protagonist battles Dame Dedtime again, and is this time able to defeat her. However, she then begins to absorb the life force of the humans of Old Springdale, leaving behind only darkness, vowing that she'll take away joy and time from all humans as revenge for them doing the same thing to her when she had been convicted of a crime she didn't commit during her human life. Darkness spreads across the world, and the power she absorbs transforms her into her more powerful form, Dame Demona. The protagonist and crew are able to defeat Dame Demona, saving humanity and turning the protagonist's present back to normal. Afterwards, the protagonist's grandfather promises to finish work on creating the Yo-kai Watch, and thanks their grandchild for everything they've done. The protagonist then returns to their own time, with Whisper and Jibanyan in tow.

Spoilers end here.

New Features[]

New Areas[]

Two completely new areas are introduced into the game; those being Harrisville and San Fantastico, which can be explored by the player and reached via the Springdale Railway train. Some smaller new locations also appear back in Springdale, the most notable being Excellent Tower. Yo-kai Watch 2 also adds a time travel mechanic, allowing the player to explore Old Springdale from 60 years in the Past as part of the main story.

Yo-kai Watch Features[]

The Yo-kai Watch lens can be used in new ways throughout the game. Shining the light in specific spots allows the player to uncover Baffle Boards - a puzzle mechanic used throughout the game - while other spots uncover mysterious Gates of Whimsy - a side mechanic used for certain quests that yield certain orbs.


The battle system remains similar to the one implemented in Yo-kai Watch 1, however is changed slightly with the Yo-kai Watch Model Zero to include the Poke and M-Skill tabs, which replace the Target and Soultimate functions. The player may also encounter Yo-kai that can challenge them to a full six-versus-six battle. Hostile Yo-kai's favourite foods and elemental weaknesses can also now be seen when hovering over them during battle with the targeting function after obtaining the Yo-kai Watch Model Zero.


Yo-kai Watch 2 adds many new minigames, including new Soultimate puzzles, overworld bike racing, eating contests and music games. These minigames can give the player prizes or trigger special events.

Random Events[]

Several new random events have been added to enhance the gameplay, such as the Red Box guy, Mimikin Dancing Minigame and the Fox's Wedding.


One of the most notable additions to Yo-kai Watch 2 is the substantial increase in befriendable Yo-kai. Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls contain 184 new species of Yo-kai, though some are version exclusive. Especially notable is the player's ability to befriend Yo-kai who served as bosses in the previous game, such as Slimamander and Wobblewok.

New Yo-kai known as "Classic Yo-kai" are introduced, which are based on original, mythical Yo-kai from Japanese folklore. These type of Yo-kai can only be found in the Past. A new tribe known as the "Wicked" tribe was added, composed of Wicked Yo-kai from throughout the story.

Some smaller changes were also made, such as evolutions being slightly changed and the ability for Yo-kai to follow the player around in the overworld.

Soul Gems[]

Main article: Soulcery

In Harrisville, the player can now have their befriended Yo-kai converted into Soul Gems at the shrine which forms into a soul that can be equipped onto Yo-kai, also coming with varying effects. They can be levelled up by combining two souls of the same tribe, giving greater effects.


Main article: Springdale Sports Club


Players can scan the previous Yo-kai Watch game using their Nintendo 3DS to unlock the Select-A-Coin, which will allow them to choose between Buchinyan, Komasan or Noko by having a saved picture taken by Yo-kai Cam from the original Yo-kai Watch game.

After the release of Yo-kai Watch Blasters video game, Yo-kai Watch 2 can be connected to obtain exclusive Rank S Yo-kai that appeared in the Oni Evolution Update. Connecting Bony Spirits unlocks Jibanyan S, connecting Fleshy Souls unlocks Komasan S, and Psychic Specters unlocks Komajiro S.


Pre-order & bundles[]

YW2 USGamestopPreorder

The North American preorder bonus available at GameStop, which comes with a keychain of Hovernyan and Sgt. Burly.

