Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Yo-kai Watch Wiki

Yo-kai Medallium biography
"The Styx Mk. VI fishes souls out of the fabled river of the underworld, no sinner can escape his net. On good fishing days, he sings sea shanties that resound throughout the inferno."

Styx Mk. VI (Japanese: 第八三途丸 Dai-hachi Sanzumaru) is a Boss Yo-kai introduced in Yo-kai Watch.

In Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble, Styx Mk. VI received a friend form, and is a Rank ZZZ Yo-kai of the Slippery tribe.


Video games[]


He looks like SV Snaggerjag but has a darker body, a blue vest, white hair, a red sail and red eyes, and a golden rope.


Yo-kai Watch[]

Styx Mk. VI appears in the third floor of Infinite Inferno, having to be defeated in order to gain access to the fourth floor.

When confronted, the background changes to Catfish Pond, where SV Snaggerjag was battled. Whisper comments on the similarities, going down to the situation with Bear which triggered said encounter.

Yo-kai Watch 2[]

Similarly to the previous game, Styx Mk. VI appears in the third floor of Infinite Inferno, having to be defeated in order to gain access to the fourth floor.

As with the previous game, when confronted, the background changes to Catfish Pond. Whisper tries to come with some analysis, but he only gets to state Styx Mk. VI is sitting comfortably in his boat.

Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble[]

Styx Mk. VI appears in the third floor of the Infinite Inferno, having to be defeated in order to gain access to the fourth floor. Like SV Snaggerjag´s battle, Styx Mk. VI can take away bigger Wib Wobs if aren´t exploded quickly.

In his befriendable form, he is Rank ZZZ Yo-kai of the Slippery tribe, and can be obtained as a Score-Attack prize after gaining 5000pts.


Styx Mk. VI is exactly like SV Snaggerjag. He can swing his hook to one Yo-kai in order to damage him. However, his most used move, Takin' It All, has him to fish out some Koi fish Yo-kai in order to assist him in battle. Up to two fish can stand at his sides in battle, and their color determines their behavior in combat:

  • Green fish, Gemble can restore some of his health.
  • Blue fish, Zeybrow will launch water attacks on one Yo-kai.
  • Red fish, Scarp will use physical attacks.

If two fish are along him at the same time, he will charge and launch a Soultimate, Ferryman Shanty, which damages all three of the front row Yo-kai, so the player should avoid keeping both fish in battle for long.

Game data[]

Yo-kai Watch[]

HP - 4,500

HP - 400 (fish)

EXP Payout - 5,900

Money Payout - $330.00

Yo-kai Watch Blasters[]


Fisherman’s Fist - Raises his arms to pound the ground in front of him.

Keep It Reel - Swings his fishing rod in a way that takes up the whole area in front of him.

Catch of the Day - Hooks up a random fish to join the fight.

  • Scarp - Can slam the ground in a small AOE.
  • Zeybrow - Spits a straight line of water.
  • Gemble - Uses Circle Restore, restoring the health of other fish as well as Styx Mk. VI himself.

Troubled Waters - Conjures up two waterspouts that move around. Only used at Catfish pond.

Oil Spill - Spits multiple globs of oil that lowers SPD. Only used at Catfish Pond

Ferryman Shanty (Soultimate) - Hooks up a giant whale that spews a stream of water. Then, it rotates 180 or 360 degrees before diving back in. Only used at Catfish Pond.

Equipment Material


Styx Hook - A red hook that Styx Mk. VI uses. It never misses a soul in the fog.

Styx Ship - Styx Mk. VI’s handmade ship. Comes and goes freely between realms.


Big Styx Hook - Pile up tons of souls with this! Once caught, they’ll never escape.

Styx Ghost Ship - Chases down souls on the River Styx. It enjoys shrieks and screams.


Styx Fishing Rod - It reacts to souls and casts accurately. Naturally, it’s for the underworld.

Styx Battleship - A battleship with massive weapons. It’s just a hobby ship, not for battle.


Soul Effect
Attack increases with remaining HP.


  • "Dai-hachi Sanzumaru" roughly translates as "SS Sanzu no.8."
  • "Estigio VI" is a corruption of "Estigia" (Styx) and presumably the VI comes from the mark of the boat model.


Like Sir Berus, his Japanese name references the Sanzu River of Japanese Buddhism, which is similar in nature to the River Styx of Greco-Roman mythology.


  • In Yo-kai Watch Blasters, he has voice clips that are lyrical references to songs from the 1980's band "Styx." (i.e. "Come Sail Away," "Boat on the River," and "Too Much Time on my Hands").

In other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
  Japanese 第八三途丸 Dai-hachi Sanzumaru
  Spanish Estigio VI
  French Styx VI
  Italian Kahn-8
  German Käpt'n Karon
  Dutch Styx Mk.VI
  Korean 8대 망령 낚신 yeodeolb-dae manglyeong nakksin

Related Yo-kai[]
