- Not to be confused with the location of the same name.
Yopple Inc. (Japanese: ヨップル社 Yoppuru-sha) is a electronics company based in the Yo-kai World, appearing in the Yo-kai Watch franchise. Steve Jaws is to be the founder and CEO, alongside Mark Orckerberg.
They are notably known for manufacturing products for Yo-kai, and to an extent, humans. Most of them are models of the Yo-kai Watch item, which are mass-produced inside their headquarters. Several other products exist, such as the Yo-kai Pad.
Very little is known when Yopple Inc. came into existence, but it was founded by Steve Jaws. They initially created products such as the Yo-kai Watch and Yo-kai Pad, which were initially brought by Whisper before the events of the Yo-kai Watch video game before he was sealed in a capsule at the Crank-a-kai for 190 years.
The first mention of the company was in Yo-kai Watch 3, where they announced that Steve Jaws was replaced by Mark Orckerberg.
Known Products[]
In the anime[]
Yopple was first mentioned in The New Yo-kai Watch, where Nate, Whisper and Jibanyan watch a presentation on the unveiling of the mass-produced Yo-kai Watch Model Zero, presented by Steve Jaws.
- Yopple, Inc. is a parody of Apple, Inc, with the founder being a parody of Steve Jobs, and the way new Yo-kai Watch models are introduced are in the same vein how Apple announces their products. Their logo of a multi-colored wisp icon is also a parody of the iconic apple logo.
- In the story of Yo-kai Watch 3, Steve Jaws' hiding and return to Yopple Inc after being banished may be a reference to how Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997.