There were various pre-order bonuses for Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls in North America and some parts of Europe. If one pre-orders the physical copy of Bony Spirits, it will come with a Yo-kai medal that unlocks the Nyaight Soultimate Move for Jibanyan, while it comes with a Nyext Medal in copies of Fleshy Souls.[1]

If both versions of Yo-kai Watch 2 were purchased at GameStop, they would receive a free keychain of Sgt. Burly and Hovernyan.[2]

Pre-orders that are made at the Nintendo eShop, will give the player a special code in which they receive an exclusive Yo-kai. Ones pre-ordering Bony Spirits digitally will receive Robonyan F, and ones pre-ordering Fleshy Souls digitally will receive Sailornyan. However, those two Yo-kai can be obtained post-game and are able to be traded.

Technical details[]


Media Nintendo 3DS Game Card
Digital download
Save data 3 save slots
Download size Ganso: 14,885 blocks (1.82 GB)
Honke: 14,894 blocks (1.82 GB)
Shinuchi: 14,661 blocks (1.79 GB)
Supported lanugages Japanese
Supported features Nintendo Network (online play, downloadable content)
Local Play (VS - 2 players; Co-op - 4 players)
Input / compatible controllers Nintendo 3DS

North America[]

Media Nintendo 3DS Game Card
Digital download
Download size Bony Spirits: 14,459 blocks (1,77 GB)
Fleshy Souls: 14,457 blocks (1.76 GB)
Psychic Specters: 21,039 blocks (2.57 GB)
Supported languages English, French*, Spanish*
Supported features Nintendo Network (online play, downloadable content)
Local Play (VS - 2 players; Co-op - 4 players)
Input / compatible controllers Nintendo 3DS

(*added to Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls in a post-launch update; Already included in Psychic Specters’ launch version)


Media Nintendo 3DS Game Card
Digital download
Download size Bony Spirits: 24,440 blocks (2.98 GB)
Fleshy Souls: 24,438 blocks (2.98 GB)
Psychic Specters: 29,418 blocks (3.59 GB)
Supported languages English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Russian
Supported features Nintendo Network (online play, downloadable content)
Local Play (VS - 2 players; Co-op - 4 players)
Input / compatible controllers Nintendo 3DS

Version history[]


Yo-kai Watch 2: Ganso and Honke
Version Release date Official changelog More information
1.3[3] September 3, 2014
2.0[4] December 13, 2014
2.1[5] February 25, 2015
Yo-kai Watch 2: Shinuchi
Version Release date Official changelog More information
1.1 December 24, 2014
1.2[6] February 25, 2015

North America[]

Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits & Fleshy Souls
Version Release date Official changelog More information
1.1 January 11, 2017 Addition of the French and Spanish languages. French and Spanish were added to Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls as language options.
2.0 September 15, 2017 Implemented the Oni Evolution Update. The Oni Evolution update is now available, which includes new Yo-kai.

+Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters


Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits & Fleshy Souls
Version Release date Official changelog More information
1.1 June 12, 2017 Minor bug fixes.
2.0 September 20, 2017 Implemented the Oni Evolution Update. The Oni Evolution update is now available, which includes new Yo-kai.


Main article: Yo-kai Watch 2/Demo

A demo version of Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls was released on the North American eShop on September 15, 2016. It features the main area of Harrisville for the player to explore, set at the point in the game at which Meganyan is battled. It also includes two secret battles against Arachnus and Toadal Dude, as well as a demo of Yo-kai Watch Blasters.

Oni Evolution Update[]

Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters[]

Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters is an updated version of Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls. It was released in Japan and North America, Europe and South Korea. The game brings some exclusive new Yo-kai as well as making the stronger Wicked tribe Yo-kai befriendable.

New Features[]

  • An Oni Blasters Mode was introduced, allowing four players to each choose a Yo-kai and fight against Oni Yo-kai.
    • This was included in the Western release of Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls under the name "Yo-kai Watch Blasters"
  • Exclusive new quests.
  • The game contains 19 new types of Yo-kai as well as new bosses.
  • Yo-kai of the Wicked tribe can be befriended. Their Yo-kai Medals were not obtainable in the original Yo-kai Watch 2 releases.



In Japan, Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls around 1.3 million copies within the first week of release, beating the total sales of it's predecessor.[7] It eventually reached three million copies within a few months, making it the best-selling Japanese Nintendo 3DS game in 2014 and in the Yo-kai Watch series overall. Additionally, Psychic Specters sold over two million copies alone, with the combined sales of Yo-kai Watch 2 now estimated to be over six million copies.[8]

In North America, the game has sold 220,000 copies in total which is a decrease from the previous instalment.[9]

As of March 31, 2019, Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits & Fleshy Souls is the 17th best-selling Nintendo 3DS game overall with all regions combined, while Psychic Specters is the 19th, just between Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer.[10]. In 2021, Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls is ranked number 5 on the list of the most sold physical Nintendo 3DS games, with a total of 3,210,295 copies, while Psychic Specters is ranked 9 on the list with a total of 2,655,357.[11]


Review scores
Publication Score
Famitsu 36 of 40 (9, 9, 9, 9)
Level-Up 6.3/10
Nintendo Life 6/10
IGN 5.5/10
GameSpot 5/10
USgamer 5/10
Metacritic Reviews Bony Spirits: 66
Fleshy Souls: 63

In Japan, Famitsu gave Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls a score of 36 out of 40 and later gave Psychic Specters the same rating.

However in North America, Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls received mixed reviews upon the release compared to their predecessor. Level-Up gave it a score of 6.3 out of 10, given "With no animation upgrades and a corny narrative, Yo-kai Watch 2 is an RPG that took one step forward and two —or maybe three— steps back by not contributing with something fresh.". Nintendo Life gave it a score of 6 out of 10, given "Instead of evolving, Yo-kai Watch 2 plays it safe by fusing new content – some good, some trivial, and some bad – onto a recycled frame, and the result is what we refer to as a sophomore slump.".

Gaming website IGN gave it a 5.5. rating out of 10, given "For every new story idea or impressive blend of humor and pathos in its writing, Yo-kai Watch 2 fails to breathe life into the act of actually playing it.". Gamespot give it a 5 of 10, given "The game feels old hat, taking you through well-trod ground–albeit with a fresh coat of paint and a few new faces.". USgamer gave it a 5 out of 10, given "If you’re looking for an alternative to Pokemon, you might want to see if the next game fixes Yo-kai Watch’s woes—if it gets localized, that is.". Despite all of the mixed reception, Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls did get better reviews from Metacritic.


Yo-kai Watch 2 won three awards at Japan Game Awards 2015, with Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls receiving three awards and Shinuchi two awards. The game received the Famitsu Awards in 2014.[8][12]

Yo-kai Watch Original Soundtrack[]

Main article: Yo-kai Watch Original Soundtrack

The Yo-kai Watch 2 soundtrack was composed by Ken'ichirō Saigō who was also responsible for the soundtrack of the first Yo-kai Watch game. It contains new themes, as well as returning ones from the first game and others from the anime series.



Yo-kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls 3DS icon.
Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits 3DS icon.
Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters 3DS icon.
Yo-kai Watch 2 logo
Yo-kai Watch 2: Ganso, Honke, Shinuchi Japanese logo.
Yo-kai Watch 2 Bony Spirits logo
Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits western logo.
Yo-kai Watch 2 Fleshy Souls
Yo-kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls western logo.
Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters western logo.

Game covers[]

Yo-kai Watch Honke cover
Yo-kai Watch 2: Ganso Japanese boxart.
Yo-kai Watch Ganso cover
Yo-kai Watch 2: Honke Japanese boxart.
Yo-kai Watch Shin-uchi cover
Yo-kai Watch 2: Shinuchi Japanese boxart.
Yo-kai Watch 2 Bony Spirits cover
Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits North American boxart.
Yo-kai Watch 2 Fleshy Souls cover
Yo-kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls North American boxart.
Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters North American boxart.
Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits European boxart.
Yo-kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls European boxart.
Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters European boxart.
Yo-kai Watch 2: Ganso Korean boxart.
Yo-kai Watch 2: Honke Korean boxart.


Artwork of Nate, Katie, Nathaniel and some of the new Yo-kai introduced in the game.
Artwork of the Yo-kai Watch Blasters mode.
YW2PSKeyArt Darkyubi Illuminoct
Artwork of Darkyubi and Illuminoct.
Artwork of the Psychic Blasters mode.

Video gallery[]

Japanese videos[]

Yo-kai Watch 2: Ganso and Honke[]
Yo-kai Watch 2: Shinuchi[]

North American videos[]

Australia/New Zealand videos[]

European videos[]



Original North American Psychic Specters boxart.

  • The box art differs from the Japanese version. However, those of North America, Australia and New Zealand came the closest. The European version added Nate onto the cover.
  • When Psychic Specters was announced for a western localization, an earlier version of the boxart was present for a while, which is based off the Japanese one with a green hue.
  • If the additional Hasbro QR Medals aren't counted, this is the only localized game in the series to have the QR rewards from the Bandai Medals completely unchanged.
  • This is the only video game in the series to be translated into Dutch and Russian languages, and was also the only Nintendo 3DS game released in 2017 to be translated in Russian.
  • At the beginning of Katie's Yo-kai Butler in the Yo-kai Watch anime series, a Nintendo 3DS game bearing a logo similar to the Japanese Yo-kai Watch 2 logo can be seen next to the trash in Nate's room.
  • This is the last Yo-kai Watch video game on the 3DS eShop to have a demo.
  • As of now if you don't count the few missing bosses, Oni evolution is the first update that added new playable yo kai be all obtainable in Yo-Kai Watch Wibble Wobble as of 12/16/2024.

External links[]


In other languages[]

Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan  Japanese 妖怪ウォッチ2: 元祖/本家
Flag of Spain  Spanish Yo-kai Watch 2: Fantasqueletos/Carnánimas
Flag of France  French Yo-kai Watch 2: Esprits Farceurs/Fantômes Bouffis
Flag of Italy  Italian Yo-kai Watch 2: Spiritossi/Polpanime
Flag of Germany  German Yo-kai Watch 2: Knochige Gespenster/Kräftige Seelen
Flag of South Korea  Korean 요괴워치2 원조/본가
Flag of Russia  Russian Yo-kai Watch 2: Костяные духи и Души во плоти
More Languages
Flag of Hong Kong  Chinese (Cantonese)* 妖怪手表2

Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag of Japan  Japanese 妖怪ウォッチ2: 真打
Flag of Spain  Spanish Yo-kai Watch 2: Mentespectros
Flag of France  French Yo-kai Watch 2: Spectres Psychiques
Flag of Italy  Italian Yo-kai Watch 2: Psicospettri
Flag of Germany  German Yo-kai Watch 2: Geistige Geister
Flag of South Korea  Korean 요괴워치2 끝판왕
Flag of Russia  Russian Yo-kai Watch 2: Мыслящие призраки

Yo-kai Watch Video Game Series
Main series games Yo-kai Watch (3DSSwitchSmartphone)Yo-kai Watch 2Yo-kai Watch 3Yo-kai Watch 4
Spin-off games Yo-kai Watch BlastersYo-kai Watch Busters 2
Yo-kai SangokushiYo-kai Watch Dance: Just Dance Special VersionY School Heroes: Bustlin' School Life
Applications Yo-kai Watch: Wibble WobbleYo-kai Watch Land
Yo-kai Taiso Dai-ichi Puzzle da nyanYo-kai Watch: Gerapo RhythmYo-kai Watch WorldYo-kai Sangokushi: Kunitori WarsYo-kai Watch: Medal WarsYo-kai Daijiten
Arcade Games Yo-kai Watch: Tomodachi UkiukipediaYo-kai Watch Busters: Iron Oni Force